Monday, July 14, 2014

I think we can all agree on this.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Sean Hannity bolsters the Quitta's call for impeachment, endowing her with his blessing for her superior knowledge of the Constitution.

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    What their real religion is, is money. Teabaggers simply refuse to pay one more cent in taxes because they worship wealth above all, and they don't care if the rest of the U.S. collapses around them for lack of infrastructure maintenance, affordable health care, decent pensions, clean air and water, etc. In that, they are identical to gun humpers (a group with whom they 100% overlap), who don't give a shit about dead children as long as they can freely fondle however many metal dicks they want, whenever and wherever they want. They all have total tunnel vision, and they are destroying this country because of their own damage.

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Sean Hannity is a college drop-out! How is he suddenly a scholar, wait, he said a constitutional scholar. Give me a break!

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    All of this is rather funny in an ignorant, egotistical kind of way. (the post plus Hannity, etc.) Or rather tragic in a Shakespearean kind of way. Or epic in a WWII kind of way. Sometimes it's hard not to be afraid of the imbeciles with such loud voices, know nothings, touting their own horns for $$$.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.