Friday, August 01, 2014

Bristol Palin is now pleading poverty. Yeah, who did not see this coming? Update!

Courtesy of Radar Online:  

Nearly six years after Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp, her son withLevi Johnston, the perpetually warring Wasilla, AK, pair are still hashing out the details of their custody and child support agreements in court. And while their enmity is nothing new, has learned that Palin could need Johnston to pay up more than ever — because according to court documents, she hasn’t made a penny for nearly two years! 

Documents filed with the court on July 24 show Palin made $0 in both 2013 and the 2014 tax year so far. By contrast, Johnston made $62,400 in 2014 and $39,067.25 the year before, according to the documents. 

Palin recently filed what Johnston’s lawyers called “an extraordinarily large motion seeking entry of a judgment as to past due child support from Johnston” to help pay her bills. In particular, she has requested a judgment “from October 1, 2012, forward, at the monthly rate of $1,750.” 

Both sides are arguing about the validity of temporary child support agreements they’ve had in the past, what Johnston’s real income is, and just how much he’s in arrears, with some alleged totals as high as $66,000. In the meantime, the Child Support Services Department is garnishing 40% of his current wages towards the payments. 

Johnston, 24, said in an affidavit, “the amount is very taxing on my family, and if Bristol were to obtain a judgment, my wage garnishment is already at a cap of 40%.”

Dammit this is why you do not agree to a delay in the court date.

This kind of crap is going to keep right on happening right up until they go to court in September,. and I think it becoming crystal clear that Bristol has no plans to settle on a custody agreement.

And I think we can say with some certainly that Bristol is being paid under the table by SarahPAC in postage, for helping her mother battle her wig into submission, and of course for keeping her mouth shut.

And we already know her net worth.

They are just trying to bankrupt the Johnston's until they can no longer pay for representation and then the Palins get their way yet again.

Fuck this family.

Update: It looks like Radar Online did not get the facts exactly right.

This according to E Online: 

"Bristol makes a good living, albeit not as much as when she had a more public profile. Because she has greater than 70 percent physical custody, her income is not used in the calculation of child support. The motion for past due support was not filed because Bristol is broke, it was filed because the parties are moving toward resolution. Part of the resolution of any custody case requires that past child support obligations and arrearages must be appropriately calculated."

So as long as Bristol is able to keep Levi's time with Tripp below 30% of the time she does not have to volunteer her income.

Interesting, no?

Update 2:  By the way according to the documents there is no standing child support order with the courts right now as the 2009 case was dismissed. Which means that Levi does not have to pay Bristol anything until this case is resolved, and if he gets 50/50 there is a strong likelihood she will end up having to pay him.

That's what happened in my case at least. 

However Levi HAS been making payments, and has the cancelled checks to prove it, so all of this talk of him being a dead beat dad are crap.


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    But..but...but she is so hard working and has a SUCH strong work ethic and whatnot!!
    Was she finally fired from the dermatologist office she never worked at full time regularly? For years? lol!!

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Why did she bother to go to Arizona to learn skin care if she didn't intend to work?

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      OMG! What happened to Bristol the "hard ass worker?" Looks like she must have been on her ass instead of working.

      "And then Bristol comes in, all adult-like, to tell people, “I’m successful because I’m a hard ass worker.” It’s not clear whether this simply means she works hard (at being the daughter of a famous hick?) or if she is actually employed as something called an “ass worker,” but you can read this conversation for yourself"

      Golly Bristle, have you been spending too much time on your blog?

      No wonder Sarah has been on the rant the last month, knowing what kind of crap was going to be exposed about her famiLIE and how well Bristles has learned to grift from her mommy dearest Sarah.

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Because then Sarah couldn't bitch about her kids being able to make a living in a trade without college.

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Not so successful lately, also, too.

    5. Anonymous10:23 AM

      if she didn't intend to work?

      It is for her boss, SarahPac/Sarah. It is how they do public relations. Doesn't Bristol have a public relations company.

      That must earn a bundle for her.

    6. Anonymous1:12 PM

      That kinda shoots the "I've been working for a Dermatologist for years " lie in the ass doesn't it? I wonder if they thought how this disproves their lie???No....they're not that smart.The stupid asses outed themselves.

    7. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Poor Miss Piggy is broke. Then get a real job, you half educated slob, and stop making babies out of wedlock. Mommy dearest won't be around to cover for your lazy ass forever, she will be in prison soon.

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Can she pawn her chin implant?

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      No, it would be considered contaminated. But I'm sure her Dad could hire her at the rainbow lodge or at his prostitution business.

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Some sick twisted bot may pay for it if it was in a Palin's body.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    If Levi gets equal joint custody will he have to pay Brisbitch each month?

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Ah look, Brissy is chunking up again. Are those a couple of double chins I'm seeing there?

    What about the millions she has that were reported on just a few days ago? Now all of a sudden she's broke? If you believe that, I've got a bridge in the Sahara to sell you.

    Levi, follow the money, and please stand up to her this time. Don't let them get away with another single thing.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      That's an old pic before the chin implant and the neck Lipo.

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Old pic. She has spent a small fortune on her plastic surgeries and body alterations. I suppose it can all be deducted from her income tax since it is work related... or....

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Oh, come on, she just had a "jaw realignment" Geez people.

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    No income? Bristol are you a millionaire? How many properties do you own? How many properties do you own through your LLC s? How much in stock or in the bank? Bristol is related to Sarah and I don't trust them.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      The interest on a million dollars has to be declared as income. If she is getting stock dividends, that's income.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Didn't Arriana Huffington claim no income one year? She was worth multi-millions for marriage and 2 children to a very rich man.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I thought Bristol is a high priced pimple popper?

  7. Anonymous9:20 AM

    She always was a lying little bitch and that's all she'll ever be.

    Fuck her and the guy who rode her in.

    I wonder if Levi knows how many of us would be happy to help.

  8. janice9:21 AM

    If it comes out that Bristol is getting paid from SarahPac for anything and Bristol has not been reporting, both her and Sarah could be in deep trouble. I thought Bristol had a job.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      The Palins and their cult believe in her made up life. That is the only place she has all those jobs.

