Monday, January 26, 2015

Interesting discussion with Fox Panel on whether anybody should take Sarah Palin seriously about running.

I enjoyed the fact that only the former Democratic campaign consultant expressed joy at the idea of Palin running.

Panelist Jonah Goldberg is the only one who seems to seriously consider a Palin run feasible, while Laura Ashburn says "Heck no," and Howard Kurtz himself says he will not take her seriously until she quits her gig with Fox News.

It kind of makes me wonder if any of these yahoos happened to catch Palin's incoherent rambling from the Freedom Summit in Iowa.


  1. We all know she's only saying this because her PAC funds are running low.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM


      This is a tragedy:

      28-year-old female staff member, Lori Klausutis, was found dead in the summer of 2001 in the office of U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL).

      MORE TREGEDY – Now a Cold Case


      Sarah Palin's cover up finally having a little reveal is not a tragedy, Joe.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Has ol' $quawk shown up yet on her Facebook platform to talk about how everyone is so mean to her? This is the beginning of the end for this hateful, stupid, hypocrit. BWHAHAHAHAHA

  2. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Scarborough: It Was 'A Tragedy' To See Sarah Palin's Disjointed Iowa Speech

    "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough said on Monday morning that Sarah Palin's rambling speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit was "a tragedy," marveling at how far the former Republican vice presidential nominee had fallen from her 2008 heyday.

    Scarborough made his remarks after Washington Examiner columnist Byron York panned the former Alaska governor's "long and disjointed" address. That led Nicolle Wallace, the former Palin aide who has long since been one of her biggest detractors, to recall that York was once one of her "staunchest supporters."

    “I think it’s a tragedy, too,” Scarborough chimed in. “We all remember that night she spoke in 2008 at the [Republican national] convention. I will say, it remains one of the most electrifying performances I’ve seen in the last four or five conventions I’ve been to. Nobody expected her to do well. She delivered the lines well; she hit it out of the park."

    "We will let history decide how she got from that point to this point,” Scarborough said.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Here at IM we won't wait for history to "decide" how she got from 2008 to today. We already know and would be happy to tell Joe Scarborough how and why.

      But, Sarah (Hi, Sarah!), when conservative gasbag Joe Scarborough has written you off, then you might as well stay home in Wasilla from now on. There's no recovery possible.

      Howard Dean was defeated by one "scream" that really wasn't one. Edmund Muskie was written off when they said he "cried" in New Hampshire. The number of politicians who can fight conventional wisdom and return to the arena are very few.

      And, Sarah, you're not one of them. Ciao.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Whoopie played a clip of her Iowa insanity this morning on The View. Whoopie said she wasnt even high watching the speech but she felt Sarah was.

      Nicole Wallace was hanging her head in shame and said, •I'm sorry America. She said conservatives were mad at McCain aides for keeping her on a tight leash in 2008, but today's Sarah only helps demonstrate why they had to. And that Sarah was only useful now as a primary season opener for the faithful.

    3. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Nicole Wallace also referenced an article by Byron York, a former Palin fan. The article is titled "As 2016 race begins, GOP faces its Palin problem." Cans are going to be flying in Wasilla.

    4. The interesting thing is that Scarborough praised Her delivery of the speech that HAD BEEN WRITTEN for her. Mark that point down. Because after that, particularly after the election, she was on her own, as she was on Saturday, or in the hands of bad speech writers, she's nothing. Joe was essentially praising her abilities to read a well written speech.

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      ".... but today's Sarah only helps demonstrate why they had to."

      Nicole Wallace is a tragedy of lies and cover up. She always paints her shit like she was part of a noble undertaking. It was another's fault why she had to. You loose Nicole. We know you are also a big fraud waiting to be exposed.

    6. Anonymous11:21 AM

      6:22, that's funny morning joe saw her performance as electrifying. Most everyone I know saw it as the first sign we were dealing with a not too bright middle school mean girl. Idiots like joe scarborough are the ones responsible for that brainless twat ever occupying one square inch of the national stage.

