Monday, June 23, 2014

President Obama reveals his favorite perk for being President of the United States.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

President Barack Obama revealed what he loves most about being president while speaking at the White House Summit on Working Families Monday. 

"It's true, Air Force One's on the list," Obama said as the crowd laughed. "The Truman balcony is a really nice view." 

But Obama said even those perks aren't the best part of holding the nation's top office. 

"One of the best perks about being president is almost anyone will hand you their baby," Obama joked before imitating handing off a baby and saying, "Here!" 

"I get this baby fix like, two or three times a week," Obama said before reflecting on spending time with his own daughters during their infancies. (Here is the video.)

Man I am right there with the President on this one. 

There is very little as wonderful as holding a baby, and the idea that he is handed babies to hold several times a week kind of makes me a little jealous.

Once many years ago I worked for a facility that had children of all ages in it, and as a joke the director had me work in the room with the babies for the afternoon, assuming that the big bad bodybuilder would be too macho to feel comfortable in there.

Still one of the best days at work I ever had.

By the way I think this story gives me an excuse to post this video. Still one of my favorites.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Quite a contrast to the way Mama Grizzlies treat their cubs.

  2. The Kid-Whisperer.

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    You've got to hear him SAY this!

    Presidential Perks

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Sports Center "good for their development"...what a riot!

      This video is adorable!

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Getting that 'baby fix' in between parenthood and grandparenthood- I'm 30, and I can tell my mother's itching for grandkids- she's starting to drop hints. Her hints are more like Steinways, though! :)

  4. Anonymous5:10 PM

    That's our wonderful President!! :-)

  5. PalinsHoax5:18 PM

    President Obama - Best President EVER !!! Babies and puppies know.

    1. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Forget the baby. Just hand over the puppy and no one will get hurt.

      If I had a bucket list, getting hugged by President Obama would be the only thing on it.

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      9:59 Totally agree with you! He'd be a delight to meet where I could give him nothing but positive thoughts.

      I detest how so many show him such disrespect as well as the racists!

      He will go down in history as one of our better POTUS - I have no doubt about it.

  6. Anonymous5:32 PM

    One of the thousands of reasons that I voted for this man, twice, is his relationship with babies, children and animals. It isn't easy to fool them and they know a good guy when he takes them in his arms or gets down on their level and LISTENS to them closely. He truly cares, is involved and is REAL. He is the best president of my long, long lifetime, hands down.

    1. Chenagrrl10:13 PM

      Me, too.

    2. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Me, three! Love and respect the guy for so, so many reasons!

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM

    That is my all time favorite video AND my all time favorite interaction between the President and First Lady.


    I've often said that he seems most happy and relaxed when he's surrounded by kids. I'm sure it's a great relief to be surrounded by people he knows want nothing from experience he rarely gets to enjoy.

    And kids, especially babies, are always the best judge of people. They know he's a good guy who truly cares about and likes them.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Yeah, I remember the babies crying around Palin, and arching away from her. Including the youngest.

    2. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Palins own kids don't even like her - she's known to be a horrid mother.

      She's not a warm person - doesn't project love at all. Cannot imagine the woman in the sack w/a man. Poor, poor Todd! No wonder he uses prostitutes (Shailey Tripp - "Boys Will be Boys")!

  8. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I remember that video. There's another one from a slightly different angle where you get to see Michelle's reaction even better. Love that.
    M from MD

  9. Beldar J Conehead6:22 PM

    Thanks for nothing, Gryphen!

    Now I'm even angrier about the outrageous disrespect and unwarranted opprobrium this president endures, not just from the deranged right, but even from the whinier quarters of the left.

    Reminds me of the post-election Onion headline "Black man given worst job in America".

    OT: Earthquake?

  10. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Love this President. Babies know.

    Cute to hear about you, G. having had a day with babies.

  11. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Kids and babies love the President and he loves them. They have an instinct for good people!

  12. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Few adults can lose themselves so completely into the primal world of an infant. It can't be faked, and it's not just for the benefit of the baby -- the adult connects briefly to something basic and unself-conscious in himself. Something that enriches him and gives him joy.
    How many adults of your acquaintance can do that, so easily and so naturally? Not many. And virtually no one in public life can, either because of their circumstances or because they simply can't connect to that part of their soul.
    Obama is very rare. And delightful to behold.
    So every time some conservative jackal makes a snide remark about the president getting a few hours away from the stresses of his job by playing a game of golf, remember instead the few times a week he gets to hold a baby in his arms and is able to forget all the pressures and responsibilities of his awesome job for a few seconds by simply loving the innocence of those infants -- and being loved in return.

