Friday, September 05, 2014

Sarah Palin with Dinesh D'Souza, Your creepy ass photo of the day. Update!


This is from last night at that United We Stand thingamabob. 

D'Souza looks for all world like a low rent pimp with a stable of aged and STD infected street walkers.

Update: Apparently a favorite theme of Palin's last night, was the President's virility.

Courtesy of Before it's News:  

Obama Impotent, Sarah Palin said last night in a scathing speech at 960 The Patriot’s United We Stand Event. “He pulled out early,” she said likely speaking of leaving Iraq. The former Alaska Governor said she respects the office, but not Obama. Gov. Palin did not mince words as she unloaded a barrage of one-liners against the feckless occupant of the White House. Obama Impotent was clearly the take-away.

You ever wonder why so much of Palin's talk centers around the sexual ability or proclivities of men?

Update 2: This news coverage of last night's appearance by Palin does  not exactly do her any favors.

They talk about her collapsing influence, the empty seats, and the fact that despite a Palin endorsement Arizona GOP candidate for Governor, Doug Ducey, was nowhere to be seen.

Smart guy.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    That is totally out of line - the woman on the right doesn't look very old.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      She looks like the Mother of the guy from India, and the grandmother of the blond.

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I looked under that hashtag. She's so gross. Palin said Obama was "impotent. He pulled out early"--in regards to Iraq. She's just dirty.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      She really said that? At a Christian college? She is just gross. No wonder she is through. I want to see her and Todd behind bars like McDonnell.

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      That is the element she knows and will address. If you go to a prison yard, you speak their lingo if you want to communicate.

      Palin helps the world to know what has happened to "Christian" and those that call themselves Christians today. Thanks Sarah for all you do for Republicans and Christians. They like her being their representative or they would replace her.

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      6:29 If you saw the news story using the link in this post you'll see most of the audience were older people, not college age.

      Those older Christians who don't believe in birth control are probably very "intimately" familiar with the idea of "pulling out." So it may have been a good phrase to use to capture the "frustration" and "lack of fulfillment" the audience can relate to.

      Not wanting to credit Palin or her speech helpers with such "deep" "penetrating" thought process--I think she just thinks DIRTY and MEAN and innately knows how to reach that frustrated male audience she panders to.

      All that sex talk is her natural way to relate to men.

    4. Anonymous1:06 PM

      The natural perversion of Sarah Palin. 10:59 AM

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    She does it for attention, but my guess is also she is sexual abuse survivor. She's one mentally deranged woman.

    Last night I looked at the Arizona news websites to see if there was a big announcement about this event. Nope. Nothing.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Yes, Sarah Palin screams sexual abuse survivor. She also self medicates and screams drug addict. That is why what is to be a speech comes out as a screech.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      There hasn't been a mention of the AZ event or $creech in any media outside of AZ. LOL!

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    She actually looks better here then in the pink jacket photo.
    The glasses don't make her look smarter though.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Her hair is flat on top. Are those photos all the same day? Sarah is just a freak of nature. Contradictions evident in all she says.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sarah's daddy made sure she knew all about the ways of the sexual world at a very early age and that incest is front and center when she mocks men's sexuality. She's a sick and twisted human being.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      A sick and twisted human being is one who asserts sexual abuse and incest without proof, out of pure hatred.

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Not my blog, but I would delete both of the above posts. So the rest of us keep wanting to post here.

    3. Anonymous6:56 AM

      She exhibits every single sign of early sexual activity which is part of her stunted emotional behavior. Anyone who has dealt with this sort of mental illness can see it for what it is, loud and clear. She broadcasts it on a regular basis.

    4. Anonymous7:04 AM

      6:56 if you wrote the OP, then you should delete it, IMO. When stated as a fact like it is stated there.

    5. Anonymous7:16 AM

      The Heaths and Palins are public people. They bring up subjects and it is fine to reflect and discuss. No one needs to be here if they can't deal with reality. Palin uses sexual innuendo and tease in her act, you would be dead not to notice the obvious. It is a fugly turn off for many. The few have another take on it. Either way it is worthy of discussion.

      Anyone can see what men attracts Sarah Palin and who she wants to be seen in public. If it looks like a freak show to you, there is a reason for that. I don't have a problem with a discussion on the matter. It is very revealing about Palin and her family. We would not see her at all if it was not for how she uses family. Those relationships are part of her act and what she is selling. Why wouldn't it be talked about?

      There is a pattern with the "family values" crowd. Why would anyone think that Sarah Palin is different from her crowd?

    6. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Anonymous7:04 AM

      6:56 if you wrote the OP, then you should delete it, IMO. When stated as a fact like it is stated there.
      Fuck YOU! 7:04 go start your own flippin' blog! Also,too how do you explain the photo of Sarah,not yet two sitting on a motorcycle with nothing on except shoes?
      Yes that was from Chuck sr. photo album! In this day a photo like that is pedophilia! Sarah heath HAS all the signs of a abused child! If you are family get her some help instead of bitching on a fucking blog you slug!

    7. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Don't forget Grandpa Chuck is proud to advertise the Palin Brand.

      Everyone is to pretend they don't see or hear?

    8. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Palin's CRUDE language only helps attract the lowest of the low...forget little old-white-conservative men, now she's going for the lowest. Just look at the way she hangs with the pedo-duck-hunter types and limbaugh...Wha a disgusting low low crude woman she's become.

    9. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Yeah, it's pretty common knowledge in the valley about Creepy Chuckie and his sexual escapades with kids.

    10. Anonymous8:12 AM

      7:52 : also, too: don't forget creepy Chuck saying that 'the kids leave their undies all over the place', and the fact that $arah was forced to sleep w/o undies at night (even did that when doing sleepovers)!
      All this has been said/documented by the Heath/PayMe family themselves - NONE of this is made-up (hear that, 7:04?!)

    11. Anonymous8:23 AM

      6:56 AM

      I agree. If people weren't in denial or afraid she could have been confronted and dealt with her mental disorders earlier in life. Now it is probably too late and she is going down as a freak show.

    12. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I agree with 6:50 -- there's a line of civility that shouldn't be crossed here, but frequently is.

    13. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Maybe in tone, 8:24 AM, but sexual abuse is very REAL and there are definite signs in those who have been victims of it.

    14. Anonymous9:40 AM

      We should never cross the line of civility when crazies screech of gun lingo either. It is better to wait until something like a mass shooting occurs. Same civility must apply to blatant sex dog whistling. Keep it hidden until you can prove a lewd or perverse act has wrongfully occurred.

