Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Okay let's get this Bristol Palin stalking story out of the way shall we?

In my opinion this story pales in comparison to the Palin MMA event that happened at the Iron Dog party, but clearly it is something that we need to address here at IM.

So here are the details courtesy of the Miami Herald:

According to an affidavit filed by Wasilla police officer Brandon Gray, Bristol Palin arrived at her Wasilla home Sunday evening and encountered Ferrero in the driveway. Palin, who is also known for her appearance on a reality show and ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," had her 5-year-old son, Tripp, with her at the time. 

Gray wrote that Ferrero told Palin his name was Peter Paul. Palin told the officer she recognized the name because Ferrero has sent her about 1,000 Facebook messages since March. 

"Palin later said that when Ferrero was sending her the Facebook messages, she told him to stop and blocked him, but he kept using new identities to send her messages," Gray wrote. 

Palin also stated she told Ferrero to back off in the driveway, but he continued to approach her. She was scared and grabbed her son then called 911 from across the street, the affidavit states. 

Palin and her sister, Willow, filed civil protective orders against Ferrero on Monday. 

In his affidavit, Gray said a sweatshirt was found on the third story balcony on the back of Bristol Palin's home, along with a small amount of what appeared to be marijuana and rolling papers. 

Ferrero said the items were his and that he accidentally threw the sweatshirt on the balcony after he became hot while looking for a nearby bed-and-breakfast where he intended to stay, Gray stated. Ferrero said he climbed up to the balcony and tried to open a door there, but it was locked, Gray stated. 

According to the affidavit, Ferrero climbed down from the balcony after he heard a vehicle in the driveway. He told the officer he wanted 10 minutes of Palin's time, and that he had been following a blog she created in June. 

Ferrero also said he had called Willow Palin several times. The 20-year-old woman was at the scene Sunday with her sister and said Ferrero thought he was in "some type of relationship with her," the court document states. 

Apparently this guy has been convicted of stalking before in Florida, so he is not unknown to law enforcement.

However to fly all the way to Alaska to have 10 minutes with Bristol seems to be more than a little obsessive.

Here is a picture of the loon by the way.

He's on the left.

For those who are feeling a little deja vu, and comparing this to the Shawn Christy case, I can hardly blame you. And isn't it interesting that both stalkers talked about having contact with Willow?


Well before we get too far down the rabbit hole it should be noted that this incident apparently happened on Sunday, which is AFTER the brouhaha at the Iron Dog party.

So it is unlikely that this is the guy that Track jumped. (MY money is on Gino, who rumor has it has nothing but negative things to say about Bristol.)

I also don't think this was released to distract from the fight, since this is the kind of thing that the Palins would make sure received publicity anyhow.

When your thing is to play the victim you do not let something like this go unnoticed.

However since these two things happened the weekend before Bristol faced off against Levi in court, my question is why isn't Sunny posting on Facebook how happy they are that they to now have full custody of Tripp?

I mean you know the judge had to have been informed of these two events so how could he possibly allow that little boy to remain in such volatile and dangerous environment?


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    regarding your last question, it's alasky and sarah and tawd own the popo and the judges.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      I betcha dollars ro pennies that the PayMes put a gag order on the ruling.
      Anyone out there who can somehow find out?

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      If poor little Brisket was so afraid, why did she post a bikini pic on her facebook recently?

      And yes, how come this guy has Willows Contact and Brissies contacts? Seems like these bitches are like black widows lure them to AK and then have them arrested and thrown in a Alaskan Jail run by Mommy's lover and maybe their father.
      (DNA please)
      Anyway they can shove their drama up their asses.
      I'm more interested in the PARTY also, too!!!
      And Why was Tripp there to witness his mom & aunt being drunk ass ho bags?

    3. Anonymous1:39 PM

      How the hell did he get Willow's number? Makes me think she put it out there. I agree, lure them in and then make the headlines as victims.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Amazing how deathly quiet everyone is this week. I suppose it's too much to hope that their drunken brawl silenced them for good. But, just like herpes, they'll be back.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    He appears to be about Willer's size.

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I'm surprised the Palins don't attract more nuts.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Don't wish this on anyone, even to people with incendiary blogs and whatnot.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Anonymous12:45 PM

      Don't wish this on anyone, even to people with incendiary blogs and whatnot.
      Even people who pose cheescake pics of themselves on their facebook accounts for attention? Or Selfies of fishlips like above? huh troll? Were you are the drunk party too? Awww not invited. I'm sure tracky wouldn't want to share his "snow" or stretch hummer with "the help..."

