Sunday, December 14, 2014

Well it finally happened. Sarah Palin comes out in support of the CIA torture techniques. Kind of surprised it took so long.

Sarah Palin in her "puffed up leather coat."
Courtesy of Sarah "Whip it, whip it good" Palin's Facebook page:

America Asks: "Whose Side Are You On"; Necessarily Directing This At Our President 

In debauched minds it is fine for our young, once potentially unifying President to boast, "I'm pretty good at killing" while speaking of his own secret kill list, but all hell breaks loose if America's expert and experienced CIA (Even CIA Director Brennan recognizes that the CIA was not adequately trained to conduct these "enhanced terrogations.") keeps known terrorists up at night for questioning, plays annoying music to get the evil ones' attention, and considers whatever else necessary to keep us safe. (Yuck it up much, Nobel Peacenik President?) From the cozy confines of the White House he blusters a willingness to assassinate whomever he chooses, no need for judicial balance or seasoned military brass strategy – in fact the Community Organizer canned nearly 200 of our top military officials. And leftist response to their leader's suspiciously opaque drone game plan? Crickets. 

(Wrong Brenda Bitchface, liberals have talked about our frustration with the drone programs quite frequently. Drone programs that, by the way, were started by George W. Bush and only exist due to the illegal wars that he started in the first place.)

Mr. President: newsflash ignored by your yapping lapdogs – many of our finest whom you unprecedentedly refer to as "YOUR" own troops confide that the only thing legitimizing your being Commander in Chief is that puffed up leather coat you sport with an embroidered title on your left breast. They want to respect you; they know to obey you; they deserve better. 

(Like who? John McCain who never saw an adversary that he did not want to bomb back to the stone age. Or Mitt Romney who may actually have known less about foreign relations than even the woman whose credentials were all based on her state's proximity to Putin's backyard?)

Want to talk "torture"? Evidence #1: Innocent Americans tortured and murdered by guilty terrorists on 9/11. Note the accurate terms "innocent" and "guilty". (The 9-11 attacks can be called all kinds of terrible things, but they certainly cannot be defined as "torture.") Innocent 9/11 families are still tortured. Torture is slicing off the heads of investigative journalists and American charity workers serving in the Middle East who are used as political pawns. (No, actually that's just murder.) Torture is what radical Islamists routinely do to women and minorities. 

True Americans say "never again." These perpetrators are evil monsters sharing dark demonic (Demonic?) intentions with radical Muslims who are beheading Christian children today overseas. True Americans serving as watchmen on the wall say, "Not on our soil. Not on my watch." And any American-loving leader should promise, "Whatever it takes to stop evil, to protect this nation, we shall do." 

(No! That is where you are wrong crazy lady. An "American-loving leader" recognizes that America should do NOTHING that damages the country's integrity in the eyes of the world, or undermines the moral high ground it needs to compel other nations to treat their prisoners, women, and everyday citizens with respect for their human rights. George Bush stole that from us, NOT  President Obama.)

You're on one side or the other. What is it, liberals: sympathy for inconvenienced terrorists who would murder our children or saving America? 

- Sarah Palin

And that in a nutshell is what is wrong with Sarah Palin and her ilk. They see the world through the eyes of children, where everything is good or evil, right or wrong, black or white. Without recognizing that most things are rendered in varying shades of gray.

However America using torture, well that really is a case of good and evil. And evil would be those who use the fear that most Americans felt after the 9-11 attacks to justify engaging in tactics that would forever damage us long after we had overcome the panic that gripped us in its aftermath.

Speaking of torture can you imagine what is going through John McCain's mind right now as he listens to this garbage?

It's your damn fault old man. It's your damn fault.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Given their rationale for approval of the torture techniques, I would like to ask Palin and the others if there is any limit to the techniques which could be used? Is there anything off limits if the threat is perceived to be imminent and great enough? What's too much, or is nothing too much if you think the threat warrants it? What about oh say, torturing the suspects kid or loved ones if you can get hold of some? Would something like that...or worse... be too much in defense of freedom?

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Why would you or anyone actually want to converse with Palin about what she thinks about anything? She is a nobody and is in absolutely no position of actual power, has no say in anything, and nobody gives a crap what she blurts out on facebook besides you guys. How many IMers have still not realized she is nothing but a wannabe celebrity, self promoted bottom feeder reality star? Thats it folks. She is here to stay in that role probably forever. No big takedown. No national media paying attention. Nobody really caring about brawls or whatever comes their way. You are all so weirdly obsessed with her.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      BrendaBitchface, Bwhaaahaaaa!!! That was Good one G!!!
      I saw that Darth Cheney brought up "The dark side" on MTP and said "you don't know how strong it is"????
      Hmmmmm. Protecting him and Palin? Youbetcha!

    3. You more so, because your lameass is here. she still gets air time so the insufferable witch is fair game.

      We have told your ass many times, we want to see her in jail or in a heap. Got that?

    4. Anonymous10:45 AM

      She is not going to jail game of life.

      She doesn't get any airtime, nothing worth speaking of.

      You people are obsessive and I just come here to laugh at you know and point it out to you because it is amusing.

      She will continue on doingh exactly what she is doing.... as long as she has all the haters. That is the Palin fuel.

    5. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Sorry about the spelling/typing.

    6. Anonymous11:15 AM

      So 10:45 etc. You seem to be obsessed with reading comments here that in your words are obsessed with palin.

      What's the difference?

    7. "Anonymous10:45 AM
      You people are obsessive and I just come here to laugh at you know and point it out to you because it is amusing."
      Jesus, what a bizarre concept of "amusing" and how to spend your time. Seriously, get help.

    8. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Anonymous 10:12 & 10:45, Nice try. Repeated postings telling us we should all just move on. "Nothing to see here, folks.". Seems the Palin fans work in shifts, each with their own chant. We has "convo" gal, "they DO have jobs', "libersls are closed minded", etc & you. I am.glad you are here today. "convo" girl was crazy!

    9. Martha again11:28 AM

      Amazing how hateful a hater-hater can be!

