Saturday, August 09, 2014

History of Hell.

And yet for centuries we have been terrifying our children with the threat of ending up in a place that simply does not exist.

Child abuse, as only religion can provide it.


  1. But there is Earth, right?

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Flat, at that, and the sun revolves around it.

  2. Anonymous5:12 AM

    it's the old ying yang deal - if Heaven is allegedly a real place....;) then the opposite must exist, ergo Hell.

    Good vs Evil....Satan, God's brother.....Lilith and Eve.

    The thing with fairy tales is it's hard to change the pattern. Once you've read one, you've read them all.

    1. Leland5:33 AM

      5:12, you forgot they also needed something to CONTROL people with!

    2. Maple6:19 AM

      Control is the object; fear is the method. When you use this metric, then you are able to understand how conservatives think.

  3. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Death is death. Your brain shuts down and all memory of past events are lost. But still people try to grasp of afterlife and heaven. Employing basic deductive reasoning and rational thought works wonders, but there are a lot of brainless bible followers out there,

    1. Basic deductive reasoning and rational thought has always told me that none of us will know what happens at death until it happens...but that's just how I look at it. You can look at it anyway you want to, as can I, but what we think doesn't have anything to do with it.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      But, but, Heaven is for Real, a movie just proved it!

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      To believe something magical occurs after death is ludicrous. It just isn't happening. You die and are either buried, cremated or in some cases nature itself takes over if left to the elements.

    4. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Lynne, that is complete nonsense and the typical response when a bible believer has nothing else to offer. Science and the passage of time has systematically destroyed religious beliefs. Now we see 21st century religious pushers desperately rewriting history to cover their asses and keep the money flowing.

  4. Leland5:30 AM

    When one of my so-called co-workers discovered I was an atheist, she started to scream at me that I was going to hell. Over and over again, ad nauseum.

    When I had reached my limit, I simply looked at her and told her she was not only ignorant of her own religion's actual history, but totally stupid as well. When that yanked her up short, the lady who was with her (a woman of faith who actually LIVES her beliefs) asked me why I was saying that. I explained to her that hell was a creation of the christian religion and never existed prior to the christian religion. Then I added - before giving the screaming idiot a chance to interrupt - that the screamer was stupid because she wasn't capable of recognizing that threatening a non-believer with eternal hell was the most idiotic thing she could do because by the very nature of being a non-believer, hell had no place in my belief system and thus was not a threat.

    That got the screamer going again and she yelled out "But you don't believe ANYTHING!" At this point, I pitied the woman so I said quite calmly, "Just because I don't believe as you do, does NOT mean I don't believe ANYTHING." And walked away.

    She kept yelling as I walked down the hall and even went so far as to begin a whisper campaign. I had to ultimately file a formal complaint against her. Since I had plenty of witnesses and lots of people willing to tell the truth about her campaign (including the lady who participated in the original discussion), she was severely reprimanded.

    I have to admit, that shocked the shit out of me since I live and worked (I'm retired now.) in South Carolina! Of course, with the number of witnesses I had, the company really had no other choice because I could then have gone to federal court and nailed them - and they knew it.

    I half expected the darned fool to file a suit against the company!

    1. Maple6:24 AM

      Wow! That's just unreal! None of her business what you believe or don't believe, but then again too many folks are afraid of those whose beliefs differ from their own. They are ruled by fear, and I'm betting their pastors have made them think that if they get too close to an atheist, or a muslim, or any belief/faith not their own, that some of it will rub off on them. There is just no making any kind of sense with these people. They are indeed ruled by fear.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      LeLand, you were in SC, I'm surprised that didn't give the company standing to not only fire you, but promote the hell-sayer and let them stone you.

    3. Leland11:13 AM


      As I said, I had enough witnesses (who I was sure would back me in court) that the company KNEW they had no choice but to perform the actions they did. Otherwise it would have cost them millions in federal court. But even with that, I was shocked as I said.

  5. Anonymous5:39 AM

    My 6th grade nun, who appeared to be personally acquainted with Satan, assured me I would go to hell. Suits me fine, she won't be there.

    1. Leland9:12 AM

      Now, you see, if hell DID exist and I was the devil, I would make sure she WAS there for you!


    2. Anonymous10:13 AM


      Expressing the possibility of your intervention in my afterlife shows the limits of your intelligence.

    3. Leland11:16 AM


      If you can't read, then go away. Did you not see the HA HA's. That's a JOKE idiot! And calling me out for your misinterpretation shows the COMPLETE LACK of intelligence on YOUR part.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM


      poor you, no one understands you. so sad for you.

    5. Leland5:03 AM

      @ 1:10

      Poor you. No one CAN understand you!

      Enough said.


    6. Anonymous8:58 AM


      End is what you should do.

  6. Another thing that has always pissed me off...I wouldn't know how to swear so well if I hadn't been taught what to say by Christianity.

  7. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Funny if a Sarah Palin story is listed hundreds of comments are made. If Gryphen posts a saying or story about religion only a few dozen comments are posted. Come on peeps, prove a creator exists beyond bible passages written my mortals hell bent on controlling people and their lives.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      We still come to this blog six years after the Quitter pierced the nation conscious, and flamed out like a Brown Star, that's something whether we comment or not.

  8. Anonymous9:09 AM

    As a little Jewish girl, my religious instruction was limited to ethics and morals for how to treat others and be happy. Fear and control weren't part of the program. I learned the Jewish teaching of 'dust to dust'--no after-life at all--as reassurance after the kind Christian neighbors kids promised me I was going to be eternally tortured in hell if I didn't take up Jesus' offer to love me.

    God cursing Adam:
    "By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19

  9. Anonymous9:36 AM

    OT -
    Gryphen, if you haven't seen the bone-chilling Vice News video reports on ISIS, you must watch them, especially #2 about recruiting/brainwashing kids.

  10. Anonymous2:28 PM

    It's true of all of the bible that nobody knows what it originally started out as because it's been reinterpreted so many times. For example, the word "repent", if you studied French you'll know that 'pense' means think in French (Latin, too), so repent simply means "rethink". Look at what the Protestant churches have made of 'repent'.

  11. Cartoons for atheists, or what?


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