Wednesday, February 11, 2015

David Axelrod: Barack Obama was always a supporter of same sex marriage.

Courtesy of Time Magazine:

Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons, his former political strategist David Axelrod writes in a new book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics. 

“I’m just not very good at bullshitting,” Obama told Axelrod, after an event where he stated his opposition to same-sex marriage, according to the book. 

Axelrod writes that he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential campaign, even as Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full marriages. Axelrod also admits to counseling Obama to conceal that position for political reasons. “Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a ‘sacred union,’ ” Axelrod writes.

The article goes on to characterize this as a "flip flop" and a "black mark" on the President's record as a progressive, and I heard much the same yesterday by some MSNBC commentators.

But I disagree.

It is impossible at this point to argue against the fact that this President has helped to usher in more rights for the gay community than any other president in history, and that by the end of his term he will have done for the LGBT community what President Johnson did for the African American community in the 1960's.

And I think it is also impossible to argue against the fact if candidate Obama had come out in support of gay marriage that it is very likely he would have lost the nomination, or "shudder" lost the general to John McCain and Sarah Palin.

And how much progress do you think the LGBT community would have enjoyed under THAT administration? (Actually would there even be an America left in which to have this debate?)

Look politicians manipulate the truth for their constituents all of the time. Obama was not denying any personal wrong doing, or covering up for a crime, he was simply adopting a political strategy that he needed in order to get the job that would help him to make real change in this country, and do far more for the LGBT community than could be accomplished by a failed presidential candidate.

That's not so much devious, as smart.

 By the way the President has spoken out about this the other day as well: 

“I think David is mixing up my personal feelings with my position on the issue,” Obama said. “I always felt that same-sex couples should be able to enjoy the same rights, legally, as anybody else and so it was frustrating to me not to, I think, be able to square that with what were a whole bunch of religious sensitivities out there.”

Okay isn't that kind of what Axelrod was saying?

“Where my evolution took place was not in my attitude toward same-sex couples, it was in understanding the pain and the sense of stigma that was being placed on same-sex couples who are friends of mine, where they’d say, “You know what, if you’re not calling it marriage, it doesn’t feel like the same thing,” Obama told BuzzFeed. 

Clearly the President is affirming that his personal belief was that ALL Americans should be able to marry who they wanted and enjoy the legal protections that come with that legal union, but was struggling with what Christians in this country would accept at the time he ran for office.

Once again, sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oh, yeah?
    Just you wait!
    Sarah's FB will be ranting about Obama the hypocrite in no time at all! This is all she needs for a good old-fashioned screed, a real stem-winder.
    Fire up the ghostwriter!

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Please watch Axelrod on The Daily Show last nigt before Jon announces his departure.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I always felt President Obama was in favor of gay marriage back in 07-08, just waiting until the right time to announce so.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    And my sense is that he is having to play the political game with religion, too. He seems to be way too rational a thinker to be a Christian or follower of any other religion. If that is the case, can you even imagine his trying to honest in the current climate?

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I agree. His mother was a non-practicing christian and his father gave up islam for atheism. I've always believed that Obama had to attend church and pretend to be a christian just to get votes, just like many other elected officials who are simply too intelligent to believe any of this crap.

      I think he is purposely letting a little bit more of his real self show, being this is his final term in office. Just like at the recent prayer breakfast where he reminded everyone that all religions have been guilty of perpetrating terrible acts in the name of god.

      It angers me that our politicians have to pretend to be christian to pander to the weak minded members of our society who will only vote for "one of their own". We expect our politicians to be better, stronger, smarter than us and most of all not believe in fairy tales.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Hopefully, he can "come out" once he has finished his term in office. As Gryphen says, his outstanding performance as president may be appreciated only in hindsight... so hopefully he won't have to deal with the vile attacks at that point.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    That's nice.
    I hope we don't end up with more boots on the ground in the Ukraine and we won't need more snipers.

    PTSD vet on trial for killing at luxury shooting range in Texas.

    Kyle’s wife, Taya, is expected to be one of the first people to take the stand on the trial’s opening day. The lawyers for Eddie Ray Routh, 27, the former Marine corporal and Iraq war veteran accused of killing Mr. Kyle and Mr. Kyle’s friend at a shooting range near this rural town outside Dallas in 2013, plan to argue that he was not guilty by reason of insanity.

    Taya Kyle.

