Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Now Bill O'Reilly is threatening reporters for covering his Falklands war exaggerations.

Courtesy of New York Magazine: 

When NBC News suspended Brian Williams over his various exaggerations, Bill O'Reilly was characteristically sanctimonious. "Reporting comes with a big responsibility, the Founding Fathers made that point very clearly," he said. "They said to us, 'We'll give you freedom. We'll protect you from government intrusion. But, in return, you, the press, must be honest.'" Judging from O'Reilly's actions after he was accused last week of similar fabrications concerning his reporting for CBS News during the Falklands War, he also disagrees with how Williams handled the situation. Rather than apologizing and lying low, O'Reilly has lashed out at various journalists covering the controversy, and now he's reportedly threatened a reporter from the New York Times. 

The Times reported on Monday night: 

During a phone conversation, he told a reporter for The New York Times that there would be repercussions if he felt any of the reporter’s coverage was inappropriate. “I am coming after you with everything I have,” Mr. O’Reilly said. “You can take it as a threat.” 

Emily Steel, who co-authored the story with Ravi Somaiya, confirmed on Twitter that O'Reilly was speaking to her. 

Another bullying POS.

And of course he threatens a woman, that's what all of these assholes do. Threaten the people they think will be intimidated and too afraid to fight back.

I hope the press stays on this story until he is forced to admit he lied or until he is chased off the air. 


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Uh Oh...May not be the only time he lied!

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    There's a petition on

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      ‘Hold Bill O’Reilly Accountable’

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Is it wrong that I'm smiling?

    At Politico was posted this which I read Monday night.
    Why the Bill O'Reilly charges aren't sticking By DYLAN BYERS |
    2/23/15 12:42 PM EST

    "Fox News host Bill O'Reilly almost certainly exaggerated his experiences during the Falklands War and its aftermath in 1982, as several CBS News staffers who were with him at the time attest. He wasn't actually in a "war zone" or "combat situation," as he has often said, but instead at a violent protest. No one appears to have been killed during the riot, despite his claim that "many people died." He was certainly not on the Falkland Islands.

    So: Why isn't O'Reilly, the highest-rated host on cable news, being subjected to an internal investigation or an unpaid six-month suspension? Some of it is due to his immediate -- and passionate -- dismissal of the charges (a case study in PR). Some of it is due to the fact that, as a partisan pundit rather than a nightly news anchor, the expectations are lower. But most of the blame lays at the feet of Mother Jones."

    And so on and so forth.
    Billo the AssClown keeps his job because he shouts and lies some more! And Left wing media! Fuck Facts!
    My blood pressure spiked!

    Then Tuesday morning I read this about Billo's threats to the NYT reporter.
    Bill O'Reilly threatens N.Y. Times reporter By DYLAN BYERS 2/24/15 12:01 AM EST

    "Fox News host Bill O'Reilly threatened a New York Times reporter on Monday night, promising to come after the reporter "with everything I have" if he felt that any of the reporter's coverage about his Falklands war controversy was inappropriate."

    And I smiled at the thought of an enraged loofah bearing falafel hating right wing ragebag douche like Billo under arrest for something. He is coming off the rails in a full on meltdown. Karma.

    Oh, does anyone else think he could be a habitual liar? I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few more lies waiting to drop on Billo's head. How about a tape of a "Ice tea M'fer this and that" restaurant visit? Maybe even a kinky sex tape or two!


    I also enjoy seeing pundits eat their words for backing asskkklowns.

    1. I think Jon Stewart will take Bill down thoroughly and eloquently.

      He always does.

      Man, I am so going to miss The Daily Show.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Stewart Tears into O’Reilly

    3. Anonymous9:12 AM

      No problem, just go over to MSNBC, they're a laugh a minute with their comic commie non-news.

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Truly a popcorn moment, and I am enjoying seeing articles appearing every day of past instances of him lying to and bullying other journalists.

    Will he be fired? - Probably not. At Faux Gnus, liars are admired. Impossible to shame the shameless.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      He looks like he will blow a gasket when he tries he rants and raves! Perhaps he'll do us all a favor, have a major heart attack and keel over. I could care less about the man and would love seeing him off the air forever!

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      The fact that Faux keeps him is a testament to their "fair and balanced" mantra. They are NOT fair or balanced. Keeping this lying sack around proves that. Plus, Faux helped pay off the girl he sexually harassed, to make the charges go away. They keep him around as though he is some type of a prize, when really he is proof positive that the entire channel is FAKE. The sleazier their anchors are, the better they like them. Joe "I have no idea how that intern died in my office" Scarborough will take his place at Faux before too long. He will fit in perfectly.

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      It's almost like he is Anthony Weiner.

