Sunday, February 08, 2015

You know according to Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin is the "perfect example of what the Founding Fathers envisioned" for this country. And we all know how believable HE is.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Conservative rocker Ted Nugent gushed over former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin in a radio interview, calling her his “hero,” Right Wing Watch reported. 

“Sarah Palin is the perfect example of what our founding fathers envisioned for an experiment in self-government,” Nugent told host Lars Larson. “Mother housewife Wiseau Alaska, taking care of business.” 

Where in the hell is "Wiseau," Alaska?

But yes I am quite sure that this is what the Founding Fathers envisioned as being the perfect example of a political powerhouse in the years to come.

Unless the kind of "business" that Nugent envisions Palin taking care of is selling her body on the streets for crack cocaine.

 Or perhaps the Founding Fathers visualized this as their "perfect example."

But wait, there's more:

Nugent suggested that President Barack Obama was elected because voters wanted to see a Black president instead of what he considered the best president. He also painted Palin’s resignation from the governorship of Alaska in 2009 as an act of sacrifice in the face of what he called “frivolous lawsuits.” 

“She did the most courageous thing in the world, and she handed her governor duties to the lieutenant governor while she was taking on this hate onslaught of the left,” Nugent told Larson. “So that Alaska would be properly served by someone who could pay attention to the responsibilities of the office of government while she was fighting off the leftist mongrels.”

Oh yes quitting her job and giving it to Sean Parnell was SO courageous. 

I mean isn't that what ALL Governors do when faced with opposition from the other side of the ideological fence?

“She’s a reminder that the heart and soul of working hard, playing hard, being the best that you can be in America is alive and well,” he told Larson.

Actually I think "barely alive" would be a better description, right along with "mentally unwell."

These days it seems that Palin does not leave her house unless paid to do so, and when she does she invariably embarrasses herself and has to scurry back to the safety of her Wasilla compound.

Methinks that Nugent is still seeing Palin through his signature pair of red, white, and blue glasses. And simply refuses to see her for what she is.

A national embarrassment.


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Eeeww, is that one of poopy pants Teddy's jackets she is wearing?? Look at that guitar. He is a fake patriot just like $carah. Display the red, white and blue but avoid the draft when the chips are down. Claim her son is a combat vet, when the only combat he sees is at the family brawls. These two deserve each other. Fake as they can be.

    1. Boscoe8:25 AM

      Well what did you expect? National embarrassments gotta stick together! LOL

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Shitter and Quitter are selling their Sport Channel products like any flack will do.

      It is all lies and crapola for the masses. They don't have to believe any of it, they just need to make money. In this case both are equally scummy low life cheap ass celebrity. They both may support and promote draft dodging and pedophilia in their furtive ways.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    He sees her for what she is, and as a shit-encrusted pervert, of course he heartily approves of her fellow disgustingness. They are soulmates!!! Or would be if they had souls instead of evil black voids inside them.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Proof positive the man also shit brains out when being drafted. Poor choice of character, Ted!

  4. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I have been reading at various sites that I normally avoid and am amazed at how ignorant Palin supporters continue to be. I posted some AIP and Nugent comments and my inbox was flooded with rants about Palin having NO AIP connections and that Nugent was in college during Vietnam. No one could dispute the "FU" sign and I made a point to let them know that she staged it, hoping to attract another round of TV interviews, like the Trig/Jill/Obama ate dead dog incident.
    I cannot understand people who avoid the truth. I really wish Sarah would draw them all into the compound, like Heaven's Gate or Jim Jones....

    1. I always enjoy reading "guest" posts on those sites.
      It's a copy and paste list of "the governor's" accomplishments & things she said that came true! The latest on the list is $arah's drill baby drill is what is responsible for our low gas prices today!
      Those idiots are truly delusional!

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Exactly! It is always the same talking points and of course the bumper sticker lines.."polls are for strippers, PDS, buck up or stay in the truck, liberal heads exploding, living rent free, ya betcha, yadda, yadda....
      It is like they are all elementary school kids, latching onto the latest slang fad. It is almost as though they are easily brainwashed......

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I can guarantee that the Founding Fathers and Mothers would not approve of the American flag being turned into a decoration for Ted Nugent's guitar or Sarah Palin's shoes.

    They were not pretend patriots, using the symbols of our democratic freedom for their own benefit. Palin and Nugent are cheap hustlers who know nothing of history. Look at the faces of George Washington and Abigail Adams, and then
    gaze upon Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin. See the difference?

