Friday, April 24, 2015

Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio, admits under oath that he used tax payer money to investigate the wife of a judge presiding over a lawsuit against him. Oops.

Courtesy of AZ Family:  

In a bombshell revelation, Sheriff Joe Arpaio acknowledged Thursday that his office was behind a secret investigation into the wife of the judge presiding over a racial-profiling lawsuit against the brash Arizona lawman known for his anti-immigration patrols. 

A contempt-of-court hearing in the case took the strange turn after the sheriff finished his testimony and Judge Murray Snow began asking him questions, including whether Arpaio was investigating him and his family. 

"Are you aware that I've been investigated by anyone?" the judge asked. 

Arpaio said he believed his former lawyer, Tim Casey, had hired a private investigator to investigate Snow's wife after she purportedly made a comment that about the judge not wanting the sheriff to get re-elected in 2012. 

"We weren't investigating you," Arpaio told the judge. "We were investigating some comments that came to our attention."

Yeah we weren't investigating you, just your wife. 

That sounds so much better.

Here's more3 courtesy of AZ Central: 

Arpaio said he had come into the possession of an e-mail from a tipster who claimed to have met Snow's wife at a restaurant, and that Snow's wife said the judge "wanted to do everything to make sure I'm not elected." 

Arpaio said his counsel then hired a private investigator to look into the matter. 

"Results confirmed that your wife was in that restaurant," Arpaio told Snow. "I guess (the investigator) talked to the witness, confirmed that that remark was made." 

Snow additionally questioned Arpaio about a second investigation also related to Snow. Arpaio acknowledged that some time in 2013, county funds were used to conduct investigations into the Department of Justice, which is leading an ongoing racial-profiling lawsuit against the Sheriff's Office. 

Arpaio said an informant had indicated that the DOJ had been penetrating Arpaio's e-mails as well as those of local attorneys and judges. Arpaio indicated that Snow was one of the judges but said he later conceded that his informant was unreliable.

Okay so he kinda sorta was also investigating the judge, as well as his wife?

And he used county funds to conduct these investigations?

Gee I wonder if Sheriff Joe will get one of those attractive pink uniforms when HE gets sent to the big house?

I swear has this woman ever befriended somebody who WASN'T a racist criminal?


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    He will get a sweet deal like David Petraeus.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      He doesn't need a sweet deal.

      It doesn't sound as if the investigations were in any way illegal.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Taxpayers having to pay for his personal folly sounds a touch 'illegal'.

    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      10:20 AM Would it be o.k. for Arpaio to investigate your family?

    4. Anonymous12:37 PM

      How does a private citizens comment in a restaurant warrant an investigation? In Stalin's Russia, yeah.

    5. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Ok by me or ok by the law 12:09?

      You are missing the big picture. The fact that the presiding judges wife made statements that the judge has indicated a great degree of unfavorable bias towards Arapio is no small deal (regarding the PI). And regarding the second investigation, there is nothing preventing a sheriffs office from investigating the DOJ.

    6. Anonymous1:16 PM

      12:37... in "Stalin's Russia" as you said so to speak... everything would be central Government control, the "Stalins" would be more akin to the DOJ and the feds abusing their power over the sheriffs. I realize you probably don't have the brain capacity to make this distinction.

      Regardless, we'll see how this plays out. It sounds like the sheriff is ahead of the judge to me. Wouldn't be surprised to see the judge recuse himself.

    7. Anonymous8:53 AM

      That reminds me of how the people of Iraq were killed for speaking ill of Sadam Hussein back when he was in power. How can that be ok? Sheriff Joe has no right to investigate a Judge. Regardless of the Judges personal feelings, he has taken an oath to uphold the law. Sheriff Joe is a media monger & I think he may even be suffering from dementia. That reminds of a 'great' leader, believed as such by racists, Adolf Hitler, who suffered from untreated syphilis which diminished considerably his mental capacity. Just goes to show how smart racism is.

  2. fromthediagonal9:09 AM

    With sincere apologies to birds, but: Birds of a feather fly together... or something like that.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Seems like Sarah Palin always pals around with shady and crooked characters like herself because she identifies with them and is drawn to them like a magnet.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Nothing confirms in my mind that Todd is a pimp more than looking at the people he and Sarah associate with. Even Bristol, hanging out at the good doctor's stable. And all those court records sealed while the Pimp and His Mrs. were playing co-governors. So I am not surprised to read this. Are all RW Republicans criminals? Or just people that think that the rules only apply to "little people."

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      For sure. The quitting co-governors' first priority has always been, "What's in it for us?".

      Their relationships are based on You Scratch My Back and I'll Scratch Yours.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      9:28 Rational, sane law-abiding people figure her out in a hot second and avoid the taint. She's left with the dregs of society as pals and cohorts. Lewd, rude and crude is her stratum and Nugent and Cruz are the poster butt boys for her type.

      Works for her because she finally finds her 'water level' thereby avoiding having to face her many educational, social and philosophical deficiencies because she might just be a page or two 'smarter' than them. Well maybe not Cruz but the two definitely match in the chaotic evil they dispense.

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      10:20 AM

      Bristol's bff is a success story. Her business rocks!

      Behind the scene ... Exotic Russian 2015 photo shoot

    5. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Actually Marina is mexican, I thought she was russian too but she's from mexican immigrants.

    6. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Does Sarah have a clue? Joe holds the key to Jodi Arias's cell, and he's spying on judge's and their wives? Jodi's smart and knows how to carve a turkey, unlike Sarah at Thanksgiving. Jodi likes her meat raw and no veggies,

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    He'll do it until the courts tell him he can't.