    4. "Anonymous9:08 AM
      It's almost like he is Anthony Weiner."
      Not at all. Weiner was possible to shame and admitted his wrongdoing and stupidity.

  5. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I can't tell you how much I love this - lying sack o'shit.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Me, too. Bill might just blow a gasket on air. How much fun would that be?

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Is it lyin sack of shit or sack of lion shit?

  6. Bill O'Reilly is a dick head. Does he protest too much? If he had any professionalism, he'd step down for suspension of some time. But we know, those on FOX News have no professionalism.

  7. Better be nice. He'll throw a felafel at you! (Remember?)

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Hey Bill!

      Remember to keep your cool. No hitting the media. You really don't want to be arrested and sent to some jail where some mfer guys will be all

      "Ice tea this mfer! Who is Al Sharpton? What is Giuliani Time? Here's a great big loofah for you asshole!"

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Bill Moyers knows how to handle the shit from O'Reilly....

  9. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Just wait. In a few years citizen reporters, bloggers and social media will replace network reporters because they'll be more trustworthy.

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    It is good to see Mother Jones and David Corn addressing the important issues of the day like it's 1982.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Yes, because Bill O'Reilly is the only thing they are covering.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      That's the way you win prestigious Nobel Journalism Awards.

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM


    4. "Anonymous7:23 AM
      It is good to see Mother Jones and David Corn addressing the important issues of the day like it's 1982.
      O'Reilly is lying today and his book was published a couple of years ago. What does that have to do with 1982.

  11. Anonymous7:23 AM

    O'Reilly said, "I would take the other hand with the falafel (sic) thing and I'd just put it on your pussy."

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM


      Also it is alleged he is a journalist.

    2. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Gack !

      I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  12. Really? The founding Fathers?

    I'm sorry but I can't recall the document about reporters and their responsibility in our Constitution or Bill of Rights.

    As for the honesty, wasn't if Fox News that sued in Florida for the right to lie and a judge that said Fox News was under no obligation to report the facts?

    It wouldn't have been the first time O'Reilly hasn't told the truth. But because of his hubris and it's all about him, suddenly he has a hissy.

    At least Brian Williams is doing the right thing.

    Funny how the Democrats are the first to apologize and make amends while the Republicans just double down, misdirect and go on the attack.

  13. Anonymous7:58 AM

    This guy is truly a pompous ass and thinks his shit doesn't stink! No one should watch his show on FOX (I never have!) and should boycott the companies that support his show. It worked with Limbaugh and will with this asshole!

    I truly hope reporters/journalists keep investigating and reporting his 'on air' statements! Why would anyone purchase his books which became best sellers? Never figured that out either!

    His viewership on FOX is small in numbers when you relate it to the millions throughout the country that are voters. He always talks about being number one as to his show compared to everyone else and that too is baloney!

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Who would believe him about anything, since he is a proven liar? He definitely has "a face for radio".

  14. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Billo, It's time you go to Disneyland!

    Olbermann and O’Reilly ‘Go Wild’ Together on USA Today Front Page

    Mission to monitor the old skeletal's addiction. It wouldn't be the same with LOUIS VUITTON HANDBAGS.

    (NATE Unite 2015 show Feb. 23–26 at Disney)

  15. Anonymous8:39 AM

    It's sad that millions have been mislead by this demagogue for years. I guess what's sadder, is that they believed him in the first place. We seem to have the same problem with Rush, Hannity, Beck, and other conservative who will lie about anything to get air time and public support. As P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." That's how he got rich, on the gullibility of the American people.

  16. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Bill O'Reilly Lied About Witnessing Suicide Of JFK Assassin's Friend, Former Co-Workers Say

    Biggest liars. The insanities and fantasies at the heart of "American Sniper" explain everything about the state of the 2015 GOP

    "The point of art is to promote discussion"

    1. Maybe he could hear the shot from Dallas, inside a hotel room?

      Maybe Bill O'Reilly has Superman grade super hearing.

      Or maybe his is just a fucking liar.

  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Maddow: What Signal Does O’Reilly’s Threats Send to Fox’s ‘Real Reporters’?

    1. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Rachael Maddow suffers from permanent ill effects of acute emotional disease.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM


      From what exact diseases does she suffer, and what I'll effects has your keen intuition identified? How do these non-specific supposed emotional problems effect this string of Bill O'Reilly's documented lies?

      200 words or less, complete sentences, back up your arguments with verifiable sources.

    3. Anonymous9:22 AM Rachael Maddow suffers from permanent ill effects of acute emotional disease.
      No she doesn't. You, however, have some serious problems evidenced by your logic-free and fact-free piddling all over this post. You should seek help.

  18. Anonymous9:09 AM

    O/T #climbhigher

    According to the Urban Dictionary a “Gotcha Question” is defined as a question that Sarah Palin is “too stupid to answer“.