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Heh heh, I think Old Poopy Pants Nugent is now eating out of his diapers (excuse me, he might not use diapers) and telling us what it tastes like.

    Yeah, I'm such a fickle voter that I only voted for President Obama as I wanted a black President and a half black President at that. I was holding out for a full black President yet I couldn't be that choosy.

    Reality is President Obama did impress me in many aspects while he ran for POTUS. His ethnic makeup had nothing to do with my decision to vote for him. He's articulate and visionary. He inspired me for the future and the present. John McCain didn't impress nor inspire me.

    Also the GOP/pre-tea followers at various rallies in the USA in 2008 turned me off (scared me) long before Sarah Palin was a household word in St. Paul, Minnesota. Also once she was unleashed, she was (and still is) abhorrent. She really does hate our dual party political system and the POTUS.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      articulate and visionary

      Yup. I can't understand dopes who want a "down to earth" president just like them. I'm pretty smart, but I want someone even smarter than I am, someone who's studied law and foreign policy and can step into the job ready to be on the world stage.


    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      But, she is one of us! Don't cha get it? Winky, winky!

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Quitty Pants and Shitty Pants. LOL

    1. Caroll Thompson7:04 AM

      No need for my comment. 6:47 you have said it all.

    2. Anon 6:47 for the win!

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      as Carol noted, 6:47 has summed it up perfectly. what a pair of losers, way past their sell-by date.

    4. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I actually posted that as a potential campaign months ago: Palin/Nugent 2016, President Quitty Pants/VP Shitty Pants and posted it and around the internet. Now someone has made mock campaign posters with the slogan! Wish I had ™'ed it!

    5. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Hitter (Bris)
      Spitter (Track)
      Jitter (Todd)
      Bitter (Chuckie 2)

  8. If I were a vet who didn't poop his pants to avoid serving his country, I would be tempted to smack Nugent's cowardly head right off his shoulders using his red, white, and blue guitar to do it.

  9. "Nugent is still seeing Palin through his signature pair of red, white, and blue glasses. And simply refuses to see her for what she is."
    Oh, he sees her for exactly what she is. A mirror image of him. Of course he's going to praise her.

    As for his go-to white supremacist term "mongrel", anyone with a brain in their heads know that inbreeding is not healthy and that new blood is what invigorates any line of inheritance, whether it's people, dogs, or other animals.

    Both Palin and Nugent are disgusting examples of the dregs of American society.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Nefer6:52 AM
      "Nugent is still seeing Palin through his signature pair of red, white, and blue glasses. And simply refuses to see her for what she is."
      Oh, he sees her for exactly what she is. A mirror image of him. Of course he's going to praise her.

      EXACTLY, Nefer. Was just going to say the same. As my mother used to say "Always consider the source".


    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Exactly. They use each other for their own personal gains. Nugent would turn on Sarah in a second if she publicly took him to task for using the "R" word.

    3. Just like bustol and sarahy use the same ghostwriter to co-sign off of each other's fake blogs. Then if they are lucky they will link to the laughable, one-step-below faux newsrag briefart site. Nothing is viable.

  10. Randall6:55 AM

    When the fathers founded this country a woman couldn't even vote much less hold office.

  11. Anonymous7:01 AM

    If she is the Christian she purports to be, how does she reconcile the following scripture from Psalms with the Michael Moore sign or her ugly view of humanity she spouts in public places?

    King James Bible
    Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

  12. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Teddy and Sarah with the flag guitar and the assorted flag shoes/boots/pins/garb, remind me of my white trash neighbors, with the pile of abandoned junk in their yard, beer cans and McDonalds trash in their driveway, their incessant barking dogs, daily yard fights, constant profanity and of course, American FLAGS! On their truck grille, car bumpers and the obligatory shredded, faded Old Glory, flying off the porch that hasn't seen paint in 17 years! God Bless America, rah, rah,rah!

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      That would have me scouring the real estate ads daily.

    2. PalinsHoax9:43 AM

      Anon 7:07 am - Do you live next door to the Palins?