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Palin for 2016? Ha! It’s Ohio Governor John Kasich Who Has A Puncher’s Chance

    1. ShootingBunnies6:55 AM

      As much as we in Ohio would love to see Kasich gone, we don't want him as President.

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    And then you have Jonah saying it drives him crazy that FOX takes Trump seriously...and he takes Sarah seriously? What an idiot.

    Jonah Goldberg: Trump Is a ‘Bane of Humanity,’ ‘Drives Me Crazy’ That Fox Takes Him Seriously

    ...When Lauren Ashburn said Sarah Palin‘s yearning for the spotlight is similar to that of Trump, National Review columnist and Fox News contributor Jonah Goldberg took issue with the comparison — and even went after his own network for giving Trump legitimacy.

    “Donald Trump has a long record of clownishly pretending he’s going to run for president, and people take him seriously — including a lot of people at this network, which drives me crazy,” Goldberg told Howard Kurtz on Media Buzz. “I think Donald Trump is a bane of humanity … that’s not Sarah Palin’s game.”

    1. He's the guy, remember, who wrote an entire book claiming the Nazis were leftists. He doesn't know the difference between socialism and national socialism. Probably typical of a Palin supporter.

    2. "Goldberg: “I think Donald Trump is a bane of humanity … that’s not Sarah Palin’s game.”"
      Well, pray tell, oh doughy pantsload, what is that vicious moron's "game"?

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Jonah "The Doughy Pantload" Goldberg.

      Married to Jessica "Palin Ghostwriter" Gavora.

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Son of the evil Tripp woman.

    5. Anonymous11:27 AM

      just googled him, jeeze, what a sweathog.

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    After Sarah Palin’s rambling and at times borderline-incoherent address at the Iowa Freedom Summit this weekend, a Morning Joe panel declared her downfall from her 2008 height a “tragedy,” and generally spoke about her as if she were Lenny from Of Mice and Men.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      hafuckinglarious!!! about fucking time. but no tragedy not by a long shot!!!

    2. No one loathes Sarah more than I do, but it is a bit of a tragedy -- she had one slim chance to actually raise herself out of her ignorant hillbilly world, and she blew it.

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      But she never really had a chance. Sarah Palin was doomed a long time ago.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Pat, barring Troopergate, per diem and other forms of abuse of power, of she continued to work with democrats and pretend she really was a reformer bucking the good old boys CBC instead of a lazy opportunist, she could have. But then she realized it required no work to be a rock thrower, and much more lucrative.


    5. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Sarah could have just gone back to Wasilla and commercial fished with her husband and the rest of her hard ass working klan. She could have cooked for her family and raised all those poor kids also too, after she quit as Governor after losing the 2008 election.

      Getting meat with bullets and skinning and making walrus sausage, hauling Crunchwrap Supremes home on the snowmachines in times of famine and pestilence as needed also too. Canning all that garden produce with Uncle Ted in between all the dueling banjos and brosin and duncle romances.

      Sadly, no.

    6. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Lol . I have commented that Tri-g, if not taught respect for animals could end up Lenny from Of Mice and Men

    7. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Sarah was able to successfully read her 2008 speech from a teleprompter and that was the beginning and end of her "chance". Being an idiot isn't an affliction that comes and goes: one is an idiot or one isn't an idiot. Sarah's performances are consistently idiotic.

      Personally, I'm thrilled each time she shows up for any public appearance obviously under the influence of drugs and dressed as an aging hooker -- no offense to any hookers trying to make an living and who don't show up with a bible in their hands. I'm long past wishing her family would get her in rehab because I want to witness a public meltdown. She's getting closer and closer to that event.

      Hope you're reading this Sarah. HOOHAH

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      holy crap! What a picture!!!

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      I had never seen this one. She looks bad and this was 2008. Yikes.