    15. Anonymous11:24 AM

      I think this is an important discussion and am glad there is a place to discuss it.

      Sexual abuse (and physical abuse) is a major issue in Alaska. 75% of Alaskans have either suffered or know someone who has suffered sexual abuse.

      Child sexual assault is nearly 6 TIMES the national average.

      More an 1 out of 3 Native American women will be raped in her lifetime.

      These are FACT. To ignore or try not to "discuss" issues are to encourage the cover of silence to continue.

      If you know anything about childhood sexual abuse, you would realize Sarah exhibits virtually all the signs--not counting the documentation from the Palin's themselves of Sarah sleeping naked at teenage sleep overs, Chuck Sr. saying kids are always losing their underwear, and posting a photo of NAKED little Sarah on a tricycle on a PUBLIC page. How sick is that in this day of pedophile and internet creeps?

      (Have you ever in all your lives heard someone say that children are "always losing their underwear?"

      And Sarah's father said this in a public situation immediately following a period when his daughter was the candidate for Vice President of the United States!!! If he says something so totally inappropriate and telling at such a public time, what is he saying and doing in private!??!)

      Sarah makes fortunes from branding herself and her family as the "Perfect Family." The family and Sarah regularly show themselves to have serious sexual dysfunction. So their actions -- or non actions in terms of getting help -- are fair game.

      If they don't like the response to their Sexual Issues On Display, then they should quit displaying sexual dysfunction issues in public!!! And that means speeches and Facebook!

      Hopefully, if not a Palin, then someone who reads IM will realize they are NOT ALONE and that we all care and would do what we could to help them get counseling or get out of an abusive situation.

      Please, if you are reading this and wonder if you "qualify" for being abused or think you'd like help, know that we are here for you and will be with you in spirit as you take your journey toward healing and a more peaceful mindset.

    16. Anonymous12:57 PM

      THANK YOU 9:58 AM 11:24 AM... Especially it is vital to discuss for anyone that cares about the well being of children.

    17. Anonymous4:18 PM

      The schools in parts of Alaska have some serious issues. Parents, grandparents and all good citizens must pay attention.

      I don't know what happened in Anchorage but Chuck Heath is no longer working for any school. Something went very well. Now we know about Trig Palin and it is a crime to neglect and abuse any child. More horrendous is when it is a vulnerable child, a child afflicted with any disability.

      Can anyone explain how it is that Trig Palin attends a school that does not take serious his damages and how he was held back? A school that does not report or do anything about abuse or neglect? How is that allowed to go on? That is important information and the public needs to know the facts.

      If Trig Palin can be abused and neglected what is happening to other children? This is a big red flag.

      Someone please get to the meat of the matter and find out what is going on with any school or Cottonwood Elementary?

      Don't ignore warning signs, please. Thank you.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    She is one nasty bitch! Just gross!

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      So, Sarah's mad Barack pulled out early,

      ...and REALLY mad that Levi didn't!

  7. A.J. Billings6:39 AM

    What a wonderful statement of family values, and setting an example for our children, by saying "Obama was impotent, and pulled out early"

    I'm sure that all the Teaparty Christian folk will be quoting that over breakfast today, and retelling it so their kids can hear what a wonderful example $arah is of faith, humility and spirit filled speaking.

    "Daddy, what does pulling out early mean?"

    Such a great line for the children to hear, along with blood libel, limp and impotent, cojones, and baptising by waterboard.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Didn't the venue say for children under a certain age were free and they are to sit on the parents lap? lol

      Teach your children well.

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    What a vulgar disgusting excuse of a human.
    True presidential material if the emotional maturity of a twelve year old is desired!
    YUCK just yuck!


  9. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Sarah Palin said that Trig is the best thing that ever happened to her. That must be Trig standing next to Sarah since she takes him with her everywhere she goes like a good mother would do.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      No one outside of Alaska (pop. 700,000) would have heard of Sarah Palin if not for Trig. That is how he is the "best" thing to the cray cray vile sex pervert.

  10. Eeeeeewwwwww. The bald horny Palin woman is having a break down. I'd say she has probably gone through about twenty "marital aids" and she still can't get the object of her stalker fantasy out of her mind.

    Good grief. I'm thinking a call to some social service agency should be made to check on Palin's family because it seems the woman is so verbally sexually inappropriate in public---who knows what she does or says at home.


    1. That website "Before It's News" that Gryphen linked to is pretty creepy too.

      The "Today's Top Stories" sidebar is reminiscent of every Alex Jones conspiracy theory ever shouted out, and the Tweets by Palin fans and RWNJ politicians are as tone-deaf to Sarah Palin's pathetic-sexual-abuse-survivor hangups as she is herself.

  11. Anonymous6:44 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 
    -Sarah Palin

    Todd is that what Sarah said in her sister's Alaska college dorm room when Glenn Rice messed on her?

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Stupid and equally as fucked up as Palns comments.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Remember she was married to someone with little to pull out.

      Her jealousy of others is eating her up but the meth takes her over the edge.

  12. Nasty ass Baldy! ALWAYS got her mind on the President's privates!

    BITCH....ya need to be worrying about where the Turd's puts and pulls out his penis! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Gina, we know he isn't giving it to the bitch!

  13. Anonymous6:46 AM

    D souza. The guy who comes over from India, no immigration waiting lists for him, gets into Princeton 3 seconds later. Spends the rest of his "career" blasting the US president, in speeches filled with "we" and "our", as in our country.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      And now he is a convicted felon. When is his sorry ass being deported? Hey Gohmert and King- wtf taking you so long?

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      I do believe someone on a green card can be deported for a felony, but someone who actually holds citizenship can't. I don't know which situation he is in. Once a person is a citizen that's it for deportation. IMO

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Didn't he use some sucker for a marriage or 2? He probably wanted citizenship.

  14. Anonymous6:48 AM

    She can't get a headline without resorting to extreme vulgarity. I wonder if even the hardliners on C4P consider that presidential?

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      C4P are as sick or sicker. She is presidential in that little world.

  15. Anonymous6:55 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah just think, if Glenn didn't pull out early Track would be African-American.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      What's brilliant (NOT) comment. Why are you so obsessed with Glenn Rice. No one cares anymore really. Your comments are dumb at this point, sorry.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Anon 7:05 (Bristol) why are you so butt hurt when someone makes a comment about your mom's one or two night stands? Your dad forgave her.