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      I actually live in the country, in an area that is supposed to have covents against owning anything but house pets and horses. They came rumblin' down the road with her two bastard kids and his in her womb, a pack of 5 dogs (with a litter in the womb) and assorted unfixed "barn cats". They have added a bull, horses, hens and roosters (that start crowing at 3 am) a bastard grandchild and two live-in boyfriends! And litter upon litter of kittens, most of which I have had fixed and feed on my porch!
      When we had a black family move in to the neighborhood (briefly), my redneck neighbor actually flew his confederate flag!
      It is hard to sell a nice family home next to that family, without taking a huge loss. I still watch the listings for a new location, tho.

  13. A. J. Billings7:09 AM

    Nugent must be certifiably lunatic, or insane to say something like,

    "So that Alaska would be properly served by someone who could pay attention to the responsibilities of the office of government while she was fighting off the leftist mongrels.”

    Palin never gave a shit about being responsible or about governing. The truth about $arah is that she was and still is.
    all about fame, glamour, "beauty", and what passes for culture in a shallow and vainglorious world of Kardashians.

    Here's the quote

    ''We want to see Ivana,'' said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, ''because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.''

    That's her whole world, as she revealed in a statement way back in 1996 when Ivana Trump came calling.

    Nugent, being a fame whore and racist mongrel bastard himself, recognizes a fellow traveler, and gushes over a woman who is a criminal, a liar, and one of the laziest grifters on the planet.

    Birds of a feather: namely vultures!

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      It's showing that Nugent has no clue that Alaska's government has been majority Republican for a number of years! Isn't that Palin's party? Wasn't she elected as the 'quitter' Republican governor for their state?

      What leftists in Alaska were going against Palin?

      Even the Alaska Legislature found her to be unethical, with a bipartisan vote.

      Palin is friggin' nuts and holds grudges for things done to her, but gets the FACTS of what was/were actually done all wrong!

      We've watched her do it in Alaska for years! McCain, et al truly didn't vet her properly. It's taken all these years (later!) for them to actually admit she is/was a liar, not capable to do the job, etc. She took them for a long ride!

  14. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I see they're both dressing for the job they want. Cruising the truck stop rest area.

  15. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Oh yes quitting her job and giving it to Sean Parnell was SO courageous.

    Sean Parnell and Track Palin

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      How is Parnell's propaganda for the National Guard coming along? Iron Dog?

    2. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Hi folks! An Alaskan writing here - - - -

      You should know that Sean Parnell lost his last bid for reelection and was a horrible governor.

      He is/was another Republican and religious freak and former employee of the oil industry - Conoco - which most Alaskans think he'll return to. He was owned by the oil industry and governed accordingly!

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      What is up with so many Alaskans being religious whackaloons?

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      8:54 AM

      Thank you.

      How is Governor Bill Walker? And Dan the Alaskan Sullivan?

      Fresh off a starring role in Dan Sullivan’s successful bid to become a U.S. Senator from Alaska, Soldotna’s Cory Davis appeared as the featured presenter for a Monday rollout of what is planned to be the first Anchorage start for the Iron Dog snowmachine race early next year.

      I’m sure you recall that Sen. John McCain, Obama’s opponent, opposed opening ANWR.
      So was Obama’s recent statement that ANWR should remain a refuge a big shock to Alaska? No. Apparently it just offers the perfect grandstanding opportunity for every Republican without a real idea.

    5. Anonymous10:17 AM


      It happened in the mid 1970's when the pipeline was being constructed. A slew of blue-colllar conservatives from the lower 48 came north for work, bringing their southern bible-thumping ways with them (when they weren't drinkin' or whorin' or workin' they were prayin', go figure) Unfortunately for us, many of them decided to stay and infest our beautiful land with their churches and ignorant, hateful ways.

    6. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Think of Alaska as America's open-air mental ward, Anon 9:33

    7. Anonymous10:28 AM

      With a population of 710,231, according to the 2010 U.S. census, Alaska is the 47th most populous and least densely populated state.

      Population Demographics for Alaska 2014 and 2015

      Consider the geography and demographics.

      How demographics are political destiny — in 5 maps

      Alaska is a "STATE OF CORRUPTION"

      Remember: Facts on the 2000 Election from Fahrenheit 9/11/Michael Moore.
      Fox was the first network to call Florida for Bush. Before that, some other networks had called Florida for Gore, and they changed after Fox called it for Bush.

  16. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I will go with "shit encrusted pervert(s)".Has a good ring for both of them. The unwashed ,inbreds.
    Idiotic,retarded morons.I am being kind.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Actually, I can see part of that being used in Sarah's "campaign". "Sarah Palin, representative of the great unwashed, uneducated un-American Americans."