    2. I think Bristle works in the SarahPac postal room, going postal, so-to-speak.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The entire Palin/Heath Klan is the flaming bag of shit left on the porch of our conscientiousness by the Republican Party and its overlords.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Yes and we are fucking sick and tired of opening our doors and stepping in it!!

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Sarah Palin you have 368+ comments!
    You go girl.

    Thursday, July 31, 2014

    Palin posted a new video about her failings as a mother. Well, that's the subtext anyway.

  11. Anonymous9:28 AM

    That Palin group is one fucking lying group? What about the skin job she supposedly has had all these years? What about her net worth? What about her owning a couple of homes, vehicles and a boat? What about money that her Momma is paying her under the table?

    I sincerely hope that Levi has good attorneys because it is obvious he is going to need them. Suspect they have already secured financial info on Bristol and checked various records. And, remember, we need to question what we see in the media...i.e. Bristol was recently mentioned as being a millionaire. Does she own the homes free and clear?

    Good luck Levi - we are pulling for you across Alaska and the USA!

  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Hopefully, his lawyer is savvy enough to subpoena her tax and bank records, LLC records, and SarahPac records. How does she live in her own house, pay insurance for car and house, fly all over to hell and back, live large, etc? The court's bullshit-o-meter should be screaming by now.

  13. Anonymous9:32 AM

    But she works for a medical office. Is she working for free?

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      That would be under the heading of "Voluntary work", not employment.

  14. Anonymous9:33 AM

    How can it be zero if she was on all those TV shows?

    Levi is a fool if he lets them bankruot him. If he signed anything in his youth or was coerced under threat, it can't be legal. He should tell all. The Palin's want to fuck him over - well then he ought to pre-emptively fuck them over first.
    Take them down Levi.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Levi may not want everything revealed and he may be willing to hold back on everything that makes Bristol look like a bad mother. Especially if he could be or was entangled in any of the shady parts of the Palin brand operation. I would think that in time RICO will apply to the family and all the people involved in any of it.

      Maybe while President Obama is in office his administration and government agencies don't want to stir up the Palin's hornet nests. If the Republicans loose power and no Republican President 2016 it will be time to look into McCain/Palin shenanigans.

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      But if Levi was young, vulnerable and threatened, he should be in the clear, no?

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      he should be in the clear, no?

      Who knows? He could also be covering up for Keith or someone else.

  15. Anonymous9:35 AM

    So... Just HOW can she afford all the travels that she DOCUMENTED on her FB page and her blog? Also, too, didn't she buy that pontoon boat just last year?
    Also, too, whatever happened to her zit-popping 'degree'? Who paid for that? How can she afford all her property taxes for her numerous properties? How about insurance on her truck/car?

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Quid Pro Quo?

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Looks like Levi pays for all of that with his "child support" payments. Brissie poo is living off of Levi's largesse.

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Didn't she claim he wasn't paying and he owes? I think Sunny or someone said he does send her money each month. That is all she says she has coming in to support Tripp? You know he needs to fly to Arizona and So. Cal., Disneyland and whatnots.

      So Tripp paid for Joey Junker and Bristol to shack up with him in a motel and bribe him with lot's of candy and fun times at Disneyland?

  16. No income for two years?

    But, but what about her job with the dermatologist?

    1. Irishgirl9:44 AM

      Don't forgot she bought a pontoon boat with the proceeds from Wife Swap.

    2. Irishgirl9:52 AM


    3. Anonymous11:40 AM


  17. Anonymous9:37 AM

    What about the money from Wife Swap? That was just last year and she supposedly bought the pontoon boat with the money. No income? I thought the Palin motto was that they were all such hard workers. Lol. What about the dermatologist job I'm pretty sure they were still claiming she was working there in 2013. Any internet sleuths out there want to find video or FB posts from granny Palin about her working. She didn't start the "face" school til October 2013. They are hiding her money to steal more of Levi's.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Didn't she appear on Sarah Palin's America show --- she did that for free, really??????

  18. Anonymous9:38 AM

    No income? I thought Brisket and Wallow bought a salon? And why would that "derm office" not have paid her wages for 2 years? Or is it always just lies with the Palin's, either she never had that job or she is lying now. BTW doesn't Brisket also own some type of promoting LLC? BTW I am a firm believer in equal time, but if Brisket can't get a job then maybe Tripp needs to live fulltime with the parent who has one. Maybe instead of Brisket spreading hate on her christian blog she should be spending time looking for a job. Maybe her Dad could hire her at the rainbow lodge?

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Let us back track the Palin claims about Bristol's employment the last two years. Bristol "the hardest working person Sarah knows".

      More significant than Johnston's support in arrears that exceeded his income while Bristol amassed a reported million is the Palin family cranking out lies she is employed then playing the victim card when their lies are busted due to nonsensical claims by Mama Grizzly.
      Haters are people who do not swallow the lies.

      The court filings are opposite of prior public claims. The wage garnishment is enough to pay utilities, food, gas for the car, nursery school, and the mama cub's personal incidental expenses. For that, visitation is denied and Johnstons trashed publicly.

      Truth is closer to the opposite, Bristol has not contributed much to provide for their child.

  19. janice9:39 AM

    If she blew all her money, why should Levi bail her out? Her mother is a millionaire many times. Maybe Bristol and Sarah are both broke.

  20. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Has she been volunteering at the dermatologist's office?
    Has she no interest or investment income coming in from her tv shows?
    Where is her employment in skin work?
    Tripp's been going to daycare or the equivalent. How has she paid for that, food, mortgages, clothes? Does she still own two homes?
    A sleazy accountant can take so many credits and deductions it looks like she has no net income.
    Am hoping the Levi's attorneys can pierce through her web of lies.
    Wasn't " Wife Swap" last year? Where is that income? In tax-sheltered investments?

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Can't the lawyer subpoena the Wife Swap production company to ascertain her wage paid ?

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Has she no interest or investment income coming in from her tv shows?

