Monday, August 04, 2014

Colorado teenager refuses to cooperate with police while openly carrying shotgun.

Courtesy of AATTP:  

The teen gave officers a hard time when they attempted to check if he was even old enough to carry a weapon, as he appears much younger than 18, and refused to provide identification when requested. He told officers that he was carrying the dangerous, loaded weapon “for the defense of myself and those around me.” 

“Can I see your license?” an officer asked Lohner. “Uh, no,” responded the teen. “Have I committed a crime?” 

The officer explained that it is not a crime to walk around displaying his penile extension, but “you’re causing alarm to people.” 

“Uh, that’s not intentional,” said the teenager. 

“That doesn’t matter,” responded the officer. “So, can I have the shotgun for a minute?” 

“No,” responded Lohner. 

Lohner refused to allow the officer to look at his weapon and continued to give him difficulty about identification, continuing to refuse to provide it “because I don’t need to.” 

Officers repeated that they only needed his name and date of birth, and he may go on his way. However, Lohner continued to hassle the police. 

Lohner was warned that if he did not provide the requested information he would be cited for obstruction. “Cite me for obstruction,” the teenager responded.

I like how he says he has no intention of uploading this video onto the internet, but guess where it turned up?

I think the police showed remarkable restraint, and all I could think during the exchange is how many real crimes are happening that these cops are now too busy to respond to?

For all they know this kid could have numerous priors for violent crimes, and is on his way to knock over a liquor store. Of course they have to stop him and determine whether or not he is a threat.

And let's not ignore the fact that his happened in Aurora, Colorado where James Holmes shot eighty two people, twelve of them fatally, back in 2012

I think this punk is lucky that he did not happen upon some cops having a bad day, and of course that he is a white guy, because at some point one of these guys are going to have a very difficult experience, and I for one am willing to give the cops a pass once it happens.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    The cops were MORE than patient. The kid apparently wanted to be arrested and will become a "hero" to some other idiots. All he had to do was give them his name (in addition to his birth date). What an moron. Now he has a police record.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Yep, a fucking brilliant route to "martyrdom."

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      'Murican freedoms and liberty means being a menace without consequence until you've watered the tree o liberty standing your ground!

  2. lostinmn12:25 PM

    He's incredibly lucky the cops hadn't had one of their own gunned down in the last couple of days. St Paul Cops aren't taking any prisoner's today after a local cop who was very popular in his community nearby went down two days ago. Not saying their shooting a car-jacker was right or wrong but there's no line of grey after one of their own goes down.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I wonder how many innocents will have to be killed before these ridiculous states find that "open carry" is the dumbest idea ever.
    Open carry + stand your ground = clusterfuck Maximus. Good luck with that ya'll.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Had the kid been black or Hispanic, like 13-year-old Andy Lopez, he would have been shot and killed.

  5. CorningNY1:12 PM

    Hey Gryphen--the Sarah Palin Channel is already imploding! Not that that's any big surprise....

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      WOW...Sarah laughing at the N word

      During the thirty-minute interview, Palin asked Seymour about taxes, government regulations, and even international affairs, taking in the regular Joe’s amateur perspective on Russia’s acts of aggression toward the Ukraine and the most recent conflict between Israel and Palestine. But when she asked Seymour what he thought about Barack Obama’s presidency, the network’s first real scandal broke.

      “I hate that n*,” Seymour said angrily. “I call him `N* Hitler.’ He wants to stick everyone that don’t agree with him in concentration camps [and] make us wear the mark of the beast. He’s a Muslim, gay-loving n* Hitler and there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t wish he was dead or in jail.”
      Palin seemed nonplussed with regards to Seymour’s incendiary comments. “[Laughing] well George, that’s the kind of honest opinion we’re looking for here on the Sarah Palin Channel. Unedited real talk from a real American like yourself is always welcome here.”
      The live interview, which originally aired at 5:30 PM EST,

    2. lostinmn1:47 PM

      that was a punk story - think Onion. Not to worry, she'll Eff it up all by herself

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      that's a parody site...