    2. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Just a suggestion. When you put a space between a comma and the next word. And you put a space between a period and the next sentence, it is not only grammatically correct, it is way easier to read.

  17. "A national embarrassment."

    Gryphen, you have NEVER been so wrong!

    The Screechy Wretch(tm) has proven beyond any doubt that she has entered the ranks of the "international embarrassment". You may not like her very much - probably because you don't even know her - but you should be man enough to give her her due. Lord knows she's worked tirelessly to achieve it.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:09 AM

      I think we can go even futther, bjc.

      I think she's more of a "universal embarrassment". We can't forget those few brave souls on the international space station. Sarah's colossal embarrassment has certainly reached them by now, also, too.

    2. Charlie, I'm not accustomed to admitting that I'm wrong but you've convinced me on this matter. I humbly stand corrected.

      She is indeed a universal embarrassment and colossal laughingstock, also too.

      And not in a good way.

    3. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Sarah Palin is the joke heard around the world. In any language, people laugh at her!

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    No amount of makeup can hide Sarah's old aging ugly hands.

  19. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Nugent / Palin 2016

    Bowel / Vowel Movement

  20. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Chuck Heath weighs in on why Sarah holds a grudge against

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      How convenient to post a photo with War Criminal Tony Blair (before Cambridge trip or hype). They are so confident in their lies and their lying 'friends'. Has anyone read the book he is so desperate to sell (Our Sarah: Made in Alaska)?

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      "... you can order the book from Amazon. If you'd like an autographed copy, you can send $25 to my dad and he will send you one with a personal note and an autographed picture of Sarah, too. (free shipping). Thanks, Chuck"

      You have to buy the book where Sarah's friends, who did not talk to media, tell about the real Sarah.

      Has the book been fact checked? How is Chuck's Kickstarter doing?

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      The cash book sales are what got Chuckie Sr. in trouble with the IRS, along with non reporting of using SarahPAC as his post office.

    4. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Chuck's kickstarter acct update
      Asking for $30k
      Donated as of today $3,411
      9 days to go....
      As someone said on another string don't be surprised to see it fully fund by the end so they can keep the $3,400. I'm not sure if that is how it works or if they get to keep whatever is donated once the time runs out.

    5. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Yeah, don't be surprised if Sarah, herself, funds it in the end just to keep her dumb, deadbeat, big brother's mouth shut.

    6. Anonymous9:42 AM

      8:40 AM

      Her brother is a big failure. He has all those kids and no job. The lazy co-worker that he knocked up won't work either.
      What's her grift?

      Finding old men she thinks have money or connections and getting pregnant to become a stay at home mommy?

      The whole family is scandalous and the worst of the worst in tiny little Alaska.

    7. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Chucktard's new wife did it the Christian way, find a married man and lure him away from his wife and kids.

    8. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Kickstarter is an "all or nothing" funding system. People who pledge money are only charged when the campaign reaches its goal, if the campaign falls short then no one is charged and the campaign owner gets nothing.

    9. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Anon 9:42--You're right. One has to wonder why no one in Wasilla wants to hire him in any capacity? Do they know him too well? Do they want to avoid the drama and notoriety that comes with the Palin-Heath name? Maybe that explains why all those hard-assed workers sit around all day doing nothing and living off Ma Palin.

  21. Anonymous7:54 AM

    This is very disturbing.

    Partisan winds blowing across America are pushing the country to the political right.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Inside the bizarre, paranoid world of the right-wing oath keepers

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Christian Stay-At-Home Mom Calls Career-Driven Mothers “Sinners”

    3. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Send me money Chuckturds:

  22. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Well, I don't know if I want to laugh or cry....this is a post on the pond today:

    "I had a chance to listen again to Sarah Palin's remarks while she was on Sean Hannity's show. She mentioned she had a "small team" now but that it might expand if she announces a run for the Presidency. Can anybody enlighten me on who exactly are these small team members?"
    1 Reply:
    15 minutes ago
    "her parents, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig..... for starters..."

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      It's like the parody themselves, even though they are quite sincere. C4p, the only site where they self-troll!

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Food Stamp Pete can't find a job other than call centers because any job he applies for Googles his name and up pops all his crazy assed Palin worshiping.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Since when is comparing her to a biblical prophet or thinking she will announce her candidacy on SNL considered "crazy added"? I love Pete. He represents the pond mentality perfectly.

