Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sarah Palin doubles down on impeachment of the President at the Western Conservative Summit. Whoa Nelly, she is officially off the reservation.

I am transcribing this video because I am a professional. And because I really needed a good reason to drink myself stupid tonight.

Trust me this will do it.

Here we go:

"And on impeachment. Let's talk more about impeachment, because it's got them nervous, and let's be clear they know who even, high crimes and misdemeanors it does not mean today's ordinary criminal charges. The framers used the term to mean a dereliction of duty."

"It was explained by many of our founders...uh..dereliction of duty, knowing that the first duty of the President is to enforce our laws. Preserve and protect and defend the Constitution."

"It was Alexander Hamilton who described impeachable offenses as the abusive violation, the abuse or violation, of some public trust, He called them 'political offenses' because they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. No serious person can deny (High pitch here. Dogs heard howling in the background.) team Obama has abused and violated the public trust. And the Constitution."

"Man rocking us to our core. From Benghazi. Fast and Furious gun running. Stimulus bust...greenies on our greenbacks. And scandals? NSA spies. Obamacare lies. VA...let's die. (I think she is going for a haiku. Though of course she lacks the IQ.) The IRS aims to repress conservative's voice. The DOJ wiretaps reporters. Violation of our religious rights. And then there's ignoring illegal, in house fundraising that you heard recently has been going on...the list of abuses it goes on and on."

"And look alone not defending borders is dereliction of duty. Violating the oath of office. If that's not impeachable....

(For some reason the video trails off here, only to pick up again a little further along in her crazy ass speech.)

"The list does go on, Not all impeachable offenses of course. Some just offensive! And with excuses!"

"Blame Bush. Blame Beoehner. Blame bummer of a ballgame that he had that day, or a bad day on he links. Who knows what team Obama...why they do what they do? It makes no sense. (Wait is she saying it's Team Obama that makes no sense? Has she heard this speech?) But the Constitution holds the President responsible for the executive branch. He can't just call it in, he can't just vote 'present.'  Feign ignorance of all of this anymore than a mob boss can claim innocence because he didn't personally do the hit. (Oh so now the President is a thug union boss having people killed is that it? Bitch!) The buck stops with the guy at the top."

(Believe it or not this received applause.)

"Considering article of impeachment is THE check. Making the case for it is not difficult. (You know I think most of the Republican party would disagree with that assessment.) Difficult is having the moral courage to do what's right. Congress. It takes guts to hold them accountable, it takes political will."

"I'm hearing some argue for 'cautious inaction.' They're terming it. They're saying 'Well Obama's policies expose his failures anyway, so why rock the boat.'"

"But that argument, it misses the point. Folks he is radically changing the balance of power. It's setting a wicked dangerous precedent. With his pen and his phone, hes abrogating his presidential authority. Making himself a ruler not a President." (Methinks that SOMEBODY does not know what "abrogating" means.)

"You know we had a revolution back in 1776 because we don't do kings. (Insert your own Sarah Palin sex joke here.) Some say 'Oh just wait for the next election.' And the next, and the next, and the nex..wait for the next election. And hope that the big GOP victory reigns in the radicals."

"Been there, done that. In 2010."

"Friends if we let Congress refuse to use the power that Constitution gives it Barack Obama will continue to rule however he wants. And the fabric of America will unravel. So don't be afraid to raise this and know that there's no other recourse.

I will post this much up now and post the rest when I finish.

Now where is that corkscrew?

Okay let's us continue now that I have my liquid refreshment on hand.

"Right now we're drifting.The country is rudderless. And the Captain he's saying 'I'm going it alone.' Well shipmates then it's our responsibility to use the tools in the toolbox to hold him accountable, to send that message, we won't put up with the lawlessness. That's why we have to influence Congress on this."

"Remember the only thing necessary for them to fundamentally transform America is for good men to do nothing. We MUST hold him accountable. And if not these violations then what? If not thee violations. And the imperial President has pledged to continue to go it alone, so arrogantly."

"If not that then what will it take? How band does it have to get?"

"Consider this, we live now in an America where the government spies on us. Targets us because of political beliefs. Terrorist leaders they're set to go free to go back to their death cults, back to the battlefield, back to doing what they want to do best, which is top kill Americans. We let them go free."

"We live in an America where healthcare is taken from us and then we are forced by government to buy something that we don't want. (Wait, what?) We can't afford. An America where government takes aim at Catholic nuns because they adhere to their Catholic faith. And where no border, no nation eh. And we live in an America where the President keeps a kill list (Here she uses air quotes.) of people he says he's authorized to see executed on sight." (I think she is trying to suggest that this list includes his political adversaries.)

"If you're fine with that then by all means sit back, hope for the best. You're apathy is their power. The rest of us? We need change. We know we need change in order to save this republic."

"And that comes with healing the injuries done to this society by an unchecked President. And that starts with having the guts to talk about impeachment. This lame duck administration, I guarantee you, they will engage in all sorts of mischief in these nest few years. Just think judicial branch, what danger can be had there with appointments."

"So please look ahead and consider...consider that judicial damage, understand.."

Here thankfully the video comes to an end.

However I think that you get the general idea of the general psychosis that was on display at that conference earlier today.

And if the transcript is not enough to convince as to the level of crazy, just spend a few minutes watching that video and you will be right here with me.

Okay now I'm pretty sure that there is another bottle of wine around here someplace. 


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Every time I hear her say, constitution, I am reminded that she is nothing, and President Obama is also a Constitutional Lawyer. He knows exactly what he is doing.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:40 PM

      As usual, the President just has to sit back and watch, while Sarah Palin kicks her own ass.

      Just like he's done for the past 5 years.

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      I listened to her screech up until you took a break in transcribing, G. Then I poured another glass of wine and read the rest of your post while listening to some Steely Dan. I'm not going to let this mental patient's disjointed ramblings ruin my serene moment.

      Fuck that crazy person. I'm glad she made a fucking paycheck for herself, but I have to question how the idiots who paid her speaking fee received any benefit from hearing her drivel at this event.

      Over the past 6 years, Sarah Palin has pissed away all respect from anyone who's not a totally fucked-up RW whacko, but apparently she can go EVEN LOWER. While grimacing, I'm going to remain in the stands laughing at and ridiculing Sarah and her braindead followers until she leaves the stage in a white sleeveless jacket, in handcuffs, or inside a body bag. I'm indifferent to any of the three means of her exit.

