Friday, February 13, 2015

Well he seems reasonable.

Besides "Dykes on Bikes" (Which sounds like a Showtime movie just waiting to be made.), witches, hypocrites, and pot smokers, the guy also calls out "so called Christians."

Which makes me wonder is there NOBODY that gets a free pass from this guy's god?


  1. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I think my fave is pencil-neck, weak kneed gutless men.

  2. Jkarov3:40 AM

    This guy is a perfect example of why judgemental idiots are driving people away from any form of evangelical Chistianity

    Notice that his sign focuses specifically on WOMEN
    It calls out

    Rebellious women.
    Lewd Women,
    and most absurd of all, NON-HOMEMAKERS.

    Obviously this fanatic idiot wants them womenz and girls to stay right the hell home, submit to anything a man wants, take care of kids, don't work, and stay the fuck out of the workplace.

    And all because of some prejudicial bullshit letters that Paul of Tarsus wrote to suppress people living in Turkey and Greece about 2000 years ago.

    Why don't these people ever read their own bibles, and think about the insanity, rape, slavery, murder, suffering, and oppression of females that anyone can see in just a few hours of research:

    God slaughters 42 children for poking fun at a bald man. II King 2:23,24

    God says to stone your children. Deuteronomy 21:18-21

    Accepts sacrificed children as burnt offerings to win battles. Judges 11:29-40

    God says to beat your children with a rod. Proverbs 23:13-14

    God will kill your children and equates them with cattle. Leviticus 26:21-22

    Blessed be those that smash babies on rocks. Psalms 137:9

    Death to children for hitting their father. Exodus 21:15

    Destroy all inhabitants of a town that worships another God. Deuteronomy 13:13-1

    God is fine with you having slaves, Ephesians 6:5

    Sex slavery of women is just fine, Exodus 21:7-11

    Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11

    Women are to stay home, raise kids, keep your mouth shut, cover your head, and never teach or have authority over men:
    1 Timothy 2:12

    The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband
    1 Corinthians 7:3-5

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      People like this DO read their bibles. They suck up all the Gawd-dictated violence, misogyny, and hate in it. Then they make signs like this one, so Gawd will like THEM. It's a very dysfunctional "relationship" which makes no sense, but don't think it means this guy doesn't know what's in the bible. This picture is proof that he does.

  3. Anonymous3:41 AM

    It's like he had a kit of stock photos and used everyone. I noticed the logo for non-homemakers is a woman ironing? Really?

    Also, he mentions dykes on bikes so lesbians who don't ride motorcycles are ok?

    Thanks for sharing. I know this man believes he is sincere and only wants what is his idea of best for everyone. / ick.


    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Grammar police on myself. Everyone should be every one. I claim early morning finger mashups. Yep times 3

  4. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Uh-oh, he's got Money Lovers on his sign- does that mean Joel Osteen and his wife are in trouble?

    R in NC

  5. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Oh yeah, because we all know we should stay inside to avoid Dykes on Bikes!!!! LOL.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Ok, I re-read this and I misunderstood the first time. I guess he means Dykes on motorcycles.

      I was picturing lesbians on bicycles roaming the neighborhoods.

      Carry on!

  6. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Wait a minute, isn't it the American way to be a sports nut? And don't the teams in the Superbowl and all other games pray to God for them to win?

    I mean, we found out that God prefers the Patriots to the Seahawks, right? Or did the Seahawks just not pray hard enough?

    R in NC

  7. I can understand the Dike's on Bike's comment, but Sport's nut's and ankle biters? That is just taking this a bit too far

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Isn't "ankle biters" just another way to say "kids?'

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I had to look up "ankle biter" and the Urban Dictionary said it mean "a kid, a rug rat". (I had assumed it was some slur towards dwarfs.) What does this guy have against children?

    3. I'm not real sure they even know what it means, I think he had extra room on his sign and was reaching a wee bit

  8. The Rethuglikan Party, Right-Wing, Ultra-Right Wing, T-Baggers, John Birchers, whatever you want to call them, or under whatever banner they may want to march under, are totally off their nut!!!!!! The common thread through them all is an abhorant adherence to a cancerous form of Evangelical Christianity that gone unchecked and unchallenged can, is, and will destroy this country. The level of fundamentalism that these people to the Christian ethos is completely counter to the supposed tenets of said sect.

    Until, and unless, these people and their agenda, are roundly rebuked we can expect one crisis after another, in this country, pitting one group after another, at each others throats. Their aim is chaos. Chaos to fuel their Rapture infused irrational idea of where this world is headed.

    Terrorists of an unimaginable degree.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Your post is correct. The Domionists don't even try to lie about it - all due to their religion is the One Twue Way (TM pending).

      I find laughter works well against these folks. Anger only fuels their Righteous Rage (TM pending) and feelings of persecution. Yeah, laughter, it is truly the best medicine. :)


  9. Chenagrrl10:51 AM

    It was made. "Killing of Sister George." Played at the Lacey Street Theater. Made me wonder if anyone in the theater company watched the movie before it rolled.

  10. How would you like to spend eternity with the brain-trusts that made up the list? I'll take hell with the sinners any day. Bring on the non-homemaking, pot smoking, sex-addicted party animals.

  11. I guess this guy never read about "Judge not lest you be judged".


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