    10. Anon 10:45. Palin still has some influence on people, although I agree with you that her influence is slowing in decline. But, it's not the time yet for people to let up on their criticizing of what she stands for and what she says. She should be criticized for however long it takes for the press to stop recognizing her and quit circulating the stupid things she says. I have noticed that the press, and even FOX News, has given her less and less time on their networks, but it still does whenever she says something controversial. When that stops she'll finally be done except for her hard core believers who are mostly old and retired.

      However, I'm still bothered by the fact she teases her old and mostly retires followers for money by never being forthright with them and telling them she won't be running for President. She knows now that she won't be running for President, but she still sends out hints that she might which gets her more donations to her SarahPAC. She's lying to them for more donations to continue to promote herself and for who knows what. She is a very dishonest to her own fans, and has a long record of lying which continues to this day.

    11. Anonymous11:40 AM

      10:45 AM is projecting again for our amusement.

    12. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Not really Nefer the Useless, Palin is yesterdays news- I used to come here and comment about her too, many years ago before she became a powerless reality star. Now you guys are the current laughing stock. More so than the C4Pers.

    13. Anonymous1:33 PM

      I love the, "it was acceptable when I did it", reasoning. So, you are the meter of when things should cease? Laughing stocks? Really? Where does this alleged laughing take place? In your head? And to cherry up your little sundae, IMers are laughed at more than C4Pers? Damn! That is humilating! If only you had told us back when you stopped posting (because what you are doing on IM now doesn't count, since you are showing us our foolishness) we could have stopped enmass & saved ourselves further embarrassment. I know I speak for all of us when I say, we are done. No more comments on this site. Honest. You can leave now. We are right behind you. Lets never even click on this site again. You first, ok?

    14. Anonymous1:46 PM

      11:55 AM
      I think you're a GOP/TP nut who is desperate to distance yourself from Palin because you're afraid that what comes out about her will either involve you directly or at least point out your stupidity for supporting her.

      Nefer's comments are always spot on. Your comments are a failed attempt to say "move on, there's nothing more to be said about Sarah, she's yesterday's news".

    15. Ooh, I'm "useless"? What a silly thing to say. Here you are commenting all over the place about how superior you are to... the people commenting here.

      By all means keep telling yourself that deciding to spend your time online making comments mocking people for making comments makes you superior in some way.

      How sad that you apparently don't have anything going on in your offline life that makes you feel good about yourself.

    16. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Unfortunately her influence is with the dangerous and dark-sided element of our population, the fundy-evangelicals, the racists, the secessionists, and those so desperate that they don't care whom their "god" (or their Sarah) tell them to hurt.

      Her followers are the lowest of the low and because they have nothing to lose they are dangerous.

      History has shown that even small groups of uneducated fools who deify one of their own can be a powerful force for evil. The religious people are dangerous, the gun nuts are dangerous, the KKK are dangerous, the secessionists are dangerous, these people are dangerous in their own right but if they think they are doing the work of their insane, narcissistic populist overlord then they are even more dangerous.

      As Hunter S. Thompson so famously said "kill the head and the body will die". This is meant metaphorically, of course, but until she is rendered mute then the lowest echelons of our American populace will take their cues from her and be a danger to us all with their god, guns and attempted takeover of our government and educational system.

      Never doubt that once she is silenced there will be another equally abhorrent person to take her place. History is basically a feedback loop of sane individuals silencing the crazies.

    17. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Ohhh, Nefer the Useless got her feefees hurt.

      Can't wait for the big break tomorrow...

      Lets see... an anonymous source basically rehashes all the same story of the brawl from a slightly different take... and she doesn't know why Kory declined to press charges either. Confirms some rumors, can't confirm others, and has a slightly different take on a few things. End story. I'm sure CNN and the NYT are going to run front page articles on this important story after it breaks loose.

    18. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Actually I have to correct to the original source of the quote "kill the head and the body will die". That quote originally came from the boxer "Smokin' Joe Frazier".

    19. Anonymous3:46 PM

      OOOHHH, Nefer. You must have been hitting the truth too many times, you are being singled out by the non-obsessive non-commenter.

      Proceed, Nefer.


    20. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Sorry Nefer, our self-appointed leader has deemed you useless. So, no more intelligent posts, witty observations, or clever retorts for you. Hopefully you will be an example to anyone else who was gonna go rouge (watch yourself, Gryphen-otherwise you may have to shut it down!). But don't feel bad. Apparently tomorrow is going to be all rehashing of old news. END OF STORY! End of story, people. Our leader has spoken.

    21. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Today's troll message: Sarah Palin is old news. People who read & comment on this site are laughed at. There will be nothing new reported here tomorrow. Gee, if I was smart, I would assume that I should forget about Sarah Palin, stop reading the IM blog and definitely not bother to come here tomorrow, because it would be a total waste of time. Thank you anonymous poster

    22. Anonymous5:17 PM

      3:19 PM Why not wait and see what it is? Are you trying to get out in front of it to discourage others from reading here tomorrow? Try spending your valuable time finding a LUMBERSEXUAL Trial Daddy for that lusting single mom Bristol Palin. She is in dire need of companionship.

    23. "Anonymous3:19 PM
      Ohhh, Nefer the Useless got her feefees hurt.
      You are more comical by the minute, you silly creature!

      Sorry, honeybunch, someone who trolls comment boards because it is so "amusing" to pretend some sort of bizarre superiority to others is not capable of hurting my feelings. Go back and read my comments again, dear.

      Tomorrow, Gryphen will post material damaging to Palin or he won't. I am hoping he does.

      If he does not, it is no reflection on me as I am a commenter on his blog and do not control the content. But in that case, by all means, take credit for being oh so knowledgeable. You obviously need to build up your self-esteem in whatever goofball ways you can manage. You can prance around all you like squealing neener-neener.

      This is fun. It's like being a cat batting a strange little mouse around. (You are the mouse, pumpkin. I am the cat.)

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    'It's how we baptize terrorists"
    How about we baptize YOU, bitch?