    3. I think this says it all

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    If you can't find your corkscrew, the likely culprit is Palin. She raided your kitchen for the corkscrew, your blender and salad shooter to throw out that speech. She's gone flat out screeching crazy.

    On the plus side, if you exert even pressure with your thumb your can push the cork into the bottle with less cork residue than you would have using a corkscrew.

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    G, special thanks for the transcript, I can't listen to her screeches.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Three cheers to Gryph for that. Her voice nauseates me.

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Dereliction of Duty Mrs. Palin, Dereliction of Duty? Really, you went there? What worse Dereliction of Duty is there than QUITTING your Elected Position? One that the citizens of our state elected you to in order to uphold their "constitutional rights"?

    Let's explore Dereliction of Duty with Ex Governor Mrs. Palin, shall we?

    Didn't show up for work so often that the Legislature crafted "Where's Sarah" buttons.

    Took a per Diem for living in her home instead of in the State provided Governor's mansion.

    Charged the State for her unruly brood of children traveling with her to State events. Had to pay back the money to the State because she was caught.

    Ignored the Medicare Emergency in our State even after 214 Seniors died because of lack of Gubernatorial oversight in the matter.

    Ignored starving Native Alaskan communities and when she actually visited the "bush" she went to the wrong villages, those that weren't in crisis, those that were not the ones to ask for help. She brought them store-bought cookies, and a faux-preacher man with boxes of food filled with religious propaganda.

    And finally, once again, she breathlessly, and manically quit her elected position on July 3 2009 while stating that she could "do more for Alaska and Alaskans without a title", then she made a bunch of money off her book and high tailed it to Arizona and became a Snowbird that neither resides here full-time, nor does ANYTHING for Alaska or Alaskans (except make people think that we are all MORONS like her).

    Yet she deigns to utter the words "Dereliction of Duty" against our President who has done more for this country under a Right Wing Republican Assault than have many POTUSs accomplished in a willing bipartisan environment.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Thank you for posting all the crap we Alaskans had to endure under her “reign”. The stupid idiot actually believed she was above the law.
      Now, my suggestion to all of us who see her in the airport in Anchorage. Walk up and tell her to please “Shut the fuck up and quit embarrassing us."

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Don't forget Troopergate and the illegal Alaska Fund Trust, better known as the Legal Defense Fund for Governor Sarah Palin and her family.

    3. Don't forget the dairy, the nurse who died in a fire, the "wild ride", and the death of Track's real father.

  5. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Thank you Gryphen! I could only watch and listen to a few minutes of this drivel. She is insane. How any thinking (breathing) living person could think she has any intelligence at all is beyond my conception. And people actually buy this bs? And she gets paid to utter this nonsense?
    I thank whatever powers that be, every day, that she did not become the VP. (Thank you again dipshit McCain)
    I just cannot believe that people in this country actually thought this idiot was good enough to be in the federal government in any capacity. But---apparently not only did some then but some still do. God help us all!

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard, I can not listen to it. I tried watching, without sound. Now I can not bear to watch this BITCH. What a disaster she is, while actually thinking she is intelligent. If she really had a functioning brain, she could be dangerous. As it stands, she is just plain annoying and useless.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I stopped listening to her over a year ago....
      After reading all that is being said on this blog - I've not missed a damned thing!

      More folks - across the nation - should do the same thing and hopefully, it will drop her from the scene sooner than later! It's been way to long already!

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Abrogate: repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).

    So, in Sarah Palin's opinion, [President Obama] is doing away with his presidential authority.

    That might make inside of Sarah Palin's head, but for us, mere mortals, it is simply

    W O R D S A U S A G E.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      No, that's not Sarah Palin's opinion, that's what she's being paid to say. The Koch brother$ can make her say anything they want, and they want her to say thi$ until they tell her to $top.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Maybe she meant "abdicate." Those three syllable words are tricky for her.

      It is a crime that she is being allowed to speak at public appearances.

    3. Balzafiar8:24 PM

      She didn't mean abdicate. She isn't allowed by her handlers to use that word or any other word with "dic" in it. When she does, her mind starts to wander to her younger years, then everything begins to go black... again. After that point it gets nasty -- real nasty.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I watched the snip from the other night's Jon Stewart show when she was speaking "word sausage." What I noticed most was that she was speaking with clenched teeth; odd that there was so little mouth movement. Fortunately Jon only showed a short snippet of Sarah; I could not have taken any more.

    God Bless President Obama. That he has to hear about such attacks on a daily basis when he is working so hard for ALL Americans is infuriating to me.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I so agree with you Beaglemom! I just hope they keep a lot of this 'stuff' away from President Obama and his wonderful wife!

      They have way more than enough on their plates than to hear this kind of bullshit!

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    The skank was drugged out of her mind. I suffered through that mess during real time and it was an epic fail!!!! The lame brain who introduced her forced everyone to stand and clap and hoot for her -me thinks someone is worried they can't bring the house down.

    She was wavin and weavin and mumbling all over the place and at times speaking so softly you couldn't hear her-that is a blessing!!!!

    Just a rehash of the fb post from last week. Same old same old and she only got a few applauses for a few standard lines anyone at a rwnj event would be applauded for.

    Oh and she was placed after the woman who co founded the tea party and dome other woman both of which got tons more applause than skank.

    What a drug addicted idiot loser!

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      There will come a time that even THEY will be embarrassed by inviting her onto the stage. It is not beneficial to them or their party! In fact, it makes the Democratic party just scoff and get out the vote for the upcoming elections!

      Can hardly wait to cast mine - anti Republicans/Teabaggers all the way!

  10. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Well, old Alex Hamilton called them "political injuries done to citizens or society itself" I guess Mrs. Palin knows a lot about that one being the Worst Governor EVER! She injured all of us simply by being elected. She's a walking, babbling, screeching definition of "political injury".

  11. Anonymous3:35 PM

    She is out of her league with that speech, whomever wrote if for her didn't take into consideration the reading comprehension level of the screech. She's fumbling, stumbling, reading words and saying things she has no idea the meaning of, you can tell because of her delivery; she only goes cutesy pie, slow, loud and then whisper when she has absolutely no idea what she is saying. Wind her up, haul her out on stage on a dolly and let her go! She'll try to say and do anything, however, results may vary.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      I totally agree 3:55

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Koch brothers are screwing themselves w/Palin! She has done nothing but hurt the Republican party and reinforce the Democratic party! Love it!