    3. Anonymous 7:05AM the Glenn Rice troll!

      Maybe you should take this up with Baldy since she's the one who got down with the swirl!

    4. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Sarah Palin has been selling packs of lies to the world and tried to create an image that is nothing like her real self.

      Palin's obsession with Glen Rice was a time when she was free enough to be herself. It is an important insight into who she is. The fact, is she spends most of her time negating who she is. We are deciphering the twisted perverted act she preforms and the disgusting charlatan she presents to the world.

      People like Palin lie to cover up. Her masks have proved to be flawed and one day they will come off.

      Only a tiny handful of deniers will be surprised.

    5. Anonymous9:43 AM

      @8:27 Interesting, never thought of the G.R. thing like that.

    6. Anonymous11:26 AM

      IMHO.... Sarah Palin never got over Glen Rice. She had to make up another life because the forbidden fruit was way too taboo. After many years of her hidden desires burning inside and constantly being put into a dark wet place, along comes Senator Obama and he is in her sight. He fills her up where Rice left her empty. Yet she is still forced to keep it all hidden. She can only exist in the outer fantasy world she created.

      The public only sees what the results of not being true to oneself brought out of Sarah Palin. By age 50 she looks old and creepy like a bad cartoon. The more she plays her sex card the more vile and hideous the distortions of Sarah Palin will become.

  16. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Cry me a river Bob, cry me a freaking river.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Ohhhh Barack, ohhhhh Barack, wait! What are you doing? Why are you pulling out?

    Barack: Something smells. (Palin has the same dream every night)

  18. "You ever wonder why so much of Palin's talk centers around the sexual ability or proclivities of men?"
    No. It's pretty damned obvious.

  19. Anonymous7:04 AM

    President Obama is her tension target. In order to maintain the stressful pretense of her perfect family life and career, in reality total busts on both counts, she needs to relieve the pressure byp lashing out at and trying to diminish someone who succeeded where she failed (and keeps failing).

    IMO she keeps framing her projecting in sexual imagery because she is obsessed with Obama on a personal level. She just is too unselfaware and too unperceptive to realize what she's revealing about herself when she does that.

  20. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Not only is Palin just plain gross but her language and insults would also be considered verbally abusive. I can only imagine what verbal abuse goes on in her home.

    No really good mother would talk like she does. She sets an example for her own children. Yet that has never concerned her. Palin is just a trashy potty mouth.

    I'm in Texas--and long ago, I heard the really wealthy Republicans who run the show do not like her/think she is trashy. And that dirty mouth talk is a big part of it. It's very offensive--even to many in her party.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM


    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      "No really good mother would talk like she does. She sets an example for her own children. Yet that has never concerned her. Palin is just a trashy potty mouth."


    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      It's easy to imagine after hearing her 3 yr. old grandchild yell "faggot", "fuck you" and "I hate you".

  21. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I recognize the two degenerates left and center. Who is on the right?

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I think that someone identified her as Katie Pavlich (sp?) from FAUX News.

  22. She's just keeping up her white trash cred, nothing to see here. Or nothing new, that's for sure.

  23. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I'll bet Curtis Menard wished he had pulled out early on a couple of occasions. But, there was never satisfying that frigid bitch.

  24. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Sarah is still butthurt President Obama never returned her phone calls, especially her offer of "expert" advice during the Gulf oil spill.

    The most crushing blow of all, though, came in Hawaii after her "Going Rogue" book tour. Michelle ignored Sarah's invitation to arrange a "play date" between Malia, Sasha, Trig, and Piper. You know, it was a "mother thing," something "Mom's" do.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Wow, I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near Mrs. Palin. Did she really try to get a play date for her kids with Mrs. Obama? I remember when she tried to get lunch with Hillary Clinton, and tried to get the president to come to Alaska to play basketball with her.

    2. And don't forget her 'tea' with Maggie Thatcher, her idol when it suited her. The woman is insane, needs to be locked in a padded room, and whomever is writing this sexual crap for her should be ashamed of themselves. The man is our President. All of us. The UNITED States, not the Republican Tealiban States. Sarah Palin, you are a disgusting, worthless human being.

  25. Anonymous7:17 AM

  26. Anonymous7:19 AM

  27. Anonymous7:23 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 

    Good thing for Brad Hanson.

  28. Anonymous7:26 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 

    Sarah and Todd you wished Levi pulled out early when he did Bristol the night she lied and went fucking with him in her canvas tent.

  29. Beldar J Conehead, Exclusive IM Troll7:32 AM

    My Zeus, what a tiresome woman she is.

    Speaking of tiresome, here's some shit trolls say:

    IM commenters
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, a waste of space, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, pieces of filth, classless, ignorant, jealous, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    "She", (the one who must not be named), on the other hand,
    - is nice, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, real, not seedy, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    - is probably not even his real name, matters not, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    Remember: Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept no Substitute!

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM


      Beldar is the rill dill when it comes to trolling here.

  30. Anonymous7:48 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 

    Todd didn't need to pull out early when he did his girlfriend Shailey. He wore his condom and then wrapped his used condom in his face cloth, took his sperm and used condom with him and dumped it after he finished so he wouldn't leave any DNA. That's what a sneaky son of a bitch would do so his girlfriends and prostitutes won't have any proof to show his wife and kids.

  31. Anonymous7:50 AM

    This nut-job could have been a heartbeat away from the Presidency?! We should be eternally grateful to Katie Couric & Tina Fey. Sarah Palin will never be more than stupid, classless, White Trash.

  32. Abo gato7:50 AM

    I think she has borderline personality disorder. My husband's ex has it and we know that she was sexually abused by her baptist, missionary father. We are also, sadly, sure that she did the same to their daughter as the daughter has grown up to be as abusive and deranged as her mother. People who have this are pretty much impossible to get help for as many therapists refuse to treat them as they are so awful.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      The best thing for them is to commit a crime, get caught and they can spend their life in prison.

  33. Anonymous7:51 AM

    i think she thinks those glasses make her look smart, they just make her look old. She must feel like crap standing next to that young woman

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      A young, good looking woman who is smart and works for Faux News. None of which Sarah has going for her.

      (See 7:09 and 9:30 above.)

  34. Caroll Thompson7:52 AM

    All I can say is any man would be impotent when presented with the likes of Sarah Palin. She has lost her looks to hate and now looks like she is older than her mother.