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Tongue-twisting with John McCain. lol

    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      OhMyGod! I had never seen that one either. Hahahaha Sept. 5th, 2008! Holy crap, that is hilarious. And also, too, very disturbing.

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I love that six years later things like these pictures still surface.

      Hoping for an iceberg...

    6. Anonymous11:30 AM

      proof she never washes her real hair either.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    That Jonah Goldberg is in denial about Sarah Palin.

    At least Laura Ashburn is on to Sarah; women have a sixth sense when it comes to their own.

    It's sickening to even hear them still, to this day, discuss her viable candidacy. They refuse to see how sick she is, and how desperately she needs several urgent interventions.

    Sarah is like the "boy who called Wolf" too many times and one day she'll really be in deep doo-doo, call wolf, and media and the world will just ignore her.

    1. Given what Gryphen revealed about her PAC finances, she's already in deep doo-doo.

  8. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I lean conservative, yet I plainly see a rambling, incoherent, undisciplined blow-hard without any facts or concrete positions to even refute. Conservatives will never have a chance until the party says what everybody already knows: Sarah Palin is a desperate fool and her nomination in 2008 was a catastrophic mistake that the party must atone for. Sorry, but you know it's true.

  9. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I mean, we all know she's just a grifter after our cash so she can have a lavish lifestyle on the money given to her PAC and all... but... really? That speech was a mess. Most of the time she was just complaining that people on the internet are mean to her.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Second verse, same as the first. -- Herman's Hermits

  10. Anonymous6:55 AM

    It's simple and the facts are all there: Sarah does not have the money to run for President or any major office. She has not done the pre-campaign work necessary to launch and run a campaign. She will never put in the hard work that is required of a candidate that can win. Her speech last weekend is a perfect example of how she does minimal preparation for any event.

  11. Anonymous6:55 AM

    AP release January 28, 2017

    Newly elected President Sarah Palin died today from complications of pneumonia. President Palin became ill after standing for three hours in freezing rain during her inauguration wearing just a see-through thong dress and no coat.

    Most family members were not at her bedside. Several are still recovering from injuries received in a drunken brawl at the President’s Inauguration Ball. Her grandson Trig was seen standing on a dog at her bedside screaming “bullshit” at hospital staff.

    Vice President Ted Nugent will be sworn in as the 46th President later today.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      And then we wake up from the nightmare, right?


  12. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Jonah Goldberg is married to Jessica Gavora, who ghost-wrote "America by Heart," so maybe he feels some lingering loyalty to the train wreck.

    (Sarah has used a different ghostwriter for each of her books. Nancy French did the Christmas book and Bristol's memoir, and Lynn Vincent ghost-wrote "Going Rogue.")

    1. When you use a different ghost-writer for each book, it generally means you've worn their patience too thin for them to stick with you.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Every time I see Jonah Goldberg's name, I remember that it was his mother, Lucianne conspiring with Linda Tripp that brought about that whole Clinton impeachment thing. Of course men lie when they want to cover up a sexual thing. Look at Bill Cosby! But, Jonah did not exist until his mother promoted him. Rabid Republicans.

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      interesting! I did not know that. Always wondered where this no-nothing fool came from!

  13. Anonymous7:20 AM

    At least, Palin is FINALLY noted as 'being out of the picture' due to her shitty speech in Iowa! It's way past time, but her ineptness has FINALLY been recognized and openly spoken about on the national airwaves.

    She's fallen to the bottom and has no one to blame but herself. Looks like the Palin klan members are ALL going to have to get jobs! But, who will hire any of them? Especially the 'QUITTER'!

    1. Yeah, the kids are the really sad part. Rather than having a glimpse of what a world with an education looked like, they just followed mommy's lead. For someone with her profile and her money, it is inexcusable that none of her children have gone to college, or even to a credible trade school. In 20 years they'll all be in trailer home parks.

