Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Is David Gregory out at Meet the Press? Or is somebody just teasing us?

Wait, what's happening?
Courtesy of Politico:  

Chuck Todd, the NBC News political director and chief White House correspondent, is likely to succeed David Gregory as moderator of "Meet the Press," with the change expected to be announced in coming weeks, top political sources told POLITICO's Mike Allen. 

The move is an effort by NBC News President Deborah Turness to restore passion and insider cred to a network treasure that has been adrift since the death of Tim Russert in 2008. Gregory, his replacement, suffered from low ratings and, in recent months, an onslaught of negative press reports. 

While Todd is not a classic television performer, sources said his NBC bosses have been impressed by his love of the game, which brings with it authenticity, sources and a loyal following among newsmakers and political junkies.

Of course NBC has been quick to try and squash these rumors, but considering how often this  rumor starts circulating I have to think that there is definitively something to it.

Like many of you I am no fan of Gregory.

However though Chuck Todd would be an improvement, he would not be much of one.

I would REALLY like to see somebody in the job who had a great love of politics, and little patience with bullshit.

Somebody who could be respectful while refusing to let a guest spin a question to their liking, or avoid it altogether.

Actually to be honest, and I know this will never happen, my emotional choice would be for young Luke Russert to take over the position that his father once commanded with such integrity.

I think that Luke would take the job incredibly seriously and I believe he would rise to the challenge.

But that will never happen, so I guess I will just have to be happy that Gregory gets tossed out on his skinny ass instead.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Luke Russert gets my vote for Meet the Press also, too.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Sally in MI12:35 PM

      Not mine. He's too much like Chuck Todd.
      It's Rachel or no one. She has the education, the work ethic, the intelligence, and the calm demeanor to take on anyone. She knows her stuff, and wouldn't let anyone get away with lies. Rachel all the way. Besides, isn't it time a woman hosted one of these shows?

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      I watch NONE of the Sunday shows and haven't for a couple of years! But, if Rachel Maddow was the lead on one of them, I would in a heart beat!

      I hear that John McCain is always appearing on the shows - that must get horribly old! No wonder viewership is dropping on Sundays!!!

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      I think Luke Russert is way overrated. He needs to put in more time as a real journalist. Not just jump to the top because of his name.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Obviously this story from Politico is false. Just check out Radar Online and it states that sources say Sarah Palin submitted the fine work on her channel as an audition for Meet the Mess. Her charisma, interviewing skills, unbiased journalistic approach as well as expertise in foreign and domestic affairs make it a perfect match. HA HA

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM


    Hillary Called Obama to Let Him Know She Wasn’t Trying to ‘Attack Him’

    ...Despite her pains to praise Obama in the interview — and the fact that her positions on the issues were already publicly known — her comments were widely interpreted through a political prism that casts her as a calculating figure, and that therefore this must have been part of an intentional calibration away from the increasingly unpopular Obama.



  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Chuck Todd would be just more of the same. MTP needs someone who is not biased and probes everyone equally hard.

    A name who has been missing from the scene for awhile but who would be great, I think, is Aaron Brown.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Yes, a thousand times yes!

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I quit watching Gregory when he put Mitt Romneys wife on MTP right during the campaign. His WIFE. I think Todd will be as good as anyone, and I hope Luke grows into the job eventually. Just think that there is less and less audience for those Sunday shows, with so much online media there is nothing new on the Sunday shows. I did see one suggestion that Mika and Joe S take it over, Oh man, what an unmitigated disaster it would be with those 2 Bickersons.

    There has to be some change in format, but I can't visualize it.....Same old talking heads week after week, Gregory hardly ever followed through and just let the RW idiots spout talking points. He would nod and plow on with the next "question" as though there was nothing to debate in the previous answer. THAT is the thing I miss most with Tim Russert being gone, guests had to watch what they said, they knew he'd be prepared like a laser.

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Chuck Todd is a horrible choice! Rachel Maddow would be my vote - she is superior to both those guys - far and above them!

  7. Anonymous 12:26 got it right - Aaron Brown would be perfect.

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    G -

    I have a high regard for your opinions and almost always agree with them. But....Luke? Seriously? I have watched him enough that my skin breaks out in hives. Can not go there. He is a twerp.