  13. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I think instead of debates, we should put the next two candidates in a room with a camera and babies. Let's give our youngest citizens a vote.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      GREAT idea!

      That would immediately eliminate the fakes like Mittens and the mean old men like Grumpy McCain.

  14. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I love that he's "The Baby Whisperer!"
    I trust babies and dogs judgement over any pundits.


    1. TexasMel, you are 100% on point. Babies and dogs can sniff out a baddie in seconds. They only go to people they know are good. Compare any of these photos to the ones where babies are crying themselves tearless and arching their backs trying to get away from Sarah Palin.*

      *Including her own baby.**

      **Not really her own.

  15. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Remember after one of his debates with Rmoney in '12 -- afterward the families meet 'n' greet? And a very young Rmoney grandson was enthralled with President Obama. (Rmoneys finally had to pick the kid up and take him away from our Prez!) As others have said -- trust kids (babies especially!) and dogs! -- they KNOW!

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      BOY do I. Thanks for the memory joh. Yes, we can't have our Mormon lily white grandchild attracted to the black man. They're shunned to their own planet because the color of their skin is due to God's disfavor of them. He turned them that way for eternity, yes indeedy.

  16. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Babies and children can definitely tell when adults like them and POTUS has that gift. I'm one of those people that doesn't like babies and children and they get the message pretty quickly (they don't like me either)


    Some humans have that in our DNA, as it sounds like you do Gryphen, and some of us don't but I'm always thankful for those that like and take an interest in babies and children and advocate for them.

    Some of us were put on this earth to interface with animals and be advocates for those without a voice. It takes both types to make this world a better place.

    1. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Well said. Agree completely.

    2. Anonymous6:28 AM

      7:25 p.m. Don't forget animals too! The POTUS is so good w/all (babies, children, teenagers, young adults and pets) of them and they respond to accordingly!

      Love, love, love our wonderful President Obama!

  17. The Prez has got IT. Everyone here is right--- that's not something you can fake. I might not always agree with him all the time, but I respect him and his decision-making abilities 100%. I have no doubt that he cares and wants what's best for our country, just as we do.

  18. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

    He's genuinely got a knack with kids. They're so enthralled and engaged just looking at his face. His own children were so lucky, you can't fake that.
    For example, remember a photo of the former Governor of Alaska while she killed any chance at all that McCain would win, anyhoo, some whackjob held up her baby and a sharpie, the child tensed up, the arms and legs went stiff, and let out a blood curdling scream as the former Governor who cost McCain a fortune AUTOGRAPHED a traumatized baby's belly. Kids know, allright!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      :D Hee-hee! Good times!

  19. Anonymous10:06 PM

    My favorite video of the President and kids was taken at the White House science fair. Young boy, nervous, trying to demonstrate his project, having a tough time of it. The President just stepped in like a classmate would, helping out, chatting, and making the kid feel that he (the kid) was doing the President a favor by letting him participate. Can't fake it.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Yep, I remember that too. Our wonderful President jumped in to make a nervous teen feel better. I can't think of many Presidents who would have that much empathy.

      And by the end, the kid was just beaming!

  20. Chenagrrl10:12 PM

    Obama has people and teacher chops. It shows up in situations like this. Can you imagine a Cruz, a Paul, a Cantor, a Boehner, a Walker, or a Christie doing something like this? It is a gift to connect like that.

  21. Scott Walker fan caught voting more than ONCE!!!!!!

  22. I always felt like this child could truly be scarred by this event. Can you imagine your parent ignoring your abject terror just so they could bask in a moment of fake hockey mom aura? God, I feel bad for this kid. All these years later and I swear, my black ass is almost in tears looking at that. What the fuck's wrong with people?

  23. Oh, and I just want to point out how the mother's fingers are digging into the child's arm to such a degree that it almost certainly caused pain. Again I say- what is wrong with people?

  24. Because he is Commander in Chief and The Baby Whisperer.


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