      Throw in all money you want - the votes are what count!!!

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Sarah can't read.

  12. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Once again, my apologies for refusing to fill my head full of Sarah Palin shit after you've gone to so much trouble.

    Don't forget that Sarah Palin is being PAID to say this stuff and IIRC the plan is that she'll be bleating this crap until the election. It's part of the Koch brothers election strategy.

    I suggest in future don't bother typing out her irrelevant word sausage, just post selected pictures of Sarah. We can all enjoy a good laugh.

  13. Anonymous3:37 PM

    The Drug addled tyrant is simply crazy.

  14. Anonymous3:40 PM

    WASTED; booze, meth, whatever. The "Governor's" end is near.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Stop referring to her as 'governor'! She quit and does not deserve the title. That will be a huge help in bringing the bitch down and out!

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Thus, the quotation marks; it was a jab.

  15. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Sarah Palin knows not the first thing about duty. She swore an oath to the Alaskan people. She broke her word. She knows nothing about duty.

    That's why nobody respects her.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      She was FIRED as governor. End of story.

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    "...and let's be clear they know who even, high crimes and misdemeanors it does not mean today's ordinary criminal charges.
    WTF does that mean?

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Hobby Lobby's in trouble.....

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      It means that you can have a legal defense fund for the Governor even when the state law says that the governor cannot use her office to enrich herself. If means being paid to live in your own house when most governors live in the governor's mansion in juneau. It means letting the state pay for your family's vacations. It means trying to get your former brother-in-law fired just because you hate his guts. When his boss won't fire him, fire the boss. Todd showed them who was boss. Since Clinton was impeached for lying to the grand jury, how about Sarah and Todd lying in Troopergate? I think Sarah knows just how close she came to being impeached. You can't fire me, I quit.

    3. Cracklin Charlie5:31 PM

      Didn't someone here used to do a Palin-to-English translator?

      Well, they should have.

  17. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I would love to see Sarah Palin attempt to debate Elizabeth Warren or Hilary Clinton. Sarah Palin is the most uninformed former Politician in the world. Without written notes or a Teleprompter, Sarah Palin is LOST in space. You Teabaggers who Pay to hear her speak, are just as LOONY as she is.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Those of us who have followed Palin from day one know that she would NEVER put herself in a position to debate Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren. And, neither one of them (Clinton or Warren) would allow her to have the questions FIRST so that she could rehearse and memorize her answers.

      Sarah Palin is NOT going to be allowed to play in that field ever again!

      John McCain and his group did a horrible disservice to America when the idiot was allowed a second spot on his campaign. No wonder they lost and both continue to be ridiculed by many today throughout the nation.
      McCain has proven himself to be no better than Palin!!!!

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      I would pay to watch Palin debate H. Clinton or E. Warren any damn day! Wow! The skank would slink off the stage after being exposed for the ignorant idiot she is by a couple of intellectually brilliant women! Palin’s whole narrative would be off to the dump where it belongs.

  18. Dinty3:44 PM

    The breathy half-assed delivery tells me even she doesn't believe what she is saying.

  19. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I can't say anything about the word salad in Sarah's speech that hasn't been said many times before right here in IM and in quite a few other RESPONSIBLE blogs, columns and books. Within a few words of this speech, it was apparent that she was trying for a new dramatic style of speaking. She must have watched a clip of someone reading Little Red Riding Hood or Hansel and Gretel to a group of children. The dramatic ups and downs of her voice, the theatrical pauses...the foolish woman makes my skin crawl but I'm sure she thinks she hit it out of the park.

    Interesting to see she wore the Belmonts, that tells me that she was scared and was using every trick to impress. The silly ass. I don't see how anyone, no matter how conservative can sit through one of these ridiculous displays without laughing hysterically or walking out. Just like a couple of weeks ago in Tennessee, the applause wasn't too enthusiastic but then maybe there were only 40 or 50 people in attendance.

  20. Anonymous3:45 PM

    What the hell does "greenies on our greenbacks" even mean?

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I wondered that myself. I thought I misheard it so I listened to it again. That's what she said all right.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      greenies are drugs with the same effect as speed (I don't think that Sarah means the greenies that are a dog chew food)

      greenies - Sarah just gave herself away, speed

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      5:17 PM
      I've never heard the term greenies before so thanks for the info on that but could you explain her saying "greenies on greenbacks"? Pills on dollars? I don't get it ...

    5. "Greenies" is also another nickname for environmentalists -- does that make any sense at all?

      Is she talking about the BLM and Cliven Bundy?

    6. Balzafiar8:27 PM

      I think she might be alluding to the fact that drug money frequently ends up with residue on it. Wonder how she knew that?

  21. Anonymous3:46 PM

    What a Disastrous speech.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:26 PM

      That was a low-down, dirty, cryin' shame. I found myself waiting for a big hook to come from stage right.

      I can't even laugh at her anymore. But it does look like she has very little hair.

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      She looks like she stood against a wall and someone threw that hideous huge wig on her bald head.

  22. Corkscrew? If I had to listen to that verbal buzz saw, I would just stick a straw in a 5 liter box.

    More seriously, this sounds as though Palin is growing more desperate to have the last word on the 2008 election. You'd think we were 6 years into the Obama administrations and time is running out to nullify his presidency and say, "See, I told you so!"

    God knows what one of her slack-jawed minions with delusions of heroics may try to do. Thank goodness that clear thinking and a grasp on reality is not their strong suit.

    And she will get precious little support from the goober parade who stand to profit from their "books" and paid speaking engagements as long as their is a black man in the White House to rail against.

    1. Yeah if I had started drinking wine through a straw my last few paragraphs would have made less sense than the word sausage falling out of her maw.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Gryphen LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM

      "Verbal buzz saw"... perfect.

    4. Anonymous8:20 PM

      "Verbal buzz saw". Easy way to lose a couple of fingers. I wouldn't MY hand (or any other part of my body) close to Dr. Sarah Lector's mouth. Maybe Glen Rice didn't know better, but we do now.

  23. Anonymous3:48 PM

    She must be daring the GOP to shut her up about impeachment. I no longer watch nor listen to the idiot. Hopefully, more people will tune her out and she can scream impeachment till she's blue in the face.

  24. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Thanks for watching for us. You're taking another one for the team. As for the subject matter, I'm just amazed this skank gets such traction. Was she wearing her Amurican stripper platforms?