  35. Anonymous7:57 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 

    Oh no he didn't! That explains why you had to sneak off into the night and elope with Todd before you gave birth to Curt Menard Jr's son Caint Get Right.

    1. WTF is wrong with these people? BUSH decided when we'd leave, and set the conditions. When Iraq refused to make our servicepeople exempt from their laws (a good plan, in my opinion!) Obama had no choice but to leave.

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Exactly right Sue. They'll never get that through their thick, Neanderthal skulls. Just trying to rewrite history to blame our wonderful President.

  36. Anonymous8:03 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 

    That's what a Palin or Heath daughter says if they make it out of high school without having a baby.

  37. A J Billings8:07 AM

    So here we have Mr D'Souza, a proud Christian, and preaching family values.

    He goes to speak at a Christian gathering, and shacks up with his "fiancee" while he's still married, and so is the woman

    As if that's not enough, he's also been convicted of campaign fraud, but claims he was still pure of heart when he broke the law.

    Is this idiot trying to out gun the Tundra Twit with his illegal and immoral activities?

    What's next, finding out he was secretly shtupping Maureen O'Donnell for a piece of the Jonnie Williams money?

    Dinesh is as hypocritical as they come, like Frankie Graham, Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, and all the rest of the Christian grifters.

    Also too, Pullout Paylin

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      "Pullout Paylin". I love it!!

  38. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Sarah Palin, still making the conservative christians proud.

  39. Anonymous8:22 AM

    So Joan Rivers dies, and Sarah picks up her mantle of vulgar, crass lines.
    Only Rivers did it for laughs (whether or not you found her funny). The audience could pay to listen to her, or not. She didn't pretend to be an expert on politics or foreign policy.
    Sarah must think her innuendoes are clever. Whatever she can do to get attention, which we're giving her.
    The Koch brothers fund ballet in NY city and lounge around in the Hamptons, London, etc. They, and their fellow oligarchs will not be amused by Palin's childish sexual taunts.
    She's toast.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      The Kochs do not mingle with the hired help. They don't care what she says or to whom. All that matters is that their little ankle biter is out there running her vulgar mouth to keep the stupid set riled up. Her low class crowd relates to all her crass one-liners as they understand little else.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      If she thinks she's the Joan Rivers of politics, all that drugging has destroyed her brain.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      One of the Kochs also donates to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They seem to think that by donating to beneficial causes, including cancer research, that they can counter-balance all the harm they do in this world. They are pathetic.
      M from MD

  40. Anjaak8:24 AM

    I would really like a psycholinguist to analyse her use of language. Something is going on there. (besides the obvious crazy)

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      You would think there is a course at the University of Alaska or Idaho.

      Back in the day Madonna was worthy, Universities created classes that studied her sexual innuendo. More could be learned about the American need for sex in politics and pop culture. I would like to know why in America so many people want to be deceived and fooled. How did we become such a gullible sucker culture?

  41. I'd still like to know how a convicted felon is allowed to leave the state, make money with speeches full of lies and innuendo, and then pose with Harpy and Harpy Wannabe like the cat who swallowed the canary? If he weren't a naturalized citizen, I'd be all for shipping him back to India.

  42. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "You ever wonder why so much of Palin's talk centers around the sexual ability or proclivities of men?"

    Actually, yes.

    It's either that she has the emotional maturity of a 13 year old, or that she was abused, or that she figured out early on that sex and sexuality is one of the easiest manipulation tools to employ because everybody can relate to it - basically she's playing to the basest, lowest-common-denominator instincts.

    Or any combination of the 3.

    Whatever the reason, it's not deliberate. IQ of 83. She probably thinks that she's being profound. ("looky, I put together rack and gun! Can I call you Joe?")

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      " basest, lowest-common-denominator instincts."

      And that, my fellow IMers, is the Tea Party.

    2. We have no idea what Palin's IQ is. (That high school transcript was debunked long ago as a fake.)

      I personally think Palin is developmentally disabled.

      Whatever her mental capacity is, Thai alone does not explain her sexually inappropriate behavior or her public re versions to a child like singsong voice.

      I personally have no doubt she was sexually abused.

    3. Anonymous10:21 AM

      I always thought that Sarah had attention deficit problems. People in Alaska claimed that she took Adderall, which is supposed to address ADHD. It is also speed, which accounts for her frenzied style. Sarah is not capable of processing information. Five minutes after hearing the story of Paul Revere, she got it all mixed up. She couldn't prepare for interviews with Gibson and Couric. It took weeks to prepare her for the "debate," which is really just reciting memorized statements. Her writing and speaking are at a beginning high school level and she has never tried to improve on either.

      As for the sexually inappropriate dress, mannerisms (tongue flipping) and statements-- either she does it for attention, to act and sound tough and/or something happened to her when she was a kid and she hasn't been able to resolve that issue.

    4. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Here is my thought on the Paul Revere thing. Had she never learned the story in school? Was this the first time she heard it? That alone says a lot about her education and her teacher-father and her so-called lifelong patriotism and commitment to America founders.

      Most people her age learned the Paul Revere story in 2nd or 3rd grade. Why did she get so confused after visiting his home?

      Never has made any sense to me. One of many things about Palin that has never made sense to me.

  43. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Boy, has Palin changed physically. She doesn't look anything like she use to.

    Her sexual 'stuff' when related to our wonderful President Obama is getting so old. The woman has no depth or substance to her idiotic statements!

  44. Gryphen here's video of Baldy from last night! The news folks are tearing her ass up! Also the "Douchebag" guy she endorsed didn't show up...apparently he didn't want the stank on him! LOL!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      She only let 'em tape the first three minutes, huh? What's up with that? Doesn't she have the answers for ALL of us? Why can't we hear what she has to say?

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      How bout that. The endorsee doesn't even come to thank the endorser. Who's paying Palin's fee for this?

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      "she made a run for the white house"....and here I thought the VP lived across town in the naval observatory. In her mind. It was the white house.

    4. Anonymous10:16 AM

      It was a run for the White House, all right, and McCain can thank the fact that he's breathing to their defeat. The Palin Mafia would have caused an "accident."

    5. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Birds of a feather flocking together- but in their case they're the sort that make buzzards welcome company, seriously. Dinesh makes my skin crawl. And we all know what a messed up piece o' work Sarah Palin is. Well, the Devil looks after his own..until it's time to call in that life contract, and then she'll become this legendary cautionary tale for everyone to point at.
      M from MD

  45. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Bitch is clearly an incest survivor, but even believing that I have no compassion for her ass whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Gabby Giffords was the last straw for me!

