Friday, December 26, 2014

After 18 months Rep. Darrell Issa finally releases his report which finds, hold on for a shocker folks, NO connection between the White House and the IRS "scandal." What?

Courtesy of the LA Times:  

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista) wasted enormous congressional resources over the last 18 months trying to inflate the IRS "scandal" into a mountain. The release Tuesday of his final, petulant report on the affair marks what may be its final decline into a mouse. 

The bottom line: Contrary to his assertions in countless appearances on Fox News, there's no evidence that the Obama White House directed -- or indeed was involved in any way -- in the supposed targeting of conservative nonprofit groups for special scrutiny by the IRS. There's no evidence that "tea party" groups were exclusively targeted, as opposed to tax-exempt "social welfare" organizations from across the political spectrum. 

The evidence set forth in the report, which was issued by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's GOP majority without sharing it first with the Democratic minority, instead depicts an IRS struggling to apply complicated rules for nonprofits engaging in political activity, all without guidance from Congress. 

Issa launched his investigation last spring with the charge that the IRS had screened c-4 applications for words such as "tea party" in their names in an effort to deprive conservative organizations of a tax exemption.

Of course that turned out to be bullshit as the report  reveals that the IRS also applied scrutiny to various liberal groups seeking the c-4 exemption as one of the keywords they were looking for was "progressive."

In fact the ONLY group applying for the exemption, who did not receive it, was a group called Emerge America, which trains Democratic women to run for office.

So in other words there was a wild goose and Darrell Issa spent millions of taxpayer money to chase it around for a year and a half. 

And let's not forget that Issa wasted similar amounts of taxpayer money in his "Fast and Furious" and Benghazi investigations.

God what a tool.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Issa is such a jerk! He has not been named to head any committees in the upcoming session! Yea! Think of all the taxpayer's money he wasted! Ticks me off just thinking about it. How he ever got elected amazes me! Voters AGAIN not paying attention to the quality of the man - he's a felon too!

  2. But he still wins. Most people have accepted the oft repeated lie that the president directed the IRS to unfairly target right wing groups, and most people will not hear about the final report debunking it. Same with
    fast and
    furious, same with benghazi.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      True. Their kangaroo court is solid.

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    And yet their target audience will only remember Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS and, most importantly, the SCANDALs of the Muslim, Kenyan, socialist, un-American usurper Obama. I see the comments from the misinformed/racist RW dopes who have been marinated in the cauldren of Fox/AM propaganda all the time. The stupidity and ignorance on the right is mind numbing.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      But you know what, I think we WILL ALWAYS remember

  4. angela10:27 AM

    For everyone who thinks that wingnuts still believe the IRS, Benghazi etc., crap----they truly don't. But they can't bring themselves to admit it. To admit it has all been bullshit and to recognize that the economy is better, soldiers are coming home, millions of people have health insurance the deficit has been reduced by a trillion--- they'd have to admit that they are rubes helping make talk radio, Faux News and conservative outlets heavy duty money culled from their stupidity.

    They will never admit it. They will talk shit on blogs and talk radio. But whenever the facts are noted----notice how we only hear crickets from the slobbering right. . . . .

  5. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Repugs are the only ones who can do nothing but waste time for 18 months and get paid, and keep their jobs.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      It amazes me to think that the last House term, under the negative leadership of the GOP, produced only 22% of the legislation of the infamous "do nothing Congress" of the late 1940's (Pres. Truman's famous words). And people were dumb enough to vote them back in!

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    How much money that that guy cost our government?

    1. hedgewytch11:55 AM

      Yeah, and can we send Issa the bill?

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Issa, Graham, McCain - when any one of those canaries sings you can be pretty sure what you're hearing is bullshit. When two or more start singing the same tune, it's guaranteed to be bullshit.

  8. Anonymous11:32 AM

    No, North Korea Didn’t Hack Sony

    All the evidence leads me to believe that the great Sony Pictures hack of 2014 is far more likely to be the work of one disgruntled employee facing a pink slip.

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Who Is The 2014 Dick of the Year? You Get One Guess

  10. Bill F11:40 AM

    The report was released during the week of Christmas when few are paying attention.

  11. Anonymous12:03 PM

    It kind of worries me now that the righties are taking over the Congress. I am starting to get the impression that the Economy and the stock market are going to take a dive with their return to control of government. Sure hope I am wrong.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      It kind of worries you??? I've had a couple of sleepless nights since election 2014, mainly freaking out about the stupidity of many American voters, including the ones who didn't vote because "it wouldn't make any difference." Still makes me want to shriek!

  12. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Every time I look at this god awful man, I want to physically harm his ugly face! He needs to be demoted in every aspect in the U.S. Congress! He harmed the taxpayers financially, but what is new with that group of idiots (Republicans/Teabaggers?)

  13. imnofred1:28 PM

    Not much of a surprise but it certainly won't stop the assholes in the GOP controlled Senate from having more hearing on this and, you guessed it....Benghazi.

  14. Anonymous1:53 PM

    He did exactly what he wanted.Trashed the president and democrats until after the election,then waited a month to be sure it wasn't so obvious.It worked fine.In a just country,Fox News would have to change their name to reflect their real mission,Fox Innuendo perhaps?

  15. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    I never laughed half as hard as when I read this yesterday. The trick to getting the salt to stick to a pretzel is a spritz of water just before they come out of the oven, then sprinkle them with salt. The BP oil spill on this dude's head won't do it.
    The second heaviest laugh I had yesterday was RAI (The italian station) did a look back on those rascally Palins and their grifting. Much studio commotion with "Fish faced Bristol" compared to "Hockey Puck in the maternity shirt Bristol" and the "Medically necessary realignment of her chin, oil change and 100,000 mile checkup. We're talking tears running down the face funny. Sarah squeaked by with her history lesson at the Constitution Center and the brawl at the birthday party.. Believe me, other than this, they maybe mention her once or twice a month, if that, and as a "barometer of stupidity".


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