  25. Anonymous3:56 PM

    The people who are clamoring the loudest for impeachment are the same people who cheered wildly when Bush said, "I'm the decider, and I decide what is best."

    But that was different.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      And who can forget "I now have political capital and I intend to spend it." Thanks, George. We may never climb out of your spending spree.

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      "Weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION"
      "Mission Accomplished"

    3. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Torture. Warrantless wiretapping.

  26. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Only watched part of it, but she seemed drunk.

    She came off a lot better when she was handled by the McCain Campaign (which still wasn't great). I was just trying to imagine if she had looked and sounded like this back during the presidential campaign, and how she would have gone over then. Not sure what's happened to her, but something seems really off.

  27. Anonymous4:00 PM

    her breathy voice as noted above in a comment was due to drugs and nothing else. no she didn't burst into tears on stage but that was pretty darn close to a full melt down in public. at the end she thanks the old guy for the hysterical caricature he gave her and said "that was fun". that was fun for who? not for anyone who had to listen to her.
    gryph-can you post the caricature that was made/presented to her?

  28. Pat in MA4:02 PM

    'let's talk about impeachment because it's got them nervous' - THEM being the Republicans. Keep talking impeachment - the Dem's fundraising grows....

    And thanks for transcribing Gryphen, I can only skim the words to save my psyche. Good God she is an idiot. Wine? I'd need a Ketel One IV drip!

  29. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "Man rocking us to our core. From Benghazi. Fast and Furious gun running. Stimulus bust...greenies on our greenbacks. And scandals? NSA spies. Obamacare lies. VA...let's die."
    This is for real? Nonsense sing-song rhyming like this is not a pathetic attempt at haiku, it's a classic sign of schizophrenia. I am not kidding.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I believe you. This delivery is nothing she has ever done before. She and McLame need to be under psychiatric observation.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I think it's how her brain functions, sound bites to inflict pain.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      It's clearly obvious she wrote it herself.

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM

      She sounds like a backseat full of 10 year olds trying to read bumper stickers as cars pass them by. She's been told tp slow down and breathe do she won't finish her entite gig in three minutes. They have purposely slowed down her teleprompter.

  30. Anonymous4:08 PM

    She is a fucking mess! API in Anchorage - when she comes back through your city - meet the Palins at the airport - tag her - duck tape on her mouth- and take her to her room - put her in it - lock the door and throw away the key so such is never heard from again!

    It's the LEAST Alaskans can do for dumping this fucked up mess on the American society for the past years! We're so sick and tired of her word salad and lack of knowledge about ANYTHING!

    Alaskans! You really need to pay attention how you vote in that state! There is so much proven corruption there and Palin has just been the icing on the cake! She so adds to making your state, with a small population, look like idiots!

    Parnell is the next one that needs to go - do not reelect the guy that has protected Sarah Palin and kept documentation about her and a supposed family member (birth certificate!)from the public (when requested). He has a record already of being a horrible governor...tied to the oil industry - who probably has a hell of a cushy job awaiting him should he lose the election! He's not to be trusted!

    1. Anonymous1:42 AM

      @Anon 4:08

      I think, in fairness, you should blame one particular Arizonan for dumping this fucked up mess on American society.

      I have nothing but empathy for all the Alaskans who had to put up with two years of listening to this mindless, screeching harpy.

  31. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I couldn't watch it all, but she is terrifying. That subdued delivery, the pointing, the pauses. What was interesting was that her dog whistle lines garnered no applause at all. I wonder how many attendees skipped this altogether? I mean, she does nothing but lie, repeat Rush and Hannity, and tell Congress to do something. Good luck with that, Quitter.

  32. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Watching Palin is like watching a hamster on a wheel. The little fuckers legs are moving as fast as they can, but she's going nowhere, just like the hamster.

  33. Anonymous4:17 PM

    G, You are amazing. You deserve awards. How do you do it? I can only watch a little without the sound. Except for Breathless, that one is trippy.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      You can pretty much watch any one of her telecasts with the sound off and know that she is spouting shit she deserves to swallow. Would love to shove those pointy little fingers of hers square up her ass.

  34. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Thanks for the transcript. I suffered through the video and the crowd was really not into her at all...about damn time. I read the remarks at the right scoop and some there even commented on it. Check out this haggard pix of her from the Denver Post...

    Skank is looking worse by the day. All that jealousy and anger is really showing up on her.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      One of the Pee's gave her a C-

    2. Caroll Thompson5:22 PM

      I noticed in that Denver Post photo that her face was heavily covered in makeup that seemed to mask a lot a acne. Sure sign of a meth head. 50 year old women don't have acne.

    3. Anonymous6:09 PM

      She looks like old fuck!

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Ugh, Sarah's really hagging out! She looks much older than 50.

    5. Anonymous7:35 PM

      there is nothing left from 2008. OMG. She's like the meth ads on FB...before and after....

      the ugly shows.

    6. Anonymous8:42 PM

      That Denver Post close-up photo sure reveals a lot of lumps and creases in that haggard witch's face. No wonder she trowels on a bucket of makeup, although it doesn't help except for maybe beyond 150 feet. As alcohol and meth destroy her liver, hate does the same to her face and her heart. No sympathy here.

    7. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Her skin looks like it is struggling under the continuous Botox injections. Give it up Sarah. The stuff is poison. She also looks like she has an infection going near her ear.

    8. Anonymous9:39 PM

      She's drunk..totally drunk from drinking on the plane to Denver. You betcha!! lol

  35. She's fucking crazy, it's obvious.

  36. Cracklin Charlie4:50 PM


  37. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Nucking Futz!!!!

  38. Anonymous4:58 PM

    She is looking rough. Why doesn’t she simply sit down and shut up? "Impeachment makes them nervous”? She lives in an alternate universe. Most Democratic pundits say “bring it on!” It will be the best thing for mid-term elections! The crazy will be in full display! and again, the GOP will be avoiding all responsibility to actually do their jobs and govern. Look how well impeachment worked out for Clinton! The Supremes had to step in and throw the election they were so worried a Dem would be in office again.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Even Boehner is afraid of what would happen as the result of impeachment, which is why he is "suing" the President instead. Palin is so angry that he won the election in 2008 and she lost. She should be angry at McCain for losing to Obama. Sarah was the presidential candidate only in her own mind.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Oh, let the little idiot pretend President Obama or anyone in his cabinet is afraid of her crazy ass. What else does she have to live for?

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Good point 5:17 p.m. She does seem to have some pretty skewed priorities when it comes to life.

