Saturday, September 06, 2014

Now even Democrats running for office in Alaska are running ads with guns. What the hell!

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch: 

 It’s hard to think of a better way to prove your conservative idealism than by shooting a gun, and Alaska politicians have taken note. 

So far during this historic election season, a handful of candidates from across the state have released short videos during which they shoot things. A popular target appears to be something they already have in their political crosshairs -- bills and other legislation are popular targets -- though occasionally they make appearances for other, less obvious reasons. 

In a twist, Dunbar, a Democrat running for U.S. Congress, takes to “amending” the budget with a shotgun. It gives him a chance to not only take a dig at incumbent Don Young’s support for the budget, but to remind voters where Dunbar stands when it comes to gun rights.

As I am sure all of you remember here at IM we have been mocking politicians firing their guns in campaign ads. 

And that mocking has included the Republican candidate for Senate, Dan Sullivan.

And the tea bagging moron who lost to him in the primary, Joe Miller. (Whose penis must be microscopic by the way.)

But now it appears that one of our own has jumped into the gunpowder treason and plot.

So fair is fair.

You Forrest Dunbar look like an idiot pandering to the conservative right wing for votes. Which is a waste of both time and ammunition since there is no way they will vote for you anyway.

Welcome to the clown car Forrest.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    There are few things more pathetic than Democrats pandering to Republicans. As you said, Republicans won't vote for them regardless, and they're turning off the very people who WOULD have. I certainly don't vote for Democrats when there is zero difference between them and Republicans on the issues that are most important to me. I just don't vote at all.

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I love Forrest Gump, I hate Forrest Dunbar. Frightening there are fundie types whom can kiss my catholic ass.

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Forrest Dunbar recently did very well in Fairbanks. Leave the kid alone.

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Dunbar doesn't have a chance anyway.

  5. I wouldn't for for any politician who shows such disrespect for the incredible power a gun has to destroy life.

    If you think it is amusing to blow something to bits to show that you disapprove of it it, I will not vote for you.

    If you think it makes you look manly or powerful to demolish something you don't care for, especially if you are seeking a position in which you will need to be able to change things you don't like by means of persuading others, with reason and logic, of the soundness of your ideas, I will certainly not vote for you.

    I don't care what party you belong to. As far as I am concerned, you will have demonstrated unfitness for office. The toddler-like claims of irresponsible gun owners that they are entitled to unlimited rights with no responsibilities or accountability is an assault on civilization, and it is long past time for elected officials to stop pandering to these braying, tantrum-throwing brats.

  6. Thanks, Nefer. I had already sent Dunbar an e-mail message about this, but your comments were so right on that I cut, pasted and sent those to him too.

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Politicians will pander to any crowd they need votes from. Big surprise, not.

  8. Anonymous3:46 PM

    The current House of Reps (and Don Young) thank you ladies very much for your criticisms and promises not to vote for a Democrat. Keep it up.

  9. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

    And it's illegal to show someone drinking a beer in a beer commercial, why are we in this handbasket and where are we headed? If you need a gun to make a point, perhaps you need to explain why to get anyone to vote for you.
    I don't know what guns and governance have to do with each other, same with castrating pigs and bragging your son has PTSD.

  10. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Yup. And the Dems also selected a "pro-lifer" to run for gov...


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