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "President to boast, "I'm pretty good at killing"
    WTF is she babbling about? Conflating much, you old hide? The jealousy of President Obama has almost completely eaten her from the inside out. She is Voldemorticia.

    1. Yeah, well, she's still pissed off he never asked her to Prom.

      It's obvious, all she's ever had was her alleged physical charms... and he's not interested.

      And BTW, am I the only one who remembers Bush had crocs with the presidential seal on them? Remember him claiming HE flew out to that damn carrier and saying "Mission Accomplished"? He wasn't that good a flyer ever- and eventually he skipped out on finishing his term of duty with TANG.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      True. Perhaps the troll who is always accusing us of mocking Sarah because we are "jealous" is really Sarah, projecting her own acrid jealousy onto the world.

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      11:08 AM That is highly likely.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    This is to be expected. If Sarah Palin didn't support torture I would be surprised. She is a sadist.

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Good points 9:07 and I am totally with you 9:09. Palin is entirely out of her mind. Christian? I would say NOT.Ot like any Christians I know. Yes, Sarah, when is enough torture enough? You sound like the nut job you are.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I'm glad she has tripled down on torture. Now if only someone would ask Johnny Mac directly about his old buddy's opinions, maybe we could start a fire.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Start a fire of what exactly? McCain could give a shit what she says. She is a nobody to him, and she is definitely not an 'old buddy'. You guys give her way too much credibility for nothing.

    2. 10:15
      Both of those stupid bitches are joined together for life, and death. That's what happens when he chose and continued to defend an insufferable, ignorant, racist, stupid old witch and her brawling, crazy dysfunctional klan.

    3. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Not really game of life. You want it to be, but McCain practically pretends he never even knew her. He is still a senator. She is a nobody. You are obsessed.

    4. Anonymous11:38 AM

      McCain can PRETEND all he wants, but he unleashed this hell hound on the American public. She could never have accomplished that level of attention on her own merits. His name is forever linked to hers.

  7. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Where's Track?

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      That's what Sarah is asking for in regard to Americans captured by an enemy.

  8. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Where's Track?

  9. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Where's Track?

  10. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Where's Track?

  11. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Where's Track?

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Those photos don't seem has hideous as Track Palin friend's photos and delights when collecting trophies.

      Was it something they learn in Wasilla? They are obsessed with glorifying death when they kill.

      If a person needs to hunt to eat it is really not necessary to feed ones ego with the need to pose with a corpse. That is a different matter entirely. You would think real hunters would not want to be associated with the egomaniacs.

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      They are blood thirsty narcissists with low self esteem?

  12. This is a given, Dick Cheney is an evil man.

    Now we find out Sarah Palin agrees with him.

    Ergo, she's as evil as he is. Right?

  13. Ahhhh, Sarah.
    No thought too low.
    No attention too embarrassing.
    No thought of her screeching if torture had happened to her son.
    Moronic, attention whore woman.

  14. Crystal Sage9:22 AM

    She's trying to keep her name in the headlines in order to con some more money out of her dwindling base. It may also be a preemptive strike for what may come out tomorrow. I swear this lowlife has a longer shelf life than any of us expected. Will it take a silver bullet or a stake through her heart to bring her down once and for all? (No, I'm not advocating violence against her Royal Dipshit: just wear a lot of garlic if you're anywhere near her and have a mirror or cross at the ready.)

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Caroll. I will always remember the WHCD when she tried so hard to just touch him and she was cut off at the pass.

      "That WHCD was pathetic!" LOL

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      There will be nothing that changes anything tomorrow.

      There will be nothing that changes anything ever.

      Wake up.

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Again, nothing to see here! Why, I guess I won't even bother to check the site tomorrow, now that you have shown me the light. Thank you!

    4. Anonymous1:52 PM

      11:40 Good riddance, Troll.

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM


      11:40am was being sarcastic.

    6. Anonymous5:10 PM

      10:16 AM You will be the first to view this blog in the morning, after posting your Palin slobbering all night.

    7. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Oh, yeah, refreshing and refreshing until Gryphen posts and she can be the first to comment. And then the flood gates open!

  15. She doesn't give a damn about the actual issue, only how she can weasel into its discussion her unyielding agony over the unrequited love of her life.

    She has no solutions, no original insights, no empathetic concern whatsoever. She cannot, or will not even bother, to connect with her fan base via anything except one chihuahua-like yap after another at our President, no matter what.

    To put it simply, "There is no there there."

  16. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "And any American-loving leader should promise, "Whatever it takes to stop evil, to protect this nation, we shall do." "

    I thought she was complaining about the drone program. So I guess she doesn't really mean the last sentence about "whatever it takes" or she would support a drone program. This bitch contradicts herself from sentence to sentence.

  17. Anonymous9:25 AM

    How about waterboarding Sarah Palin to get the truth about Tri-g's birth?How about waterboarding Todd Palin about Sex Trafficking? How about waterboarding Bristol Palin about her 'hidden' pregnancies?

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      The problem is torture doesn't work. Sadist like it for the torture and they make up stuff to support their wrong take on it.

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    She too easily accepts torture. Was there something in Sarah's childhood that made her feel tortured?

    1. Anita Winecooler4:42 PM

      Other girls who were normal? Or her name and number was the only one in the men's room walls with the caveat "Just don't look down"?

  19. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Sarah, why don't you go play with willard's new rifle with the sweet scope? Daddy, does it kick? Do you need Levi to show you how to use it?
    Torture is having to listen to Palin screech about things she knows absolutely nothing about.
    We all know you didn't write any of this latest FB. You need to be water boarded for a few hours and then get back to us on the subject of torture, you pissant.

  20. I read her post yesterday and was so ticked off. Am glad that you posted about this Mr. G. Just who the hell does she think she is?

  21. Boscoe9:42 AM

    Blah blah another "Christian Constitutional Conservative" who believes the ends justify the means even if it requires selling our souls and besmirching the name and reputation of our supposedly great nation of freedom and justice and branding ourselves as an oppressive law-defying cluster of arrogant, entitled hypocrites. It must be a day that ends in "y".


