Friday, September 05, 2014

News study says we are 99.99% sure that climate change is driven by mankind. Boy how hard do you think the deniers going to cling to that .01%?

Courtesy of The Conversation:  

There is less than 1 chance in 100,000 that global average temperature over the past 60 years would have been as high without human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, our new research shows. 

Published in the journal Climate Risk Management today, our research is the first to quantify the probability of historical changes in global temperatures and examines the links to greenhouse gas emissions using rigorous statistical techniques. 

Our new CSIRO work provides an objective assessment linking global temperature increases to human activity, which points to a close to certain probability exceeding 99.999%.

Okay you know this is way past the point of being something that we can continue to ignore. 

In Alaska this stopped being an academic argument decades ago.

We see it all around us, and so do many other people populating areas that are now nothing like they were during the time of their grandparents.

Hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, floods, all in places where they never happened before.

Climate Change denying has now taken on an almost fundamentalist fervor with those in that camp simply refusing to see the evidence literally smashing against their own windows or tearing at the foundations of their homes.

And now it may be too late for us to do anything substantive to ward off the changes that may put our very species in danger of extinction.


  1. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Deniers are corporate shills or uneducated folks 'trained' in The RW Schools of Flat Earth Sciences and Conspiracies.. They will continue to deny AGW. After all, Dog wouldn't allow such a thing and climatologists are just greedy moochers scheming for grant money..It's a worldwide conspiracy, don't cha know?

  2. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Not to worry Alaska. Underground shelters will hold the entire state of Alaska. You can live there for years and come out to nothing. Ask the Palins, they'll show you the way.

  3. Several years ago scientists said that if the pollution in the air reached a certain number of parts per million, we would have passed the tipping point and would be unable to turn climate change around. I'm sory I don't have the link or even the number, but I recently read that we've reached and surpassed that number. I weep for my grandchildren.

  4. Several years ago I read that if the pollutants in the air reached a certain number of parts per million, we would have reached a tipping point and there would be no way to stop climate change from making the planet unlivable. I recently read that we've reached and passed that number. (Sorry I don't have links and don't even remember the number ). We shall follow the dinosaurs - thanks to the greedy oil corporatists who used every last drop of dinosaur matter to destroy us!

  5. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

    I think the deniers aren't used to being told facts. They lambasted Al Gore as a tree hugger all through his service as VP, then stuck wads of cotton in their ears after he wrote the book. I'd like to think there's time or a way to reverse it, but logic and science tell me otherwise.

  6. Anonymous7:11 PM

    All Gore is a nut. He lambasted everyone for not going solar, but China is the only one to produce, and to get it over here, puts more gasses into the air that you going without the solar panels. Also, that a person leaves a larger footprint if they east meat, than their car does, but he was unwilling to go vegetarian. Many respectable scientists HAVE spoken about this, only to be told that it didn't matter what info they have, they are now shunned. It is as if those that purport to have science on their side refuse to acknowledge that there are things we don't know, and that any information that doesn't line up just doesn't exist.


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