Sunday, December 14, 2014

South Dakota ends its "don't Jerk and Drive campaign. Wait, what?

Courtesy of My Fox Chicago:

Officials for the state of South Dakota have removed a “Don't Jerk and Drive” safety campaign after complaints about the sexual overtones of the message. 

The campaign, created by the state's Department of Public Safety, was meant to ask drivers not to overcorrect, or jerk, steering wheels while driving on icy and snowy roads. 

But officials opted to kill the campaign after multiple complaints that the phrase wasn't appropriate.

So to be clear, it IS okay to masturbate while driving in South Dakota?

I'm asking for a friend. 


  1. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Gryphen, you are funny!

  2. Bill F5:13 AM

    The reason I love IM is there are stories such as this not found anywhere else.

    1. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Oh, agreed! I laugh and laugh some more!

  3. Balzafiar5:14 AM

    I so wish some of these stupid things would show up in my state. I can always use the entertainment that results from someone being out of touch or clueless.

    For the record, masturbation and South Dakota go hand in hand. There's nothing else more worthwhile there.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      I see what you did there. ;>

  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    So.....are you telling us you're moving???? :)

  5. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Gryphen, your command of irony introduces an excellent point. For all the "conservatives" who proclaim to want smaller government, I suggest state legislatures be reduced by a percentage of their stupidity.

    Really, whoever was so dumb as to write that special frothy Santorum, needs to resign, while the idiots who voted with dumbo make the rounds of churches explaining why they are in favor of jerking off. Then resign or prove their ability to out run the whackobirds they set loose.

  6. Randall6:21 AM

    I live in South Dakota, and I, for one, make sure to take care of that before I leave the house, thank you very much.

    But on the other hand (and I can do that too, sometimes even picking up a stroke) I am a firm (see what I did there) believer in not letting jerks drive.

    But also, too, when I first saw that campaign, I thought, "shouldn't that be don't let jerks govern?"

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM


  8. hahaha...oh man, who is in charge of these slogans and do they still have a job? But it is South Dakota after all so it is probably some guy thinking he was clever although I could be wrong. I love South Dakota, it is my home state after all but I shake my head most of the time when reading some of their politics there.

  9. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Gryphen, every time you talk masturbation, MJoseph Sheppard, the master keeper of the Palin photo porn and resident C4P whackjob gets all excited. It's right there on his blog. I think he has a man crush for you.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      I have not been to the pee pond for a while so I stopped over for a bit. My eyes they burn....reading the rants of how "pissed Sarah Palin is and she is letting loose on her facebook page" to "I hope God tells Sara to run for president". I had to leave before I lost any IQ points...

  10. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I feel sorry for the car wash guy tasked with cleaning the insides of windshields!

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    To clarify its position, the state of South Dakota recently unveiled its new "Don't Yank OR Wank" public service advertising campaign.

  12. laurensd18:13 AM

    Born in Sioux falls, SD, I must comment. I am a girl so I only have that POV, but it may be that a legislator went to Jamaica and came back culturally enlightened from the cuisine.
    South Dakota is soundly red and since those big-belt- buckle-black-cowboy-hat wearing independent gun slingers do not wish any interference from the government, it just might be a case of sabotage.
    On a more serious note, it's okay to do anything in SD while driving.
    Except for Indians.

  13. Balzafiar8:13 AM

    On the HP page about this incident, there's a link to another page which reads:

    "Robot Handjobs Are The Future, And The Future Is Coming".

    South Dakotans will be pleased to know about this.

  14. It didn't occur to ONE person on the committee that decided on the signs that they could become statewide jokes? Where do they find people like that?

    1. laurensd19:43 AM

      It happens as you cross the state line.

    2. Balzafiar9:45 AM

      Actually the double entendre was intentionally put in because they knew it would attract people's attention, according to the story about it on HP. They didn't count on the reaction of the blue-noses who get all jerked out of shape when anything remotely hints at sex.

      Normal people thought it was funny, and it is.

  15. Anonymous10:33 AM

    True story: In the 70's the totally clueless leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention named their latest, greatest (at the time) mission outreach program, wait for it.... Bold Mission Thrust. Yes, they did. Totally. Clueless


  16. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Funny, but the real message of the campaign is not well conveyed. Probably good they yanked it.

  17. Anonymous11:49 PM

    LOL.... SO funny.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.