    Las Vegas. Taya celebrating at Shoot Show after Palin's pack of drunken lies in Iowa

    Charity Team (Sportsman Channel for a reception at the Vegas Shot Show)

    Taya Kyle is known to support and promote a book where the lies have been proven. When will she apologize? The book she is basing the fictionalize film on is a lie.


    Palin's attack on 'Hollywood Leftists' personal

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      The last link says Todd and Sarah Palin became friends with Chris Kyle, etc., they attended his funeral. In Palin's drunken Iowa speech, she referred to Taya Kyle several times, one time she called her Tara instead of Taya.

      Surely Sarah knows her "good friends" name, so it was only a slip of the tongue ... easy to slip and slide when you're meandering around in a wet brain.

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Dan Rather calls out the war hawks urging Obama to start another conflict overseas.

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      10:10 AM

      Sarah was on a binge. Drunk as a skunk, high as a kite on whatever it was. That was the time she signed the target poster.

      She was having a high time.

      Sarah couldn't stop the lust.

      If you don’t know yet, Taya is the widow of Chris Kyle, the late Navy SEAL that the movie American Sniper is based on.

    4. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Why hasn't Taya Kyle wised up? She has to know the company you keep does matter.

      Her husband was murdered by a man he knew. She claims her husband was trying to help the man. She can be murdered in a similar way if she doesn't keep better company.

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Glad I had boots on.

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    When a comment was posted in รง4p about the Reagan arms lie, it was justified as acceptable as a greater good thingy. So....

  8. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I hate when any politician tries to have it both ways and that's what Obama is trying to do here. I will never forget his rejection of gay marriage with the indefensible statement that "God is in the mix" of straight marriages. I knew that a highly intelligent and sophisticated man like Obama didn't -- couldn't -- really believe that, either, which made it even worse.

    And I've never forgotten it, because it was a real flashing warning signal about Obama.

    That said -- IMO David Axelrod is a total self-serving money-grubbing disloyal shit to reveal this now. I always thought he was a weasel (and another example of Obama's faulty taste in the close associates he chose), and this is just more proof.

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    "Look politicians manipulate the truth for their constituents all of the time. Obama was not denying any personal wrong doing, or covering up for a crime, he was simply adopting a political strategy that he needed in order to get the job that would help him to make real change in this country..........
    That's not so much devious, as smart."

    So it is okay for Obama but not Joni Ernst Gryph? Got it.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      President Obama did not lie about his personal accomplishments or service to his country. What Joni did is offensive, even if she was the checker at the local Kroger. That is a big difference.
      Presidential candidates have lied about their religious beliefs, church attendance, morality, drug use, tax stance and the big one,..ABORTION. Many have run as antiabortionists, knowing that they needed the pro-life voters.
      I could care less

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      9:48 AM

      What "greater good" can Joni Ernst possibly offer the country?

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      If that argument works for Obama, then yes, it works for Ernst. That's why you can either hold them all to the same standard, or you can be a hypocrite. Can't do both.

    4. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Of course you can, 10:24, or perhaps you really believe the world is only black and white. That is a very immature concept. There are shades of gray. How we view those shades depends on our personal beliefs and agendas.

      Joni Ernst fudged the truth. Her election means rights will be taken away or not granted equally.

      Obama fudged the truth. His election means that rights will be protected and granted equally.

    5. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Once again those on the right cannot discuss a point or argue a position; they can only create false equivalencies.

    6. Anonymous11:38 AM

      What is the false equivalency Beaglemom?

      Not that you would know, you think the Daily Show is factual unbiased news.

    7. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Obama didn't just fudge the truth, 10:38. He lied. And then after he was elected, he continued lying.

    8. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Wahhh, wah, wah, 12:26.

  10. Bill F10:00 AM

    The piece or the discussion has nothing to do with the idiot pig castrator. Stick to FOX.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Sorry Bill, don't watch Fox. Just wanted to point out the double standard.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    It sounds perfectly reasonable to me too. Had candidate Obama come out for gay marriage, he wouldn't have won. It was a small concession to phrase it like he did in order to not lose. He knew he would be better for the country and thankfully so did the majority of the voters. Think what the McCain / Palin nutjobs would have done to our country, LGBT marriage and rights would have paled in comparison to the havoc wrought by the GOP ticket. PBO thinks through things! Always we can count on that!

  12. "Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" is a great life motto. Works for most folks, including any political philosophy. Equal rights for marriage for ANYBODY is only between the two parties involved. As long as there are no bloody bodies in the streets, it works for me.

    Re: ISIL and the War Powers Act: does this mean Pres. Obama will return the Nobel Peace Prize????

    Sometimes politics makes me sick.