    Pat Padrnos

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I think Luke R is a terrible choice. He's too young, inexperienced, a bit too naive. he needs some more political years under his belt. Rachel would ratchet up the game enormously.

  10. vegaslib1:04 PM

    I really miss Tim Russert. He was awesome in my opinion.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      The best. One of those guys right there at the right time in history.

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM


    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      NBC's hiring of Luke Russert is not nepotism. I've seen this same mistake made frequently over there on C4p, curiously regarding the same person. The Salon writer is ignorant too. Nepotism is when you hire your OWN relatives. Luke was hired after his father had dropped dead of a heart attack, not before. IE Joe Miller in Alaska hiring his wife for a job when she reported to him, the job was federal and it was illegal for him to hire his wife in that capacity. That is nepotism, legal or illegal. Whether or not Luke is qualified, and I think he is well qualified to be a reporter but not yet with the political background for moderating MTP, it's not nepotism for NBC to hire him. NJMO

  12. I'm not sure if I like Chuck Todd any better.

  13. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Rachel is smart, does her homework, and makes a mean cocktail. However, I am not sure she could pull in guests from both sides of the aisle.

    We quit watching the Sunday shows not long after Tim left us. Really, it is a case of political burnout. And, who needs the John loves Miss Lindsay and hates everything Barack reruns on Sunday morning. It's enough to curdle the sauce on your eggs bennie.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Yes this point about Rachel is exactly right.

      I think all of us would LOVE to see Rachel get the show, but we have to realize that would mean the show would attract virtually no conservative guests, and would become just another left wing sounding board.

      Which I am convinced NBC is trying to avoid.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      "I think all of us would LOVE to see Rachel get the show, but we have to realize that would mean the show would attract virtually no conservative guests, and would become just another left wing sounding board."
      I agree, which is too bad, I think she'd be more than fair.

    3. fromthediagonal4:59 PM

      ...not only that, but I rather watch Ms. Maddow five nights a week reporting on what is important than a Sunday show that really is not relevant to the younger generation.
      That said, I definitely want an articulate host on there who is younger than Mr. Todd. I do not mean that as an insult as I am an ancient 74, but his demeanor is not merely measured, but "old".
      In other words, progressives need voices that portray positive forms of excitement and enthusiasm while calibrating information in an objective manner.

      Oh, and before I forget: Morning Joe needs to go.
      I shall leave it at that.

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Agreed that Chuck Todd is only a marginal improvement and so shouldn't be the choice. But...Luke Russert? That's ridiculous. I'm disappointed in such an emotional choice from you, Gryphen.

    Tim Russert was a Sunday show god, Luke is a frat bro who doesn't deserve the reporting jobs he's been given. He just doesn't have the aptitude for it, unfortunately, and pretending that he's up to the challenge just worsens it when he fails.

    Savannah Guthrie did an amazing job as a sub host. Rachel Maddow is, of course, flawless as a host, but her open partisanship would (and should, really) exclude her from consideration. And, I'd miss her on weeknights!

    It would be great if the brass would consider a qualified woman or minority. It's about time Sunday belonged to everyone, not just white men.

  15. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Rachel would be best.

    Next, Todd

    But Ari Melber is right up there, smart, knowledgeable, background, I wish MSNBC would get rid of the 5 pm, 6pm, or 10 pm show and get melber on their where he belongs. (10 pm preferably).

    1. fromthediagonal5:01 PM

      Ari Melber and Steve Kornacki are great examples of the new generation of highly intellectual, well informed journalists. I totally agree.

  16. Maddies_Mom1:41 PM

    Gryphen, Luke Russert is an idiot. Maybe in 20 years he'll be qualified, but not now. Right now he's just a young ChuckTodd. I say, CENK UYGUR!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Excellent choice!

    2. fromthediagonal5:04 PM

      I don't know, but Richard Engel is looking weary lately. If he were to hang up his war correspondent jacket, he would be the right person, beyond all doubt. I would love to see him in that position. It also might give him enough time to write.
      Any thoughts on this?

    3. Richard Engel speaks Arabic - he is a valuable tool in the field, far to valuable for NBC to sideline at a desk.

    4. Anonymous6:54 AM

      I agree, Cenk Uygur would be excellent!!!