  22. Anonymous9:44 AM

    No one really pays any attention to her any more except for C4P, you and Breitbart. I think she's her own worst enemy and that's just fine with me.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Very important Gryph pays attention to her, as we all do for the RIGHT reasons. There's nothing she and her ilk would like better than to ease up. look the other way, so she can do her bidding. No way in HELL.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Anonymous 9:44; C4P, Gryphen, Breibart & apparently, you. If you don't pay attention anymore, why are you here?

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Probably for the same reason I come here 11:09, you guys have become more weirdly amusing than watching the c4pers. Dwell on that thought for a bit.

    4. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Riigghhttt! I am completely buying that....literally. Hoohah!

    5. Anonymous11:49 AM

      If you come here because we are weirdly amusing, why would you want us to get help and move on? We only come here for your personal entertainment. You are welcome, by the way! Literally. Hoohah!

    6. Anonymous12:01 PM

      9:54 AM


  23. Anonymous9:48 AM

    According to Sarah, torture is the Christian thing to do. Her own words 'Water boarding is how we baptize terrorists"

    Hateful person.


  24. "Mr. President: many of our finest whom you unprecedentedly refer to as "YOUR" own troops confide that the only thing legitimizing your being Commander in Chief is that puffed up leather coat you sport..."
    I have seldom wanted so badly to see that traitorous, seditious bitch get what she has coming. She can damn well stop putting words in other people's mouths. Name names, you fucking worthless piece of shit. Who is "confiding" this little tidbit that you are gloating over? Low-life white supremacist dirtbags that never make it past E4 in the military and are ammosexual losers in civilian life don't count.

    That's right, you fucking, nasty, America-hating bitch. He is the Commander -in-Chief, and you are not. Because he is the President of the United States of America and their Commander-in-Chief, they ARE his troops. And don't you forget it, you worthless piece of dogshit.

    You will never be President.
    You will never be the Commander-in-Chief of America's Armed Forces.
    You don't deserve to be.
    You are unfit.
    Not that it matters, because you are too cowardly, lazy, and incompetent to run for President.

    President Barack Hussein Obama is so superior to you in every way that you could never in a million years deserve to even be permitted to be close enough to see him in person.

    If I could spit on your nasty un-American face through this monitor, I would.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Jesus. Get help.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      x 1,000,000

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Tell it, Nefer.

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Well, Nefer: pray tell us how you really feel?!
      (I am in total agreement with you...)

    5. Anonymous11:04 AM

      x infinity more.

    6. Bravo Nefer! Uh 10:37....or CreepyJr....time to tell "Our Baldy" to STFU before John McCornteeth drops a house on her evil ass! LOL!!

    7. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Nefer, WELL SAID!

    8. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Take you friends with you when you get help.

    9. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Thanks, Nefer, you said what I felt after reading what she said.

    10. Anonymous11:18 AM

      10:37 AM

      No, YOU get help or run the bitch. You, and those like you, post here with absolutely no discourse whatsoever. Your incessant diatribe is so old....your queen is a coward and a know nothing, just a washed up runner up carnival barker.

      Put up for shut up, Sarah, The thought of you being in charge of this country is downright hysterical. Let the citizenry decide.

    11. Anonymous12:03 PM

      +++++++++++ NEFER ++++++++++++

    12. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Way to go, Nefer. Every time Sarah pours forth about an issue, she makes many of us madder! She hides away behind Facebook or her computer "tv channel" and spews forth idiotic statement after idiotic statement and no one in the media will challenge her. I do wish that someone would - just parse her statements showing how lame and stupid she is.

    13. Anonymous3:25 PM

      You can probably all get a group rate discount for professional help with your obsessions.

      I'll be sure to check in tomorrow to see the latest hysterics.

    14. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Yeah, since you "used to" come here to comment. Hey, kinda like being for a bridge before being against it? See you bright & early. What time does your mom wake you?

    15. Anonymous5:06 PM

      @3:25 PM You never leave IM, you are a stalker and a Troll.

  25. Caroll Thompson9:58 AM

    Sarah is so fond of speaking about the Founding Fathers when it suits her fancy, but of course, she conveniently forgets (or never knew in the first place most likely) that they were 100% unequivocally against torture.

    We have the eighth amendment which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment to prevent torture. We have the fifth amendment which allows an individual the right not to incriminate oneself. And these amendments were drawn up out of fear of torture. It simply was not tolerated during the revolution or at any other time that I am aware of until George W came to town. The following is a famous quote from Washington.

    “Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.” - George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775.

    When I was in the military, one of the first things they drum into your head is that the United States of America does not torture and anyone who does torture will spend the rest of the their life in prison or face execution. The military still has these laws on the books. And to the military's credit, they publicly rebuked torture when old W brought it up.

    Sarah Palin is no patriot. She is a traitor to this nation and I hope you take the bitch down G. Anyone involved in torture should be tried and imprisoned for life if found guilty.

    None other than Ronald Reagan signed the international treaty against torture in 1984. How convenient it is for these traitors to forget the principals upon which our nation was founded. Even Ronald Reagan knew that.

    Next thing you know, she will be advocating for mustard gas and other chemical weapons, which are also banned under international law.

    There is a little light on this dark period. If any of the bastards that committed torture or ordered torture happen to travel outside the United States, they can be apprehended and tried by the International Court of Justice at the Hague. And I daresay that none of these criminals (because that is what they are) has ever traveled outside the United States in the years since they committed their crimes.

    I remember reading in 2007, Donald Rumsfeld had to leave France in a hurry lest he be arrested. I don't think he has left the United States since.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      I guess, we all know why those war criminals never leave the US anymore! Too afraid to be called out on their atrocities, and too afraid to face the consequences.

  26. Anonymous10:02 AM

    This evil woman should be tortured - water boarding would be a good start! Get all the facts out of her that she has lied about all these years.

    She is very un-American, racist, evil, nasty, ugly inside and out, poorly educated and knows nothing of which she spouts.

    I really do think Hell awaits her! She, Cheney and Bush will be good partners with the Devil!

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Reverse Rapture!!!!