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      It's the way she 'survives'. Her living death mode and doing more destruction. She didn't survive by ending the abuse/neglect cycle.

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      "Bitch is clearly an incest survivor, but even believing that I have no compassion for her ass whatsoever."

      I hear you 9:24.

      "Bitch clearly experienced incest, but even believing that I have no compassion for her ass whatsoever."

    4. Anonymous10:22 AM

      why lie?

    5. Anonymous10:47 AM

      10:22 AM

      Sarah can't help it. Lies are part of her mental condition. Try to be a little sympathetic. Remember her childhood. It is all pretty sad despite the front they try to put on.

    6. Anonymous11:36 AM

      The only true survival is to end the cycle of abuse.

      What Palin is about is adding layer after layer of cover ups and lies. She is not an authentic person. She is some deteriorating skin over bones acting and performing like some freak in an old side show carnival. Kind of like that Lobster Man at this point in her life.

    7. Anonymous12:17 PM


      I know, why does Mrs. Palin lie? If she would just accept her "station in life" and her apparent mental illness then she would be a better person. Instead, she is broken in the brains and constantly uses sexually loaded gestures and phrases to try to get attention. Seriously, mentally healthy people don't act like she does, and we can try to write it off to her upbringing, the lack of culture the lack of educational credentials and her low IQ, but really, most families would help a person like Sarah, rather than letting her run around unfettered and showing signs of mental illness and for some reason a hatred of men. Whatever happened to her around age 12 or 13 has cemented within her adult personality and never let her progress beyond her middle school years.

    8. Anonymous2:20 PM

      So, Sarah's dad preyed on Sarah (and Possibly her sisters),

      And Sarah married a guy who preys on desperate women.

  46. Anonymous8:52 AM

    What I don't understand is why Palin keeps ragging on Obama. Obama will not be running for reelection. Her criticisms are weak and dated and don't seem to serve her a political purpose.

    1. You must be new.

      Does anybody want to give this person the rundown on why Palin hates Obama's guts to much?

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      One reason why Sarah Palin keeps ragging on President Obama is because President Obama refuses to acknowledge that Sarah Palin exists.

    3. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Could be because Glenn Rice shifted Sarah's womb and Sarah holds that against President Obama since he's African-American?

    4. Anonymous9:38 AM

      He beat her. He WON. She LOST.

    5. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Oh, I know Palin hates him but it's not in her own interest to rant on about Obama so much of the time. She doesn't even make sense most of the time. Is she like that kid in junior high who never got the joke?

    6. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Sarah hates Obama because his kids will be going to college and Sarah's kids can't make it out of high school before having kids, dropping out, committing breaking and entering and vandalizing school buses.

    7. Anonymous9:50 AM

      She hates Obama because he won't let her suck his dick.

    8. Anonymous10:15 AM

      @anon 8:52 Where have you been? Sarah was running against Barack Obama in 2008, when he barely defeated her in the presidential election. (That's sarcasm because Obama was elected by a wide margin). Sarah said on election night that God wouldn't let the wrong person win. He (or She) didn't, but Sarah has never gotten over losing that race. Never mind that she was the VP choice, not the presidential candidate. Never mind that her own stupidity helped sink McCain, who was a poor candidate himself.

      Sarah is famous for holding grudges. I can't remember all of the people who have made jokes about her, insulted her or shown how stupid she is. IM readers, please add to Sarah's Hit List. (There should be an "s" in front of "hit):
      Katie Couric for making Sarah look stupid
      SNL for making Sarah sound and look supid
      Tina Fey for making Sarah look stupid
      Julianne Moore for playing Sarah in "Game Change" and making her look stupid
      David Letterman for making a joke about Palin's knocked up daughter. (Bristol did have a child (or children) out of wedlock. What do you call them?)
      Bill Maher: for making jokes about Sarah and calling her rude names
      Kathy Griffin: for making jokes about Sarah and calling her rude names
      Joan Rivers: for making jokes about Sarah
      Joy Behar: for making jokes about Sarah
      Paul Revere because he did so warn the British that they won't be taking our guns away, or at least that's what Sarah thought that Paul said
      North Korea because Sarah really thought that they were our friends
      Ex-president of France Sarkozy for playing a prank on Sarah
      Vlad Putin for rearing his head over Alaska. (Never mind the joke about seeing Russia from her house. Sarah hasn't gotten over that one either)
      Joe McGinniss for spying on Piper in her bedroom even though you can't see into Piper's bedroom from the house that Joe McGinniss rented next door to Sarah when he was writing a book about her
      David Kernell who guessed Sarah's password and got into her private email account where she conducted State of Alaska business
      Those people on the Ethics Committee who made her pay back the money in her illegal defense fund, even though she or another Republican had appointed them to the commttee
      Her former brother-in-law, Wooten, who she tried to get fired, just because he used to be married to Sarah's sister.
      Any reporter who dared to tell the truth about Sarah being lazy and stupid
      Any person who dared to say that Sarah was lazy and stupid
      Africa because they are a country. Who cares about the difference between a country and a continent.
      Former Mayor Mike Bloomberg because he wanted to ban unhealthy king sized soft drinks and tobacco
      Michelle Obama because she wants kids to eat health food. Adults, too.
      Michelle Obama because Sarah wanted to be the one in a fancy gown welcoming visitors to a state dinner in the White House
      Sasha and Melia because they are smarter than her own dumb kids
      The two White House dogs, just because they were put on a Christmas card
      Help me out, folks, I'm sure that I've left some people out.

    9. Anonymous10:21 AM

      because he's a lying sack of smarmy shit.

    10. @ 9:50am.......EWWWWWWWWWWW....ewwwwwwww...ewwwwwww!

      And you're probably right! Lol!

    11. Anonymous11:57 AM

      oops!!!!! because she's a lying sack of smarmy shit.

    12. Anonymous11:58 AM

      She is milking the conservaturds hatred of President Obama is all.

    13. Anonymous1:16 PM

      There used to be a whole webpage of people that Palin hates.

    14. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Ahh, poor little bigoted 10:21 troll has a severe case of butt hurt. Better get used to it cause your queen will never reach even 1% of the respect and admiration enjoyed by our very intelligent, caring and productive President. You'd do better with your accusations if you cited a provable example but since there are none it's better to go with the rabid bumper-sticker type attacks.

