Sunday, December 14, 2014

Just in case you harbored any doubts that Jeb Bush was running for President.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor who is considering a run for president, said in an interview aired this weekend that he’s going to release about 250,000 emails from his time in office. 

The move seems designed to get ahead of opposition researchers poring through his time in office — the Democratic research super PAC American Bridge already has started digging in on the candidates — but also to contrast Bush with people like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, both of whom have been accused of creating a fog of secrecy in their government offices.  

Unlike the records of Christie and Clinton, Bush’s document trove is fairly dated — he was in office from 1999 to 2007. But the idea, he told WPLG-TV in Miami, is to create “transparency.” Bush was known as an active emailer while in office, often responding to queries himself.

Old Jebby is also writing an ebook. (Can't get an actual publisher?)

So yeah, I think we can all assume that Jeb is definitely throwing his hat into the ring.


  1. Sally in MI2:40 PM

    Good luck Jeb. First question from reporters should be, "What is your stand on torture,and should your brother be indicted for war crimes?"

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    He has done some business deals recently that will raise some very distrcting hard questions.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Ah, Sarah hosted her annual xmas get together. 20 years she and her friends have had these xmas parties. THAT is something to celebrate.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Were you there?

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I bet she's also celebrating that no one paid attention to her most recent Facebook rants except to comment how she's gotten even crazier of late. Must be the egg nog.

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      You have no comment on what Sarah Palin said about torture? Do you agree with her? She can have hundreds of xmas parties. That doesn't mean she isn't a piece of shit. And if you don't disagree with what she said about torture, you're a piece of shit, too.

    4. Anita Winecooler4:57 PM

      Oh how precious! Instead of girding her loins and protecting Xmas, she's out boozing it up with 19 years of practice. Was she pregnant during her practice sessions for any or all her offspring, oh omniscient one?

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM

      WTF does this have to do with anything?
      Your desperation is laughable albeit typical.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    In all fairness to Jeb eBooks are convenient and popular. I don't know many people who still read "books". With eBooks I have access to my reading anywhere, from my Kindle, iPhone, iPad or MacBook Air, whereas with a paper book I have to cart an additional thing with me. I love the eBook revolution! I'd never pay money for Jebbie's book, but I do look the flexibility of cloud content over paper books.

    1. I read books. Exclusively.

      I have no interest in a book written by George's smarter brother. I suppose if you've written a book there is an assumption that you've actually read one. That also puts Jeb one up on George.

      The attacks on Jeb will be brutal, damning and permanent.

      I can hear the re-written lyrics to the Beverly Hillbillies as I type.

      The smarter brother jokes.

      "I can see Cuba from my House" for his foreign policy experience.

  5. I want the New York Times, and every other mainstream media flack, to begin with the history of the Bushies; Prescott Bush & the Nazis, Poppie and the CIA, Neil Bush & the savings and loan debacle and legislative results of that, the Supreme Court blessing bestowed upon GWB, his failed businesses and his horrendous POTUS failures--911/economic collapse, and then let we, the people, figure out where the Jebster fits in all this.

    1. Don't forget the CIA torture report. That can be laid squarely at GW's feet.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      omomma 3:05, like you, I do so wish that the mainstream media would do an expose of the Bushes!

      Also, will Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and perhaps Chris Christie put up a real fight against Jeb becoming the GOP candidate, or will they step aside before it becomes nasty? This could become very interesting if they all try to destroy each other and lesser GOP names join in the fray.

      One of the reasons I think Sarah has become so vocal of late (apart from the fact that she is obsessed with criticizing our wonderful President Obama at every opportunity) is that she wants to get her (ignorant and largely ignored) voice out there to remind folks that she is still around, looking out for the welfare of the American people.

      Sarah is only looking out for herself and the chance to grift more money, but like always, she'll tease her bots that she would consider running. She won't because campaigning is difficult work, she's too lazy and she couldn't answer an unscripted question. The McCain people shielded her last time to prevent their embarrassment.

    3. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Anon at 3:41 pm. And don't forget the Koch brothers or Sarah Palin herself for that matter. The mainstream media seems to have forgotten its job.

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I can't see our country wanting to re-elect a Bush. The Democrats see him as an extension of his brother and the Republicans find him too liberal on social issues. Who will vote for him? Other Bushes?

  7. Jeb Bush has no foreign policy experience. What is he going to claim? That he can see Cuba from his house?

    1. mlauippa, I've always admired your postings but I've also always wondered what your "name" stands for? Can you give us a head's up?

    2. It's my name. First initial and surname.

      The last name is supposed to mean the mane or coat of a lion. La Iuppa. Waaaay back when Italian had a capital I.