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      water...she never touches water, obviously:
      hence the stench.

  27. I wish someone would waterboard and rectal feed this despicable Bitch!

  28. Now what set this unforgivable bitch off this time?

    Her foaming at the mouth rage is off the charts. This post reminds me of how police can tell that a murder is personal when they see "overkill." The fury expressed in her asinine accusations is unsettling. There are plenty of right-wing nutjobs who make terrible comments regarding the President's morals, ethics, patriotism, etc.

    But they lack the bunny-boiling "woman scorned" personal vitriol of Palin at her angriest as demonstrated in this latest facebook tantrum.

    Is it the fact that yet another election went by and nobody paid attention to her?

    Is reality setting in? That she will not even be able to fake preparing for another fake run? That if she doesn't run in 2016 she will be done?

    Oh, wait. Is it because the horrible beast is sweating out what we are told will be posted here tomorrow?

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Seriously, get help.

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Sarah will never run for any office because she can't take the rejection.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Whatever it is, let's hope it continues to eat her up. She is almost done for, but not quite.
      Pile it on.
      She is getting uglier and uglier every day.

    4. abbafan11:45 AM

      Absolutely Nefer, the stinking bitch and her tribe of morons are vibrantly living in fear of the bomb which will drop tomorrow! Good times at Applebees...Ha-Ha!!

    5. Anonymous12:37 PM

      You are so correct, Nefer! She sounds like someone on the verge to completely crack. No idea, though, what exactly is setting her off. Hopefully, tomorrow will be the day she will be admitted to the psych ward in a locked facility...

    6. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Well, let's see. Tonight HGTV is showing the White House Christmas decorations. Sarah was not invited. She wasn't invited to the Kennedy Center awards event either. Nor was she invited to light the Capitol Christmas tree. So many slights. So, just in time for the holidays, Sarah decides to foam at the mouth about torture. Yet another subject she knows nothing about.

  29. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Where's Track?

    Where's Jeremy Morelock?

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Track may have done far worse than Morelock. He has special privileges and would be protected and have things covered up.

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      I doubt Track is capable of doing anything but standing around in a stupor...when he isn't in a rage.

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      1:11 PM ...when he is in a rage things get dicey. But even fools in a stupor can blow things up.

      When he stands around in a stupor the world is safe.

  30. Cracklin Charlie10:14 AM

    Gryphen, man...

    I am worried about you. You seemed to be able to translate whatever the hell that is that Sarah is blabbering about in her latest completely irrelevant face book screed. I think you should consider a vacation far, far away. But not this week!

    Maybe it's just me, but I just can't really make heads nor tails of the stuff she writes. It just registers in my brain as complete nonsense. So, that's the way I treat it.

    Did Becky quit?

  31. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Ahhh...we shouldn't let her nonsensical bs bother us. In the future, if the bible bangers haven't succeeded in re-writing all of our history books, she may well be included. If so, she and her followers will be shown to be brain dead idiots.

  32. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I'm so so happy the Retard From The North is not my commander-in-chief.

    The world has witnessed Commander-In-Shit Sarah Palin's failed attempt at the Palin family's 2014 War On Birthday.

    In order to get her troops to fight in her name, the Palin troops were given liquid courage in a box as they rode in their white troop transport to Anchorage.

    To make a long story short, after those Palin fuckwads got their hoohahs kicked, their hoohah commander hollered out "Don't you know who I am? Then those hoohahs went back to Wasilla nursing their cracked ribs, busted up lips, black eyes and pushed in noses while leaving their shoes and expensive sunglasses on the battlefield.


  33. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sarah needs to shut the fuck and find her own African-American Lumbersexual and leave Michelle Obama's man alone.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      It must be a Heath/Palin trait to covet what rightfully belongs to others.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      What, nobody wants TAWD?

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Tawd has to pay for it, obviously.

    4. PalinsHoax6:44 PM

      "What, nobody wants TAWD?"
      - - -

      Oh my goodness NO, NO, NO !!! Have you SEEN Tawdry? He gives one the willies - he's so smarmy and yucky !! And he saves his you-know-what in washcloths.

      Oh my goodness NO, NO, NO to Gawd Awful Tawdry!!

  34. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sarah, you're a disgraceful cow.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:27 PM

      She makes mad cows seem normal. I guess she likes it this way, hasn't lifted a finger to change or learn something. What parent of a challenged child is proud he can't even eat a cheerio? That child deserves better, much better.

  35. Anonymous10:53 AM

    $arah is all for torture, as long as $he doesn't feel a thing (except that little tingle $he hasn't felt in decades, if ever.)

    My dream of torturing $arah:

    Put her in a teeny weenie bikini. No wigs, no belmonts, no make-up or fake tanner, no hooker shoes or painted toenails to hide the fungus, no children (fake or real) to hide behind, no phones in her claws, NO American flag anywhere in sight of her traitorous a$$ and a ball-gag in her big mouth. (Do they come in XXL?) Now, put her in a cage on the back of a hog-hauler and parade her around, just outside of major political events, for one year. Don't let her comment on ANYTHING political. I could go on, but it just gets petty from here. ;-)


    1. PalinsHoax11:57 AM

      "Put her in a teeny weenie bikini. "
      - - -

      ACCKKKKK!!!! Stop right there. That image alone is torturous and a nightmare. It is enough to make us all barf.

      I would add to your suggestion: make her wear a faux pregnancy belly 24/7/365.

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Sarah Palin deserves every bit of that, 10:53 am, and more! I'm sure millions of Americans would love to get a hold of her and make her life as miserable as possible!

  36. Anonymous11:10 AM

    And that in a nutshell is what is wrong with Sarah Palin and her ilk. They see the world through the eyes of children, where everything is good or evil, right or wrong, black or white. Without recognizing that most things are rendered in varying shades of gray.

    Let's start with the people who inflicted cruel and degrading treatment on people who they captured, people who never had a trial, but were accused plotting in a terrorist plot. The Senate Report was about the 8 year of the Bush-Cheney Administration, not the current Obama administration. Where was Sarah, denouncing torture then? I'd like to see her face off against Dick Cheney. Now, that would be a brawl!