  14. "Jonah Goldberg is the only one who seems to seriously consider a Palin run feasible"
    Would that be Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg? (Go ahead, google it.)

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      “We’re all fascists now”

      An interview with conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg, who argues that fascism is left-wing, not right-wing, and that contemporary liberals are fascism's intellectual offspring.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      we think alike!

      Bonus Quote Jonah Goldberg on being the Doughy Pantload:

      "How do you feel about the reaction to your book so far, especially from the liberal blogosphere?

      I think most of them should be ashamed. I think it’s been fairly idiotic; you look at — Who’s that weirdo, the guy with the “Too Hot for TNR” blog? Spencer Ackerman. That’s absurd, and it’s childish. Type my name into Daily Kos. As hilarious as some people might think it is to call me a “Doughy Pantload,” at some point if that is the crux of your objection to a 500-page book that Tom Wolfe says is the best and most important revisionist history in a very long time, that says a lot more about those people than it does about me. I would love to see some serious liberals take on the book in a serious way, I really would. I am sure I get things wrong, I know there are counter-arguments to be had, I’ve heard some of them from very sharp conservatives that I admire, but so far the response from the left-wing blogs I just ignore, because it’s childish … All I would really want is an interesting conversation. I don’t expect everyone to automatically agree with me, I know that the book is controversial.

      And you say you’re not calling liberals Nazis, but… "

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      I wish they would figure it out, once and for all. I am exhausted from having to change my ideology almost daily. Fascist, socialist, commie! I am soooo confused! Here we were all set to work out our secret handshake at our Alinsky Tinfoil Hat Society handbook study group at Mildred's! Mildred, no need to vacuum, we may have to change course.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      laughing out loud at Jonah Goldberg.

      Now all you have to do is google Doughy Pantload.

      No need to even remember his name.

  15. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I just viewed Sarah's latest video from her "channel". It is the one that got her fanclub at ç4p all worked up yesterday, due to the fact that she is wearing her red VP candidate dress in it-its a clear signal that she is getting all prepped for a run! Any how, the video is amazing, in a bad Sarah Palin kind of way. She loads it with jabs, in her sing songy voice. She soooo reminds me of the bitchy teacher I had in high school mixed with every Sunday school teacher I hated!

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      But didn't McDonald's do away with the $.99 menu several months ago?

    3. Anonymous9:52 AM

      this video is the dumbest thing I've seen her do yet, what an idiot, all her weird voices, she totally misses the point

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Silly! That would fall in to the category of facts/fact checking.

    5. Anonymous10:23 AM

      They make their own realities. Then they take another hit on the pipe.

    6. Anonymous1:40 PM

      The stupid is strong with this one.

  16. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Immoral Minority gets credit for featured image in an Addicting Info article:

    You are going to have more followers, Gryphen. Time to revisit babygate and all the other scandals!

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      WTG, Uncle Gryph!

      G. Willikers

  17. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Speaking of c4p, just visited (gave them our love) and a comment one of them posted this morning fits right in to this topic. One of our commentors at 6:22 posted:
    “I think it’s a tragedy, too,” Scarborough chimed in. “We all remember that night she spoke in 2008 at the [Republican national] convention. I will say, it remains one of the most electrifying performances I’ve seen in the last four or five conventions I’ve been to. Nobody expected her to do well. She delivered the lines well; she hit it out of the park."

    Ironically, the c4p take on the positive reviews on the right for
    Carly Fiorina:
    "Anybody can give a good speech once in a while. But Carley was a complete disaster as a candidate and still owns big debt from that. Whatever she says is just for show. Just like Walker. He can give a good speech, but.... he's gone establishment the past few years. Whatever he says is just bluster."

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Thank heavens for FULL-THROTTLE OBAMA.

  18. Caroll Thompson7:53 AM

    The GOP finally recognizes that they have a problem and her name is Sarah Palin. Palin turns off a whole lot of people, including conservatives who don't approve of her potty mouth and her lack of preparation for anything. The audience members in Iowa were less than impressed.