  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I have to grit my teeth just as hard, when I read liberals saying that the President has to "do something" about ISIS, but it shouldn't cost anything, involve soldiers on the ground, or result in anyone being hurt... I do when I read idiot comments from those who call their President a Communist Nazi Muslim Atheist dirty Jew Catholic spy from the planet Neptune.

    As awful as this may sound: God bless America, and God bless the President of the United States...and if you cannot go along with that patriotic mindset, airfares to foreign destinations are dirt cheap right now.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      AW, the old 'love it or leave it' nonsense.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Yea, 'cuz God is doing such a bang-up job right now.

      God has apparently told us all to fuc_ off.

    3. Anonymous11:00 AM

      So those of us who don't believe in god should move to Canada or France or somewhere?

    4. Anonymous11:21 AM

      10:26 I don't give a damn who or what you think your god blesses. It's irrelevant. That is YOUR belief. It does not make you patriotic.

      If you can't go along with true freedom and separation of church and state, then maybe you should look into those cheap flights. See how that works. This happens to be my country also. I have just as much right to be here as you think you do.

    5. God is Dead.

      And I'm relieved. Eventually, "God bless" will have as much meaning as "Have a nice day." (If it doesn't already.)

      And why should our country be "blessed"? What has our nation done to receive this "blessing"? We as a nation are known by our actions and those are a very mixed bag right now.

  14. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Of course he believed/es in same-sex marriage because he is a fair-minded, intelligent, caring individual.

    Anyone who really doesn't support the right of same-sex marriage is a small-minded bigot.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      10:40 said: "Anyone who really doesn't support the right of same-sex marriage is a small-minded bigot."

      Not really. World wide is it not accepted. Are you suggesting that most of the 6 or 7 billion people on earth are bigoted because of this one issue?
      Anyone who accepts natural law will not accept it or support it, simply because it defies Nature.
      There is no benefit to any society anywhere from these marriages. Whereas, the marriage of a man and woman guarantees the continuation and the ongoing life of a society.
      Accepting the laws of nature is neither small-minded, or bigoted.
      Not accepting and defying natural laws seems selfish, narcissistic, and nihilistic.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      How does it "defy nature"? Many animal species engage in homosexual behavior, and several (whiptail lizards, for example) reproduce through parthenogenesis, rather than sexual union. The argument that homosexuality goes against nature/ natural law (good old theocratic buzzword) doesn't bear up to facts.

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Because Obumma is a hypocrite.

    4. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Never let it be said that I am against same sex marriage between whiptail lizards.

      If you can't figure out, (and you brought up reproduction) why marriage between a man and woman is nature's law, you are beyond hope or reason.

    5. Anonymous12:18 PM
      There is no benefit to any society anywhere from these marriages. Whereas, the marriage of a man and woman guarantees the continuation and the ongoing life of a society.
      Nonsense. The marriage of an older man and woman, or a couple in which one or both parties is infertile, does not do a damn thing to "guarantee the continuation" of society.

      As for the "ongoing life of a society", a monogamous, loving, caring, same-sex couple will provide more stability and civility to society than a lying, sneaky, unfaithful partner in a straight marriage will.

      "Not accepting and defying natural laws seems selfish, narcissistic, and nihilistic."
      You are talking about unfaithful, promiscuous, deceitful, and adulterous straight people, right?

    6. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Yes, all those millions of people are small-minded bigots (and you are one of them).

    7. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Nothing you said will convince anyone that gay marriage will promote or sustain the the continuation of society or that it provides any benefit whatsoever to society - any society.

      2:00 pm
      BILLIONS, not millions.

    8. Anonymous2:35 PM
      Nothing you said will convince anyone that gay marriage will promote or sustain the the continuation of society or that it provides any benefit whatsoever to society - any society.
      Anonymous 2:35 pm, you made one small mistake, actually a big one, in assuming that what you believe is what everyone believes. What you are really saying is:
      "Nothing you said will convince ME that gay marriage will promote or sustain the the continuation of society or that it provides any benefit whatsoever to society - any society."

      Millions of people in this country alone have in fact come to believe "that gay marriage will promote [and] sustain the the continuation of society {and] that it provides benefit[s] to society."

    9. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Yes, BILLIONS are small-minded bigots.

      I guess marriage between men and women who can't or don't want to have any children are also unnatural, huh? So, women with hysterectomies, men who are sterile shouldn't get married? And there's no benefit to society to marriage aside from creating children?

      I'll add small-brained to small-minded.