    Maybe Sarah should have listened when John McCain addressed the Senate, more than once, about the fact that torture does not work. The tortured person will say anything to make the pain stop. I think that under torture, McCain said that he named all of the members of a football team just to give his enemies some names, any names. CIA officials in this field claim that the best way to get information is to befriend the person as a way of getting him to talk.

    I can't tell what Sarah Palin is angry about. The people who died on September 11 were murdered. Many more people were wounded, both physically and mentally. Does that mean that anyone who dies or is wounded was tortured? There is pain and suffering, sometimes caused by others. Not all deaths and not all injuries are the result of torture.

    Is Sarah for or against torturing someone giving the ticking time bomb scenario? And, where did the AIP stand in terms of ends justifying the means? Sarah is just angry that no one notices her any more. We notice her, all right. We noticed Sarah when she retold the story of Paul Revere. We noticed her when she couldn't train a trained therapy dog. We noticed how she neglected Trig's therapy or when her family was involved in a drunken brawl. We noticed that Sarah couldn't carve a turkey or bake an apple pie. We noticed Sarah when she said that the White House was located at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue. But, Sarah has nothing to contribute to the world of politics because she is just that stupid. The only thing that she is good at is getting attention for all the wrong reasons. And that's Sarah's problem, wanting to be noticed in the worst way. And, that's how we notice her, when she is at her worst.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Words coming from the mouth of this undereducated, low IQ, self-infatuated imbecile are just that, words. Be thankful that you don't understand what she is trying to say. Her words are nothing more than the secret passwords to the brotherhood of morons.

  37. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I can't tell which side of the issue Sarah Palin is on. Is she for torture or against it? Maybe she is for torturing the bad guys, in spite of John McCain telling us that torture doesn't work. The reason that we signed an international agreement was to protect our citizens from being torture if they were captured by someone abroad.

    Here is the question for Sarah Palin. Suppose that it was Track who was captured in Afghanistan instead of the poor guy who was killed, and then photographed in a degrading way with American soldiers as if he was the trophy in a moose hunt. How would Sarah react if Track was redeployed, captured and tortured? Track is too dumb to know any secrets, but that wouldn't stop sadistic terrorists from returning the favor, figuring that's how their brothers or cousins were treated. TELL US, SARAH, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL ABOUT TORTURE IF IT WAS TRACK WHO WAS THE ONE CAPTURED AND TORTURED? ARE YOU FOR IT OR AGAINST IT?

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I think $he would be for it because $he could get some more PAC donations out of it.

      $he doesn't care for one thing that doesn't benefit her in some way.


    2. Anonymous12:38 PM

      She's only pro-torture when Americans are doing the torturing.

    3. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Well, if she could generate PAC donations in response.....

      Wild Tortoise

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She would have loved it if Track had been captured, tortured, or even killed. Imagine all the attention she would get. Think about the mileage. Not only would she have "raised a combat vet," but one that "sacrificed himself for our freeeeedumb!"

  38. The nothing to see here, nobody cares anyway (yet here it is, scattering its little droppings everywhere) commenter is funny. No self-awareness at all.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      See you tomorrow for the Big Breaking Story Nefer! It is going to be awesome right!? Bitch is for sure going down this time right!?

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      3:40 PM "Bitch is for sure going down this time right.?"

      Sarah's like a cockroach, she just keeps making appearances, buying followers on Facebook and Twitter, prancing around with her fake tits in front of ignorant, mindless groups, being photographed with child molesting, draft dodging Nugent.

      She has no sense of shame. She doesn't have any values or moral code even though she pretends to be a Christian. She's been exposed for having an affair with Brad Hansen when she was married, she exposed her own teen daughter at the RNC, the criminal records of Track and Willow have made the news, Todd's involvement in prostitution has made the news, Sarah answered the door of her suite the 2008 campaign dressed only in a towel to two male campaign workers, the very public family brawl made the news worldwide, her stupidity is apparent every time she opens her mouth...nothing, NOTHING phases Sarah.

      Worst of all, there was Tucson, and Sarah's Blood Libel video.

      Anyone with any sense of pride, any self-respect or respect for their family would disappear never to be heard from again. But not Sarah.

      I don't expect tomorrow's revelations to "bring Sarah down" at least not in the sense of Sarah disappearing. She'll always have some followers -- Charles Manson still has some followers. Ayn Rand considered William Edward Hickman an "ideal man" even though he was a child murderer. There will always be some people who will love and defend Sarah Palin. But each and every new revelation about Sarah chips away at people who still pay attention to her -- that's what I expect and hope for. I want it to get harder and harder for anyone to defend her.

    3. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Nope, nothing to see here. Move along, folks. RIGHT?

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Bringing everybody up to speed.

      "That first post, as somebody already guessed earlier, will show up Monday."

      Monday 6:15 AM is not the whole 9 yards. Think of it as a serial, that will get better with each installment.

  39. PalinsHoax11:43 AM

    Oh Gryphen, if I may say so, that is entirely the wrong photo of the Ol' Degenerate One. The perfect one for this article is the picture where she is sneering, with clawed hands, and looks like her twin Dick Cheney. THAT's the photo for this article.

  40. It's obvious that Palin didn't write this herself, but the quote she uses comes from only one source and was never said publicly. She lifts the quote from the book "Game Change 2012" by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. In their book they allege that the President said this to his aides. Of course, Palin lifts this quote from the book without ever siting the book or the authors. Of course, the way Palin uses this quote makes it sound as if it's true without ever stating he allegedly said this. Now her followers are going to repeat it as if its fact.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Loser bitch and her paid companions shrieked for years that the book was all lies. No wonder nobody takes her seriously.

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Look at the bright side, if they take this quote from "Game Change 2012" as fact then ipso facto they must also take as fact everything that the authors had to say in "Game Change 2008".

      However, I doubt that will happen, they like to pick and choose their truths, just as they pick and choose the parts of biblical doctrine that they choose to adhere to.