    4. Anonymous2:25 PM

      I agree 1:47, she'll sink her own boat, all by herself. But I'm really getting tired of the satire sites. They used to be obvious and good for a laugh. Now the crazy right is crazier than the parodies.

      They are either misunderstood, obviously here too, and just muddy the waters with nonsense, leaving the real stories to slip right by.

  6. Beldar J Conehead1:20 PM

    Gryphen, just let me make sure I understand this correctly.

    If a person is UNARMED and a nearby ARMED person feels threatened by the UNARMED person for any reason real or imagined, it is legal - and under certain racial circumstances actually encouraged by some - for the ARMED person to kill the UNARMED person and then sort things out later with no ongoing consequences.

    Now, if an UNARMED person feels threatened by an ARMED person, according to the Supreme Court, that UNARMED person is a weak pussy who probably doesn't actually deserve to live in the first place because if Jeebus loved him, he'd be ARMED too. And so, even in this scenario, the recommended action is for the ARMED person to go ahead and fire off a few warning shots - ideally, 2 in the chest and 1 in the head - just to make sure the UNARMED person wasn't planning to deprive the ARMED person of his imaginary Second Amendment rights.

    And if the people we hire to ACTUALLY protect us - that is, the police - encounter an ARMED person of unknown motivation parading around in public just a few moments away from discharging that weapon, there isn't a thing in the world that can be done until that ARMED person gets off a few rounds - probably 2 in the chest and 1 in the head - to signal their nefarious intent.

    Do I have that about right? Cuz, seriosuly, there aint nuthin' right about it....

    What the fuck is wrong with this country???

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      The inmates are running the asylum...uh...wait...the crazies aren't inmates.

    2. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Well said!

  7. Why wasn't he disarmed, wrestled to the ground, and put in a choke hold until he suffocated to death?

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "For all they know this kid could have numerous priors for violent crimes, and is on his way to knock over a liquor store."

    For all they knew, he could have been Adam Lanza, Jared Loughner etc etc. What were they SUPPOSED to do if not check out what looked like an obviously dangerous lunatic? It's their job!

  9. Anonymous2:13 PM

    That little shit needs his ass kicked

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Yes, he certainly does need an ass kicking.

      The police sure have to put up with a lot of shit.

  10. WA Skeptic2:18 PM

    Does anyone but me remember when it was so dangerous to even be holding a watergun looking like an assault rifle that the police would shot first and THEN investigate? Talk about topsy-turvy world.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Yes! And I also recall when if a police officer asked to see your ID you were obliged to give it to him - how has all of this turned on it's head?


  11. Anonymous2:52 PM

    'and all I could think during the exchange is how many real crimes are happening that these cops are now too busy to respond to?'.... well you are right, why should they be wasting their time interrogating this young adult that wasn't breaking the law Gryph?

  12. WA Skeptic3:57 PM

    Anonymous @2:52 PM: Did you bother to read the part about walking around in the townn where 12 people died because some dickhead shot up a theater???

  13. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    He's lucky they didn't tazer his ass till his hot dog fried and he dropped his gun. For that matter, he's lucky this wasn't in NY or Philadelphia.
    My unarmed, sane son,got stopped by the cops for driving five miles above the speed limit and had forgotten his licence, owners card and insurance card in his apartment. The cop took his information, told him to report to the station with his id's within 24 hours. He did and they traded the ticket for a "warning". The assclown in this video was wasting valuable resources to prove what?

  14. When they finally took him into custody and took the shotgun from him, he said there was one cartridge in the chamber.... And it was loaded with 4 more!

    Good lord, that exchange with the cops was THIS far ---><--- from being a stupid shooting accident.

    And isn't it just a bit insane to be carrying around a loaded shotgun in response to being jumped by 4 guys behind a McDonald's store? What was he doing behind the McDonald's in the first place? It might be more prudent to just avoid places where you can be mugged...

  15. Anonymous4:15 AM

    And James Holmes was also "just carrying" his weaponry before he entered the cinema and accomplished his carnage, just like all the other mass murderers.


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