Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I watched The Interview so that you don't have to. Assuming you are too un-American to sit through an hour and fifty two minutes of red, white, and blue awesomeness!

(Warning, title might be a tad hyperbolic.)

So I kind of accidentally found a Google video link online. (I am not sure it will work for long, but until it doesn't it is a free way to see the entire movie.) And I thought, what the hell?

So I sat down and watched the movie. It took some time as it takes a butt load of bandwidth and I kept getting that still loading spiral that I hate so much.  But eventually I made it to the end.

By the time I saw the credits start to roll I had an epiphany which seemed to have escaped many of the reviewers who trashed the film.

This is a Seth Rogen movie. No seriously, it is.

So if you liked "Knocked Up," "Superbad," and "Pineapple Express" you are going to LOVE this movie.

If you don't like those movies, then no you are not going to like this one either.

And if you have never seen a Seth Rogen comedy before, then well you probably ought to start off with "Knocked Up" or "Neighbors" first. Those are movies that have a wider appeal than the straight up stoner Rogen vehicles, like "This is the End" or "Zack and Miri Make a Porno."

As for "The Interview" itself it had some really good laughs in it, and a whole lot of over the top stuff that kind of makes you cringe, and absolutely tons of toilet humor.

In other words it is a Seth Rogen film.

Now I love movies so I have seen a whole lot of bad ones, as well as a whole lot of buried gems that I am glad that I discovered. If I had to categorize "The Interview" I would put it somewhere in between.

In my most humble opinion if you like comedies, and you are not easily offended, then yes you should probably take the time to watch this.

However if you are a Fundamentalist Christian, an old prude, or a person under the age of sixteen or seventeen, then no this is not the movie for you.

P.S. By the way as we are still trying to make sure we know who the real culprits were behind the Sony hack, does anybody remember what the big news was BEFORE the hack?


  1. I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me....seriously-it was just big, dumb fun! Love, GA

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Sony Hack: New Evidence Points to Inside Job, Security Experts Say


  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Would you or anyone be able to sit through this one?

    ‘American Sniper’ Overcomes Obstacles For Record-Breaking Deb

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Nah, don't have any interest in that guy or his story. Not a big war movie fan.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      This guy was a liar and very twisted. Nobody should brag about how many kills they have in a war situation. Most veterans don't like to think, let alone talk, about the people they killed. But this guy embellished and bragged. He also probably caused his own death by pretending to know anything about treating PTSD. Unfortunately, in doing so, he caused sorrow and pain in a bunch of other people.

      It's no wonder that the Palins were big fans.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Definitely not an Academy Award winner, but pretty darn funny.

    You hate us cuz you anus!!

    Earthymama / Chicago

  4. Sallyin MI5:33 PM

    The big news would have been some drunken formerly famous family and their obnoxious daughter throwing punches after midnight while her six year old ran unattended on an airfield?

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Shit, that ain't a movie, that's life in every trailer park in America (except for the runway, if you substitute runway for alligator and snake-ridden swamp then you've got yourself a movie)


    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      no ones a drunk. going out for a huge celebration does not a drunk make. OR shall I repost pics that SUNNY herself posted of herself and levi wasted

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Yes, please.

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Holy crap, Gryphen. Sony Pictures must have lost their collective minds when they pissed away $35 million and made that POS film. There are funny movies and dumb ones. This is the latter!

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I thought it was cheaply made

  6. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I love Seth Rogen and just watched Pineapple Express for the 3rd time last week. Haven't watched The Interview yet but I'm sure it's right up my comedic alley, along with my most favorite movie ever "Team America, World Police" except that one didn't have Seth Rogen. Favorite Seth movie ever was "Superbad" just a laugh fest all the way through. Comedy is the only way I get through this life.

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    This was one of the WORST low class pieces of crap I've seen in a long time. I have watched, and completely enjoyed some of Rogan's movies, Pineapple Express coming to mind, but this one sunk to the lowest low. Seriously, it is geared to a 10 year old boy's mentality with all the fart and shitting in one's pants, so called 'jokes'. Funny? Not hardly, just stupid, sophmoric and lame. Gryphen, c'mon, you know better than this. To recommend this to anyone is a travesty. It's a damn shame that a movie with some real value isn't the one that got all this publicity.

    What a joke we must look to the world to be crowing about this garbage like it's some sort of national pride. Disgusting. And an utter waste of time,and brain cells. It's the sort of thing that Sarah and her klan would lap right up and call it 'patriotic'.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Yep, I fully agree.

    2. I too fully agree. I was only able to watch part of the movie and failed to see any humor in the movie. As someone else said, a ten year old would probably love the movie.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      it is mocking the media

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM

    As a cinema snob, who loved Blazing Saddles & Airplane, even the free download was overpriced! I shut it down after 1 1/2 hours & want my wasted time back.

    1. Balzafiar7:06 PM

      I would not have watched it if it hadn't been free, and I thank Gryphen for the link.

      It's a toss-up as to the funniest lines: "No, he doesn't have a butthole; he doesn't need one.", or "I do have a butthole and it's working overtime."

      Tennessee Ernie Ford (for those who remember him) once closed his show with the line "Well, another ham hung in the smokehouse.", referring (jokingly) to his guest on the show. In this instance, it was two hams -- Franco and Rogan -- they will continue to make prick-tease movies together with their faux homoerotic bullshit, and they will never, ever get any better. They deserve each other.

      Randall Park and Diana Bang both did well; the puppy was outstanding.

      The music during the closing was very good also.

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    first 15 minutes and i laughed out loud almost the whole time. thanks for the link. guess we have that funny bone that others only dream of possessing.