    4. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Assed!....damn you, spell suggest!

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      IMO, you should be laughing bigtime.

  23. Anonymous7:59 AM

    One of Sarah's butt boys is talking smack:

    Texas NRA leader: Teachers should be able to spank kids ‘so I don’t have to put a bullet’ in them

  24. Sadly, SP is far too much like Adolf Hitler. Both are/were oddly compelling personalities, no matter what they say or do. This is what made AH so addictive to a troubled population, and I believe it is what keeps SP in the spotlight today. Nobody should underestimate the appeal this stupid woman has in the Television Age. I personally fear for our republic...

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Sarah Palin does not have a huge following anymore. She assuredly doesn't have the young crowd behind her - they think she's an idiot!

      I've got children/young adults and we've talked about Palin - trust me - she doesn't have their support.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Jesus H.

      No really, there is no concern concern that SP is going to be the next AH. You are a moron. Godwin's law.

    3. Well, 8:57 AM, I sincerely hope you're right. Given the almost knee-jerk adulation given to SP, I'm very leery of her public appeal.

  25. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Now that Sarah has Ted's endorsement ... she can be President in 2016.


    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Yeah, President of Wiseau, Alaska.

  26. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Isn't that sweet? The woman who wraps herself in the American Flag pals around with a Draft Dodger.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Yes, and she quit on her son with the PTSD from combat in Iraq. It use to continually be
      Track Palin my son the combat vet with warrior body,
      Track Palin my son the combat vet with warrior body,
      Track Palin my son the combat vet with warrior body.
      She couldn't say enough about him, how proud and all.


      Why did she drop the combat vet meme? What happened to the Palin's work with PTSD like their hero Chris Kyle?

      Now she is only pushing the famous Draft Dodger.


    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I read somewhere that Track insisted that she no longer use his name/likeness in the combat vet meme. Perhaps he wasn't willing to disrespect real combat vets or just didn't want his name attached to any exposure of the charade.

    3. Anonymous11:04 AM

      She quit referring to Track as the veteran because she use to talk about his being in combat and it was proven he wasn't!

      I'll bet Track told her to keep his name to herself. She has used her kids horribly and it's proven to be abuse of them. Cannot imagine having her as mother!

    4. Anonymous11:23 AM

      11:04 AM

      You think all those years of her boasting and the press articles were lies?

      It's alright for them to lie about Iraq and war?

      She often used lies about Track Palin.

      Was Brian Williams a worse liar or something?

      I don't get it. I know Sarah is a nobody now but all the time she was believed to be a governor/former governor or Fox analyst and contributor? It was alright for her and the military to lie and promote Track Palin under false pretense?

      I wish someone would notice what she and the military did and why.

      It has cost this country a great deal in lives and medical, not to mention the money.

      What all were Brian Williams damages to the country?

  27. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Her ideas on hygiene (ripe) are perhaps the only thing the founding fathers would appreciate about this skinny tan asshole.

  28. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "The Wasilla Compound" -- whatever happened to all the Arizona houses ? Did she/Bristol lose them when the SarahPac funds started to dry up ? Foreclosure? Sold? Abandoned?

    If anyone has any info, thanks.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Palin still owns the North Scottsdale home. Barstool sold hers to bible thumpers who paid well over market value for it

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      9:17, I highly doubt you read it anywhere because it would have made news, just like Palin claiming she released Trig's birth certificate.

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Bristol sold her home in AZ long ago. Sarah's house is still listed under the LLC that purchased it.

    4. Anonymous10:38 AM

      I honestly read that. I am not a Palin supporter or a site troll. I read it months ago and it makes sense, since she never says,"Track", anymore. I am not defending Track Palin, as I believe all the stories about his youth and preferential treatment in the army, plus I listened to his lovely spewing on the brawl audio.

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Almost all the things I have heard about Track Palin turn out to be lies. At a time they would float the rumor that he didn't want to be mentioned, he was so humble and all that.

      Well, he was just an uneducated dummy that they needed to keep hidden while they used him as some kind of a super patriot for their propaganda.

      I recall it started about 2008. The press had article after article about Track, he was far superior to McCain and Biden's sons who were also serving in Iraq and or Afghanistan.

      The military propaganda did not use McCain/Biden and defy military protocol. They used Track Palin for military propaganda and to boost Sarah Palin's military cred.

