Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rick Perry starts selling t-shirts with his mugshot on them to raise money.

Courtesy of Newsmax:

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, facing abuse-of-power charges, started selling T-shirts featuring his mug shot to raise money for his political committee. 

The shirts, which went on sale yesterday, show the Texas Republican's picture with "WANTED" stamped above it and "FOR SECURING THE BORDER AND DEFEATING DEMOCRATS" underneath. 

On the back, there’s a picture of Travis County, Texas, District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg's mug shot, with the word "GUILTY" stamped above it. 

And yes these shirts are available for RickPAC Rick Perry's very own political action committee.

Methinks that somebody is simply not taking this indictment as seriously as they should.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Wouldn't he have needed permission from Rosemary Lehmberg to use her photo? Especially if these shirts are for sale?


    1. Mary in San Antonio7:51 PM

      Since he is using her image to make money for himself, I would think she could ask him to cease and desist and that she would be entitled to part of the proceeds, if not all since I'm pretty sure she was not asked. But then the governor of my state always thinks he can do whatever he wants -which is one reason why he has two indictments now - and probably never even thought about asking her if he could use her mug shot.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Wonder how long it will be before shows up in the tshirt.

  3. Rick Perry is a smug idiot. I was born and raised in Texas. Love Texas Rick Perry has destroyed my beautiful home state. I hope he rots in jail.

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    hope Rosemary sues that inbred dumb fuk

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      This is a horrible thing for Perry to do...dirty politics and brainless. He is such a fool. But then that's how the Repubs roll.

  5. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Rosemary should go after the runt's ass! He has no right putting her photo on the back of his Tshirt. The guy is a piss ant and deserves to be in jail. Hope they nail him! He's an embarrassment to TX - much as Sarah Palin is to Alaska. Both are fucking idiots!

    1. Sally in MI12:04 AM

      You know, I wondered about having his mug shot taken all gussied up in a suit, which is not how you usually see him. I bet this was already in the works.

  6. What next...a bake sale?

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

    How presidential of him. Not.

  8. I wouldn't expect anything higher from this clown crooked. How dare he disparage Lehmberg, a sitting official. He's slime. He a accused felon, while Lehmberg was charged with a misdemeanor.

    He's stupid for not taking his charges seriously and I hope this comes back to kick him in his racist clownish useless ass.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      That dipshit needs to go to prison!

  9. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    LOL Anyone shocked? The man's a total idiot and this isn't helping him one bit. What's the name of his ranch painted over in yellow to match the stripe down his back?

  10. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Securing his border? When did he do that in his 12 years of governing Texas?

    1. Sally in MI12:04 AM

      Right. He got indicted for going down there with his assault rifle and Hannity and telling those kids to go home! Now! He means it! From a boat. I guess Texans really are the dullest nails in the took box. Is this legal?

  11. Without Lehmberg's permission to use her image for any profit making enterprise is an easy lawsuit for her. What kind of lawyers does Perry have who don't even know that much, and didn't stop him.

  12. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Rick doesn't need no stinkin' lawyers to tell him what he can or cannot do - he is the GOVERNOR!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      He's an idiot like Palin. Perry and Palin think winning an election for a public office is a coronation. They then go on to enrich themselves with complete disregard for the laws the rest of us live by. "I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't" is their mantra. The poor ignorant sots who vote for these vile sociopathic personalities lose as much as the rest of us.They just don't know why they are miserable. Their non critically thinking noodles have been scrambled by AM hate radio, Beck, Limbaugh, Savage, Levin, Fox, et al.. They are 'believers', not thinkers. They are the scourge of the Earth.

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM

      That's 'Gubner' to the majority of the Texas electorate that voted him in repeatedly.

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      When you elevate a low IQ ignorant bully to a position of power, bad things are bound to happen. Just look at Sarah (and Todd).

  13. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Wanna bet Ms. Palin is angry that she didn't come up with this idea first-wait she doesn't have any ideas of her own, she has to steal them from others. Coming soon to SarahPac- some stupid t-shirt.

    As for Mr. Rick Opps Perry-hope he gets his butt sued, just to add to his legal problems. As the saying goes- he who laughs last, laughs best. Lets see if he is so smug when they haul him off to federal prison.


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