Sunday, February 08, 2015

Cartoon of the day.


  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Forget that. -- not going to happen! He'll go to his grave denying his complicity in thousands of our children's death. Disgraceful.

  2. Leland5:19 AM

    As I am sure every other poster will reply to this, Cheney will NEVER apologize. He's too stupid to understand what they did was illegal, expensive (both in lives and in money), unnecessary and dangerous in its precedent setting for the future.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Actually, Leland, I'm going to disagree with you on one point.

      I don't think Cheney is at all stupid. I just think he's evil down to his core and doesn't care about all the wasted money and lives. He doesn't care that he created a much more dangerous world for everyone. He doesn't care that what he did was illegal.

      All he cares about is profit and power.

      Calling him stupid gives him an excuse for the heinous things he did. Calling him evil puts the blame right where it belongs - squarely on his shoulders.

    2. Leland12:05 PM

      I stand wonderfully corrected. You are so very right.

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Ever gracious, Leland!

  3. Right on, Gryphen!

    Hypocrisy is running rampant in our country (with ignorance first and self-righteousness neck and neck).

  4. Anonymous7:39 AM

    And what exactly was Williams doing in Iraq? Repeating the same lies that the Bush/Cheney administration wanted him to. No different than the same lies he has been repeating for the last six years the Obama Administration told him to report. Like Bush didn't want the truth about Iraq known, Obama doesn't want the truth about Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, etc. known. Not a plug nickels difference between any of them.

    1. Leland10:46 AM

      STILL waiting for Cheney to apologize! I won't hold my breath, either.

      I don't watch any US news stations. I watch Canadian, British and European. They all pretty much say the same thing: If it weren't for Bush and Cheney, the extremists wouldn't be anywhere near as strong as they are now.

      And just because Obama isn't an ignorant hawk who wants to throw our soldiers at a problem - like a huge percentage of repubes want to do - doesn't mean he is responsible for anything happening in eastern Europe or the Middle East. HE prefers to attempt to stay involved without simply attacking - illegally - like georgie boy and mr. haliburton!

      Do us all a favor and get a new line. Your existing one is threadbare and too obviously false

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      What in the hell do you think makes you special and more informed by watching Canadian, British and European news. They are all in cahoots with the US in these atrocities. Obama has expanded and extended Bush's policies all over the world. it certainly doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
      For the last six years Obama has created more terrorists from more countries. He is the ultimate Christian Crusader killing Muslims every single day.
      You might wanna change your news sources to some that aren't lieges to the West.


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