      It was all manufactured and lies. Sarah Palin did not do it alone and Track Palin was not in charge of what she or the military did.

      Track doesn't tell anyone who and when to write propaganda. He was a tool. Now he is a tool they don't want to use anymore. Instead they have lies to cover up and want everyone to forget Track Palin. Geeze! Don't pay any attention to those crimes, what next? Cheney/Bush on trial for war crimes?

      Track Palin is a bigger fraud then when they used dear,dear Trig Palin in the Babygate propaganda.

      Track is just not as innocent and he could go to prison.

      The least they can do is to cover for him and hope he is forgotten 100%.

  29. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Can you imagine the Founding Fathers trying to make any kind of sense out of any of her screeches? And isn't Ted long overdue to be dead or in jail by now?

  30. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Big Bottom Feeders.

  31. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Boy, does Palin have him buffaloed! He obviously has fallen for her garbage. He needs to check the FACTS in Alaska as they are accessible!

    Don't you think he looks much younger than Palin in the photo? She is aging so quickly! Amazes me!

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      He looks like shit, just like she does, and she doesn't have him buffaloed. They are using each other.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Sorry, 9:36 AM. I, too, think he looks younger than Palin in the photo. She has aged quickly and horribly!

      Sure as shit wouldn't want to be walking in her shoes or living her life!

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      He says he doesn't use drugs. I think he also hates anyone that is an addict. Or he acts like he does. I am sure he knows Palin is a mess and what messes her up and ages her so fast.

      Ted is paid to say his bullshit sales pitch.

  32. Anonymous8:53 AM

    In other words she stepped down because she couldn't handle any distractions or pressure and govern at the same time, it's like she can't chew gum and walk at the same time. That is not a sign of a leader, that's the sign of an intellectually challenged, lazy loser.

    Hero's don't quit, Period.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      And a pee ponder explained the Couric "gotcha" interview as unfair, because she was preparing to give "an important speech" and had too much on her mind!

  33. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Oh yes, she is the perfect mother too! I so wanted my college graduate daughters to instead be like her daughters. I can’t for the life of me figure out where it all went wrong ... Maybe I’m just not mavericky enough and should have encouraged them to become potty mouth drunks. Sheesh!

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      UNEDUCATED potty mouth drunks

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      @8:54, right? I'm a total failure as a mother as well. Daughter will be graduating from college this spring. Silly girl has never been involved in a drunken brawl, vandalized anything, given birth or gloated about material possessions. Damn, where did I go wrong?

  34. Sam Adams8:56 AM

    IF Sarah Palin is what the Forefathers envisioned I'm defecting to Russia : /

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      don't do it. Palin and Nugent already defecated to Russia, so you don't want to go there.

  35. Boscoe9:13 AM

    Maybe Nugent was thinking of Tony Wiseau, writer/director/producer/star of probably the worst movie ever made?

  36. Anonymous9:21 AM

    AIP Palin and draft dodger Nugent would have been hung as traitors if our forefathers were alive! I miss our forefathers....

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I truly believe that Sarah Palin is going to experience a horrible death due to all the evilness she has spread these past years!

      And, I hope she suffers greatly! The doors of Hell await her!

  37. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hey repubs, next time you look at Obama, thank Mc Cain and Palin for losing the indie vote...

  38. PalinsHoax10:00 AM

    Anonymous 8:45 AM
    Don't you think he looks much younger than Palin in the photo? She is aging so quickly! Amazes me!
    - - -

    Why you are absolutely right! Ol' Poopy Pants does look quite younger than the Ol' Haggard One.

    And from his face you can tell what gender he is. Whereas when you look at $carah's face, the gender is questionable, as the features are starting to morph into a man's.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      She's one of those women who when the estrogen runs out they start growing a mustache. Maybe that's why she's so pissy all the time, she really wants to have a set.

  39. Caroll Thompson10:21 AM

    I found this little gem. A little known political satirist wrote a song about old Sarah. Says she had to spend a week in Sarah's head to get it right. I think it's worth a view. She wrote a song.

  40. Anonymous10:44 AM

    ummmm... I don't see Rick Perry resigning.... duh...

