Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Michigan lawmaker's fatal accidental shooting occurred while adjusting her bra holster.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Law enforcement officials in Michigan said that they learned this week that an elected Republican official who had recently shot herself to death had been adjusting her bra holster when the accident occurred. 

Earlier this year, St. Joseph Public Safety officers reported that 55-year-old Christina Bond had died on New Years Day from what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to her eye. 

“She was having trouble adjusting her bra holster, couldn’t get it to fit the way she wanted it to. She was looking down at it and accidentally discharged the weapon,” St. Joseph Public Safety Director Mark Clapp said. 

According to an obituary published by Florin Funeral Service, Bond joined the U.S. Navy out of high school, and served two terms as an active Military Police. She was an administrator for the Road to Life Church, and an “active member of the Christian Motorcycle Association.” 

The obituary described Bond as being “on FIRE for the LORD.”

There is a joke here about dangerous boobs with guns, but it seems insensitive to use it.

Nor will I touch that "on fire for the lord" statement. Just too easy. 

You know for such a dedicated Christian she sure did not have a lot of faith in Jesus to protect her and keep her safe now did she.

Do you know who NEVER dies from accidental shootings? People who do not believe they need guns to keep them safe.

I'm just saying.


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Men who falsely call women they don't know sluts are not good men (women too)

    Thankful that Gryphen outs himself as a mean person

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Screw you Tea Bagging troll. Now go change your Depends!

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Oh, no! The craziness has spread to another thread!

    3. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Anonymous2:31 PM

      Men who falsely call women they don't know sluts are not good men (women too)

      Thankful that Gryphen outs himself as a mean person
      Oh hey now! did you little feefees get hurt? I'm sure he was only calling BRISTOL a slut and ya know, that is being nice.... :)
      b/c he could call her a "pass around pack"
      "Easy lay" and who KNOWS the new sayings they call women like her? Desperate Sluts? Hey that could be a new Reality show! Desperate sluts starring Bristol palin looking for lumbersexuals and "not afraid to lie"!
      fuk off troll.

    4. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I don't think your idols are good people. But I hate the use of the word "slut." Hearing (or reading) anyone use it makes me cringe. I would call Sarah and Bristol Palin liars and hypocrites, but I wouldn't call them sluts

    5. Anonymous3:39 PM

      I can't wait until the Wasilla hillbillies get all likkered up and start shootin' off boobs and cajones up thar in the frozen north!!! WooHoo Brisdull will piss her pants again!

    6. Anonymous3:47 PM

      ? Where did Gryphen say she was a slut? The On Fire for the Lord comment? I know I'm feeding you but I'm kind hearted that way. I truly don't understand your comment.

      I figure you are projecting something from your own life. Please seek help.


    7. Anonymous4:43 PM

      When women act like sluts in public then I figure they don't care if they're called sluts. When women say FU_K repeatedly to...oh, say the police...or write FU_K on a poster and then post it publicly, then I figure they don't have enough self-respect and could care less what people think of them.

      Think about that, Troll.

    8. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Poor, delusional troll.

      You are just upset that Bristol sleeps with everyone on the planet but YOU!

      You know you want her.

      WE know you want her.

      You want to BE her.

      Or, maybe you ARE her?!?!?!

    9. Anonymous6:37 PM

      4:43, if you ever point a finger anyone else for being a total sexist, I hope you notice how your other fingers are pointing right back at you. Because you are every bit as bad. No, you're worse, because you think you're better than sexists - when your own words prove that you're one yourself.

  2. Olivia2:33 PM

    Well, at least no infants or toddlers were shot. This incident definitely should be a contender for a Darwin award.

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Do people not know how to use a safety? (Or stare down the barrel of a gun for that matter?)

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    another boob for Christ.

    1. One boob shoots anothers. Definitely Darwin Awards finalist.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I borrowed this from another site... how long before Sarah is sporting these instead of her Belmonts??

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    One less Christian to vote sweet Jesus, one less Christian to vote...

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    All that military training and she STILL didn't know how to safely handle a weapon.