      We do try to understand your hatred of the POTUS because we sorta feel the same way about a certain pitiful prevaricating quitter from Wasilla. Lucky for us, we have lots of proof to back up our claims so we don't look like complete fools like you do with your tired nonsense.

  47. Ratfish9:04 AM

    Two crooks, faux Christian peas in a pod.

    And she accused Obama of being addicted to other peoples' money? That's rich!

    P.s. Not surprised she's hanging out with an adulterer like D'Souza.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      The Queen of Projection does it again! LOL

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Both Todd and Sarah have been adulterers in the eyes of God and Bristol has bred bastards while having sex out of the constraints of Holy Christian Marriage, so yeah, they know of what they speak and if there is a Hell they are going there because they sin, they sin often and they sin pretty seriously in the eyes of God. Why does it take an Atheist to see how flawed and broken they are regarding living under the Biblical laws of their own professed Christian Religion?

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      12:20 PM

      How true.

  48. Anonymous9:26 AM

    “He pulled out early,” 

    Don't think so Governor Sarah!
    Ben thought he was the father of your daughter Bristol's son Tripp. So Tripp is either Levi's or Ben's son. We won't know until a DNA test is administered. Might as well test Trig's DNA while you're at it.

  49. PalinsHoax9:28 AM

    Bitter, bitter, bitter.
    Angry, angry, angry.
    Lewd, lewd, lewd.
    Desperate, desperate, desperate.
    Ugly, ugly, ugly.

    That is just the tip of the iceberg of what the Ol' Wretched One is like.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      lewd, lechery, lascivious, obscene, indecent. Obsolete. low, ignorant, vulgar, base, vile, wicked, bad, worthless

      It must be tough to decide on the word of the day.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Yes, you are.

    3. Anonymous10:43 AM

      10:21 AM why are you insulting the mother like that. she was young when she was impregnated by her date. He married her didn't he? Or did he?

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM


      "I know you are but what am I"? Really, that's all ya got? Beldar's wit has done broken the troll.

  50. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Who is working with Trig on his therapy routines? What about the dog training?

    I think the whole video about his therapy was aimed at the school system. See, how can they criticize her or say that Trig can't be in school when she is SO appreciative of teachers, and she has him in therapy? It isn't her fault that he can't do things, because, you know, families sometimes "miss" things that children should be able to do! Talking and feeding yourself is very easy for a family to "miss." If the school system says anything critical about the Palins now they look like meanies. Millions of people saw Palin's Facebook post and they would all think the school system is just being unfair!

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      lol You are so ignorant. He's been in school for a couple years now and loves it. Involved parents, you betcha ;)

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      @anon at 10:21 am
      Where are Trig's involved parents? We haven't seen them and they failed to get Trig in Zero to 3 therapy that would have helped him so much, they should be arrested for neglect.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      1021 _ They are neglecting Trig to send him to a school for years and never address how he is abused and neglected by his parents.

      That is not a decent school for anyone. It is a school that is complicit in holding back a victim of DS. A school like that has damaged Trig as much as Sarah.

      You are all nothing but criminals.

    4. Anonymous11:51 AM

      9:36 I think you've nailed it. How dare the school system point out an obvious (and cruel!) flaw in the Palin's treatment of Trig!

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Triggy Bear has been attending the Special Ed program at Cottonwood Elementary school in Wasilla on Seward Meridian Road for two years, this being his second year. Tripp is joining him this year, but not in the special ed class, but a regular kindergarten classroom. I did recently hear that Trig acted up so badly that he couldn't attend the State Fair with the others in his Special Ed class, the boy seems to have no impulse control and his teachers are having a hard time with him. Perhaps the dog will help?

    6. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Cottonwood Elementary school in Wasilla on Seward Meridian Road

      How is it legal to do nothing for a DS child that has been criminally neglected for his entire life. He is going to act up. So do caged elephants trained to be in a circus.

      What is wrong with that school and why is there no one in Alaska to step up and speak up for poor Trig? Tripp has Sunny and Levi but the damages the Palins have done will be hard to overcome.

      Trig's damages from the Palins may not be able to overcome.

    7. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Tripp is the oldest kid in his kindergarten class? It seems he has been stunted and held back with his brother or step child, the one the Palins might have adopted to enhance their income and fame.

      I sure hope all that gets cleared up so they can one day know who they are and what the relationships truly are.

    8. Anonymous2:45 PM

      @9:36 Sarah is supposed to give a speech about raising a child with special needs. (Sometime in Joplin, MO). Since Sarah has not done anything productive regarding therapy for Trig for the last 6 years, the video looks like she is playing catch-up. Some line of thinking is the business of Jill, the therapy dog who doesn't seem to have had much training in the therapy or any other department. Everything that Palin does is for show.

    9. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Chuck Heath gave a radio interview where he admitted that Trig could only say a few words, could not feed himself, was not toilet trained and seemed to spend his days watching cartoons on TV with the baby sitter. Why is the such a shock?

      We have seen zero evidence that Sarah and Todd were in any way involved in therapy for Trig, or Sarah would have been posting progress reports instead of showing another photo of Trig without his glasses. His eyes are badly crossed and he cannot see well without the glasses. There are procedures to correct the weak eye muscles. Without glasses and the corrections, he sees a blur of images that don't make sense to him.

      If Trig misbehaves, it is because he is frustrated and cannot express himself. It also shows what happens when a DS does not get any therapy. Did Sarah just think that since God gave her such a precious gift that God would take care of Trig for her? No, once she was given the gift, it was her job to take care of him.

    10. Anonymous3:53 PM

      The sooner Cottonwood Elementary is closed the better. No school has to tolerate being part of a criminal endeavor. It is like a Mafia or Cartel bought off the school and Cottonwood Elementary is forced to mistreat, abuse, neglect and hold back certain children. Since that is how the school works the other children are also damaged just by being in the mix of a criminal cover up.

      Why would any parent allow their child to attend that school.

      Fortunately, for the children in Anchorage, the adulterer who had sex with a co-worker that he knocked up is gone.

      Things are not so good in Wasilla yet.

      I guess we will see what kind of a parent Levi actually is soon enough.

      No decent parent would have their child attend a school like Cottonwood Elementary. Shut it down good citizens.

  51. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sarah should talk about who really pulls out early. She's the actual half term quitter.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      EXACTLY. I guess she thinks she is an expert.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Somebody, PLEASE tweet that! I don't tweet, or I'd do it!