  41. Anonymous11:02 AM


    In Sarah's latest FB post where she is sending a birthday greeting to her creep brother she includes two pictures he supposedly took; one is scenic the second is the picture that was going around of the black lab standing on a girl to reach the sink. Her followers are showering her with wonderful comments saying how funny and creative she/they are. But the person that actually took the photo posted this:

    Cindy Buswell Harder It's actually MY photo. My daughter Sophie and our dog Missy. We posed this a few weeks back in response to the left's crazy response to the picture of Trigg standing on their dog. We thought it was brilliant at the time, and obviously so did Sarah!!! So, just a shout out to myself here! LOL. Hey Sarah, we live in Eagle River... I'm available for autographs anytime.
    2 · 1 hr

    So the shameless bitch is stealing photos from her own fans!!

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      11:02. She has the ethics of an alley cat. What ever happened with the iconic picture she slapped her stupid sarahpac logo on & posted? As I recall a lawsuit was filed against her on that stunt. Settled out of court I suppose.

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      It wouldn't surprise me if Chuck, Jr. posted on Sarah's Fb to wish himself a birthday (attention to his new post and book sales). Or if Chuck, Jr. stole the picture of the Cook Inlet.

      Why would leopards suddenly be able to change their spots?

      Happy Birthday to my brother Chuck, Jr.!

      Cindy Buswell Harder, You know they are not going to give credit where credit is due.

  42. That second picture should have the tagline:

    Maybe she's born with it....
    Maybe it's methamphetamines!

  43. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Article titled: Sarah Palin's Skeleton Closet sums her up.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      except that palin did not give birth to trig and it was a close family member (brother in law to the palmer guy she had a short affair with....true...todd and he broke their partnership over the store they co owned. Sarah also had an affair with curt menard jr and produced track. She didn't graduate from many other lies.

    2. Cracklin Charlie5:52 PM

      dem bones gonna rise again

  44. Anonymous11:26 AM

    It is quite comical to watch all of this. Anyone that thinks having Nugent as a BFF will get her into the Oval Office is SO misguided. Keep talking, poopy pants!

    For all intents and purposes, let's say she's decided to run and, in her words, it will be the most unconventional run ever. Well, all I have to say is that she's off to a good start, isn't she?

    Run, $arah, Run!

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Also, too,to forego a conclusion, will any of these songs by the "Nuge" be the official campaign anthem: "Cat Scratch Fever", "Bridge Over Troubled Daughters", or (my choice) "Crazy Ladies"?

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Sarah wants to run a "different" campaign, rogue style. so it makes sense that she would have The Nuge travel with her and play on stage before she makes her grand entrance before the thousands of people who will show up just hoping to hear her words of wisdom. Sure some old guys are hoping to see a wardrobe malfunction of her tight tops also too but that is part of her mystique!

      She and Ted have worked out the song list and have come up with these classics of Ted's.

      Wang Dang Sweet Pootang

      If You Can't Lick "Em ..Lick "Em

      Yank Me Crank Me

      Harder They Come, The Harder I Get

      and last but not least.

      Give Me Just A Little

      The last song represents what she wishes Todd..or any guy would do.

  45. Now really G what do you expect from a s racist, sneaky pedophile sicko, nasty obviously uneducated, punkass little scaredy cat chickenhawk, a piss/shit/vomit living little terrorist, a fake little sport killer, a coward lowlife wife beater, a shit stained dirty ignorant disease carrying nutbag. I would expect that type of animal would be bestest with the insufferable GUILTYgate witch sarahy.

    That's a given.

  46. Anonymous11:37 AM

    How does one stand next to a known draft-dodger, who did it in the most disgusting way and save face? Well, someone like Sarah who has no clue or shame when it comes to publicity. Does she really know how Nugent escaped being drafted, or is she so stupid she really doesn't care?

  47. Anonymous12:13 PM

    the problem is that these idiots lie and say the "left" the "librals" are making up lies about them.

  48. Anonymous1:19 PM

    yes 6:52. thats what's known as line breeding in dogs. you can * hit it twice then you move away. its like Russian ruelette. it can produce the best in qualities but also bring out the worst. in humans its detrimental as we can see.

  49. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Sounds like Mr. Poopy pants does not realize Sarah was not running for President.

    Also our Founding Fathers would not be happy with a woman running for VP or President, back in those days, that was for men only, they didn't even give women the right to vote. so much for reading a history book.

    By the way, didn't that traitor tell us he would kill himself or leave the country if Pres Obama was elected/re-re-elected? What is preventing him from keeping his promise?


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