  7. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I'm as anti-gun as it gets, and as progressive as it gets. Also a total heathen. I have NOTHING in common with this poor dead woman and pretty much am opposed to everything she seemed to stand for. But these lame jokes at her expense still make me sick. A human being accidentally killed herself. I see no cause whatsoever for humor, just a tragedy. Everyone making fun of it really diminishes herself.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      No they don't.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Please don't read the annual Darwin Award's list. It takes a certain bent to the mind.

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I was going to mention Darwin myself...

      3:43 PM only thing is diminished in the USA... is that GUNS KILL and none of you ammonsexuals wants to admit that.

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      I wonder how many of you were horrified by wingnuts' jubilation over Kayla Mueller's death. My guess? All of you decried their inhumanity.

      Well, you hypocrites are every bit as bad.

    5. Anonymous5:32 AM

      6:30 PM
      Yes THAT was pretty sick! And it wasn't even her fault! This lady was a "Boob"!
      Wonkette has it: Wingnut Lady Shoots Self Dead While Adjusting Boob-Gun
      GUNS KILL!

  8. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Hope she donated some organs.
    It's what I always say...

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Well, maybe not her retinas.

    2. Anonymous2:38 AM

      true dat 5"44

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I do have sympathy for her family. Death is not always easy and loss can be devastating.

    On the practical side - WTF is our military teaching people that she thought adjusting her holster with a loaded weapon without the safety engaged was a good thing? I mean, really?

    May I surmise then that she thought she was better than the rules? Her actions certainly indicate she felt they were for lessor humans.


    PS I'm not fond of her outfit. Seems too young for her.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Anonymous3:52 PM

      I do have sympathy for her family. Death is not always easy and loss can be devastating.
      I'm sure they were all ecstatic at her new "bra boob holster" purchase. Probaby had a lot of jokes....

  10. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Like the old saying goes, some gun toter's lives end with a whimper and others end with a bang.

    (let's all keep in mind that the pointless proliferation of concealed and open carry guns by untrained individuals puts everyone in the vicinity at risk)

  11. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Perhaps if she hadn't had those obvious breast implants she'd have more room in her bra for loaded weapons.

    Natural selection.

  12. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I have never understood the idea of a bra holster.By the time you get your weapon out,you would be dead.Especially if it got hung up on all of those breast implants.

  13. Aunt Ethel5:04 PM

    Until today, I didn't know there was such a thing as a bra holster. The next time I see a woman adjusting her bra, I'm going to be nervous that she's got a gun in there.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      And here I thought nothing was worse than underwires in my bra, pfft.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      "Do you know who NEVER dies from accidental shootings? People who do not believe they need guns to keep them safe."

      Gryphen, you are so wrong. I think you meant "....never dies from accidentally shooting themselves?" Unfortunately, plenty of people are accidentaly killed by OTHER idiots who believe they need guns to keep them safe.

    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      I cannot imagine anything more uncomfortable! I wonder if Sarah Palin has one.

    4. I hope not. Imagine the carnage when she tried to adjust the Belmonts...

  14. Anonymous7:02 PM

    So, this comment over at Wonkette on bra holster bigot wins the internet for today...
    "Combine the bra holster with the wine rack bra and it's a party at the Palin's."

  15. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Today I learned

    Not all churches are against sex education...

    They just have no idea how to do it...

    "In the latest controversy to strike the Catholic Church in San Francisco, elementary school students at the Star of the Sea School were given pamphlets referring to sexual topics that some parents say were inappropriate and far too advanced for their children. "

    Some of these things might be crimes. Unless they have a secret the parents should now?///

  16. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Ah yes. So being a member of the CMA is an accomplishment for her? The good old Christian Motorcycle Association. Heber Shreeves was a (ahem, ahem) pastor from a small town, Hatfield, AR. His son, heir apparant, left his wife and children for another woman. That is the tip of the iceberg. That's the mind stuff those folks are. Not gossip, not speculation. I went to school with them. Very small school. Nice "southern" values.

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    She's not really a "Republican lawmaker." She was elected last year to be a Republican precinct delegate, probably to the state convention.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.