Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Wiccan priestess has been invited to give the invocation to the Iowa House of Representatives. Oh the Republicans will love this!

Courtesy of KCRG:

On April 9, Deborah Maynard, a member of the People’s Church Unitarian Universalist, will travel to Des Moines to deliver her blessing. 

According to Maynard, her prayer will make history. 

“I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal, until I did more research on it,” she said. “The more research I did on it, that’s when I found that it’s never been done in a state government body before by a Wiccan.” 

A 2014 Supreme Court ruling allowed for sectarian prayer before government bodies, as long as the prayer is inclusive. 

And democratic representative Liz Bennett of Cedar Rapids, who invited Maynard to give the blessing, said inclusion is her goal. 

“I think there are people across the nation who don’t realize how diverse Iowa really is, and so I’m proud that this is another first for us,” Bennett said. 

You know I'm starting to like Iowa more and more lately. 

I dated a Wiccan once. She was pretty much like everybody else actually, except she had no inhibitions.

And I mean NO inhibitions.

If that was a product of her belief system this should be a lively invocation indeed.


  1. I love it!!! Blessed Be!!!

  2. Leland5:54 AM

    Uh huh. I will believe how diverse the state is AFTER she is allowed to provide the invocation WITHOUT THE INSULTING INTERRUPTIONS given to the Buddhist priest who gave the invocation in Congress recently.

    To me, fundamentalist xtians are rude and grossly intolerant, without any attending embarrassment about it. In fact, most of those I have to rub elbows with are PROUD of their behavior.

    Even if it DOES run counter to what they claim their "savior" taught!

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Can a Wiccan priestess perform Barstol's wedding in Kentucky?

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Remember This?


  4. Anonymous6:27 AM

    The evangelicals are going to blow a gasket over this, and you'll hear the Christian Taliban leadership howling from their holier-than-thou bunkers

    I'm sure Ted Cru$ will be leading the charge, and we'll probably have the Wa$$illa Witch mewling via RAM from the frozen north about rill famly valuez.

    Freedom OF religion? Fuc_ U all you atheists, wiccans, agnostic, brown, black, asian, hispanic, and other assorted unsaved trash.

    Only rill white,Muricans of euro descent are worthy of Dog's mercy

  5. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I'm a resident of Greece, NY which made the news last spring when the Supreme Court found in favor of the town having all public meetings opened with a prayer.

    After an atheist was permitted (reluctantly) to offer opening remarks before a meeting, the town leaders then took the matter one step further by changing the rules to ONLY permit requests to speak from people who belonged to recognized religious organizations that had established congregations within the town borders. This effectively eliminated anyone who wasn't Christian since there were no other formal religious organizations within town limits. It also prevented atheists from making remarks at future meetings since they do not belong to an established religious organization.

    I love my town, for the most part, but I am embarrassed and angry at this obvious religious discrimination that has been essentially sanctioned by the US Supreme Court.

    I absolutely LOVE what is about to happen in Iowa and wish we could have that kind of religious acceptance here in my town.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      That town is overstepping its bounds designating religion and what counts and what doesn't. There's a good ACLU suit there. All someone needs to do is get he online minister cert. ($5) Hold services in their home. http://www.themonastery.org/ (and other ones too.)

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I love it, and I especially love that it's happening in Iowa, of all places.

    Hopefully we will see more of this in other states.

    Thanks for posting, Gryphen.

    R in NC

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Blessed Be :)

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

    This is great! Blessed Be!

  9. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Don't miss the gift registry

    off top

  10. Anonymous4:02 PM

    One of my roomies in college practiced Wicca, and she eradicated every pre concieved notion I had about it along with all nature religions.


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