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    It is people like this that make the rest of the world answer surveys about the US in this manner:

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      ha ha that was funny. I think they are smarter than fox viewers.

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      HA..Eagle with gun as beak!

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    OT: Nice little dig at Palin in this. Thought you might like:

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    More than one judge "investigated" apparently. Judge Snow is a federal judge too.

    Here is the go to source for all things Arpaio- Phoenix New Times.

    "In my line of work, it doesn't get much better than a federal judge's handing your column to a public official, and getting the accused pol to confirm the column's facts, one by one, under oath.

    This is what happened on day three of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's civil contempt trial, when, at the conclusion of Arpaio's testimony, U.S. District Court Judge G. Murray Snow told Arpaio he wanted to ask him a few questions, based on one of my columns from last year.

    The result? Admissions by Arpaio that he had been using a confidential informant in Seattle, Dennis Montgomery, and paying him from RICO and confidential-informant funds to do an investigation of a vaguely defined conspiracy theory involving the U.S. Department of Justice and various judges, including Snow himself. "




    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      There is some past history between Phoenix New Times and Joe Arpaio which no doubt made this whole episode even more butt puckering for old shurf Arpaio.

      In December of 2013 Maricopa County had to pay millions for the Arpaio ordered false arrest and imprisonment of two reporters from the Phoenix New Times.

      "The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors this afternoon voted unanimously to approve a $3.75 million settlement for New Times' co-founders, whose false arrests in 2007 were orchestrated by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

      Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin were taken from their homes in the middle of the night and jailed on misdemeanor charges alleging that they violated the secrecy of a grand jury -- which turned out never to have been convened.

      See also:
      -Breathtaking Abuse of the Constitution
      -Who's Sorry Now?

      Lacey was pleased with the settlement but expressed disbelief that the arrests ever occurred six years ago: "It was outrageous! Where in America do you arrest journalists for what they write?"

      The saga began in 2004, when then-New Times reporter John Dougherty dug into Arpaio's commercial real estate transactions, questioning how a county sheriff could amass so much cash to invest in property and why records of the transactions were hidden from public view."




    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Here in Seattle Dennis Montgomery is long known as a con-artist sleaze bag. Read it here:

      Check out the comments with a link about Arpaio's birther posse he surrounds himself with.

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Sheriff Joe is an improvement from when McCain's relatives and friends ruled in Arizona.

      The Newseum, a $400 million interactive museum of news and journalism located in Washington, D.C., features Bolles' 1976 Datsun 710, which had sat for 28 years in the Arizona Department of Public Safety's impound lot, as the centerpiece of a gallery devoted solely to the slain journalist

  8. Anonymous10:55 AM

    A little ot but... Speaking of shady friends... Is that Pam Geller with Bristol's gorilla night party with her Dr. Cusack workers from the Alaska Dermatology office?




    Pamela Geller: Biggest Islamophobic Bigot of 2010

    frisked by police

    Pam Geller: Park51 Is ‘The Second Wave Of The 9/11 Attack’

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Nancy French is the one that keeps up with the DWTS gang at Sarah's Bristol Blog on patheos.
      4/21/2015 Was a big deal for all the DWTS cast members. You might want to check with Nancy on what happened to Bristol.

      Big News: Maks and Meryl Are Returning to Dancing With the Stars for a Special Performance

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      That's not Gellar at the DWTS first photo, that is one of Dr. Cusack's daughters from AK.

    3. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Nancy French? You mean THE supposed adult writing a blog as a semi functioning thwunk from Wasilla? That's really odd, what kind of adult woman with self respect does that for money?

  9. Isn't he sheriff of Maricopa county? The same county sheriff's department that "trained" Robert Bates, the 73 year old reserve deputy that mistook his gun for a tazer.

    Good job, Joe. Tell me, did that "training" consist of riding around in cars to the local bars, making "driving while Mexican" traffic stops and shooting tin cans off fences?

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Yes Arpaio is sheriff of Maricopa county.

      The claim that Maricopa County Sheriff Office trained Robert Bates seems to be unsupported by anything other than this claim by Bates. I am less than convinced about that being true.

    2. Arpaio is 82, Bates is 73 and Sheriff Glanz is 71.

      Seems like there is an old man's club resisting the fact that there comes a time when you are too old to do certain things. If the military has a mandatory retirement age I would think that law enforcement should too, whether you are in an elected position or not.

      There is other funny business embedded in the corruption that is coming out.

      But for me it's basically all three of these men are too OLD to do the job of law enforcement. Sorry but all three are over 70 and Arpaio is 82!.

  10. Anonymous11:09 AM

    just wait for the inevitable day the crosseyed skank has to take the stand - as vindictive and "victimized" she is it'll be comedy gold watching the dimwit hang herself ..

    1. hedgewtych11:44 AM

      Sarah will never willingly appear before a judge (unless she's testifying against someone she has it in for). They'd have to drag her literally kicking and screaming into the court room and plunk her butt down in the witness seat, where she would cross her arms and scowl - refusing to answer any questions. I'd pay good money to see that. And when they drag her out of court to jail also, too.

  11. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The tip of the tit of this giant gimmick. protect and serve. yep. gotta um there and here. In every state, are, Our Takers. And they, their family or their ancestors are takers. In other words they serve. oh yes. Public Servers and service, con artist, snake oil salesman, producer of reefer madness. Contractors, agencies and offices one after another. yep we bought it. Now stop it.

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Sitting in a hot tent and eating dirty soup in your pink boxers. I can hardly wait Joe!



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