Monday, February 16, 2015

Boise woman tries to convert Jewish friend by stomping on her neck. Must make Jesus proud.

Courtesy of KTVB:  

A Boise woman is facing felony charges after police say she attacked a Jewish acquaintance, stomping on the woman's neck as part of a bizarre bid to convert her to Christianity. 

Margurite Dawn Haragan, 58, has been charged with two counts of malicious harassment in an attack police have labeled a hate crime. 

Prosecutors say the incident started when Haragan showed up at the victim's home Feb. 5. It's not clear how the two women know each other. 

"The defendant was banging on the front window yelling at her that she better believe in Jesus and she was not going to leave until she did believe in Jesus," Ada County Prosecutor Dave Rothcheck said. He said the victim, identified in court only as "A.G.," opened her door to tell Haragan to leave and to write down her license plate number. 

That's when the suspect slapped her in the face and dragged her to the ground by her hair, Roscheck said. 

"The defendant began kicking the victim in the stomach and thigh area," he said. "During this time the defendant was screaming at the victim that she better accept Jesus or she would not let up."

I must have skipped that part after the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus waded into the crowd and started bitch slapping them toward salvation. 

So I guess it's not JUST Muslims who will kick your ass for not converting to their faith.

Good to know.


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Holy crap.

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Ah, Idaho. Proud home of the Aryan Nation.
    Birthplace of Sarah Palin. Alma Mater (?) of Sarah Palin.
    Once represented by Mr. Bojangles, Sen. Larry Craig.
    One of the several 50 states that have yet to make the grade as a contributing member of our Union.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      This beauty is obviously not one of the "good" christians like them we got down here in our neck of the woods in god's country. (Jackson, MS---Salute!) The way we evangelize is to invite em to a covered dish supper and serve em chicken & dumplins, maybe some fried fish & hush puppies and finish em off with some pee can pie or peach cobbler.
      THEN, we take em outside and rassle em. If they won't submit to the Lawd, we commence to kickin their ass and steal their purse to help them support our ministry with their kind donations. We don't go straight for the neck though. In our good kristyun fight club, we "work the body", i.e., we always pound em in the mid-section---fewer visible injuries and less blood. You can also bludgeon em til they feel the spirt movin in they's gut while they's still side the building if it's raining outside. Just be sure and spread out the visqueen on the floor to capture all the evidence, DNA, puke (dumplins & cobbler make a big ole mess when up-chucked). See, wee's too civilized in the South to juss break in they's house and just beat em up like in IdeeHo. Thank ya, Jeezes. Must be cuz they got them queer polytishuns tapping in there pubic batt room stalls. Bless their hearts.

  3. Actually I like this method of conversion as compared to being half drowned in a pool of fetid water, just sayin.....

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Before I jump in, I wanna smell some chlorine in the pool if there are kkkristyuns gettin' in the water. Know what I mean?

  4. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Craig paid his attorneys from his campaign funds, and in 2014 was ordered to pay the Treasury $242,535.

    The Conscience of a Conservative.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Craig also solicited other men for prostitution in the MSP airport, those crazy conservatives, doesn't count if their not is church.

  5. Anonymous4:27 AM

    A modern Crusade, one convert at a time.

    Believe in Jesus or go to hell right now! I am the lord thy god and I judge you and condemn you, all on my own. Or, alternatively, I may be off my meds.

  6. Anonymous4:32 AM

    A lot of people say "Idaho is sooo beautiful!" but I could never live there. Between the Aryan Nation, the 12-year-old Mormon girl-brides hidden up there from the police, and the whackadoo average Christians, the state is dangerous. Remember, this is where the "responsible gun owner" left her toddler with her unsecured gun in a Wal-mart, and he shot her to death with it. State of idiocy!

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      The scenery is beautiful, but generations of nuts and criminals living on the edge( Like teh Heaths) some to avoid the law or live crazy militia or other extreme lives.

      But I will say, too bad her neighbor was hurt, but the charges don't seem very tough to me.

    2. Leland7:13 AM

      I agree, 5:56. At the very least, it should be assault and battery! Somewhere in there would be a charge of trespass as well since the woman refused to leave the property.

      I would bet the prosecutor is a member of her sect or something along those lines.

    3. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Idaho Revised Stature 18-7902. Malicious Harassment Defined: It shall be unlawful for any person, maliciously and with the specific intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person's race, color, religion, ancestry, or national origin, to:
      (a) Cause physical injury to another person; or
      (b) Damage, destroy, or deface any real or personal property of another person; or
      (c) Threaten, by word or act, to do the acts prohibited if there is reasonable cause to believe that any of the acts described in subsections (a) and (b) of this section will occur.
      For purposes of this section, “deface” shall include, but not be limited to, cross-burnings or the placing of any word or symbol commonly associated with racial, religious or ethnic terrorism on the property of another person without his or her permission.

      This ain't no defendant-friendly statute. In fact, it sounds custom-tailored for dealing with nutjobs like the nice christian lady in the story.

    4. Leland10:24 AM

      Thanks 8:09. I appreciate the info.

  7. Anonymous5:29 AM

    lotta nutbags in idaho. Mormons tried to force open my sisters landlords door when he wouldn't let them in.

  8. Anonymous5:47 AM

    SNL summary:

  9. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I'm betting that this Christian nut doesn't realize Jesus ( if there was one) was Jewish and wasn't blond haired.

  10. Anonymous6:31 AM

    This seems quite mild in comparison to a Christian Crusader president who sees nothing wrong with bombing entire countries, destroying their infrastructure and economies to convert them to his particular perverted beliefs.

  11. Anonymous6:34 AM

    No, not the Spanish Inquisition!

  12. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Well, you know what the bible says...spare the rod, spoil the jew.

  13. Anonymous2:21 PM

    our local nutjob flies a confedette flag as he drives his truck up and down main st.on the weekends. where?? you guessed right. idaho.


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