  39. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Oh fuck you, Sarah, fuck you to hell.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Late to the party,
      Yep, wait for Saturday as called!
      Ain't she speshul?

  40. Anonymous5:02 PM

    When I watch her speak, she reminds me of Lyndon Larouche -

  41. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Hey Sarah: Your ticket lost to a more-qualified African American six years ago. Still burns your ass, eh? Fucking stupid white girl.

  42. Anonymous5:10 PM

    If God doesn't drive parked cars, what kind of car does He drive?

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Well my neighbor Jesus drives a Ford F250.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Anonymous 5:35 PM
      Your comment is so funny it cleared my brain of Sarah's stupidity. I'm still laughing.

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Allah might take all the parked cars the other gods don't want.

    4. Anonymous5:23 AM

      The Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't drive parked cars either, because he's smart enough to turn the key in the ignition and press down the accelerator.

  43. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "Friends if we let Congress refuse to use the power that Constitution gives it Barack Obama will continue to rule however he wants. And the fabric of America will unravel."

    Um, Your Cuntess, it is the Constitution that allows him to be President and rule as such.

    Ahh fuck, you just can't fix stupid.

  44. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I wish this stupid bitch would make up her fucking little pea-brained mind about whether changing America is bad or not. Also, is the administration in the "lame duck" phase or are they able to do a lot more to supposedly hurt the country? Or is that just another phrase she tosses around without knowing what it means? And oh my god he could make appointments?? That's one of the functions of his job you fucking moron! "We have to impeach him because he might do his job!!" Fuck off, bitch!

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      She never explains how the president is able to do so much while she claims he's a "lame duck." Either, she just throws around shit to see what will stick or she IS that retarded.

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM

      IIRC Palin said one of the reasons she quit her governorship was because she didn't want to be a "lame duck."

      The meaning at that time was that she didn't feel she could do anything useful or meaningful (so, true, but that was the case during her while 1/2 term as governor).

      So, now "lame duck" has another definition?

      If the president can do so much and be so powerful as a lame duck, why did Palin feel the need to quit?

      Of course, trying to make sense of Sarah Palin, is a lost cause, but I felt the need to point this (yet another) discrepancy and double-standard out.

  45. Anonymous5:21 PM

    So while she was up slaying salmon in Bristol Bay she was catching up on her Alexander Hamilton with a flashlight at night?

  46. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Sarah! You cheap bitch! Once and for all, get a proper weave of fake hair! We're sick and tired after five years of your dozen el cheapo scraggly rats tail extensions poking out of your monster head!

    The idiot who glues them in is lying if she tells you it looks OK. Have you broken all the mirrors in all your houses?

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Didn't Willow go to hair school for two years? I wonder why she doesn't do her mother's hair.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Mirrors don't catch canned goods very well.

    3. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Sarah's off message and off her rocker! Those ratty tatty wigs are terrible, but that she slaps on the belmonts one day and takes them off the next and expects no one to notice is truly laughable!

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      6:00 PM Maybe Willow does.

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM

      6:29 And they don't catch vampires at all.

      Maybe that explains her inability to see what she looks like to the rest of us.

  47. Going above & beyond to give us the transcript was great, but couldn't convey all the crazy. Extra points for rhyming haiku with IQ!

  48. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Oh Silly Sarah, you have really stepped in "it" now.

    The Republicans are going to play Whack-A-Palin with you any day now. They have more than enough on you to do it, and you know darned well that they will take you out the moment you become more of a liability than an asset.


  49. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The entire speech here....

    You could hear a pin drop during most of her babble. She is worse than I ever have seen her and the audience there even knows it. The end of Palin is very near!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      Thanks for translating, Gryph. I just tried and made it to the three minute mark. She's all over the place, slurrs then speeds up, changes the tone and cadence it all runs together. I do think 5:33 is really onto something.

  50. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sarah: Please immediately read The Imperial Presidency (1973) by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., which details the "imperial" actions of every President from George Washington to Richard Nixon -- 36 of them.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      Ha Ha Ha. You implied Sarah can read! Good One!!!

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Wonder how Mr Schlesinger would vet president Cheney's term. Very crafty of him to punk Congress into starting his war so technically not 'guilty' of abusing Constitutional limits. Well, at least in his depraved, Halliburton mind.

  51. If you can get rid of her (and I know you are trying) I will buy and send you a case of wine! I will even throw some bourbon in for good measure!

  52. Anonymous5:40 PM

    My Speech, "Seize the Day" by Sarah Palin. Someone told me that this was really a Latin phrase, you know, that language they talk in church. So, I had Bristol Google it for me and sure enough, Carpe Diem, and it meant "the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future." Enjoy the day. Live life to the fullest. I like to say, "Live Life Vibrantly," but if I say that, people will remember the Manipulation Troll who says that, too. And, there is no anti-Obama message in enjoying life. He enjoys his life too much. Damn him and his golf and his basketball and his dogs and his kids. To Hell with Seizing the Day. And that goes for Michelle, too.

    "The Forgotten Man," my speech, by Sarah Palin. I decided to talk about all of the men that are forgotten by our rotten government, the ones who do not have safety on their job, the ones whose jobs are being taken away by those illegal immigrant children, the men who should be paid more money. Oh, wait a minute. That makes it sound like I want to raise the minimum wage, have stronger unions and child labor laws.

    "The Forgotten Man," my speech, by Sarah Palin. I forgot what I was going to say about the men that Obama forgot, leaving him by the side of the road while God doesn't drive a parked car. Only dead fish go with the flow. No one is going to make me shut up and sit down. (check palm. Maybe it's nobody is going to make me sit down and shut up). Greenies. God, l took too many greenies and my mouth is dry. Water. I used to get two bottles of water with bendy straws. Bendy. Bennies. What happened to my head? Wait, where was I? I keep losing my place.

    "The Forgotten Man," my speech by Sarah Palin. Impeachment. Do not forget all of the bad things that President Obama, no, his Imperial Majesty, the King Obama did, has done, has did. The American Revolutions was because No More Kings. And, also, too, Paul Revere did warn the British. He told them, "No mas! No more kings." And he did so ring those bells. Otherwise, why would anyone be ringing those bells? Impeach Obama. He is like the British King. Oh, they have a Queen? Is she elected or what? I keep forgetting, "The Forgotten Man," my speech, by Sarah Palin. And, God bless me and the United States of America.

