Sunday, December 28, 2014

North Koreans really excited about prospect of watching "The Interview." North Korean government kind of the opposite of excited.

"Wait is that a DVD? No, never mind that's just a bird."
Courtesy of Business Insider:  

More and more North Koreans are becoming aware of the North Korea-mocking movie “The Interview,” and the government is doing everything to block it from getting smuggled in to the country. 

According to Free North Korea Radio, an online radio network made by North Korean defectors, demand for “The Interview” has been shooting up among North Koreans. It says people are willing to pay almost $50 a copy of the movie, which is 10X higher than what a regular South Korean TV show’s DVD would cost in the black market. 

In response, North Korea’s State Security Department and The Ministry of People’s Security held an emergency meeting recently, and told its officers to make sure the movie doesn’t make it into the country under any circumstances. 

The report says the North Korean government has beefed up its border security inspection level, and even told black market dealers to not bring in any kind of US movie for the time being. 

Well good luck with stopping your people from seeing this North Korea, especially since there are already plans to send them over the border with balloons

Okay look I know that a lot of you are not going to want to hear this, but at some point people are going to start referring to Seth Rogen and James Franco as geniuses.

I mean Sony and North Korea may not agree, but what they have managed to stir up with this little movie of theirs is nothing short of amazing.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    With all respect, Gryph, the same set of circumstances held (and continues to hold true) for America and her citizenry. Except, instead of a fictional comedy, we are talking about a harsh and hypocritical reality. I am no troll, just a sober realist.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      2:36 p.m. I agree with this to some degree having traveled and checked out a few other regimes. Americans are brainwashed to believe we are exceptional. It is pretty harsh while traveling to find out most people elsewhere in developed and underdeveloped countries straight up laugh at us.

  2. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Well, in all fairness Rogen and Franco were just the hired help and it is Sony that is trying so hard to make this movie happen. Rogen and Franco did it for a paycheck, Sony, on the other hand, is doing it to improve their bottom line. Watched Pineapple Express for the second time last night and Rogen and Franco will do anything for a paycheck, all while seemingly having a great time while doing so. Sony does what Sony does to make the shareholders happy.

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    It's stupid and sophomoric!

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      It's comedy, I have not seen it but everyone has their own sense of humor. Funny Dennis Rodman and Sean Penn haven't said anything. NK fans!

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I guess North Koreans deserve to be excited about something because really the general populace lives in cold, poverty and constant hunger. I doubt this movie will make them feel full, or free or not in danger of being killed by their communist regime but maybe they'll laugh a few times and feel little better? Their country is a terrible place led by a terrible family, the only way anyone there could feel better is to defect and get the hell out of that hellhole.

  5. Anonymous4:28 PM

    The one thing Kim Jong Un can not tolerate is disrespect. The people of North Korea are not yet ready to overthrow him, but they will be tittering at him behind his back. Because he and his predecessors have made information of all kinds so inaccessible there, the people will become all the more obsessed at having one new topic to discuss. A country with an over-90 percent literacy rate, combined with very few books, few or no movies, and no free internet, radio, or TV is a recipe for an implosion of intellectual curiosity to take over. When the CD-carrying balloons come wafting over the border, the police forces will be watching the videos, too, if they can just get their hands on a video player.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I agree, and I bask in the knowledge that this movie just might be the proverbial straw that broke the camels' back - i.e. that this might be the cause of a general uprising of the people of NK to get rid of that monster that is their 'leader dearest'.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    I agree, from a marketing standpoint, this was sheer genius. But what bothers me a little, is we have two actors doing comedy and earning a lot of money, and we have Sony, a world wide corporation that took a huge risk even making this movie who are the real culprits of hitting a hornet hive like a pinata, then sitting back hoping someone else (us, for instance) make them millions of dollars.
    And we're playing with a regime that's known for starving it's own people to make the great leader look like a good guy to the world. How many have to die before Sony makes enough? Couldn't they, say, make a new "Weekend at Bernies" that's fresh, funny as hell and not offensive to the chubby guy in the gray suit who hangs with a American Transsexual Icon (Dennis RODman") cavorting in public with little or no embarrassment). So he "gets" American Humor and using this as an excuse to give us the finger.
    Sony should release the film, then start a humanitarian fund to feed and clothe the people of North Korea. Just because their leaders a sicko doesn't mean they should die, just saying.

  7. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Good grief Gryphen, you really think a (sophmoric as mentioned above) comedy movie is going to make some difference within North Korea? Sometimes man, I really question.....

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Do you read with comprehension?

  8. Anonymous11:47 PM

    it's funny because the movie is totally about the American media and is stupidity.

    And I still think China is behind the threat. The language is how the regime operates


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