Thursday, December 04, 2014

Texas school board member posts image to Facebook of KKK member labeled "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas." Claims not to be racist. Ooookay.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

 A Texas school board member is facing disciplinary action over his racist Facebook post. 

Chris Harris, an elected member of the Hooks Independent School Board, posted a viral image of a Ku Klux Klan member with the caption, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.” 

He apologized for the post after receiving negative feedback in the comments, reported KTAL-TV. 

Harris said he realized the post was inappropriate and offensive, but he insisted he was not racist. 

His Facebook profile no longer appears to be active, and he declined requests for additional comment.

Okay look I am trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but seriously, if you are not a racist then what in the hell would possess you to post this image?

And if he thought his Facebook friends would find it funny, then doesn't that sort of mean that his friends are probably racist too?

Oh I know, he has one black friend.

They ALWAYS have one black friend.

So my question is, does your black friend know you're racist?


  1. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Hooks is located maybe 15 miles from where I now must live to help care for my sister, whose medical situation and dementia have worsened to the point that I moved here (I did NOT grow up here, although of course I've visited her over the years).

    I have been appalled at the open, casual and very common "jokes" and comments exchanged between people in public places, from standing in the checkout lines among strangers to those between acquaintances in passing at restaurants.

    Bowie County is one of the poorest in the state. Hooks is just one of many small towns in this area, and I'm guess much of the country, that is the result of the Fox effect. In fact, the Arkansas state line runs through nearby Texarkana, and during last year's ACA enrollment there was NO information anywhere about enrollment, especially important since Arkansas found a way to expand their medicaid program for the poorest uninsured, while Texas did not.

    I have even overheard a couple who apparently both teach, one at the local community college, in a restaurant talking with friends. Even these folks were comfortable saying out loud, and found laughable, descriptions of their black and hispanic students that were shocking. I was leaving and started to say something, but then realized that they had been drinking too much for whatever I might say to sink in.

    So, no, I'm not surprised.

  2. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Probably in this guy's circle of friends, that picture is humorous. For some reason, this guy feels comfortable on the internet and feels safe posting such a picture. He lost (at least temporarily) the filters that keep his racism hidden from all but his safe inner circle of friends.

    I'm living in a very, very conservative area right now. I meet pleasant, thoughtful, intelligent, kind, educated people often. And I have to remind myself that any one of them could be this kind of guy.

  3. Paul in Minnesota4:38 AM

    I wonder what his only lesbian or gay friend is like. Or his only Latino friend. Or his only native American friend. Or his only Asian friend, etc.

    Sigh. Also ... shouldn't that facebook post picture say: I'm dreaming of a white KKKhristmas? Though their version of Jesus and Christmas is probably some version of Jesus being a blue eyed, fair skinned, rather blond haired guy in the Middle East. Yeah, that makes sense. To them.

  4. Chenagrrl4:43 AM

    The guy is on the school board and only realized there might be a problem when there was "negative feedback?" Aiyeeee, my head.

  5. angela4:43 AM

    Some mornings you wish you could be transported off this hateful planet. And then sometimes you just want a school board
    member fired.

  6. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I'm not a racist, I just thought this was so charming I wanted to share it.

    I also once heard a man say, "I'm not gay, I just like my girlfriends to have dicks."

    I also heard George the Witless say that he and Jesus quit drinking - and heard his slurred speech at every public appearance he made during his last two years or so in office.

    And I believe all three of them;)

  7. LisaB25956:07 AM

    In the spirit of giving, I suppose one could read the image as the KKK member in the picture is the one dreaming of a "white Christmas" and the humor comes from the play on words from that perspective.

    It's still incredibly STUPID to post that on one's Facebook page when one is a public official. So stupid, in fact, that it should disqualify one from serving on a board of education.

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I absolutely abhor racists, white supremacists. They are the scum of the earth. And eventually they all with get their just rewards for their evil.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Unfortunately, most of them will not.

  9. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Wow, America's public money in to injustice and kkk display.
    Just wow. How America has fallen. Corporations declining America the beautiful.

  10. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Texas school board member...

    'nough said

  11. Anonymous9:18 AM

    All these racist P.O.S. are just getting worse. Soon they will be the minority in this country and hopefully they will learn to keep to their miserable selves.

  12. Anonymous10:57 AM

    OMG. There are no words.

    But once you said "Texas school board member" I needed no further explanation.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    I always cringe when someone mentions their "gay/black/other" friend, when one look at their posts, you just know it can't be true. But there's hope! He took down the page because of too much negative attention. Why are people mad he has a black friend? Or maybe it's the adult sized onesie in white with matching hood?


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