  41. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Pity there isn't a way to get her booted from Facebook. That would shut her up for good. Really the only place she has to vent her spleen. I would mention Breitbart but I don't know anyone who reads that bilge water.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Believe me, I have tried my darndest to get her off. I have repeatedly reported her hate posts, but each time they reply that it is not a violation of their tenets.
      OTOH, I have also reported other sites, and after being turned away at first - when others came on and chimed in - FakeBook relented and took them offline.
      May e, if we all send messages to FB, then eventually they will relent and delete her. Especially, since it is mostly not even HER who is writing that crap!

  42. Randall12:01 PM

    This is a perfect example of what I keep saying about Sarah Palin: let her talk.

    Give Sarah a larger and larger megaphone.

    Because every time Sarah opens her mouth, fewer and fewer people side with her.

    Just listen to the nonsense and vitriol in this latest post...
    "...debauched minds..."? (Really? Debauched minds, Sarah?)
    "Yuck it up much, Nobel Peacenik President?"
    "...he blusters a willingness... "? (Really? "Blusters" is the verb you wanted to use in that sentence? Really?)

    Nothing makes Sarah Palin sound more stupid than her own words.

    Also, too...

    Nothing makes Sarah Palin uglier than her own words.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM


    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      12:01 PM
      Some great comments on here about Sarah today -- this one may be one of the best. Well put, Randall.

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Definition of debauched from Google:

      indulging in or characterized by sensual pleasures to a degree perceived to be morally harmful; dissolute.

      Sarah Palin wants a sexual connotation whenever she can stretch the language that way, but using "debauched" to describe people opposed to torture is, well, tortuous.

    4. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Actually, the examples you quote above are signs that this post comes from one of her ghost writers. $he herself has no idea what those grandiose words mean - Debauche, and peacenik!

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Sounds like a very, VERY drunk Becky.

  43. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Doesn't matter Sarah. You LOST. You QUIT. You COMPROMISED. Just because you sold your soul to money and to spite and vengeance, doesn't mean America still adores you. It's over for your career in con artistry.

    Your pageant wave to adoring crowds is over. You are a washed-up older woman with no compassion or care for humanity. What issues out of your mouth shows what's in your heart.

    1. A. J. Billings2:08 PM

      Washed up old harpy who is using plastic surgery, fake tits, wigs, makeup, and any other Hollywood method to keep from looking like Sally.

      And FYI, none of your stupidity is working you twit

  44. Anonymous12:19 PM

    She got what she wanted : FAME. Too bad it was the wrong kind, but she's too juvenile to see it. $$$$$$$

  45. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Since the election the Koch brothers are slow in getting their propaganda onto Sarah's Facebook, and even slower in getting their propaganda into Sarah's mouth. They've given up trying to get it into her head.

  46. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The zombies at c4p have been holding their breath for days waiting for their queen to tell them what to think.

  47. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I think Sarah is doing unto others as she wants done to her, in her twisted Christian way.

    She would like Track and the others to be tortured. The torture where captors would tell Track all the horrible things they are going to do to his mother Sarah in front of him. Instead of that being a bluff, Sarah would be tortured and raped in front of Track. It would not surprise me in the least if she has dreams like that and an obsession. Not unusual for a sadist.

    BTW Track is MIA. Skipped out for the happy Thanksgiving event in the garbage. If he was living vibrant she would have mentioned why he wasn't with the family as has been his usual.

    When the pentagon was doing all that public relations for them she would say he was working, in the Army. She was proud.

    Now Track is just a zero and not worth mentioning.

  48. Anonymous12:41 PM

    If you consider the life that Trig is living due to Sarah, you would notice that she chose a life of torture for him. He will never eat a cheerio and he has a life of poopy pants.

    All because she was busy with her own selfish life and didn't have him in therapy.

    I don't know that Dick Cheney is that evil when it comes to his family.

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Sure he is, as is Liz.
      She and Brisdull took a page out of the book.
      Who says they don't read.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      This is so twisted funny. Oh chaney and the boys are worried. Chaney and Bush have been hated by terrorist for many many years. We were bombed because of them. Don't know? can we blame pearl harbor and nam on them too? What a crock to hear the fox freaks say oh no the papers are out. F off twisted ones
      Oh this twisted strategy of the mighty republicans. Thinking they won something. he he he. So funny. Riggin the system and spoofin the lame. Enjoy the mighty majority while it last because it was a gift to republicans, a special gift.

  49. Anonymous1:19 PM

    You know, maybe Sarah Palin has no influence and maybe we are the only ones who pay attention to her, but remember the GOP found her and promoted her to the American people and she was nearly in the White House (but not really, because she's her own worst enemy).

    I want Sarah Palin taken down in the most public way and forever connected to those with powers who did and continue to cover for her.

    Sarah Palin isn't dangerous. The people who promoted her are.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Sure she is. The GOPE rejected her, and she damned well knows it, now she's Koch funded. Why? Because the whore will do anything when the money is good enough. Her whole life has been a lie, no need to stop now.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      I want Sarah Palin taken down in the most public way and forever connected to those with powers who did and continue to cover for her.

      I think this might be happening soon. Austin figured out a small part. Sarah really is a fecker and I can and will expose a whole lot more. Including the AKNG connections.

  50. Anonymous1:22 PM

    To the concern troll:

    We are all very thankful you take all this time from your obviously busy day to laugh at us and scold us and generally act like a pompous ass. Your message is sent and received.

    The more you comment on how sad we are and how nothing is going to be revealed, the less convincing you are.

    Now kindly show yourself out.

  51. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Palin doesn't care about anything in this world other than getting her name tossed back and forth and fleecing her bots for money.

  52. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Since Sarah Palin and the Teabaggers have declared war on President Obama and therefore this nation, Sarah Palin as a combatant should be taken captive and water boarded immediately.

  53. A. J. Billings2:06 PM

    First of all, there is NO WAY that article was written by $imple $arah.

    The tone, the grammar, and the sentence structure just doensn't sound like something that Tundra Twit spews out on a daily basis.

    So $arah, would you condone raping "terrorists" wives in front of them? How about sexually abusing their children?