      According to the no nothing troll, they all have money well invested and future income is assured.

      It is going to take a forensic audit to determine reality with all the Palins and their 'friends' and business partners, family, attorney, the whole gang.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM

      The lawyer should subpoena her federal income tax reports.

    4. Anonymous11:55 AM

      If she lies under oath during the email hacking case, there is no doubt her IRS filings are not truthful, nor anything else that spews forth.

    5. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Levi and Bristol will have to provide income tax returns to their attorneys. If they don't (Palin side) they can be legally requested by the attorneys from the IRS.

      Bristol is NOT going to like the scrutiny she is going to come under in this Court case.

  21. Suzy Q9:43 AM

    9:17, I believe that is an old photo of the dull one. She has had so much plastic surgery that she can't go near a furnace register, fireplace, or heat of any kind for fear of melting all the plastic that's been implanted. Wonder what all of that cost and who paid for it?! Is that what all the "postage" means on the PACs quarterly report?

  22. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Now that Bristol successfully completed that exhausting 6 month course in skin care, why isn't she still working at the dermatologist's office? She claimed to be a doctor's assistant with a high school education. She claimed to have worked there full time. I also believe that Bristol is paid by Sarah's PAC for posting the stories that Nancy writes and that Sarah links to. She is part of the $10/month video venture. That money must be going into a LLC. Sarah's team must have used some wonderful accounting tricks to claim that Bristol didn't get hundreds of thousands of dollars for appearing on Wife Swap, her reality show or anything else. In fact, Levi's lawyers should be requesting her federal income tax returns. You are not supposed to lie when you file those papers. And, if Bristol has no income, how does she live? If Sarah is paying for her food, gas, other expenses, that IS income. It's a form of enrichment, meaning that Bristol is not paying for it. I think that the same accountant who shows that Sarah's PAC spends more than it receives must be doing Bristol's taxes too. And Bristol has to be still nursing a big immature grudge with her attitude of making Levi pay and pay and pay again for making her forget to take her birth control pills.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      What was that sp? Work ethick? you said.

  23. Suzy Q9:46 AM

    Good question, 9:13 and Gryphen @9:36! What about the dermatologist office job? Just another Trolly lie! This is just a disgusting story and it infuriates the hell out of me!

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    If she's had $0 income for the last 2 years then how did she pay for school, pontoon boat, trip to Disneyland, back and forth from AZ to AK, upkeep on her giant house. I guess she just pops a pimple on her mother's face when she needs a tank of gas for her truck, Willow swipes a highlight or two to fill her truck to it's only fair.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      how did she pay for all of that candy she photographs Tripp with?

  25. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Beefalo, you are a bitch and a tard, I hope Trapp is taken from you

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      What happened to Tapp? Did they give him away?

  26. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sell your pontoon boat bitch, boo fn hoo

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      When did she sell her car?

  27. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Was Tripp given anything for his reality tv appearances, one named for him, and was it put in trust for him or has Bristol spent it all? That's an important aspect for the judge and Levi to consider.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      There are child labor laws Bristol would have to abide concerning Tripp when he was 'working', being a brat and exposing her to be a horrible mother!

      I'm sure the attorneys for Levi are verifying all of this to assure Bristol has done what she was suppose to - by law!!!

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Both Levi and Bristol may want to handle all things in private. If Levi doesn't ask for things, he won't get them.

      Levi and Sunny may not care about Tripp getting paid for work or having his money go to his trust or future. His lawyers will do what they can, they won't be able to access all the hidden parts.

      Since Tripp did work in LA at times, he will come under California and federal laws. There could even be a kidnap charge if peeps got serious about Bristol's tricks to turn Tripp against his father and new family. Her little games were more serious than anyone has said. Since Levi is a milquetoast, or has been, Bristol can do anything to hurt and destroy the child. She will never change. She will try to act like she is better, it will just be another act.

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      And, any income she earned in California means she has to also pay California income tax.

    4. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yes, 107. I know someone that lives in another state and worked in Calif once.

      California seized all their accounts at one time. The bill was under $1,000. Most of that late penalties. What a hassle just to get their accounts back.

      What will they do in regard to Tripp's earnings?

    5. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Uggh, 11:00am, I have a real problem with you calling Levi a milquetoast!

      He was up against the multi-millionaire Palin mafia for god's sakes, and he was still a minor. Give him a break.

      There are grown people in Alaska who won't speak out about this family and you are calling Levi a milquetoast? His mother was thrown in jail!


  28. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Lies, lies, lies. She is either workin' hard, or she's not reporting income, which she can probably get away with because..."postage."

  29. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Levi's lawyer should subpoena Gino and Junker, ask how much child support they pay? DWTS baby was from Gino, and we all saw her preggers with Junker at DisneyLand last winter. Ask how many children she has, and who is paying to support them? Nancy French should have to answer to how much she is paid to pretend to be Bristles on that blog? Who pays her fee? Also, too, isn't Bristles listed as having a column on her mother's youtube fiasco?

  30. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Palins do not fight fair.


    This is why I punch them in the stomach with their own juvenile snark.

    That they understand.

    Bristol wears long sleeve sweatshirts in the sweltering summer heat to hide the cellulite on her upper arms.

    Her fatass arms jiggle when she giggles.

    No one her age wants to marry her.

    She sweats cooking grease.

    And smells like a dirty mop.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      How old are you, 12? Bristol Palin's low character is enough to merit harsh criticism without resorting to crass sexual innuendo or idiotic comments like yours. She is not fat, does not sweat cooking grease, nor smells like a dirty mop. Lol, sometimes the comments here sound like mean children taunting on the playground.

  31. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Is Sarah Palin on record for having lied about another one of her kids? Didn't Sista Sarah say she paid $20,000 for schooling for Bristol and Willow? (Bristol - skin school!) Didn't she say time and time again that Bristol worked for a skin doctor in Anchorage?

    Now, poor Bristol is denying all of it? Typical Palin!!! Liars and frauds all of them! Go get her Levi! Knock her on her ass!