    But as you can see, the definition of the gotcha has undergone a subtle change over the years. Where it was once thought to be a question about their personal life or history designed to embarrass the candidate with the mere insinuation, today’s gotcha is almost always a question rudely designed to test the candidate’s knowledge of the issues and skill in navigating treacherous political controversies. (They can thank George W. Bush and Sarah Palin for that — they made it obvious these tests were necessary.)

    Scott Walker, for instance, was making the apparently requisite GOP primary candidate’s pilgrimage to Britain where he was quizzed about whether or not he believes in evolution. He quite oddly replied that he was going to “punt” rather than try to answer. According to the right wing this is the worst kind of gotcha journalism because it is irrelevant and solely designed to embarrass the Governor. His staff later released an anodyne statement saying that he believes there is no conflict between the Bible and science, which would seem an obvious enough answer for any American running for city council much less the presidency. It revealed that Walker wasn’t quite ready for prime time.


    Here Is Sarah sharing her expertise on 'erectors'...

  19. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Please proceed!

    Was Bill O'Reilly in the Falkland Islands War Zone with Lori Klausutis? Joe Scarborough knows!

    Joe Scarborough Defends Bill O'Reilly: 'He Was In The Falklands!'

    "At certain points O'Reilly has appeared to suggest he was "in the Falklands" in a "war zone." (He has clarified he was in Buenos Aires the entire time, along with the rest of the CBS correspondents, and insisted his accounts of the war were accurate.)

    Scarborough took on the location question directly.

    "No he was in the Falklands," Scarborough said. "There were riots!"

    "He was not in the Falklands," Ratner shot back, as other panelists began to talk over each other."

    Also too a house blew up in New Jersey the other day, it all looked like a was zone, and ACCORDING TO THE INTERNET SOMEONE CLAIMED BILLO WAS DRIVING A POLICE CAR THERE!

    "Steve Barr · Works at Retired
    The article is all wrong. Bill O"Reilly was driving the police car. The last time I saw Bill he was on the last helio out of Saigon and he was mumbling I told Lee not to make the
    charge at Gettysburg."

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Ohhh, wellllll, if Joey Scarborough says Billo was in the Falklands, then it must be true. Has to be true.

      Birds of a feather...........

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Maybe it was Billo AND Joe S. in the shower with a loofah!

  20. Anonymous9:59 AM

    David Corn: Bill O'Reilly Has Yet To Refute A Single Fact In My Story

  21. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Bill O'Reilly Desperately Wants All The Controversy To Stop

  22. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The New York Times has an article about how Fox is unlikely to do anything to dethrone their star, Bill O'Reilly, and how his situation is so different from Brian Williams. What's interesting to me is that the New York Times is also reacting very differently. For the Times writer: what O'Reilly did was a long time ago so it doesn't matter. It's a little like the Times' hypocrisy about Brian Williams given that the New York Times hyped the fake evidence for going to war in Iraq and never owned up to what they had done.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM


  23. Anonymous10:40 AM

    The Defense Of Bill O'Reilly Enters The Thuggish Phase

  24. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Fox Goes Quiet Following O'Reilly-JFK Revelation

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Borrowing a famous movie line:

      The Chicken is in the pot. Over.

      Cook it.

  25. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Wonkette had some fun with him.


  26. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Bill O'Reilly has a problem that's getting worse by the day. Here's another chapter:

    An O/T comment: Billy-boy doesn't have time to bury one lie before another one surfaces. I love that! I wish Sarah Palin's past lies and sins would come out day after day after day, never leaving her time to bury one before she's hit with another.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      "Bill O'Reilly has claimed repeatedly that he witnessed the execution of nuns while reporting in 1981 on the civil war in El Salvador, an apparent fabrication that is at odds with both history and what O'Reilly himself has said about arriving in the country after the event took place, according to new information unearthed by Media Matters."

      So this explains why Billo has advocated the arrest of war criminals Ollie North, and Kissinger and Rumsfeld and Cheney and well the whole lot of them! Right Billo? Perp walks? For the nun killers and their financers?

  27. He better put himself in voluntary hiatus for six months until it all dies down.

    The Huffington Post is now reporting that he lied about being at the suicide of Lee Harvey Oswald's friend. Claimed he heard the gun shot when in fact he was in Dallas. Gee, Bill must have some great ears. I suppose that's to balance his nose that keeps growing longer and longer.

    Jon Stewart said it best. No one watches Bill for the truth.

    Yeah, Jon. You tell them. We don't call them Faux News for nothing.

  28. Anonymous3:43 PM

    its like a game of Whack-A-Mole. luv it!

  29. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Is bill o working for democrats who are pros at threatening media


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