    How about beheading their kids one by one to get "terrorists" to confess?

    If you are the rill 'Murican I know you to be, you should support any method to get information, even though it's been proven that torture often doesn't work.

    So what about it Tundra Twit? Is there some limit to what rill 'Muricans can do to extract information?

    And remember, whatever we do to them, they will do in spades to our soldiers, which is the reason we are supposed to be better than "them", right you ignorant brawling idiot?

  54. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Palin Troll from UNITED STATES is camping out on IM. Are you enjoying yourself, Palin Panty sniffer? Do you have any truth to offer? No? SarahPac will be happy.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Troll can sniff and post all it wants.
      The queen will never be one except inside her head.
      Stupid c4pers.

  55. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Sarah, you're just another dumb fucking leather-clad wannabe right-wing uber-American cock maggot.

  56. Raz Lemons2:30 PM

    Leave it to that ignorant bitch to want America to be just like or worse that Middle Eastern Terrorists ( If we can't beat em join em huh Sarah ? ) I am American four square and I , We are better than that and will not tolerate torture from them or us !

    1. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Now, now, we're better because we're christian, not muslim. Otherwise, same thing goes.

  57. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Our President is not "young," Sarah, he's the same age as you are.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Why doesn't she just call him "boy" and get it over with? She's already said he was shuckin' and jivin'.

  58. Well, yeah, she's been torturing us for the last 6 years!! (feels like 600)

  59. They should all be offered not to be prosecuted as long as they allow these "enhanced techniques" be used on them. Of course we are still waiting foe Sean Hannity to do the water boarding he offered. Maybe sarah will offer Also too.

  60. Anita Winecooler4:05 PM

    They play Sarah's flute solo while depriving them of food and sleep, sheesh- that's enough torture to last a lifetime. Where is your outpouring of sympathy for the kids killed two years ago by Adam Lanza? Our grassroots, home grown terrorist who follows your sage advice from facebook? Crickets chirping, Sarah?" Don't retreat, reload". Show me ONE thing even close to that the current President has said? But back to you, From those of whom little is expected, all one gets is word salad and a palpable hatred for the man who won - twice.

  61. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Agood idea: The CIA should invite Sarah Palin and her satan's spawn of imbeciles (yes, I said it) over for dinner where they can shove some of her moose chili up each and every one of their elimination holes. Not torture, just a family dinner, ya know.

  62. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Palin just proves once again she is unfit for office. Keep opening your big mouth, bitch!

  63. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Sarah's getting pretty skinny. I sure hope for "medical reasons" nobody has to shove food up her ass.

    1. Anonymous4:28 AM

      I don't think anyone would call it food, even if on a quick glance it looks like a vienna sausage.

  64. Anonymous4:39 PM

    As time has gone by I have tried justify her incredible outpourings of nonsense.
    - Can we go back a few years? Did anyone who were friends with her in high school notice anything that would explain her present day behavior?
    - Let us take a step beyond that - did these people who knew her in her younger years detect anything unbalanced about her approach to life? Did any of you detect anything that seemed a bit worrisome?
    - Did her obsessive hate and vindictiveness just start since 2008? I kind of doubt it.
    - Are any of your who were/are acquainted with her now concerned about her vitriol - or is this OK with you?
    Her pattern of lies, "pay-backs" and down right viciousness is something I have never observed before. I can only assume that this is behind the reluctance (cowardliness) people have shown when faced with the bare facts. Do I tell what I know - or do I hide to continue to protect myself, my job and my family? What you may not know - yet - is that the truth is purifying - and you are not alone.
    It is time for all of you to come forward.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Early Adult years showed Sarah's abused her marriage and she got away with.

      “The Rogue” alleges that Palin then went on to break her marriage vows, engaging in a six-month affair with her husband’s business partner, Brad Hanson. According to The Daily Mail, Hanson co-owned a snowmobile dealership with Palin’s husband, but the affair led to the break-up of the business.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Chuck and Sally were her parents. It had to be hell. There are plenty of tales about the sick pervy crap that old Chuckie was up to.

      The mother no doubt turned her back on her kids and let him get by with unspeakable behaviors.

  65. Anonymous5:41 PM

    "Whatever it takes to stop evil, to protect this nation, we shall do."
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe that she made that quote.

    Didn't Connor Cleary (Willow's ex-boyfriend) say something along those lines when those drunk Palins showed up to disturb the peaceful birthday party?

    "Whatever it takes to stop those evil Palins, to protect this birthday party, we shall do."

  66. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Anonymous 4:39 PM said:

    As time has gone by I have tried justify her incredible outpourings of nonsense.
    - Can we go back a few years? Did anyone who were friends with her in high school notice anything that would explain her present day behavior?


    McGinniss describes a couple of bizarre forms of behavior from Palin in her youth, for example when Sarah insisted on walking around and sleeping naked in front of her entire high-school basketball team.

  67. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Sarah Palin believes in waterboarding, Sarah should waterboard:

    Bristol to find out who is Trig's biological father.

    Willow to find out what part she played in the breaking and entering.

    Bristol to find out how many times she was pregnant.

    Todd to find out how many times he cheated on her with prostitutes.

    Todd to find out was he a peeping tom and looked through holes he made in walls to look at women's nipples.

  68. Anonymous7:36 PM

    They paid those 2 guys $81 million to come up with torture techniques, all they had to do was make the "terrorists" read Palin's facebook page daily. I'm sure they would given up all the info immediately.

    Sarah Palin is an American terrorist, evil and works for the demise of our democracy. According to her "logic", it would be just fine to torture her.

  69. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Sarah has recently proven that she and her vile spawn are not above getting down and dirty in a drunken and likely drug fueled brawl over issues that most teenagers would eschew. She would be some leader, don'tcha know.

  70. It makes complete sense that the 'Whining Wannabe from Wasilla' is a strong advocate for torture.

    Utilizing her shrill voice dripping with petty vindictiveness and inane commentaries laden with ignorant, nonsensical analyses ... Palin tortures the mind and soul of rationally-thinking people on a daily basis.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.