  32. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Who pays Nancy French? Do all Bristol's proceeds go into her LLC and thus she claims no personal income? What a four-flusher.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      They should also be demanding to see the business filings for Bristol's LLC's. Of course she is being paid through the back door by Sarah's PAC. Someone has to pay Nancy French for the ghost written blogs.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Bristol or the attorney or another "person" could be on a trust for "Re-virginated Virgins" and all that money could be channeled back to pay Bristol's accounts or expenses. There are many ways these clever folks get by with their crimes.

      How is Chuck Heath Sr.'s IRS irritation coming along. Jr. was upset about it and then he clams up. So he is fine with the IRS now? Fine with how they are doing with his father and the family?

      The Chuck Heath Sr. IRS audit is over? If not, why the silence?

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      four-flusher... love it!!

  33. Anonymous10:05 AM

    How does a "broke" girl go to Disney World with her boyfriend and child? The judge needs to see those photos.

  34. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Hoping the Palins have opened a bucket of stink bait that will attract the IRS. Sooner or later, the Barracuda and her school of little spawns will get netted or taken hook, line, and sinker for tax fraud or some form of GRIFTPAC.


    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      The IRS finally gt Al Cajones...just sayin' lol!!

  35. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I thought Bristol was still in demand as a speaker regarding teenage pregnancy! What, no speaker fees earned in the last 18 months?

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Bristol hasn't been asked to speak for years!

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Fucken bristol is NOT a teenager.

  36. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I really hope the IRS is paying attention. I've been waiting for the Palins to slip up. They've got so many laundering schemes going. They've tried it before and got caught & had to pay back.

  37. Anonymous10:15 AM

    As outraged as I am, nothing this low-life free-loaders do surprises me anymore.
    Sarah, I thought Bristol was out working, fishing with Todd and Piper & piper was working for a cell phone and brisket had 3 jobs while commuting to school. why LIE.
    I have an ex-sister-in-law similar to brisket--full of hate & lazy-ass with several live-ins-- and 15 years after my brother has been hapily married to a wonderful woman, she's still trying to f*ck with my brother's life & at the same time wants him back .
    So brisket will NEVER stop. They will do anything to ruin anyone's life. How Christian of them.

  38. Anonymous10:16 AM


    Those Palins do the crazy-making all the time. They imply things, say things, then shortly thereafter make another claim that contradicts their first statements; didn't Bristol talk about her dermatologist's job time after time? What about her stint with Trading Mothers or something like that......with Joan Rivers and Melissa? Didn't she get paid for that? That had to be in 2013?

    The lying that goes on in this dysfunctional family is incomparable to any other celebrity family seen. Not just the lying, but add on lying plus completely denying facts in the face of reality.

  39. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I recall barstool was a "consultant," what's up with the no income. What a free-loading liar. She does't work, yet she gets paid by nancy's posting. It's a win win for the uggly ass bitch.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      She is also (supposedly) a motivational speaker.


    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Yeah...I know what kind of "motivational"

  40. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Levi's attorney will have already copied her Facebook entries for the last two years.

  41. Anonymous10:19 AM

    If Bristol thinks people believes her lies than she's dumber than I thought. These people are lower than scum!

  42. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Just curious... Sarah said she gifted her girls thousands of dollars in beauty school tuition. Are Bristol and Willow required to report that to the IRS? What about Track's free rent? Do the Palin's have rental income from the Buddies? Or is that a charitable deduction?

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Yes, any gift over 12,000 in one yr is considered taxable income. And, it doesn't matter if it is from your family or not, it's still taxable after it hits the gift limit.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      I remember Sista Sarah saying she paid $20,000 (each) for the schooling of Willow and Bristol (hair and skin school as she called it!).

    3. Anonymous1:02 PM

      If you pay the tuition to the school it is not considered a gift and is not a tax problem.

  43. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Sue the system levi that you can't even pay for your current family, it has to be split and not just one child gets it all. Sick of the system. Where are those bright lawyers that owe student loans. There has to be a better way.

  44. Anonymous10:22 AM

    If the Alaskan Child Support Services Department is part of Palin mafia, then of course Bristol will be able to get away with it. I hope this isn't the case, but Levi, being in Alaska, and depending on Alaskans to be honest and work for his case may be impossible.

    I don't trust the court system either. Children's services and the courts must be swamped with custody cases, but Tripp has not had an actual proper representation yet, and someone keeps bumping up the trial.

    Won't believe this is happening in September until I hear it. Really I wish the best for Tripp and Levi, but as long as the AK administration still has the stink of the Palins in it, no one will get justice. It's depressing.

  45. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The entire Palin/Heath ku klux klan are frauds! Fake to the core of their collective beings.

  46. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Sarah Palin posted the comment below on her facebook. Why hasn't Sarah Palin endorsed anybody in Alaska? Why hasn't Sarah Palin attended any Alaska rallies? Sarah has the time to go to the lower 48 and put her nose in everybody's business, but not here in Alaska. Could it be Alaskans are tired of those Palins?

    Sarah Palin shared a link.
    3 hours ago · 

    A huge vote is coming up in Alaska. On August 19, the nation's largest state, teeming with natural resources including enormous oil reserves, will vote on a crucial ballot measure 

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      I think all three repubs in the US Senate primary know why Sarah quit so suddenly. One of them was the AK Attorney General when a certain Palin thing was referred to his office and him in particular. Nizich also too.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      The Republican party in Alaska wants nothing to do with her. When she and the Toad are in Alaska they rarely show themselves publically - even in their own home town!

      The majority in Alaska no longer support, respect or enjoy having her/them near! In fact, many would love seeing them move to Arizona and stay there!

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Which is it - they are persona non grata or the whole Madzoo is afraid of them and controlled by them,
      It can't be both now can it?.

  47. Anonymous10:57 AM

    This is off topic a tad, but did involve Sarah Palin and Sean Parnell (currently up for reelection for gov for the State of Alaska) a few years ago.