    Wait, what? WTF? Are you giving me that wet painting of a bear and a cartoon character? Well, F--- you (hitting man with painting.) Ah, thanks. That's where they keep the water. No wonder Rubio was so thirsty. Me, too. The forgotten woman.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      5:40 PM
      ROFL Perfection.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM


    3. Anonymous7:27 PM


    4. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Well I'll be damn! You did it again! Laughing and screaming my ass off!

      Double Bravo!

    5. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Thank you, one and all. With Sarah Palin, the comedy just writes itself.

    6. Anonymous3:40 AM

      I read this with my first morning coffee. What a way to "Carpe Diem".
      I was shocked to see Sarah wearing dark framed glasses. I'm thinking she might be trying to look smarter wearing the same kind of glasses as Rachel Maddow. Then, Sarah was drinking water out of a glass!! Where was the sugar laden 32oz big gulp? Has our Sarah sold out to the health craze? Did the teachings of the first lady make an impression? Come on Sarah, stick to your rack... opps... I mean guns and drink your carbonated sugar water with pride. Don't let your public down... reload...
      Thank you for the speech and a great start to my day....

  53. Anonymous5:40 PM


    That woman was displaying some dysfunctional. Didn't read the transcript yet, but just shocked at her delivery. She was pausing every 3 words, and the tones and inflections and sing-songy voice from sweet to low sounded off the wall.

    Her voice was doing the Chipmunks on Helium to low low loooowwwwwww, like frequency declining.

    Drugs? Or mental illness?

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM


    2. Anonymous6:58 PM


    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Drugs? Or mental illness?

      Do we have to chose lol?
      I say both.

    4. Anonymous7:38 PM

      She'll blame it on the altitude but we all know it's her screwed up attitude.

      Seditious $arah deserves a little visit from those fine folks down at the agency. There are radicals around the world who justify their terrorist activities on the propaganda dispensed by fools like Palin, Geller, deSouza, Limbaugh and so many others. We see what hatred and violence they have stirred in this country with their unabated treasonous lies, distortions and perversions. They are not only yelling fire in the theater, they are proud of it and getting paid to do it.

  54. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Boy, her hair line is on top of her head and I see she's got her fake boobs blown up all the way.
    Sarah, put down the crack pipe.

  55. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Sarah...blah, blah, blah, blah...same thing, day in and day out, blah, blah, blah....

  56. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Hey, Sarah! Which Hamilton brother is older? Alexander or George?

  57. Caroll Thompson5:52 PM

    Without the benefit of alcohol, I watched the speech. It was a terrible speech, even by Sarah Palin standards. Same old song, but sung way off tune. At times she appeared to stumble and the audience offered polite applause (I read there were 2,000 attendees to this event). She did nothing to get this audience of like minded people to stand up and cheer. It's like she phoned it in. She gave the speech for the money, the fancy hotel and maybe they had some swag to give away.

    Anyway, in my sober opinion, Sarah is on drugs. Probably meth, but maybe something prescribed for her mental illness.

    I wasn't planning on having a drink tonight, but a rum and pepsi is now calling my name..............

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      She is not on meth. It's Adderall in ever higher doses. That shit will eventually kill her, but not before turning her completely insane.

    2. Caroll Thompson8:12 PM

      I bet you are correct 7:34. Adderall is legal speed, as it was called back in the day. And you know she is on something; she is concentration camp thin.

    3. Anonymous9:58 PM

      Adderall is both a diet drug and useful for ADHD. And, yes, Palin has been on it for years. It's speed. And she seems to be self-dosing. She mentioned some greenies in her speech tonight, so she may be mixing in more stuff. It really showed tonight. She was so off her game.

    4. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Quiet applause as the audience reflects...on how they all voted to have this crazy woman a heartbeat away from the big red button...and then they wonder if there was someone up above looking out for the nation and their families in that she had been rejected by enough of the voters and thus sent back to Alaska instead of to D.C....

  58. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Oh my gosh! That was the worst speech she's ever done. Hands down, the absolute worst! Her timing was off, her cadence was off, clarity of many phrases replaced by barely audible mumbling. Her head kept sinking into her shoulders! She had to have known it was bad. So, this is who represents the whole of conservatism. They're doomed.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      That simply can't be. She just returned from beautiful relaxation, reloading at Bristol Bay.

  59. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Obviously the grifter was forced to resign as governor, the US AG insinuated as much in his reply to her "call for impeachment". Her lame excuse saving taxpayer money because of lawsuits-yeah right and I have some ocean front property to sell you in Kansas. She charged them to live in her own house.

    What I want to know is how come she got the "get out of jail free" card? Is what she did so criminally obscene that is would have "destroyed" the republican party? Because she sure seems hell bent on destroying the USA with her violent, repugnant, drug induced "speeches". Why haven't they shut her up?

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      hardly....she's a moron, remember? She was sexting with a teenager and she took part in phone exchanges that included threatening the president. She even promised that HER state troopers would assist. She is bonkers... She's been cray cray for a long, long time.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:38 PM

      "Is what she did so criminally obscene that is would have "destroyed" the republican party?"

      I think that is exactly what they were afraid of. But I think her very selection by McCain could have accomplished that on it's own, regardless of any alleged criminal activity committed by the Palins.

      What in the world would compel John McCain to choose such an uneducated, unstable amateur as his Vice Presidential running mate?

    3. Anonymous6:22 AM

      McCain believes that all skirts are the same. That's being polite. He would have said, "all cupcakes are the same."

  60. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Wonder if any conservatives are going to honestly question Sarah Palin's drunken stupor appearance. No one can act like that and succeed. She needs immediate emergency intervention. How can her family let her do this to herself? Are they so deranged themselves that they'd let their mother sister daughter wife self-destruct before the eyes of the nation?

    Something is really really wrong with her. We all knew it, but her body is thin, her hair is fake, and she can hardly speak normally. The whole lot of them (Palins and Heaths) should be charged with psychological abuse of a very demented woman.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      They know taking her out of the conversation is like cutting the head of the snake off. There are others waiting to take her place on the express train to Looneyville.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Wonder if any conservatives are going to honestly question Sarah Palin's drunken stupor appearance. +++++++++++++++

      Not if they are Republicans. They can't talk down to or about one another. She is the face of the GOP and she can stay that face.

    3. Anonymous9:55 PM

      No one can act like that and succeed? How does John Boehner do it?