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Who said I wished it?? Given the idolatry some of the Palin fans seem to feel for Sarah, it is surprising that more obsessed fans who have a make-believe relationship with the family don't show up more often.

    4. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Well it might help if Bristol & Sarah didn't start so much shit trying to stay in the limelight. And if Bristol could keep her clothes on in her pictures she post for her fans of which many are naturally demented males.

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:24 PM

    "...Palin MMA event..."

    Soda fizzes when it spews out your nose. Thanks, I needed the laff on a crapulent day!

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Even the PeePods are upset that their queen hasn't posted anything new to the SPC for several days and wondering why she doesn't have stand ins when/if she can't post due to her oh-so-demanding schedule. Good times!

  7. Caroll Thompson12:38 PM

    Didn't Sarah post on her "channel" recently the staged story about two strangers stopping by their house and Sarah inviting them in? We knew it was staged, but how dangerous was that post? Nuts like this one would have seen it and thought that they could just drop on by.

    Since Bristol insists on living her life in the public eye, talking about getting her son another daddy on TV, she should spend some of that money she made on security. Nuts see crap like that and they want to be the new daddy.......

    Tripp should be living with his real daddy and his wife. He would be much safer with them.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Yeah, the sitting on her throne, "you may kiss the ring" one. It's astounding what they expose Tripp to.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      That one was staged but it was also an invitation. Chucky has also been advertising how anyone can drop in to her place and the Heaths. They are so decent and regular and such an open family any one can drop by any of their homes any time.

      That is how they sell themselves.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Sounds like something the "Stalker guy" could use as a defense. They actually did invite people to just "drop on by". I hope the lawyers use this for his defense.

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I am in the L48. In a place where people go to jail and visit to see what they can do for all kinds of miscreants that end up behind bars.

      Is someone, other than the people that the Palins own, going to see this man? He has problems, his family is far away. No one knows what his family situation is like.

      Peter Pauli may be someone that on the right medication would be fine.

      Who is going to visit him to see how he is doing and what can be done?

      It is really an interesting coincidence that this has so much similarity to Shawn Christy. Too bad his mother's blog is on hiatus. She probably has a tremendous amount of insight.

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Things that make me go ...Hmmmmm.....How did he have Wallow's number? If she didn't want to talk to him she could have blocked him after just one call.
    As for this mentally ill young man I hope his parents can try and protect him from any more people that set him up like this again.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Bristol said he sent her a 1000 comments on Facebook. She didn't block him I take it. Whatever electronic history he has, he needs to be sure he has access to it all.

  9. Anonymous12:43 PM

    For what it's worth, it's important to note that settlement conferences are confidential. These behind-closed door sessions are to work out the custody details between the parties. This means at least one of the parties is proposing a settlement which the other party can accept, propose a modification or reject. The judge's role here is to keep the process on track between the parties. All settlements have to be approved by the court.

    The parties may have included a confidentiality clause in their agreement. No cover up here. Sarah and Todd do not 'own' the judges here. Just look at the record of what happened in the Wooten case where the judge called the Palins to task on the record for their bad-mouthing propensity.

    As for the police, there were no arrests most likely because the details of who did what are quite mangled in all this. I would not be surprised if injured parties did not seek civil relief for medical costs incurred as a result of getting Palienated.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      details of who did what are quite mangled in all this.

      In other places everyone would be taken in, arrested and they would untangle. Crimes were committed and people are getting by with criminal behaviors.

      We don't know how serious the bullying was or what all went down. The police are creating a dangerous precedence. The entire force should be investigated. It is seriously terrible behavior on law enforcement part.

      They would do the same if this was a gathering of Alaskan Natives?

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Re medical costs. If injured parties file a medical claim and indicate there was another party at fault, their insurance carrier will go after the offending party like a lipstick wearing pit-bull with majority stock in Revlon.

      Shall we all keep a closer watch on those regular SarahPac payment to her lawyers, friends?

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      it's important to note that settlement conferences are confidential.
      Since when has that stopped the Palins. Weren't they ordered to stop doing something in the past and continued anyway.

    4. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I am in a college town. Yes, it happens. A mangle that know one can tell who did what and the police haul them all in. If you are 85 or you are a 5 year old, everyone is taken by police one way or another. It all gets worked out in court. It is not about back room deals. Celebrities and kids get mugshots and have to deal with the system.

