Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Look who Fox News tapped for his expertise on religious fanatics.

You know I was all ready to laugh at the idea that Phil Robertson knew anything about a fundamentalist religious group seizing power and oppressing those who do not share their faith. But then I remembered his religious point of view and thought, "Who better?"


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Believe me, as a christian, I'm stumped, and have been for the last 6 years. Who are these people?

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Apparently he is someone who is stuck in the 17th and 18th centuries. His attitude reminds me of what the Spanish did with Native Americans because they had the same attitude, convert them and make them subservient to you or kill them.

  2. ...thus proving we are deeply embedded in the Post-Satirical Age, when a concept so ridiculously stupid that at one time would have been bad stand-up comedy fodder is now a readily accepted reality.

    For those keeping track of such things, all experts agree that Good Ol' Gramps McCain's selection of The Screechy Wretch(tm) as his running mate in 2008 marked the beginning of the modern Post-Satirical Age.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:47 AM

      I'm a big believer in the Post-Satirical Age, which IMO intertwines with the Era of Face-Palming, Munch-Screaming Disbelief. I think, though, that it all really began with the coronation of George W. "Slappy" Bush, and the introduction of "ree-ality" shows on the tee vee. However, Princess Not-So-Bright and her hangers-on--uh, kinfolk--gave the movement its own unique identity.

      PS--Anyone else think that ol' Phil the Fupped Duck is being groomed (poor choice of words, I know) to become an $$evangelical preacher$$ ?

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      I agree, this all started with the sock puppet W being installed in the WH. Not even CLOSE to being qualified. That led to a group of clowns who thought if W could make it, they were even better. Gingrich, Huckerbee. Santorum, Rmoney, Gov. Goodhair, Cain and a group of other less-thans. Oh, even Crash McCain and his birdbrained side kick, the two mavericks!!! Now here we are, with the slimy looking Phil. He makes Nugent look well groomed. Yes, next will be televangelism, easy money, fleecing the low I.Q. set. Sista $carah will jump onboard also, too.

    3. L&K/B

      "it all really began with the coronation of George W. "Slappy" Bush"

      I've obviously suppressed that nightmarish memory but, of course, you are correct. The PSA did, in fact, begin with Dubya's imaginary election and may sadly continue to reverberate for decades to come.

      "Let history record that as president, George W. Bush was, at best, a mediocre artist."

    4. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Too much credit for his art! :-)

    5. @anon1239

      Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle, whatever that means!

      You're right! (I have been this wrong this many times in a single day since... yesterday.)

      The actual quote is "Let history record that the best anyone could say about George W. Bush is 'as a president, he was a terrible artist'."

    6. Anonymous4:32 PM

      To all the good posters here I gotta call on this.Ole Ronnie Rerun is where all this crap started.Fake two bit actor. Dumb as a brick and senile to boot.Current state of disarray look no further,it was Reagan.

    7. Anonymous11:25 PM

      Idiocracy, the movie.


  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    If stain and Phil can be as experts, then who's next? Trig?

  4. Only in America could a fake ass "reality actor" be taken seriously by a network who purports to be a news organization.
    If it wasn't so insane, I'd have to laugh.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      My sentiments exactly.

  5. Balzafiar9:52 AM

    I wonder if he is any kin to the leader of the American Taliban, Pat Robertson?

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      They're each other's love child.

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I don't know if this Robertson interview marks the lowest point in Hannity's entertainment-style journalism but it does epitomize, in the words of You-Know-Who, "the state that is so sorry today of journalism."

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      I'd totally forgot about that one.
      Good Lord, what an idiot.

  7. Anonymous10:18 AM

    A new low even for FOX

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I know! It's hard to not really when you consider Fox News puts Sarah Palin on to talk about the economy...terrorists....climate change.....sheesh. They don't even try anymore.

  8. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Extremists! Takes one to know one ;-)

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This is a joke, right?

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Could someone please stop the bus? I'd like to get off.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      I tried to find a video for you of Anthony Newley saying his famous line, 'Stop the World! I want to get off!'

      I failed. Sorry, it would have been perfect.

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Well, he is every bit as qualified as $carah!! I wonder how often he bathes? He never looks truly clean, or fresh.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      He looks like of like "Osama Bin Ladin" ish, before he became fish food. Come to think of it, he acts the same too.

  12. Anonymous11:09 AM

    DuckDick's comment same as Sarah saying water boarding is just Baptism. Both are idiots

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Fish pickers, duck pickers.

  13. Convert or kill them?!
    You expect people to convert to Christianity by force? Does the Duck Fuck know that God gave people "Free Will"? God wants people who will love Him, willingly.
    The Robertson Asshole needs to read about God's stance on killing, and murder.
    There is nothing in the Bible that commands men to "kill for The Lord". Only men with little faith, would do/say such a hideous thing.

  14. Anonymous11:44 AM

    And next maybe Kim Kardashian will be signed to do Fox's commentary on parenting news.......

  15. I say we put Phil on the first flight to Iraq and let him start the converting and reporting from there on his success.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      It might be more fitting to send him to Syria.

  16. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Christ, from that angle and distance, Robertson looks like Bin Laden! Call in the drones!

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      In all seriousness, if I saw that man in my neighborhood I'd call the cops.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      12:57, what if you saw him in a Walmart carrying an assault rifle?


  17. Caroll Thompson3:54 PM

    If these two clowns are so concerned with the middle east, then they can get off their ass and go over there and do something.

    It seems to me that this is a problem that the people in the middle east need to solve. I am very tired of the chicken hawks wanting other people's children to die on foreign battlefields.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.