    3. Anonymous12:19 PM

      She also said that Pres Obama doesn't deserve respect. Meanwhile, she's out there talking like white trash.

  52. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Anonymous7:14 AM

    I'll bet Curtis Menard wished he had pulled out early on a couple of occasions. But, there was never satisfying that frigid bitch.


    Look what happened to Curt, he should have pulled out early.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Why are you slandering a non political man not connected to Sarah Palin besides being a good family friend?

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Curtis' Mommy bought off Tawd Palin to "marry" his problem.

    3. Anonymous12:27 PM

      10:20am Hello? Curtis is the father of both Track and Piper. It's rather common knowledge around here, but you only read the Facebook lies of Sarah Palin and don't even live in AK so you don't know the "real scoop". People thought that Piper was Brad's but seems that was not true. Palin was all too happy to let people believe that lie.

    4. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Linda Menard was the one who encouraged Sarah to enter the Miss Wasilla Beauty Contest as a way to win some money to pay for college. Linda mentored Sarah and surprise, Sarah won the title of Miss Wasilla. It's no small coincidence that Linda also ran the Miss Wasilla contest. That's how Sarah ended up in the Miss Alaska contest. Linda is still active in Alaska state politics.

    5. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Linda Menard has another husband and is not in office. What does she do if she is still active?

      If she is active, why not stand up and talk about what she knows and when she knew it? How much does she have to hide? Did she teach Sarah Palin how to cheat and lie like a pro?

      If Linda knew her son was not Track Palin's father, she would not ignoreTrack and all about his heritage. She doesn't want to admit the facts because of criminal involvement, she is another selfish idiot out to save her own reputation. So Linda Menard throws Track under a bus. Anyway you look at it he isn't worth shit to her.

      She is neither a friend nor a decent grandmother. She is a self serving criminal and it makes her son look bad as well. What a horrible woman Linda Menard is. She may die soon and when the truth comes out about her, her legacy is shit. She won't be around to try and fix it.

      Just another piece of crap corrupt politician from the state where corruption is of common place.

  53. Anonymous10:05 AM

    How is Sally Sandusky doing with her word of the day? Did she quit or is she just doing a half ass job?

    Wasn't Sally also a whore that had to marry since she got prematurely knocked up? Does the whole family act out like that? Sally was their teacher.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      In the Heath/Palin Klan they rely on engagement fetus instead of the traditional engagement ring.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Quit slut shaming. There is nothing wrong with premarital sex

    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      premarital sex between conscentual adults if fine.

      It is not a good reason to marry or do the bs church deal and think that absolves the life of sin they believe in. They just expand their sinning.

      Bristol was more real to herself when she could call herself a slut. Now she can only be a hypocrite and liar that no one can believe.

      Sally is a bad example and Sarah may be worse then Sally.

    4. Anonymous12:02 PM

      In that case 11:02 why is Bristol Palin promoting abstinence only?

    5. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Hey, this is not slut shaming, it's simply calling out pretend christian women who break their vows of abstinence before marriage and then end up knocked up out of wedlock and insist on shotgun weddings. That's not the way it is supposed to work for these types of christian people, not at all. That entire family is nothing but a bunch of religious hypocrites. Live by the sword, die by the sword. God is not happy with them.

  54. Anonymous10:13 AM

    My Week With Sarah Palin (The Channel)

    So I’m watching the new Sarah Palin Channel and all I can think of is The Twilight Zone.

    Sarah Palin to speak at PTSD support foundation gala

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      That PTSD thing is tonight at 5 their time. Still plenty of tickets left.

      It's a church sponsored function. I say Sarah can only get extreme right wing churches to sponsor her. She's going into televangelism. Tammy Fay, anyone?

      "Tickets are still available to attend the gala. General seating, including admission to the silent auction and dinner, is $100 per person. Premium seating is $150 per person. A reserved table for eight guests with front row seating is $2,000; and a VIP table, including dinner for eight, a private meet and greet, photo and book signing with Palin, is $5,000."

      I wonder how much, if any of the money goes to help veterans with PTSD? And how much goes to help the Palin bank account?

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      If they are paying Palin, then I don't believe they are all that interested in helping veterans. I believe too many of those "churches" have become political entities who are hiding behind the guise of religion. Total BULLSHIT!

    3. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Years ago I had a customer in Houston. Her, her boyfriend and some of his fedex pilot buddies were coming up to CO to ski. Hubby and I met them up at a ski resort. We ended up leaving early because despite their obvious well paying jobs "these people" repeatedly used the "n" word in casual conversation. I had no idea what a racist my customer was, she & her boyfriend both lived in the Woodlands, a fairly elite place in the Houston sarah should fit in just fine.

    4. Anonymous3:30 PM

      PTSD? Sarah will talk about Jeremy Morlock and what happened to him? It is about time she says something honest, if possible. Is she going to talk about the time Jeremy wrote to her and how she handled his plea? Or will she blame her staff or anyone but Sarah...

      "compassionate reassignment"

  55. Anonymous10:28 AM

    When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.
    stain's a has been.
    She goes full throttle in speeches because she has nothing to gain, and nothing left to lose.

  56. Anonymous10:29 AM

    You nailed it!

  57. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Happy children, grumpy old guy.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18jgapu8fty8hjpg.jpg

    Skull Soup. First, slaughter the caribou, decapitate it, and scoop out its brain.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18jgapy6hrz2mjpg.jpg

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      That second photo, the way that little Sarah is looking at Chuck Jr. leads me to believe maybe it was Chucky Jr that put her on the path of emasculating men that she is currently exhibiting.

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Also too, I think that she has a crush on Putin because in that first photo daddy Chuck looks just like him! Now it all makes sense!

    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      The 2 Chucky's were some team. I bet they worked them all over at one time or another.

    4. Anonymous3:53 PM

      12:36 He does look like a younger Putin in that photo, doesn't he?

    5. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I suppose it happens but what struck me was two light haired parents producing a red head, 2 blondes and a raven. Ironically, the raven grew up to be a crow and an ugly, old crow at that. The youngest looks like Sally and, dang, who dressed those poor little kids. Already, at that tender age Palin had her dominatrix thing goin' on.

      Her fairy tale imaginary life was already being scripted in her mind. No wonder she's so hateful and full of spite, she's been practicing since she could walk and talk. Interesting, no happy faces in either of those pictures but I could see some fear. Something Chucky would term 'respect' but I would call strict obedience demanded.