  8. Anonymous4:21 PM

    1) How's he's made his millions for the past nine years?

    2) What were the names of his girlfriends, 1999-present?

    3) Does he stand for anything, and has he ever?

    1. How Jeb earned 9 million dollars, if that is true, during his private life after being governor is none of our business, or until he is found guilty for something.

      Having Jeb as a governor here in Florida I feel I know a little about what he stands for. One that I'm strongly against is his educational policies. He's strongly in favor of a vouchers system which I see hurting the public schools. He also didn't do much to help our public school system here in Florida as I recall.

      In the 8 years he was in office no one ever accused him of having any girlfriends. I seriously doubt he has any. It's either that or he's better than other politicians in hiding his outside affairs.

    2. Wasn't he the bush that gave some woman a STD?

    3. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Jeb Bush was governor of Florida when the real estate market started to cave in but he did not try to get the federal government (i.e., his brother) to address the bad mortgage situation. He also is the person who gave his brother the state of Florida on a silver platter in the 2000 election. I could never forgive him for that; nor could I ever forgive him for being a member of the Bush family that worked so hard to destroy this country.

  9. Off topic, but important. It has been posted this evening by Anchortropolis at Conservative4Palin, that Jessie is going to post new information about Palin on Monday. Be prepared to see many protestors from C4P in Monday's comment section trying to discredit his post without providing any facts to back up any of their comments. I hope Jessie will be closely monitoring the comments Monday looking out, offensive comments that are nothing but angry and hateful comments directed at both Jessie and the rest of us. After all, whenever a C4Per doesn't have an intelligent and factual response to return, it usually ends up with them criticizing the messenger calling them liars or anything else their little ignorant minds can come up with.

    1. Like we pay attention to them?

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      M Baker I don't think any C4Pers post here to be honest with you. IM has just gotten filled with a lot of like minded bullys that (much like c4p) feel like they all have to march in step with the same tune or be called a "troll" and dogpiled by the IM ultra libs! LOL. I've been here all along and butt horns on a more than regular basis just for posting common sense these days. And I'm not the only one, usually the IM dummies think it is the same person when someone goes against the herd think, but that is def not the case.

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Wrong, 5:12. Those of us who have been here a very long time can distinguish one or two regular "trolls" from people just disagreeing. We recognize their trademark buzz words and their writing style.

      IM is not "much like c4p." That's ridiculous.

      And really, "ultra libs?"

      Please give an example of the topic on which you butt horns with us so-called dummy ultra libs? I'm not kidding. I'd really like to to know.

    4. Anon 5:12, yes they do post comments here and I've seen the post to alert the other members to come here and comment to defend Palin when IM has something negative about Palin. I've seen them do the same for other websites, not just for IM.

    5. Anon 5:12, you sound like another C4Per who's here to deny C4Pers come here. So, are you one of the commenters from C4P?

    6. Anonymous9:52 PM

      Yes m baker. You got me. It is me, Chucky Jr. Or is it MJ Shepperd? Or is it Gary.... Who am I?

      Paranoid much? I actually only remember one lady posting a while back, and she wasn't from c4p, she was from one of the other Palin blogs and either Gryphen or someone else had posted something about her and she was attempting to defend herself, but she even identified who she was. Regardless, see how everyone jumped on my initial post including you.... sure it isn't like c4p around here, sure it isn't. This place really has turned into a cesspool of likeminded morons.

      And 6:05 pulling out the 'troll' word of course (so c4p like). Did you jizz your pants when you said troll? What are you 80 yrs old?

  10. Anita Winecooler5:07 PM

    He's got a few problems to take care of before running. Changing his last name to "AnythingbutBush", not being able to pick his family from a line up, then there's the old "is your daughter clean and sober yet?" and "Does your son still hop on any girl that moves no matter what her age?. He's got his hispanic creds already, he married a hispanic woman with a penchant for haute couture gowns, lots and lots of "gifts" beyond the dollar limit allowed.
    Actually, of all the Bush bros, Jeb always seemed the smart one by comparison. Neil is just riding the coattails and womanizing his butt off.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Yes, his wife was caught "smuggling" in numerous items through customs without paying duty, why does your wife think she is above the law, Jeb?

      This email dump is probable smoke and mirrors, he releases a stack of emails, with the hopes that the dirt will stay undercover, like what when on when his brother " won" the election.

    2. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Surprisingly enough there are still some big surprises in the Palin emails.

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The combined IQ of almost all of the posters here is well below was an entertaining for several minutes worth of reading Y'all should be writers for Mad Comics........or perhaps the Twilight are that far away from reality, and civil discourse.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.