Sunday, June 22, 2014

Man writes openly on Facebook about wanting to kill his wife, while also praising the gun show loophole. Now under arrest. Apparently no "I was only joking on Facebook" loophole.

Courtesy of Freakout Nation:

Just before his arrest, Kevin Colgan’s Facebook page was inundated with references to hiring a hitman in order to have his estranged wife killed. On June 12th, the Roanoke, Virginia resident wrote, “I know it is illegal to say “I’m going to kill you”. (Hard to convict even with perjured testimony. Question: is it it also illegal to ask someone to kill? Or to say you woul like to eventually?” 

Various threats were left. In May, Colgan wrote, “Gotta love the “gun show loophole”. I found a Glock. Cost me $400 but I’m no longer defenseless. I just need to learn how to use it. Thankfully I can take classes without using mine.” 

One of his last Facebook posts describes his wife and references a picture of her home. He adds, “Usually works either 8-4:30 0r 9-:30. Takes about an hour for her to get to work and return so she is usually there from 6:30pm to 7:30am Need anything else just let me know the usual way. Oh and don’t forget she is armed. It is front bedroom on right of house second floor.”

One of the man's friends tries to talk some sense into him, but Colgan keeps asserting that posting about the possibility to somebody killing his wife, while also openly talking about finding a hitman, is not illegal.

And remember, thanks to that gun show loophole he could have actually killed his wife anytime he wanted to.

Colgan also posted this on June 15:

Yippee. Found someone to take care of my problem. And with the money I have reserved,. Should be done within 30 days.

That was enough for the police to Roanoke police to respond and now Mr. Colgan can spend his days fantasizing about not getting stabbed in the shower instead of having his wife killed.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    What is this trend of 'advertising' on Facebook what you're planning on doing? It seems like a pretty stupid thing (though the fact that they're doing it, has sometimes saved lives) to expose all your thoughts and plans in advance of actions.

    So, it's a good thing they do it, but WHY do they do it, other than to get attention, I guess. It clearly leaves a trail of evidence and motive, which I would think, as a criminal, you wouldn't want that.

    I'd have a very hard time having to look at that mug on a daily basis, that's for sure. What an evil looking man. And to discuss murdering someone so nonchalantly is truly chilling.

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Proceed, Gun Sites $arah, explain to us how this is a-okay within that 2nd Amendment.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Gun humpers don't care about the consequences of unrestricted gun humping. It's simply not on their radar. Sarah and her gun-obsessed coterie would simply shrug and say that if the wife had a gun, too, then she could defend herself from this threat.

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Here's a 'dream' he posted about:

    Wonderful dream last night. Elliot Ness era. Sarah and Leon about to enter courthouse and a car approaches. Tommy gun comes out of window blazing away. Standing with my lawyer I watch in fascnation. Their legs are literally cut off! I run over but nothing I can do. Sarah snarls "you did this". I give her sweet smile like she gave Judge Harrison. I didn't, I say. But I'm glad someone did.
    I woke up feeling wonderful.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Looking at his photo made my eyes bleed.
    Bless her for being free of this animal. And yes, it's stupid to post plans to kill on facebook, but what else would you expect from this mongrel?

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Ammosexual America: Gunshots Fired at Washington D.C. Firefighters (Video)

    Early Saturday morning police and firefighters in Washington D.C. responding to the report of an accident arrived on the scene to find damaged mailboxes and a damaged car, and that the vehicle which had caused the damage had fled.

    As they began to assess the damages and take statements from neighbors the driver of the offending vehicle returned and began firing on police, firefighters and bystanders when the police began to approach him.

  6. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Just another stupid angry fat white right-wing asshole.

    1. Just to clarify he is my uncle and he was a TOTAL BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL! HAHAHA

  7. Beldar J Conehead3:56 PM

    Isn't Facebook the real villain here? They never told him that other people - besides professional and hobbyist hitmen - could see his posts. I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't on Craigslist right now advertising for a hitman to kill Facebook.

  8. Anonymous4:03 PM

    You know, it seems to me that these types would easily forgo the lives of those thy love as a matter of preserving that which could be used to exterminate them.

    How fucking sad, twisted, pathetic, and most pertinently, weak-minded.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      2:57 PM here. You speak for ME.

  9. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Kevin Glogan said: "Yippee. Found someone to take care of my problem. And with the money I have reserved,. Should be done within 30 days."

    Hopefully, whomever this hit-man is, he was identified, and also arrested? (or maybe it was an under-cover cop?) So sad how the world is so full of so many scum-bags (and worse) like this!

  10. Anonymous4:15 PM

    The guy should be brought up on Federal terrorism charges. The threats alone meet the criteria.

  11. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Facebook: allowing the national id out of its cage and letting it roam freely through our civilization.

  12. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    First of all, has this towhead ever heard of the word "Divorce"? Second of all, and this is precisely why I don't "do" facebook, twitter, myspace, etc anymore. Why are people compelled to write every little thing that goes through their head? Facebook, especially, can be dangerous. People post they're going away for vacay, leave their itineraries, etc. People post photos and tmi all the time. There's software private detectives use, i phones and android are preset to geo tag time and date photos, and this software is able to tell and track who's in the photo, their facebook pages, where the photo was taken, what time, day etc

    This asshat let his sick brain bleed onto facebook looking for a hitman to kill his wife. Yep, it's free speech and I'm all for it. Especially folks like this guy. I like the part where he says "Be careful, she's armed - it's in the front bedroom....."

  13. Anonymous2:14 AM

    If I was married that lame ass I would hire my own hit man to take me out!

  14. Anonymous10:27 PM

    This happens to be my very liberal anti-gun, pro-grabber uncle! Just proves the old addage " can't live with em' can't shoot em'

    1. Which family member of mine is this? LOL


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