      Agree, Chucky looks like Putin. Thinks and acts like him too. Both definitely bring to mind, "all hat, no cattle". Yup.

  58. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What an example she sets for her kids and grandkids. Hear that Piper, Tripp? That is your mother and grandmother's dirty mouth saying in public that the President of the United States is impotent and pulled out early.

  59. Anonymous11:44 AM

    There is at the very least some truth to small town rumors. The stories about Sarah were in the town archives long before she was rolled out by the GOP as their mother goddess of religion and raunch. It's all a matter of perception and illusion. Marketing. Political Spin. And, the GOP got a nasty bite on their lily white asses when they reeled in what they thought was their mermaid but their prized catch turned out to be a bottom feeder.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      The View's Nicole Wallace knows nothing about small town rumors?

  60. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Knock, knock

  61. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I saw the video of her first three minutes of her speech, and that red top is sequined!! LMAO!

  62. Anonymous12:56 PM

    WTF is wrong with Ol' Palin. I thought she was a "conservative puritan" BULLSHIT.
    What a low-life CEPHO and what a filthy mouth. If she utters that filth out of her mouth, imagine what's in her heart and mind.
    And this woman is supposed to be vice presential material...What a disgusting piece of SH*T.

  63. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Check out the site Palin4President2016, yes,sadly, someone is crazy enough to have this site what they will do when she won't run and they finally realize it is anybody's guess. there are pictures of her on there and the one of just her shoes is hilarious! her shoe strap is all crooked on one shoe. This idiot can't even dress herself and she is trying to tell the President how to run the Country! Red toe nails, black shoes, brown sweater over an ungodly sequined something, it just screams class i tell you! And is her wig going grey in places or did Bristol flunk highlighting?

    About the crude remarks of hers on Obama...Sarah, really you are giving you and Todd's problem sex life away no woman talks like that unless you know they are having problems at home, maybe you should give Todd his balls back or quit wearing your Dominatrix outfit in the bored room, i mean bedroom.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I almost choked on my lunch when I saw the photo of the twisted shoe. I see a connection. Twisted shoe=twisted mind. And the blogger actually called them, "fierce shoes."

      Here, she finally acknowledges that President Obama was voted into office, not once, but twice:

      "My worry? Can we survive the people who voted for Obama TWICE? What does that say? We've got some work to do."

      What it says Sarah is that the people (We the People!) decided twice that he was the best person for the office. And the second time came after 4 years of seeing how well he ran the office and how well he represented We the People!

      (Sorry for the WtheP rant, but I thought if I used their words, they might understand the message better.)

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Here's another thing from that crazy Palin4Presient2016 site. I've tried really hard to figure out what the person is trying to say.

      The headline was no clue as what does "nous" mean in this context??? (Even inserting noose makes no sense, though it does rhyme with moose, which they have in Alaska.)
      I think the person is saying that Sarah is a strategic political genius for having waiting until 4 days before the primary to endorse Joe Miller. WTF???

      While admitting she could have done it months earlier, by waiting until just prior to the election, she didn't put her tremendous political pull in Alaska to work because she didn't want to have Sullivan miss out on winning the Alaska Republican Primary since he has the most likelihood of winning the general election.

      (But that means she is saying publicly that she doesn't think Joe has mojo, right?)

      Why, this genius strategy by Palin, you ask? Well, obviously you are not the political strategic genius that Sarah is.

      If I understand this person correctly, and I could be totally wrong since the article is so hard to decipher, since Joe Miller said he'd support whoever won the Republican primary then there was no fear of a Republican not beating Mark Begich in the general election. (You know, Joe Miller and Sarah have soooo much pull and respect by Alaskans!!! that their support can swing the election!)

      Obviously this blog writer does not live in Alaska and has no clue how much Alaskans despise and are disgusted with both Palin and Miller.

      Remember, everyone loves Joe Miller so much that he was soundly beaten by a write-in candidate after he WON the Republican primary against an incumbent.

      Sheesshhhh. Go. Away. Both of you! And the crazy blogger also, too!

  64. Anonymous2:11 PM

    OMG! They are delusional and of course they have no clue that we are dealing with ISIS, bombing the shit out of them.
    Going into another boots on the ground war after 10 yrs in 2 wars. We need a leader who listens to his advisors and heeds them, unlike Bush2, the decider.

  65. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Dear Sarah,

    I found you speech at the United We Stand event to be,










    And last but not least,

    Fallow, of one shred of meaningful rhetoric or intelligence.

  66. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Anonymous11:32 AM

    What an example she sets for her kids and grandkids. Hear that Piper, Tripp? That is your mother and grandmother's dirty mouth saying in public that the President of the United States is impotent and pulled out early.


    Sarah why do have a garbage mouth and claim to be a Christian? Sarah maybe you have a trashy mouth because of what people say about you and your family?

    Sarah if your single father had pulled out your single mother then your brother would not have been born.

    Sarah if Curt had pulled out then Track would not have been born.

    Sarah if single Track had pulled out of single Btitta then Kayla would not have been born.

    Sarah if single Levi had pulled out of single Bristol then Tripp would not have been born.

  67. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Obsessed with men's virility and sexuality much? Yeah because no one is fucking her and no one wants to, but a bunch of creepy,drooling old white farts and her felonious pal there. Turd Nugent doesn't want to have sex with her because she is too old. He probably has his eye on Piper. That is the kind of people she hangs with. Toad sure isn't giving her any.

  68. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Never, never has there been a political candidate like Sarah Palin. Calling her white trash doesn't even fit, she's worse than white trash. What category is below white trash? If her remarks were coming from a teenage entertainer, the country would be screaming about it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sarah strip down on stage and offer herself to anybody who'd agree to have public sex. Come to think of it, that's what she does verbally - strips down and shows what she's made of. She has no class and no decency. She's mentally ill. Sick. An embarrassment to herself. I hope John McCain is keeping track of her remarks and actions. I hope they follow him to his grave.

    Besides all of that, Sarah is a middle-aged woman who is - to put it in words that Sarah will understand - she's horny. I'm again reminded of my EX-friend who loves Sarah and who finally admitted that "She wouldn't make a good president but (he) wished Hugh Hefner would put her in Playboy. She'd be great in Playboy". Playboy!? An old woman in Playboy? He's probably representative of Sarah's most devoted fans.

  69. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Actually they did quote it.....Cheetah444......clueless, clueless they are


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It just goes directly to their thighs.