    So, yes, I think there bipartisan agreement that we all would like Sarah Palin to go away. Ameica has had enough of the drug and alcohol addicted ignoramus from Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I feel sorry for people who come from Wasilla.

      As if there is someone (at least one) who is ethical, hard working, positive, great parent, good student, sane, treats animals well, etc. ... they might almost be tempted to say they were from some other place. Though it'd be great to meet such a person or such people as such a person or most people from Wasilla cannot be like the Palins (at least I hope not).

    2. I'm sure there are many nice folks in Wasilla. Some of them even comment here.

      I'm sorry that some of them are so frightened that they won't come forward with what they know, but we all have to evaluate our own risks.

    3. Anonymous10:11 AM

      She needs to go away and peeps still need answers.

      After she dies there are still plenty of questions, crimes to solve and her accomplices.

      There is just too, too, too much that needs to be told and dealt with.

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The GOP can easily take Sarah Palin down. They know her secrets. The problem is, she would take down a couple of them with her.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I've often thought that's the reason behind their silence, but no way in double hockeys is she going to run and the c4p bunch can sit on it and rotate.

    2. I don''t think this point, how much credibility does she have? But you're right, they'll never let her run. Not that she has any intention of doing so.

    3. AKinPA11:03 AM

      If the GOP takes her down, McCain can't recover. What will the talk shows do without his foreign policy expertise to discuss on Sunday mornings?

  20. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I love that all those teapartiers/gop are saying they are "seriously" considering running. LOL....they make themselves look like they are all in disarray & running all over like chickens with their heads cut off.
    BTW, the palin woman does have a bigger upper lip. She obviously got collagen, or a filler for the lip wrinkles which you get when you drink from a straw.HAHAHAHAHAHA
    I wonder if it was the bendy straws...HAHAHAHAHA

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I can't figure out the beet red neck that shows up in several photos? Lazer lift? Chemical peel? I think the Christmas black out was, he got the gun, she got the surgery. We know she bragged a few years ago about getting the rack.

    2. Anonymous8:55 AM

      The red neck is simply NERVES. Trust me. She has all her chemically induced courage but yhe blotchinh neck and chest is an uncontrollable reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, esp if it cones and goes.

  21. Anonymous8:22 AM


  22. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Old Johnny Boy intends to run AGAIN for Senate. But Sarah Palin hangs around his neck like a decaying albatross. He brought this harridan onto the national scene; he needs to take her out before he can regain any integrity he may have had. I live in AZ. McCain has to go! And take Mrs. Palin with him!

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Shhhhhh! I can't wait to see Sarah and Lindsey bitchslap each other over Senile McCornteeth, who was spared meeting his maker the day he lost because he picked Sarah. Had he won (stop laughing, it's hypothetical) he'd be pushing daisies and sarah would be in the psych ward.

  23. When is national news going to report that palin's family gets free healthcare because of todd's heritage?

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      +1 About the Palins. They just hate their socialized big gubbermint health care. Ha ! The Palins won't get off the socialized gravy train.

      Also, like the tea congress critters hating their socialized medicine in their benefits. Gosh, I bet they say no to that benefit and make sure to write about it to their constituents. See, they'll write, I said no to big government in my life. That's no Obamacare for me and my family and why you'll not have it either. Ha, again as the tea critters won't do it for themselves.

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      It is time to start a story a week until the many Palin scandals are covered and people are told the truth.

  24. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The GOP is finally waking up to the disaster of Sarah Palin.


  25. Anonymous8:48 AM

    The only tragedy is that a conniving moron like the palin woman can make millions off what passes for conservatism in this country.