  61. Anonymous6:14 PM

    She's the embodiment of everyone's eccentric old aunt big-mouth aunt.

  62. Anonymous6:18 PM

    she looks drunk and dingy high...

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      After watching the video again to be cracky, she IS drunk!

  63. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Wow. Just wow. This is the worst speech I've ever heard her give. The text was more or less the same that her one or two speechwriters comes up with - it wasn't the script that was different - if was her totally unstable delivery.

    Really - isn't it time for one of her family members to stage an intervention? Chuck Sr and Chuck Jr won't because they're so satiated on her Kool-Aid; Sally is very sweet but has never really stood up to Church Sr or to Sarah. I doubt she has the will to carry anything out. Molly is too busy trying to live her own life and raise her kids. I think this task really needs to fall to Heather who has enough distance (she lives in Anchorage) from the rest of the Heath clan and seems the most willing to not fall in step with whatever Sarah demands.

    Heather - do you pay any attention to this site? You know there are plenty of us in this Valley who know Sarah isn't well. Lots of her former acquaintances - I say "former" b/c we both know she has basically isolated herself from anyone from before 8/08. The few who've tried - out of concern for her and the kids - to confront her are always shut down. I know (or have heard from at least one of her former closest childhood friends) that you had tried to address some of her more blatant lies with her - but she went into her accusatory mode. But really, after watching this bizarre performance in Denver, don't you have some obligation as a sister to do something? If she wants to keep melting down on stages across the country or in her Lake Lucille studio, I guess that's her choice. But the more loving, kind action of an older sister may be to try an intervention. She's such an altered person and if she wants to keep herself and the kids on her loop of instability - that's her choice. But if you don't do something (confrontation, intervention, issuing a statement of concern - something where she has to pay attention) than her demise will continue in this manner and one day she will wake up and wonder where the people in her life were who were supposed to care about her.

    Just something to think about. And if Heather doesn't read this blog - and she probably doesn't because I think most of the family steers far clear of any of these blogs - then maybe one of the Heath family's long term friends who keep up with this site could forward it to her.

    They can stage an intervention now, or they can be there to pick up the pieces when Sarah finally just loses it. But this performance was seriously concerning. Her family members should get over their fear of her and her reactions, and be proactive to try and get her some help.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      YES, Heather, it's time.

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Don't do it, Heather. Don't do it. Let her go on, she is on a roll. She has work to do, people to see, speeches to give, She can't quit now or she will forev be a QUITTER. She must complete her work as the leader of impeachment. Many are sitting on pins and needles waiting for her film series and to find out what offenses she is talking about.

      Thanks Todd, Track, Bristol, Nancy, Willow and Chucks for all you do to help her. Don't stop now. Sarah's work is not yet complete.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Maybe we should be addressing the comments to Track, Bristol, Willow, and Piper and Todd. Hey, guys! Your whole life depends on that PAC getting contributions and the money stream keeps flowing in. The way that Sarah is going, those donations are going to be drying up because people do not donate to a loser. And, people do not donate to a crazy person. Sarah can afford to take a few months off for a good detox and rehab. They don't need her for the election season, and if she checks in now, maybe she will be cleaned up by October when it really matters. No one will miss her. Rebecca can write some Facebook posts for her, and you guys can keep writing nice comments to keep the Facebook going (the way that you always do).

      Why should I care about Sarah and a possible over dose? OMG, she is the best thing that has happened to the Democrats since 2008. When John McCain threatens to bomb somebody, all we have to do is question his judgement because look who he picked as his VP.

      Let's be honest, here. None of you want to go out and actually get a job and work. It costs a lot of money to keep those gas guzzlers topped off, pay for Tripp and Trig's private schools, not to mention that very expensive lawyer. There won't be any money for any of that the next time that Sarah speaks. She is not going to get better. She is already taking more stuff than her frail body can handle. If she OD's, the only source of income will be the book that one of you writes about the True Story of Trig. Think about it. A couple of million dollars advance. Who will write the book, or maybe I should ask, why knows how to write? Oh, it doesn't matter. There's always Nancy French, but she will want a cut. You see, you really do need Sarah, and so do we. We'd be just as lost without her as you would be. But for different reasons. She energizes your wallets and she energizes our base. Please get her help. It's a win-win for all of us.

  64. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

    Whoah, Honeypot Palin, aka Anastasia Beverhousen has gone totally off the rails. I guess "airquotes" rehab should be her next stop.

    Hey, moron, name ONE impeachable offense President Barack Hussein Obama has done. You should be impeached for wearing that fake bosom. Bait and Switch much?

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      lol Honeypot Palin

  65. Anonymous6:25 PM

    She has the granny mouth going on again, and the granny mouth just doesn't go with the fake boobs.
    Anyways, she wants the president to be impeached and must want Biden to be president and he's not black.
    What a fucken retard you are Palin. No wonder the GOP is trying so hard to ignore

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Maybe Sarah thinks that if Obama is impeached, the presidency goes to McCain and she gets to be VP. Don't tell her that if Obama is impeached, it's going to be President Biden. Maybe you had better tell her President O'Biden. She only know him as Joe.

    2. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Impeachment does not mean removal from office.

  66. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I know the writers over at Saturday Night Live have the summer off. They must have taken the gig for her speech writing.


  67. Anonymous6:33 PM

    She is major cray-cray.

  68. Anonymous6:33 PM

    We watch helplessly as this women and her clan cheat their way to the bank due to the ignorant. But then maybe Obama due to his superior intelligence does make his foes act their worst. Obama has won. She has not moved on.

  69. ManxMamma6:45 PM

    "An America where government takes aim at Catholic nuns becasue they adhere to their Catholic faith" WTF???? How does this woman sleep at night with all the shit pouring out of her mouth.

  70. fuck her and the ugly moose who rode in on her

  71. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Someone asked for a translation, so here is the Sarah Palin to English: "I still can not believe the black guy won"

  72. Anonymous7:03 PM

    She only cares about the Hamilton on the $10 bill.

    1. Anonymous12:01 AM

      Don't kid yourself: She'd fuck over Christ himself for a nickel.

  73. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Drunk and on drugs. I almost felt drunk watching it because it was all too much of a throwback to early days when I happened to drink too much... I talked just like that. And then after pontificating on whatever it was I felt needed to be said, I'd be done and think "what did I just say? It seemed brilliant but I don't think it was, I think I just made a total ass of myself." Deja vu. Takes one to know one. Thank God I don't do stuff like that anymore. But she's going to continue on until she really makes some ghastly blunder that WILL grab everyone's attention and not in a way she would hope for.