  10. Anonymous6:32 PM



  11. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I would put money on China being behind the attack or a helper bee

    And isn't the movie a mocking of the american media?

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I wish someone would made a GOOD movie about how stupid the media is, how wrong it is to destroy people, how fucked up humanity is, and how everyone deserves to be helped in any way.


    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Who would you cast as Bristol?

    3. Anonymous9:10 PM

      So it was an inside job? Sony must have known how bad it was and figured how to make people watch it.

  12. Anonymous6:51 PM

    reminded me of get smart -- silly and hilarious and fun

  13. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I like Seth Rogan (loved Zack and Miri Make a Porno), but I'm not a James Franco fan. I've heard enough mixed reviews to sit this one out. In honor of the hype, though, I'll watch Team America again and laugh my ass off.

  14. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Im really freaking sick on politically unrelated shit taking up so much space in politics. Fuck nasties. Stick to POLICY. You let Obama slide. You let Biden's ignorance slide. You let the rapist president slide


    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Sorry, I am not allowed to feed you.

    2. Anonymous8:34 PM

      I didn't and won't let $arah slide...

      However, i would agree to let her slide into oblivion ~ never to be seen, again. $he has no redeeming talent to balance her unpatriotic factor and $he's a liar.

      Plus, $he's a shitty mother.

  15. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I think it's Franco's character that is said to be mocking the media

  16. Anonymous8:00 PM

    that's such a Boramir thing to say. acccck that is so funny

  17. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I thought it was a really bad idea when I heard about this movie several months ago, so I'll just pass on it now, thanks. The whole so-called scandal was no surprise to me.

  18. Anonymous8:46 PM

    that was so fucking cool

  19. Anonymous8:52 PM

    i never laughed so hard in my life. folks need to relax and enjoy humor every once in a while......

    they hate us cause they anus. sweet jesus the whole thing was hilarious

  20. Anonymous9:17 PM

    DAMN! These tea party grifting butt buddies of Sarah have no shame, do they?

    Marco Rubio PAC Scams Retirees for 3.6 Million; $325K Goes to Iowa’s Joni Ernst

    Take it from someone who lives ten miles from the guy — Marco Rubio is kind of a big deal in South Florida. Down here, Rubio’s heritage has been a particular boon; he’s practically the default choice among South Florida’s Retired and Cuban populations. Yes, Retirees and Cubans, the two groups whose open disgust for the homosexuals is surpassed only by their seething hatred of los comunistas. To Marco Rubio’s constituency, every day is 1959! And he’s such a handsome young man! Like a young Ritche Valens, he is…

    But La Bambas and Red Scare standards aside, this little bit of covert campaign chicanery goes a little past your typical political espionage — a particularly dirty dance, if you will. The Miami Herald reported today that of the almost $4 million raised by Marco Rubio’s PAC, barely 16 percent went to fund his colleagues’ races. The average for GOP “leadership” PACs like his is 48 percent. On a list of 298 PACs similar to Rubio’s, his ranked 254th in the percentage of money disbursed to candidates. And that’s a tad on the low side, for the second biggest Republican PAC there is. Indeed, out of that list of 298, Rubio’s Reclaim America is second in size and wealth only to Paul Ryan’s.

    In total, Rubio spent a mere $645K on other candidates, about $528K of which went out in the form of direct donations. The rest was in “Assistance” provided for direct mailing, telemarketing and research. And it gets better.


  21. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Reminds me of coming out of the movie "Ted," and having some jagoff behind me say loudly, "That wasn't very realistic."

    I just had to turn around and say, "You went to a movie about a talking teddy bear, and are now you're whining about REALISM?"

    "The Interview" wasn't billed as serious film making, for cryin' out loud. Sad that some people cannot let their guard down now and then and laugh at fart jokes.

    (I agree that having a steady diet of it would be disastrous.)

  22. This appears to be a follow-on movie. So many times Hollywood sees a combination that works well in one film and they try to recreate it again and again. That happened with the Anchorman movie, the exact same cast with the same jokes and somehow it's going to be successful. I wasn't going to watch this movie because I was thinking it was an attempt at the same Pineapple Express mojo. I may see it, but it won't be because I put any effort into it.

  23. Anonymous11:37 PM

    really? what the fuck did you expect from a Seth Rogen comedy?
    Shakespeare? well it was in a way... by far the "take away" line will be ... they hate us cause they anus... best line of the year..
    even that evil little man will have to laugh at that line, and you know he will watch it,
    he is like palin...he has to know what people are saying about her/him right sarah?

  24. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Seth Rogen...........his movies are as annoying as his laugh........

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      So agree. Can't stand watching him.

  25. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I don't like 10-y.o. level toilet humor and I have a huge funny bone, but this is not for me. Looks like Gryphen needs to create another category of people.

  26. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Call me an old prude if you must. I have no desire to see the film.

  27. Anonymous7:26 AM

    i am still laughing the next day. protect the puppy at all costs!!

  28. "if you are a Fundamentalist Christian, an old prude, or a person under the age of sixteen or seventeen, then no this is not the movie for you."
    Seriously? How about if you just don't like movies with "a whole lot of over the top stuff that kind of makes you cringe, and absolutely tons of toilet humor"?

    I had no desire to see the movie before all the hoopla, and have no desire to see it now.. That doesn't make me a prude, and I certainly don't fit the other two categories.

    I am sure it is very funny to some people, and I'm happy for those who saw it and enjoyed it.

    That doesn't mean the rest of us don't have a sense of humor. We just have a different sense of humor.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Old yes...prude....no.....but then I don't like much of what Hollywood is offering these days.......it all pretty much sucks.

  29. Anonymous12:27 AM

    I think the hack was a disgruntled employee of Sony that wanted to make upper management look bad.


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