    The Alaska Dispatch News - formerly the Anchorage Daily News - put up an article today concerning the former Valley Dairy, Inc. (located in the Palmer/Wasilla area) - U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Development Program - Alaska's Dairy Industry - 2008.

    Karen Olson (a friend of Palin's if I remember correctly), of Wasilla, AK, was found guilty recently of making false statements to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to cover up the fraud of a business partner in Valley Dairy, Inc.

    She was found guilty by an Anchorage jury to two felonies, both involving federally backed state loans for the dairy. (Loans provided by the State of Alaska - Palin and Parnell)

    Her sentencing will occur in October and she faces years in prison and fines.

    The article is accessible at the ADN.COM website under 'Federal Court finds former Valley Dairy exec guilty of coverup'.

    My recollection is fuzzy, but it seems cheese was taken as security to secure the loans made by the State of Alaska to the dairy in the Valley area of Alaska. Perhaps other folks recall more about this issue? State loans kept the operation afloat, but it collapsed in 2012.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      A lot of that money in Dairygate was federal USDA funds distributed by the AK Dept. of Ag.

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      The Palins pal around with the worst most questionable characters. Not only Kristan Cole but after 2008 the ilk of Ted Nugent.

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Yes, and where does Palin’s ignorant complicity in the dairy’s failures come into this? When will she be held to a standard others are held?

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      John McCain's FIL, now deceased Jim Hensley. He was a small time henchman for the mob. He did jail time for the boss guy in Phoenix. His reward was the Bud deal that made him rich.

      The flunkies under the Palins will go to jail. Not the top Mafioso. The immoral Chuck Junior was also a player in Dairygate. No jail for him.

  48. Anonymous10:59 AM

    In the comments no one mentions the fact that she is being paid by SarahPac to propagate the Palin myth and hatred for anyone not white and christian. She and Willow are paid "consultants."

  49. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I meant to say in the comments at Radar, not here. I can't comment there because I don't have a disqus account or I would tell the people there that Bristol IS making money through SarahPac.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      You can also log in with Facebook, Twitter and google/gmail.

  50. Anonymous11:09 AM

    O/T. Watching our President at a live press conference. What an intelligent, mature and thoughtful man. We are so lucky to have him and damn the eyes of all who obstruct him and his efforts to make our country and world and better and safer place...looking at you, Ms Palin!

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      *a* better and safer place...

  51. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Would this woman lie about her children?

    SEND HER MONEY!! Her hardass working daughter is poverty stricken since dead beat dad is so cruel.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      She earned a fortune off of that hoax. I guess it was all reporting to the IRS. Have they done an audit on the Palins like they did on her dad, Heath?

  52. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Gryphen, do you have the post from last year showing Bristol's new pontoon or float boat, the one that she bragged she bought with some of her earnings from Wife Swap?? Bristol received money for appearing with Joan Rivers on that TV show. Just because she spent it all doesn't meant that she didn't receive income. Ooops, it's all gone does not mean you didn't get it in the first place.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      I think she meant poonton. lol

  53. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I think Bristol is working as one of Todd's prostitutes. It would give her cash income she would not have to show on her taxes.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I think so, too. LOL

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Junker was working for the same operation. He should tell his story and how he got out of it. It would help other young men that fall into that trap.

  54. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Has she been on food stamps? Aid to Families with Dependent Children?
    Living totally on the money Levi sends to support Tripp?
    There are no good answers, Bristol. You've painted yourself into a corner!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      No food stamps but lots of "postage" stamps from SarahPAC.

  55. Anonymous11:20 AM

    So Bristol has no income except for Levi's child support payments? I guess that's nice work if you can get it but she fails to realize that Levi's payments are called "Child Support" and that money is not for her it is for Tripp. She's just doing what many of her peers do and pump out a baby, not marry the father and then expect him to provide for HER and the child. Those Palins sure like to live off of Other Peoples Money don't they.

  56. Anonymous11:22 AM

    How dumb is Bristol Palin? Bristol is so dumb that she thinks that if she spends all the money she gets in a year, she didn't get any income. Tell that one to the IRS. Just because you spent it all doesn't mean that there wasn't any income.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Her attorney should be putting duct tape on Bristol's mouth!

      The Judge in this case will set her straight as to what constitutes income.

      Attorneys on both sides will secure all types of financial and employment information from both Levi and Bristol for this pending Court case over Tripp.

      The information could include: Year-to date W2's -account statements -past and the current income tax returns, verifications of employment w/year to date earnings for 2014, prior verifications of employment w/earnings (if employment has changed during the prior years), monies Bristol received from Sarah and/or Todd Palin (and the Sarah's PAC), as well as other records that might relate.

      As to info received directly from Sarah and Todd Palin, and/or info regarding disbursements that went to Bristol from Sarah's PAC, that documentation is going to have to be reviewed very carefully as to it being accurate.

      I'm guessing they won't trust the connection between Sarah and Bristol as it relates to Levi.

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Watched the Conference too. President Obama is so classy, thoughtful, smart and doesn't let any of the questions upset or rile him.

      Some of the wording the press uses is demeaning to say the least when talking to him. Pisses me off! Don't know how he keeps his cool sometimes!

  57. Anonymous11:23 AM

    If Levi really does have a good lawyer this time, maybe the lawyer agreed to a delay in the court date to give Bristol enough rope to hang herself. I'd be very surprised if this isn't Sarah pushing this "no income" scheme, whether Bristol wants to or not. But Bristol is the one signing her name to this crap, and Bristol will be the one to pay the price if she gets caught by the court lying about income. Imagine how funny this will be if the court gets proof Bristol is lying...and then Bristol claims her mommy made her do it!!! Pass the popcorn!

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      If she were to claim 'her mommy made me do it' mantra - that won't work!

      Bristol Palin is an adult and responsible for herself even though she doesn't act like one and seems to rely on her parent WAY too much!

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      They are doing both (2 separate entities)

      1. submitting documents for court

      2. made up public relations for press releases

      Both can be total bull but they may not look the same when compared.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      11:43 If Bristol really is borderline retarded and was threatened as a minor, Palin will look REALLY BAD.

