Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Some days I really miss Fred Rogers.

An absolutely perfect statement.

Today we try to start our children's education almost the moment that they open their eyes for the first time, but the fact is that their play IS their education for the formative years.

They learn about their bodies, their environment, their limitations, how to engage with others, how to share their belongings, essentially how to be human beings.

The rest of their learning will go on for the rest of their lives, and hopefully there will always be some time to play. But as a child that is really their most important job.


  1. Mr. Rogers changed my life. The way I look at interactions with children and understanding the inner life of a child I began to glean from him. All those Early Ed. classes I took in college were not as informative----sadly.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Have you noticed how common it is to see toddlers in strollers totally focused on their own little electronic gameboys?
    Behavioral studies are finding that children are spending so much of their early childhood immersed in the electronic flat screen world they are becoming handicapped interacting with their peers in the 3-dimensional world. This is pretty alarming.

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    This Girl Has No Way Of Proving She’s A U.S. Citizen Thanks To Her Fundamentalist Parents (VIDEO)

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Not Gameboys, but cellphones. They are completely lost in the electronic world, along with their parents.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.