  26. Anonymous8:55 AM

    To those IMer's who enjoy a dip in the c4p pond, VG has not been well lately (seriously). I think he may have had a massive stroke (/s). His posting this am, "Lemme tole ya wha' really happened in Iowa, so pay sum 'tention."
    He waxes poetic, using phrases like "limp members" and paints a stunning visual about dogs vomiting and then dining on said vomit.
    Seriously, somebody help this man! ...... Nurse!
    Although I find VG to be a pompous ass who is in love with his own words, and think he is a phony, I do wish him a speedy recovery from his latest health challenge. The Pond show cast of characters won't be the same without him. Take care, fine sir and got yer mind out of the outhouse. Limp members, indeed!

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Is that Chucky? One of his personalities?

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      VG needs to stick around for the final takedown.

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      VG, that racist fuk, can die sooner rather than later - good riddance !

    4. Anonymous10:47 AM

      If the pee cast is indeed Palin's, I think jr8 has to be Sarah herself. Same spiteful, mean girl persona. And she turns the site into an embarrassing online chatroom loaded with sexual innuendo. She attacks until she is losing and then cries foul. Very passive/aggressive. Sound familiar?

    5. Anonymous10:53 AM

      VG is a racist to the nth.

    6. Anonymous11:56 AM

      VG may be senior Chucky. They were floating the idea that one of the parents were sick during the holidays. That may have been VG. Soon to be deceased. Prolly won't make it long enough to see Sarah announce her run.... LOL

    7. Ah, VG...the personification of why a.) Sherman should have been given more troops, time and money to expand his mission and b.) why the south should have been exploited and re-made, but kept in a permanent state of "territory" Guam today.

      I kept peppering him w/ the "I'm a standing member of the Lib Death Panel"...hoping to stress him and "The Boss" out...might have to slum it tonight and see what's cooking in the "Great Green Cathedral."

  27. Anonymous9:02 AM

    '...generally spoke about her as if she were Lenny from Of Mice and Men.'

  28. A. J. Billings9:46 AM

    Boy, the PBots and the Catholic $arah worshipers like STLouisX and Mariah Buss are going to have a FIT over this!

    Imagine Fox news dissing Their $arah, the $avior of the Universe,
    the one True Queen Esther, and the Christian answer to all of their hopes and dreams.

    Guess what PBots? When she finally has to declare that she won't be a candidate in 2016, what excuses will you offer this time?

    Sally's not feeling well? That awful media has ruined her reputation AGAIN?

    I have some old news for ya, dontcha know! $arah ruined herself and her chances at national office forever by opening her mouth in 2008 and revealing her abysmal ignorance.

    When she quit her duty to Alaskan voters, she really went down hill in the eyes of many conservatives.

    When she whined about blood libel, she did herself no favors

    When she and her family had the now famous Palin Brawl, people really had to question her sanity, allowing her drunk kids to attend a party and start fights.

    Christians the world over were appalled, and very critical of her insanely stupid and offensive line about "we baptise terrorists by waterboarding"

    I think the last straw was the $arah signature on the FU Michael Moore sign, which is what you might expect from a dull witted teenager on instagram.

    Really $arah, we know your game, and we know that you won't be running in 2016, or in 2020.

    Game over you defeated Quitter!

  29. I'm over on the Examiner article and she still has a few defenders...only a couple. Meanwhile, plenty of conservatives posting about how she's only doing them damage.

    She's toast.

  30. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Has hannity weighed in on this yet? I expect him to say he was never really that in to her.

  31. TwoBlueJays10:29 AM

    From the UK's Daily Mail:
    The pictures are priceless.

  32. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Loved this "Palin Speech Drinking Game" reference from the Raw Story article:

    Sam Clovis, a conservative Iowa college professor and radio commentator who recently lost a primary campaign to Palin-endorsed, now-Senator Joni Ernst, claimed it is now hard to take Palin seriously.

    “I know she is popular, but it is hard to take her seriously given that performance,” Clovis said. “Palin was a sad story Saturday. With every speech she gives, she gets worse and worse. If one were playing a political cliche drinking game, no one would have been sober after the first 15 minutes of an interminable ramble. It was really painful.”


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