Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Alaska fish processors have cum up with a new idea of how to spray more of their product over the face of Japan.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

Let’s get one thing out of the way right now: This is a story about cod semen and the people who love to eat it. 

Right now, fishing boats are pulling Pacific cod from the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. According to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s guidelines, fisherman are allowed to catch up to 325,000 tons of cod this year. 

A lot of that cod will become fish sticks or batter-fried filets. 

But many processors in Alaska also remove the sperm sacs of male cod, a seafood product called cod milt. In Japan, a high-end market exists for cod milt, which goes by the unsettling literal name shirako, or “white children.” 

Virtually unknown in the U.S. outside certain bold Epicurean circles, the male counterpart to caviar is a delicacy in Japan, where it is tempura fried, dipped in ponzu sauce or served in hot pot soup dishes typically enjoyed in winter months, according to Akiko Yakata, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute’s representative in Japan.

Okay seriously, will Japanese people eat ANYTHING?

Well I guess this is good news for Alaska fishermen who have been beating, and beating, and beating themselves raw trying to come up with a new idea that will utilize more of the fish that they already catch.

My only question is WHO was the first person who thought to themselves, "Gee I wonder what fish sperm tastes like?"

Because THAT guy kind of concerns me.


  1. LisaB25954:34 AM

    They'll certainly eat anything from the sea. Remember, they're a small, mountainous island with very little arable land, and what they're is of that is given over to rice production.

    So, yeah, if it lives in the ocean, it's food. :D

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    For that matter who was the first person who ate lobster?

    1. Capt. Ahab5:35 AM

      Lobster was first eaten by prisoners who were banished for life to a remote island as punishment for their crimes. That remote island turned out to be Australia : 0

  3. Anonymous4:51 AM

    It's also eaten in Russia, it's called "milk caviar", although i personnaly don't like it. There's no market for it per se, just sometimes the pickled fish we buy contain it.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Milk caviar?
      That's quite a euphemism.

      I guess the can't just call it "fish jizz."

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      fish might catch on!

  4. Anonymous5:09 AM

    My only question is WHO was the first person who thought to themselves, "Gee I wonder what fish sperm tastes like?"

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      "Pigs in a Blanket" has nothing on Tawd's two-tone "Wash Cloth Waffles with White Sauce"

      Fan mail from some Flounder

  5. Q) "Gee I wonder what fish sperm tastes like?"
    A) Japanese Porn workers, Geishas? Just a guess.

  6. Smirnonn5:13 AM

    Mmmmm... cod chowder

  7. Johnny Holmes5:30 AM

    I heard about these girls in Wasilla who so love Cod Semen that they just gulp it down every chance they can. Makes a mans legs go weak.......... Wait a minute ? Are we talking about the same thing ?

  8. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Is this done by hand or do they show the male cod porno?

    orlin sellers

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      Orlin, Orlin, Orlin, finally an area where you can weigh in with real expertise.

  9. As for "who the heck decided to try eating THIS?" the other day I ordered and tried (on chicken) Asafetida (the powdered gum resin of the asafetida plant). I realize that *someone must have tried its roots (nope) but the little crystals formed on the roots? Someone tried those (yes!). Makes for delicious fried chicken breasts, very little is needed. Over the centuries, thousands have given their lives to see if something is edible. Hey, Mikey didn't die!

  10. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I've tried it, it's better than caviar, which I hope you realize are female eggs, kind of like the one( or sometimes two) women of childbearing age shed off in menstrual cycles every month if they aren't fertilized ( that pic in your mind will get you to say ick to that now too).. You should travel more Gryphen and try different foods when you do. At least come down to the lower 48 and have some "calf fries" or "rocky mountain oysters"

    1. No thank you.

      And don't think I don't know what "Rocky mountain oysters" and "calf fries" are either buddy.

      And just so you know I don't eat caviar either.

    2. Anonymous6:44 AM

      I was served rocky mountain oysters in Colorado but passed. Tried some rattlesnake though - tastes like chicken with consistency of tuna fish from a can. Really.

    3. Anonymous7:13 AM

      @ Gryphen
      Those are testicles from calves

      @ anon at 6:44 am The snake you were served either wasn't fresh or overcooked.

    4. Anonymous6:20 PM

      For 6:17; Thanks (NOT!) for comparing eating fish eggs to our reproductive cycles. However, I can hardly wait for the new Republican congress to ban caviar. Obvs., "White Children" = "Snowflake Babies". Mr. Santorum? Mr. Rand? Anybody?

      Wild Tortoise (and quite concerned about the eating of sea turtle eggs....)

  11. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Ever since Archie Bunker refused to eat tongue, because it came out of a cow's mouth and told Edith to just give him an egg, I have been unable to enjoy eggs!

  12. Anonymous6:35 AM

    This market has been around for decades. It's nothing new. I know people who slice salmon milt and bread and fry it too. Salmon roe is a bit rich for my taste, but I like it smoked and on crackers. Herring roe is excellent, but I definitely like the spawned eggs on kelp better than the pre spawned roe. Different texture. I like the way the spawned eggs pop when you chew them. Then there are shrimp eggs......definitely my favorite eggs other than chicken eggs. Haven't tried sea urchin eggs, but there is a big market for them and if you eat sushi, there is a chance you've tried them.

    As for Rocky Mt. Oysters, Not as good as real oysters, but palatable. If you want something newer in the testicle ingesting arena, you may want to try this...........

  13. Anonymous6:47 AM

    It probably wasn't sperm or milt, until after Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope.

  14. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Another reason to be vegan!

  15. Anonymous8:54 AM

    this isnt's been an Alaskan export for over 30 years.

  16. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Have "CUM" up???

  17. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Gryph, you need to change that to "come up". ;-)

  18. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Meh.. it's about not wasting food.
    ANd every culture does it. The item goes from being peasant fare the squeamish rich won't eat to "Hey this is tasty" and the price goes through the roof. My short list:

    Menudo? Cow stomach.
    Head cheese? jellied beef tongue
    Pork jowl? bitty bacon
    oxtail soup? Cow tail
    Hangar steak? Hangar steak (and really good) same for flank and skirt - only two on every animal - price now double round steak.
    Chicken feet? (and necks and backs) Best chicken soup ever. And feet are hard to find.
    Stewing hens? Old laying hens - make the most flavorful soups. Really hard to find.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.