    4. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Nobody needs a judge to tell us that Bristol is borderline retarded. Problem is, Sarah Palin IS retarded and we don't need some sort of official document to tell us that either. It's the retarded leading the retarded in Bristol's case and in Tri-G's case, it's the retarded refusing to accept responsibility for a helpless DS child. Proof or not, Sarah Palin and her klan of uneducated, mentally deficient hillbillies are a disgrace.

      Thank you, John McCain.

  58. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Maybe the universe is aligning to show the world who the Palins REALLY are! First, Bristol is worth a million $. Next, she had zero income the past two years. (I guess Wife Swap was just for giggles?) Now Sarah has self reported that she has not had Trig in any kind of therapy since he was born! Every DS parent, sibling, grandparent, etc. who thought she was such a wonderful mother will KNOW, by Sarah's own admission, she has neglected God's little gift for the past 6 years! This is GOOD stuff! Can't wait to see them get their asses handed to them in the custody hearing!!!

  59. Anonymous11:33 AM

    If Levi lets Bristol get away with this blatant lie then he will lose all credibility. Sorry, but caving in once more to this grifting family will show him to be nothing more than a coward.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Love isn't for the weak of heart. Levi will either do right for Tripp and deliver for the best interest of the child or he won't. It is not going to be half ass, it will be one way or another.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Some of us believe the best interest of all involved is for Levi to confess he signed an agreement under duress as a minor, that the Palins have been threatening him and his family for years..that he took a settlement, any of it, all of it.
      Time to sweep out the closets and air the house the fuck out. It is full of toxicity and will NEVER be over until the light of truth shines in.

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Truth is the only way. Levi must come completely clean about everything, both families, his part, Bristol all of it. Anything less and it is not in anyone's best interest. Tripp will suffer and be burdend with both of his parents wrongs against him and his siblings. No one promised Levi a rose garden. Like the rest of us there is only one way to live your life. There is no love without truth, not true love. Many people settle for less, for cheap imitations but it doesn't work.

  60. Anonymous11:39 AM

    She wants to screw Levi over because he is happy with his family and nobody wants her except for a good time. She wants to make him hurt financially what a horrible witch.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Like mommy, she has a real bad jealous streak with a need for revenge.

  61. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I looked at the legal documents posted on Radar, and I don't think Bristol is claiming no income. It looks like Levi's lawyer filled out child support calculation sheets to determine what Levi should be paying, and put Bristol's income at zero because it was not relevant to the amount of Levi's support obligation. I'm not a Palin fan or defender, but based on the documents Radar provided I don't see Bristol claiming poverty.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      What is the date on the document? That may be what Bristol's attorney claimed on that date. Not that it is final, but they will have more when relevant to case.

      Radar is one of the outlets the Palins use so those are probably what the Palins want the public to see at this time.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Actually her income is very relevant in calculating support. Both parents incomes are looked at and so is the time they have their children. For an example, a woman making $100,000 and having a child 50% of the time vs the child's father having an income of $50,000 and the child %50 of the time would mean the woman would be under an obligation to pay support to the father. But nice try Wallow.

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      FFS, either you didn't bother to look at the documents or you can't read. The document that Radar posted is Levi's opposition to Bristol's motion to enforce an old child support order. The sheets showing zero income for Bristol were filed by Levi, not by Bristol. In this instance, Bristol's income is irrelevant to Levi's child support obligation because, fair or not, Bristol has primary custody of Tripp. Having an ex with substantial assets does not excuse the other parent from child support obligations. What Levi is trying to do with the pleading posted on Radar is to show that his income does not support the amount of child support that Bristol is claiming is owed under the old support order.

      The documents on Radar, which were filed by Levi on July 24, 2014 do not contain any statements by Bristol regarding her income for the time period in question.

      What would be interesting to see is Bristol's original motion seeking to enforce the order, and Bristol's reply to the opposition filed by Levi. Those may actually contain statements by Bristol regarding her income.

      Go to Radar and look at the documents for yourself. You'll see that I'm right.

  62. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Has Bristol sold her boat yet? Has she sold her house and moved into a small apartment? Has she gotten a job using her skin skills? Didn't she make money in her past television ventures, like the swap done with Joan Rivers and her daughter?

    I have little sympathy for Bristol. Instead of parroting her mother's crazy politics, she could have been working at a genuine job, the kind that most people her age have, the kind where you have to show up (on time) five days a week for at least 50 weeks a year. There are lots of young single moms who work one, sometimes two jobs, just to keep themselves and their children afloat. Bristol was promised by her mother that she would have smooth sailing and no money problems. Well, reality may have arrived or is it just Bristol trying to get media and public sympathy once again.

    The timing of this is interesting, just before the settlement conference with Trigg's father. Just like her mother, Bristol's motives are just too convenient and too obvious. Grow up, Bristol. It isn't an easy world; you have to start taking care of yourself and your child. So, quit the silly blog (that you don't write anyway) and adjust to reality.

  63. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Levi needs to incorporate as Levi Johnston, LLC--then he can claim poverty too.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      How do you know he hasn't?

  64. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The delay has absolutely nothing to do with this. Both parties are required to submit their tax returns to the court as proof of income. It would not be any different if she had done it two months ago -- her taxes say what they say. The real questions are: what is she living on, and where is that reported? LLCs, anyone?

  65. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Hey, absent troll, like you always are when Gryph nails their sorry @ss, care to tell us how she's still at the dermatologist's office?

    Stamp tramp is one Bristol, and I do mean postage with first word, legs spread with last. God my keester.

  66. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Remember when she lied under oath in court? And got away with it? I couldn't believe she got away with flat out lying. "I live in the middle of the woods", my ass to her face. She'll try that shit again. What a band of liars!

    Where's pointy head? I want to hear all about what a hard working family they are. What's the matter troll baby, the palins got your tongue? That's what you get when you spew lies about people you don't even know. Laughing my ass off at you. Why you shaking troll? Come on, tell us how damn hard this free loader works. According to you, she's like "worked" forever. Sounds to me like she's a leech, a taker, a moocher, and a liar. Yup! That's YOUR idol.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Troll is skeered...possible she has been sayin' Bristol works harder than ANYBODY..... yet, oh my no...she has no earned income???
      How can that be?????????????