    10. One of the most ignorant posts I've read on here, 12:18. And . . . sad.

    11. Anonymous6:47 AM

      You know I'm right. Your feeble attempts to circumvent this fact only makes you look foolish.

  15. I believe that the King of Jordan was correct when he said that Jordan and other mideast countries need to put boots on the ground against ISIL and America could help support these troops. No American troops should be sent to the fight against ISIL.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Obama Announces His Opposition To Sending US Ground Troops To Fight ISIL

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      However, I'm quite sure the CIA operatives and the hired contractors (mercenaries) are wearing boots.

  16. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This is another non-issue issue. What does it matter if President Obama announced his support of gay marriage in 2008 or a year or two later. It was a matter for the states and the courts, ultimately the SCOTUS. Let's face it - not one GOP candidate interested in becoming president in 2008 or 2012 or even today has been or is likely to support gay marriage publicly. I am happy that President Obama stated publicly that he supported equal rights for all, including the right to marry. That's what counts.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      non-issue issue

      I couldn't agree more.

  17. Anonymous11:45 AM

    List of things named after Barack Obama

  18. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Okay .. let's see a post about the shooting in Chapel Hill, and it was an Atheist with a gun... remember the posting that Atheist don't create violence... but anyone can take an ideology and abuse it, it is human nature no matter what you call yourself.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Satanic Coloring Book Prompts Fla. School To Ban All Religious Materials

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Was he an Atheist cult member? What organizations were feeding him violence?

    3. You are assuming that the killings are ideological, and at this stage there is evidence that they are not ideologically based. The killings were not in the defense of "Aethism" and at this point it does not look like they were hate crimes against Muslims.

      There are too many guns in the US. That's the root cause of those killings.

    4. Anonymous1:07 PM

      For Over 10 Hours Twitter Was The Only Place To Read About The Chapel Hill Shooting (TWEETS)

  19. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I truly hopes Mr. Obama right at the end of his term, comes out and says's been a great ride..thank you... I am the first atheist to hold this office

  20. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Meanwhile, in the Republican run Congress, all hell is breaking loose...

    Mitch McConnell Begs President Obama To Reconsider His Planned Keystone XL Veto

    John Boehner Throws An Epic Tantrum As His Homeland Security Hostage Scheme Backfires

    Democrats Mock Republicans for Attempting and Failing to Deflect Blame for DHS Shutdown

    Top Democrat Rips Republicans For Holding The Safety Of The American People Hostage

  21. I am reading the book now. Axelrod is a very good writer.

  22. This married gay man is just fine with this beloved president, and the way and speed he moves.

    I'm 60, and I know at my age, I'm not going to see all the justice that should be done by gay Americans in my lifetime. That's frustrating, even occasionally maddening, I admit. But I've only to glance backward with horror at what kind of life might have been available to me had I been born 50 years before I was.

    The foolishness being shown by Alabama this week, for instance, only shores up the rightness of the shrewd pace Obama took. He's the finest, and most intelligent president of my lifetime, and I'd vote for him again if I could.

  23. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Gays + Atheists = Scum of the Earth.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Worst troll attempt ever

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM


    3. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Maybe, since Bristol wasn't ever no good at no math.

  24. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Happy Birthday to the next President of the United States!!!Madame President@SarahPalinUSA @PoliticalEQPAC@#servant❤️

    Be sure to send your wishes.

  25. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I thought Sarah's Westboro Baptist Church comrade was dead.

    The Palins party hardy. I am shocked that someone like Taya Kyle would party with them at all. Taya needs to watch who she hangs out with. Don't forget what happened to her husband. His fame, riches and glory didn't stop those bullets.

    Accused killer of 'American sniper' Chris Kyle acted bizarrely for years, family says

    And no one calls into question what Kyle was doing by "helping" a man so ill.

    The remote Rough Creek gun range where Kyle and his neighbor Chad Littlefield took Routh.

  26. Anonymous6:02 PM

    hey another things he and sarah have in common since she rarely couldn't care less who can marry. She has gay friendS as do her kids.

    So they're both politician

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Sarah Palin, from going rogue:

      "I explained to Schmidt that I opposed homosexual marriage"

      "I support the traditional definition of marriage. One man & one woman to make a marriage. And I don't support efforts that can lead to changing that definition."

      And please shut the hell up about the Palins gay friends. It makes you sound like a bigot and a moron.

  27. Anonymous6:09 PM

    In 2008 Dumbya ran on a platform called "compassionate conservatism". Once in office he was the complete opposite.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.