Saturday, March 21, 2015

Mayoral candidate Dan Coffey threatens to sue media outlets that report on that time he talked about bribing Anchorage Assembly members to vote his way. Oops.

Courtesy of KTVA:  

Mayoral candidate Dan Coffey has stated he doesn’t want the public to hear a private conversation he had with current Anchorage Assembly member Bill Starr back in 2008. The conversation with Starr was recorded onto an answering machine. 

Coffey said Thursday he hired Anchorage lawyer Thomas Amodio to “look into the issue” — referring to whether or not it is legal for media to broadcast or publish the conversation that took place when Dan Coffey was on the Anchorage Assembly. Coffey has already made public a transcript of some of the conversation, which is posted on his campaign website. 

The transcript has profanity in it, but more concerning to some people is the reference Coffey makes to paying Assembly members to vote his way. In an accompanying letter, Coffey says he was “joking” when he said “I’m doling it out 250 at a crack.” 

In a letter to KTVA 11 News, Amodio writes, “With the election merely weeks away, we strongly urge you not to violate state and/or federal law by broadcasting the conversation or any portion of it.”

Yeah why should Anchorage citizens be made aware of the fact that one other candidates for mayor of their fair city might be a person who plays fast and loose with ethics rules.

I mean after all how could THAT help them decide who not to vote for?

What I find interesting is that this is essentially old news that was reported on way back in 2008, and Coffey himself has part of the transcript on his website so seriously on what grounds could Coffey file suit against a news agency that reported on this story?

He's such an asshole, I would not vote for him if he were running against Charles Manson.


  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Sounds like he's related to Tawd and $arah..

    Otherwise known as the "What's in it for us" family

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    What amazes me is that in a state so sparcely populated, ;people vote these crooks into office. Doesn't ANYONE vet these clowns who want power in Alaska? I mean BEFORE they are in power? This guy, and $carah and Taahhd PayMe are not well educated enough to actually represent others. No wonder the PayMe's think Bristles will make it into office some day.

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Dipshit Dan needs to google Streisand Effect.

    Actually he should have done that before sending this letter out. Now Dipshit Dan needs to google viral.

    I can't remember, was this a butt dialed phone call? That would be for the internet win. First ever Butt Dialed Streisand Effect. Anyone have a link to the recording yet?

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Coffey is NOT aging well - he looks like he could keel over and die!!! Plus, he does have an explosive-type personality. I'm voting for Berkowitz or Halcro - haven't decided as yet.

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Coffey's attorney threatens the media in Anchorage! What baloney! They ought to play the tape once an hour, every hour, on every channel in Anchorage!

    What a friggin' jerk! And, he actually thinks we want him to lead Anchorage? Vote wisely folks! We don't need another Dan Sullivan!

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    So that's the kind of guy I would want for mayor?

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    When Coffey announced his mayor run way back before anyone else did, a bumper sticker from 2005 immediately came to mind . . . *Anybody but Frank*, meaning Frank Murkowski, worst governor ever in state history (up to that point).

    *Anybody but Coffey* sums up my opinion of this candidate. His questionable ethics aside, does Anchorage really need a liquor industry lawyer at the helm?

  8. Anonymous11:43 AM

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    If Anchorage Republicans are anything like they are in this part of Alaska this guy will be elected with an overwhelming majority.

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Anchorage will vote for the most amoral wingnut they can find, as usual.

  11. Anonymous6:15 PM

    O/T Paul Ryan Presents New Republican Healthcare Plan: Deathcare!

    So Paul Ryan is out there instructing states not to set up state exchanges if the Supremes knock down the federal exchange subsidies.
    He said he's been assured that Justice Alito will convince the majority that they need to delay kicking people off of insurance until the Republican congress can offer a conservative alternative that will be acceptable to the Republican Governors in every state......
    Well there goes my ObamaCare and so much for the Supreme Court not being partisan.

  12. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Who knew the Republicans were such comedians, they have a regular Republican Comedy Central with jokes a minute.

  13. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Here is a thought, Dakota will be pimped out by the PayMe's to be governor of Alaska. Then Bristles would be first "lady" (THAT ship sailed long ago!) and $carah and Taaahhd would have high positions. Let the grift continue. No investigations would take place, business as usual. Grift, steal, just like the good old days.


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