  67. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Bristol must be hiding the money with the LLCs etc.

    Even if Sarah is "giving" her money, according the the IRS you can only gift a certain amount and not declare it on your tax returns.

    I am not surprised at all, Palins family motto: boo hoo we are always the victims. Look at poor bristol can't even get child support from that mean Levi. She is going to try and bleed him dry as revenge.

    Also who called Radar Online with this information? Where is the "Bristol works in Dermatology office for years" troll? Where are the royalties for her "best selling" memoir? Maybe the IRS needs audit her tax returns.

  68. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Gracious, if the poor dear is that destitute, then it seems pretty obvious that Levi should have primary custody. It sounds like Bristol needs to focus on doing some some bootstrap pulling.

  69. Anonymous12:06 PM

    If she persists with her claim of no income I hope the judge is wise enough to figure out it was by her own choice. She's a lazy grifter just like her parents and a horrid mother for keeping Tripp away from his father. Maybe she'll have to explain all the traveling and laying about and why as a 'struggling single mother', she didn't have the best interests of her child in place in doing what other single moms do, WORK HARD !!! She's nothing more than a selfish, money grubbing pig who deserves to be taught a lesson and some morals.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      If Bristol has no income, then some one is paying all of her expenses, namely Sarah Palin. After $13,000. the gifts are taxable as income. There are no free rides.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      The Palins are the ones that plant stories and info in Radar. This is the version they want out for their PR. It doesn't mean that Bristol is literally broke or poor or that she is claiming to be that.

      It is a story for the media and to feed the public.

  70. janice12:23 PM

    This is probably why her and Junkie are no longer together. She cannot support him the way she could and he says adios.....

  71. Anonymous12:28 PM

    So barstool is broke???? How does she fly all over the country with no money???? How does she work at the dermatologists office and not get paid??? WTF? Will her postage payments from seditious sarah pac be counted???

  72. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I guess Bristol herself has not made any money, but her LLC has. So in this case coporations are not people my friend?

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      If the LLC is a single member, it's taxed by the IRS as schedule C income if I remember right.


  73. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Ugly ass bitch. No wonder she got "corrective" surgery & I am SHOCKED Levi had anything to do with her---the poor innocent boy and that trapping cow...At least his new wife Sunny is beautiful. kind and intelligent and like a ray of sunshine.

  74. Anonymous12:56 PM

    LLC=Conrporations are people my firend. No matter how you put it, Brisket liar pant's on fire makes money even while lying on her ass.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      (or on her back)

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      yes. thanks: (or on her back)

  75. Anonymous12:56 PM


  76. Caroll Thompson12:58 PM

    Bristol need to do something she has never done in her entire life. She needs to get off her fat ass and get a (oh the horror) JOB.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      TRUE. But she has no autonomy. She is a non-person except for Palin brand to use. She will never be independent or be able to work on her own. She is set up for life to do these performances for Sarahpac or Sarah, Todd and the Heaths. She is sick. There is no chance she will escape, nor will any of her sisters or brother.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Cults are like that. Talk to people who have survived being in a cult. There aren't many of them, most stay or meet and unfortunate ending. Few live to tell the truth.

  77. Anonymous1:02 PM

    They deserve each other.

  78. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Bristol had enough money to buy a house in Arizona then another house in Wasilla that she was "remodeling" and a pontoon boat. She had enough money to travel to Arizona for skin school, didn't she? I would have thought that Bristol had lots of money what with her television appearances, Candies, etc. Guess it's expensive to live vibrantly.

  79. Does anyone remember when was the last time Sarah or Bristol talked about her job at the dermatologists office? Was that under the table? I guess Bristol is ok with making her mom look like an idiot for talking about Bristol's work ethic. Why does Bristol have a blog if she makes zero dollars from it? Who pays for Nancy and the server hosting,etc,if it takes in no money?

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Smoke and mirrors, mommom.

  80. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Why doesn't Bristol receive child support for her other babies? Is Levi the only one who she can identify as a Father? She was pregnant on DWTS, then she was pregnant while 'shacking up' with Joey Junker. Why is Levi the only Father that she is harassing?

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Bristol is letting all of her anger out on Levi when she should be angry with her own mother. What mother makes her daughter a public disgrace by presenting her as an unwed pregnant teen on a national stage? If the stories are true and Trig was Bristol's child, Bristol should be angry with the one who took Trig, saying that she could offer the child more (the child would be more useful to her) than having some high school kids trying to raise a baby with DS. Bristol has placed all of her anger on Levi when she is the one who forgot to take her birth control pills.

  81. Did Bristol do "Wife Swap" for free? That was last summer.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      No, she bragged that she used the money she got from the show to buy some kind of float boat.

    2. The Palin wife swap episode aired in June 2013. Was it filmed in 2012?

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Wasn't the boat about $30,000. Is that all she was paid for Swap Wife? Did Willow work for the same amount? I had no idea all those celebrities would make fools of themselves for such little money. Joan and Melissa work for peanuts too?

      The Palin girls are dumber than I thought.

  82. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I remember that but couldn't find a reference. I'm sure that Gryphen must have something in the archieves.

  83. This is where an honest judge would be helpful. A judge who knows all about the Palin lie-yers running cons. How does Bristol pay for a lie-yer to do all that paperwork if she is broke? Broke people have to represent themselves.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Why would anyone hire a personal injury lawyer for a child custody matter? I can understand a person like Sarah Palin would do that. A good caring birth mother? I don't think so. Why would an independent frontier type hire their mother's inappropriate lawyer?

      I don't think the money paid to Sarah's lawyer is a gift, so it is just another way Bristol is more psychologically indebted and dependent on her mother.