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

    You've peaked my interest about Luke Russert. I only saw him when he was first hired and he hadn't quite found his sea legs.

    I guess it doesn't really matter to me, though, unless MTP changes it's format to be more fact-based and issue-oriented.

  18. Shows you how much TV I watch... when the first sentence of your post stated that he was out, I thought you meant OUT, as in gay. I love it when the conservative types come out. So there I read, with my hopes up....

    I don't mean that I want to rag on LGBT conservatives -- being Bi myself, I NEVER rag on another LGBT person. Because that is just wrong.

  19. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Some OT, general appreciation for Gryphen. I've really enjoyed reading your blog and the comments today. The mood generated feels better, clearer, in spite of some emotionally heavy topics,

  20. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Andrea Mitchell!

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      HELL TO THE FUCK NO! She is a huge shill for the right wing and her husband, and she's always saying snarky, nasty stuff about the Obamas. She's boring as hell to watch and in NO WAY is a good choice.

  21. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Get someone new. Not someone that's already all over the airwaves. Someone fresh and new. No Todd, he's a dick. Not Melber, he's been a dick lately. Not Luke, he's still very wet behind the ears. No way Mitchell, she's a snoozefest and too often shows her right wing bias. NONE of these so called beltway 'journalists' need apply. It's just more of the same.

    As much as I like and respect Rachel, and she'd be awesome, it's not gonna happen. Right wingers would boycott the show (not that that is a bad thing) which wouldn't support the myth of 'fair and balanced'.

    Someone who is smart, well educated, well traveled, adept with political history and politics overall. Someone who is quick on their feet, has a high degree of emotional intelligence, a quick and sharp sense of humor and some maturity. Someone who is hard hitting, doesn't let lies go unchallenged and doesn't carry water for the GOP. NO TALKING POINTS ALLOWED.

    Don't know who that would be, but that is the criteria for a successful host.

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      "Someone who is smart, well educated, well traveled, adept with political history and politics overall. Someone who is quick on their feet, has a high degree of emotional intelligence, a quick and sharp sense of humor and some maturity. Someone who is hard hitting, doesn't let lies go unchallenged and doesn't carry water for the GOP. NO TALKING POINTS ALLOWED".

      Alex Wagner or Steve Kornacki.

    2. Ailsa4:16 PM

      Both good, but I'd choose Alex first.

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM

      And someone who does their homework, from all angles, not just lazy talking points du jour. I am so hungry for some genuine intelligence and knowledge on these Sunday shows.

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Ohh, Gryphen.. You are a sharp guy, but Luke Russert? Really? Oh my...

  23. You mean the same Chuck Todd who said "it's not a reporter's job to educate the public with facts when Republicans lie"? That Chuck Todd? He's a corporate, Republican shill no better than Gregory.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      You are EXACTLY right on every point.

  24. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Well first off they need to change the name of the show out of respect for Russert, Because it will never be as good, and will always be compared to Tim, and no one can live up to that. So put the name Meet The Press to rest and come up with another name for that Sunday Morning show.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      I agree and they should have done it years ago.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Respect for what? Tim Russert was a Republican kiss-ass.

  25. Luke is an idiot, Tim was waaaay overrated.

    The only good choice would be Maddow

    1. Anonymous3:47 AM

      Rachel certainly is the best interviewer in the business but her narrative style (which is often very involved and lengthy) would not work on Meet the Press. But, definitely, David Gregory needs to go. He brings nothing to the table. I think Chuck Todd deserves a chance to show what he has. But, I DO agree that he was wrong when he claimed it was not his job to call out the liars. If not his, whose job is it?

  26. Randall6:00 PM

    Good riddance Dancing David Gregory, but seriously?
    Chuck "it's not my job to call them out on it when they're lying" Todd?

    Yes, Chuck...
    yes it IS your fucking job to do exactly that.


  27. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    They've given Gregory how much time to "grow into the job"? And he failed miserably. I'm not a fan of Chucky's, he lingers too long on the inane while letting the meat and potatoes slide by with no qualms.
    I think Luke has what it takes to do his father proud and make the shows ratings climb. Joy Reid or Tamryn Hall may make the show palpable to democrats and Republicans if Luke isn't picked,

    Hey, how about Our Gal Sarah?

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Luke is an idiot, Tim was waaaay overrated.


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