  74. Anonymous7:40 PM

    She sure looked thirsty

    1. Anonymous11:02 PM

      and hungry.

    2. Anonymous12:00 AM

      Apparently, no bendy straws (or Big Gulps) were available.

  75. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Lol! How are the conservatives not embarrased by this shrieking old hyena, their poster child?!

  76. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Hey,stop picking on Sarah. You saw how her Pac is losing money. She had to stop paying for speech writers.

  77. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Look Pa, Look Ma , I'm in Show Business.! Hey Palin, you are way over due for a new act! I lost count on how many times you have screeched out the same one.
    Just a little added comment to make what hair you have left, stand on end.....Hillary Clinton is by far the best known and best liked of the potential 2016 presidential hopefuls tested
    in a July 7-10 Gallop Poll, and you thought you were going to
    be the first woman president.! God bless Katie Couric!!!!!!

  78. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Anon 7:35: I agree: She sounds like she's trying to do an animated reading of a bunch of words. No need to understand them, just read them, Drunk, is the context I am familiar with. Just getting through this hideous task. Geez, I bet she collapsed right afterwards. But maybe drugs give you a pick-me-up to help you keep going. This is a sad spectacle. I wonder how her audience reacted to it. I just watched Hillary Clinton's interview with Charlie Rose: night and day. A real person vs a fake person. A fake person who is now ill.

  79. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Well finally it's obvious to the rest of the world what a nutjob Sarah Palin is. Except for the teaparty who can't wait to use all those guns against RILL Americans and have a revolution in the streets while they shoot people between the eyes and murder them all because they hate Obama like Sarah does. Go ahead Sarah. You didn't mean "impeach". You meant crosshairs didn't ya?

  80. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I'd say she is cautiously frightened. She is so close to the flame! why didn't she think "im-peach" before 2014? Oh, but is no to late sarah, Snakes always slow down before going for the kill. You got your wig, you've strapped on your boobs and you can always glue back the cojones. In no time you'll be at the speed of your quitting speech, with birds quacking and all.

  81. Anonymous9:10 PM

    She represent the teabaggers perfectly.

  82. Anonymous9:40 PM

    There are several ways to judge Palin's speech:
    1. Content: filled with outright lies. The President cannot just change a law. The Congress and the Senate have to do that. But we have seen the Supreme Court rewrite the Constitution.
    2. Delivery: OMG This was Sarah's worst performance. She tried every voice in her bag of tricks, high to low, angry to coy, a shout and a whisper, all in the same sausage sentence.
    3. Timing: It's not good to hesitate in the middle of a sentence and forget what you were going to say. It's not good to fumble through your notebook looking for the next thought. When there are lulls in your speech because you have had a lapse, that's really bad timing. The idea is to keep it moving. Sarah hesitated and fumbled too many times.
    4. We have heard so many of those cliches before. When we can finish the sentence (I am not going to sit down and shut up) we have heard the same catch phrase one time too many.
    5. Audience reaction: weak applause (or it was a really small crowd).
    6. Sarah is losing it. She obviously wrote the mess herself. It was not "Seize the Day" but "The Forgotten Man." In the end, it was Sarah who was the one who forgot much of her own speech.

  83. Anonymous9:52 PM

    8:34, Hon, you're not being mean. You're in good company here. She looked bloated and icky.

  84. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Wow, this is her worst yet. She used that strange whiny/creepy tone she's been using lately way too much! I think she's trying to use the snarky condescending tone she used during her nomination speech in 2008, but she's too old and fucked up so it just sounds spooky. She sounds like she is insane and high. She is running on fumes and can't be taken seriously by anyone now.

  85. Anonymous10:29 PM

    What happened to her upper lip? She looks like my grandma when her teeth weren’t properly fitting anymore.

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Those are Sarah's 3rd set of veneers in a handful of yrs and I am beginning to thing this last set are not veneers but dentures.
      Meth destroys teeth.

  86. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I have only one question, where is Trig?

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Hopefull in therapies being watched by his real mom?

  87. Anonymous11:01 PM

    She is a pathetic mess. The parasites around her will keep this going as long as they are getting thousands donated to her grifter PAC they can skim off. It's running in the red so the clock is running down. What a bunch of amoral bottom feeders. They are nothing more than the hate mongering opportunistic scum of our society feeding off the most ignorant.

  88. Anonymous11:29 PM

    So...did the Pimp go with the Ho to this shindig? She is wearing the wedding ring again.

  89. Anonymous12:00 AM

    "Sarah Palin doubles down on impeachment..." and in so doing, doubles down on her own stupidity and historico-political obituary.

    Dumb bitch.

  90. Anonymous5:03 AM

    I just wish she would piss off the right individual to finally expose this fraud and make her go away in disgrace. How about it CBJ?

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      CBJ would be exposed as not such a fine doctor, now wouldn't she? CBJ won't do it on her own. She needs to be forced (i.e. show me your credentials and insurance to be a high risk OB) or shamed into it . She is already shamed and disgraced in the lower 48 - so she might as well sleep better at night.

  91. Crystal Sage5:27 AM

    Shades of Toronto's Rob Ford: fresh out of rehab and still talking crazy. "I'm as sober as a judge," says Hizzoner. Spent a day in hospital because he hurt his "baby toe" and fired his sobriety coach. Yeah, he's as sober as Sarah the Judge-of-Everything.

  92. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Fires up? How did the crowd react?

    Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin ripped President Obama on Saturday, saying in order to "save the Republic" Americans must "have the guts to talk about impeachment."

  93. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I am REALLY enjoying watching seditious sarah melt down in front of the world, or at least the world as old seditious sarah sees it!!!! BWAHAHAHA I wonder how many appliances lost their lives during her stay in Denver? It is time for all of seditious sarahs misdeeds to come to light, every one of them, from faking triggers birth, the hiring of friends and family, dairygate, troopergate, the mat-su nurse who died in a fire, tracks real dad dead in a plane crash, The boys will be boys movie, not to mention the astronomical amount old seditious sarah spends on POSTAGE from her free pac????? When is anyone going to ask this stuid bitch about these things? I don't give a rats ass about her so called faith, her followers are really too stupid to even be believed, but the one thing this cunt does is cause division and h
    ate among everyone! She needs to go down, legally, figuratively, and literally!!! It's BEYOND fucking time!


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