      I hope the judge engages a quality psyche review on everyone involved in both families.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Isn't the attorney she is using the same one that Sarah has? Seems I read that some place. Is Sarah paying for him in his monthly billing process? (for Bristol)

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      2:28 PM

      As I understand it is like a corporation's attorney. He is on salary, may also bill hours for some matters.

      I don't know if this is Sarah's personal attorney or SarahPac, or Palins.

      It is not like an independent single mother hired an attorney for her custody matter. It is more like a corporation is taking care of Tripp's custody for the mother. The attorney is under the whim of Sarah more than Bristol.

  84. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Bristol is my neighbor on Lake Lucille. She had no business remodeling and purchasing a large lakefront home (she actually started gutting it before the sale was finalized!) if she was planning on being a lady of leisure who expects her ex to pay her bills.

    I know several single mothers who pay rent and work their butts off making ends meet, sometimes having to do it with two or three jobs. And they are actually excellent mothers, unlike you-know-who.

    Bristol sits on her butt and flies between her two places of residence. Why should Levi have to pay for a 23 year old to live in her own large lake front home when her parents have two large lakefront homes directly across the same lake from her?

    If I was the judge I would find her plea of poverty ridiculous and immediately award Levi at least 50% custody.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      She overstepped the rules if she was taking the place apart before she actually owned the property.

      Any liability that would have occurred due to whatever she did, would have been the responsibility of the owner of the home - i.e. liens, etc.

      The Palins are such white trash and idiots! Wonder who owned the property before Bristol actually took title to it? It's obvious they didn't know what they were doing either, if they allowed her access to the home before she had signed on the dotted line! (Warranty Deed)

  85. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Or have a public defender appointed. No, wait, maybe that's only in criminal cases. What the Palins are doing is a crime!

  86. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Bristol doesn't have jobs she gives them and the pay is cash under the table.

  87. Anonymous2:00 PM

    If Tripp is the best thing that ever happened to Bristol and he deserves all of those pink hearts and tender posts, then Bristol should forget being so angry with Levi because Tripp is also half Levi's best thing, too. It's time for Bristol to grow up. Stop being so angry with Levi and take some responsibility for getting drunk and not taking birth control. If you love Tripp, then stop hating his father because Tripp is 50% Johnston.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Johnston is the better half of Tripp.

  88. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I object!! Isn't she worth $1M?

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      The interest from a million dollars also counts as income.

  89. Anonymous2:30 PM

    This feels like a set up to me. Remember in 2008 when Sarah wanted to create news and had the younger girl push a stroller with a baby who appeared to have Downs? Some reporter assumed it was her younger brother and printed the photo with a caption. The baby actually belonged to "Dr" Gina and Sarah went ballistic with her claims that "the liberal media thinks all Downs kids look alike." It was a set-up. Probably to gin up donations. Since she is obviously on the outs with TMZ she may have dropped this nugget to Radar On-line. Then she can throw a pity party for herself when it is reported and commented on that her daughter has no income.
    Also too, remember when she was caught leaving the Today Show on a live mic and called Levi a "deadbeat dad?" If his wages were being garnished at the time that certainly seems like sour grapes on her part.
    Food for thought.


    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      This with business about Bristol not having any income for the last two years is a lie and a distraction. She appeared on Wife Swap in 2013 and then bragged about buying a boat with some of her pay. (That was income). Sarah didn't like the way that the conversation was going about how little therapy Trig had. This is a distraction. The lawyer can ask to see her Federal Income Tax forms.

  90. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Zero income? Not believable. Then the judge will tell her to get a job.


  91. Auntie Ruth2:46 PM

    As someone else posted, Radar is misinterpreting the filing. The worksheets calculate Levi's support based on Levi's income. Because he is the non-custodial parent, this is how it is done. Bristol's income is irrelevant. The point Levi is trying to make is that, contrary to Bristol's argument, his support obligation should be based on his actual current income - not on the one big year when he made a bucket of money. Read the documents at the link instead of the Radar article.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Seriously Gryphen, if you care about finding the truth you will read the documents on Radar and correct this post. I am a frequent reader of your blog and admire your take on atheism and all things Palin. Failing to correct this inaccurate post takes away from the good work you are doing.

  92. People who are poor do not own homes. Like that McMansion in Arizona.

    People who are poor do not fly back and forth across the country, like from Alaska to Arizona and back again.

    People who are poor rely on public transportation or if they do own a car, it is certainly not a new car. If they can afford a car they'll buy used or third or fourth hand and drive it for years until it just falls apart. They may not have insurance and sometimes may not have enough money for gas and then go back to public transportation until they get their paycheck.

    People who are poor do not appear on TV or in magazines or spend all their time writing blogs, comments and Facebook rants.

    People who are poor WORK. All day. Sometimes two jobs. Then they spend the rest of their time trying to support themselves and their families. To cut costs they shop sparingly, cook from scratch and even get handouts from churches and food banks.

    They wear hand me downs and buy used clothes from thrift stores.

    People who are poor don't get royalties from book sales.

    Bristol Palin does none of this.

    Bristol Palin is not poor.

    She is, however, a LIAR. (And a bad mother.)

  93. Sorry. Forgot.

    Poor people don't get PLASTIC SURGERY.

    Most poor people don't even go to the doctor as they can't afford healthcare or they can't afford the co-pays and deductibles. Elective surgery? In your dreams.

    (Once again, Levi has been screwed over by whatever imbecile he is taking advice from.)

  94. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Bristol, like the rest of the Palin offspring, is a spoiled,lazy, entitled mean spirited troll who's never worked a hard day in her life. Her fans gush how much they admire her because she is "strong" and a "strugling" single mom. Goes to show you how abysmally stupid people can be.

  95. Anonymous3:38 PM

    What an ugly cow. No wonder she had plastic surgery and got on her mom's loss-weigh pills. But her heart and soul is uglier than her ugly face and uglier than before the surgery.
    In one of her FB posts she was being admired and told she was ""the next Kardashian," so you know that's making her have a bigger head.

  96. Anonymous4:06 PM

    The Palins either are or are not RICO material. You are either pregnant or not pregnant, same goes for RICO.
    Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.