    5. Anonymous7:08 PM

      If Tripp had blood on his close you would think the police would have a medical check up. They don't do that part. Why was Tripp neglected?

      Don't the police have protocol to follow. What is it for the Anchorage police?

  10. My question - about both Ferrero and Christy - is: how are they calling the Palins? Wouldn't you think phone numbers would be hard to come by? Especially now that they are "public figures"? And yet..........both men have been able to contact these people by phone? WTF??? Even with cell phones, ESPECIALLY with cell phones, telephone numbers can be unpublished, unlisted, blocked, etc. Yet Willow has received "several" calls......the mind boggles.

  11. Yes, interesting that this story has similarities to another one that involves the Palins. Do you think this is just a coincidence? There may be some things going on in the background that they needed some publicity as cover for. Or perhaps to raise a false red flag to try and prevent the truth from being used by putting some pressure on someone who has figured out the truth in another case. Let's see, find a young easy to manipulate guy with a history of a stalking charge. Then have Willow and perhaps someone else contact him to make him think they were friends. Do you know this guy made a comment that the Palins were making him think he was family? Then due to his history it is assured he will be in prison a long time which won't allow him to fight to tell the truth and allow propaganda to be spread by the Palins. That should all sound familiar to you.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Not a coincidence. The next one won't be but it will go on until someone can tell them to stop.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      And she who won't be named doesn't believe in coincidences. It all stinks to high heaven.

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    If I were a born-again virginal paragon of christian virtue (who never attends church by the way) I certainly wouldn't be posting nearly nude pictures of myself in a tiny bikini on my new boat showing off my body to my fan club ESPECIALLY knowing I've been stalked before!

    Where is this girl's brain ????? If she thinks she can pull off Kim Kardashian style half naked selfies then she better be paying body guards like Kim does. Boy is Bristol ever stupid! Stupid too for being brainwashed by her mother into believing she's something she is not. Money will never be able to buy this bunch of uneducated, crass snowbillies an ounce of class. It only goes to their heads.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      She looked spaced and loaded in that ridiculous bikini pose.

  13. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Who cares if some nut stalks Bristol Palin…she brings it on with her blog, FB etc. The nuts are all she can get to fall in love with her!

  14. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Watching Bris throw roundhouse right hooks at the host of a party they weren't even invited to and seeing toad whimpering while he dabs the blood from his schnoz just became numbers one and two on my bucket list. Someone please make it happen.

  15. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Stalker may have been there for Tripp, after seeing the underwear photo on Bristol's Facebook page. Or maybe it was Bristol's bikini photo that he liked.

    Keep posting those photos Bristol ...and you will attract many more weirdos and stalkers.

  16. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Not enough popcorn in the world this week!!!!

  17. Anonymous1:37 PM

    As I read it sounds like the Johnsons were awarded full custody of Tripp...... any other opinions?

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      No, he did not say that. Read it again.

  18. Sharon1:39 PM

    Do you know for sure Levi got full custody? If that's true its a sheer miracle. That boy lights up when hes with his Dad...I sure hope its true.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      That isn't what Gryphen said. Maybe read it again?

  19. Boscoe1:42 PM

    Wow, that's pretty scary. That weaselly little fucker is going to end up charged with something serious before long. He's clearly got some kind of obsessive, delusional predatory thought patterns going on and probably needs to be launched into space where he can't hurt anyone.

  20. That picture of Bristol is just pathetic. That dimwitted, shallow simpleton really thought that her family was so famous and awesome and whatnot and she was going to be a huge star and spend the rest of her glamorous life in Hollywood on the red carpet. It never occurred to her that talent, intelligence, or even just a personality might be a prerequisite.

    What a greedy family of grifting goobers.

  21. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The Palins don't like stalkers then quit posting pictures of your daughters wearing scantily clad bikinis on Facebook. Any normal mother wouldn't do that if they had issues before.

    That comment is directed to Saeah

  22. What's that famous Palin sayin':
    "A police officer is too heavy to carry around, that's why we pack a firearm."

    Unless of course you have a guy in your driveway stalking you, than you run across the street and call 911.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

      Poor Girl, doesn't own a cell phone?

  23. Anonymous2:38 PM

    There was a creepy guy several month ago who was posting weird comments on Bristols blog about wanting her to send Tripp to him to raise . He thought Tripp was a chosen child destined to be President one day by virtue of being in utero on stage at the RNC that supposedly historic night. His name was Peter and he was from Florida. Suggested she wrap him in bubble wrap and mail him. Weird stuff}

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Everyone who says something she or her monitors don't like and they are deleted, cut off.

      Why wouldn't they block Peter from Florida? Was he telling her what she wants to hear?

  24. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Is it possible Sunny and Levi, per their lawyer, were advised not to post anything about the custody results, as it is not in the best interests of the child?

    Is it possible their lawyer and the judge, knowing what's been going on, want Tripp to enjoy privacy now, and because his mother drags him to places that are not in the interests of a child (like an adult party where beer is served and people need to take a cab to get home)?

    Levi's maturity is much more obvious compared to Bristol's, and the mature parent wins. But, in order for Levi to prove to the judge he's serious about Tripp's privacy and safety, he must keep Tripp off the internet.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Nice comment. I don't think that The Battle Of The Bulge is going to help the dancing gorilla with her custody case. Stupid is as stupid does.

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      There should be one mature person that would make a responsible statement. Tripp is a public figure and it is worse to conjure up gossip by creating more questions from immature irresponsible adults. If both of his parents are immature and irresponsible so be it. They won't handle any thing in the best interest of anyone, most of all Tripp.

      If a settlement has been reached, that is pretty much all they need to say. Otherwise speculation and confusion will abound. Which is standard for the Palins. Levi still seems to be under their thumbs. In no way is that the best interest of Tripp.

    3. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Most kids Tripp's age are well aware of the internet and spend lots of time with their parents phones and tablets. As soon as his reading skills improve (being a Palin he should start reading about age 11) he'll start to google himself and his family and ,boy, is he gonna be surprised! (then again, perhaps not, since he's spent his life surrounded by these cretins...) There is zero way to "protect" children from the internet, it's going to be an even bigger part of their lives than it is ours.

      Regarding the custody settlement, they did it behind closed doors rather than in open court so that the details could remain off the court record, thus private. Parties will do this so that all of their details remain confidential, so I doubt we'll hear anything from either party since the process they chose was one that would ensure confidentiality.

  25. Anonymous3:18 PM

    This thing with the Heaths and Palins being all fake hospitable and inviting people to come and drop by is a TRAP.

    They are trying to trap innocent dumb people into thinking the Palins are so ducky and friendly. They don't realize it's a lure to trap the gullible, then when they step on the property, they are suddenly a stalker.

    Why the Palins do this is still uncertain, but it might have something to do with playing their cards early, in case they need a story to trump their criminal exposures. Whenever they feel threatened a con will be exposed, they pull out the "we were stalked the other day" card.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      In part they do it to keep up that image of simple down home approachable, reachable all caring Sarah Palin. "Our $arah" It is public relations and it is made up for her propaganda machine. This is how they make their money. Selling an image.

      They have been doing it more recently because she has fallen behind and money is drying up. She also must keep up the facade about running for office. She seems to be able to do that with a few extreme nut cases. Some have blogs so it appears to be more than it actually is. She can still sell Track and Trig and her abortion spiel so there is a speech here and there.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:49 PM

      Her mom only attracts Jewish Boys from New Jersey. "The door's open, fellas, come in and make yourselves comfortable"

  26. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Looks like Bristol took down her Bristol Bay private fb page.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      How Sad for Bristol :( I hope she opens up new ones to replace it and gains back her "friends" and "likes" again.

  27. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Well, you wanted fame Bristol, and now you got it with all the trimmings.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Yes, but she is not living in the lower48. She is in Alaska with her wonderful family values family. They can be simple down home folk in Alaska.

  28. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

    So Willow knows this guy and didn't tell Bristol who he was ahead of time, either by phone or cell phone or in person? Stalking is a serious offense, and enticing the nutjobs by playing "miss christian" on her blog while posting on several facebook pages (because of the stalking, mind you) photos of her in a unikini, drying her hair on a pontoon boat, getting into petty arguments with strangers, and of course, posting photo after photo after photo of Trigg and/or trial daddy du jour.
    Methinks mini me doth protest too much.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I agree. What is it with these girls and stalkers, rapists, strangers coming to their house in the wilderness. Crying wolf too many times.
      Until proven otherwise, I think this guy was set up. Probable Willow and Bristol are playing one of their little middle school games. Seems rather odd that this guy would have been able to get Willow's phone number.

  29. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I heard that Bristol Bay Facebook shut down. Who did that Bristol or advice from her mother's attorney?

    Why? Unless there is something to hide.


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