Thursday, April 16, 2015

Conservative blogger and charter member of his local Tea Party chapter is pretty sure he's voting for Hillary. See why.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

A conservative video blogger with over a million views on YouTube said this week that he would likely vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton because he was terrified that a Republican president would take away his affordable health insurance. 

James Webb, a 51-year-old YouTube celebrity who devotes his “Hot Lead” channel to topics like his love of guns and ranting about gay men kissing on The Walking Dead, may have shocked his viewers on Monday when he revealed that he was torn over which party to vote for in the 2016 election. 

“And I’m serious because I asked myself, ‘Which party has helped me out the most in the last, I don’t know, 15 years, 20?’ And it was the Democrat [SIC] Party,” Webb lamented. “If it wasn’t for Obama and that Obamacare, I would still be working.” 

“With Obamacare, I got to retire at age 50 because if it wasn’t for Obamacare, I would have had to work until I was 65 and get on Medicare because health insurance is expensive when you’ve got medical problems,” he continued. 

Webb said that he hoped to lose some weight and get in shape by taking advantage of a gym membership that was covered by his health insurance. 

“But you know, the Republican Party, they haven’t done nothing for me, man. Nothing,” he remarked. “So, I’m leaning toward voting for Hillary unless something major comes up. I don’t trust the Republicans anymore because they’re wanting to repeal the Obamacare. And I don’t want them to do that, man, because then I’ll have to go to work again. My life’s already planned out.”

You know I think that if EVERY Teabagger really stopped to think about it, they would make the same exact choice. 


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM


  2. CorningNY9:35 AM

    Isn't this guy exactly the kind of "taker" that the GOP/Tea Partiers are always railing against?! One of the 47% who expects the government to give them something? The fact that this guy doesn't see the irony of his position is amusing.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      You got it! Down thread, someone mentions "punked". I think so...

    2. hedgewytch1:44 PM

      That's exactly what I thought! They spout the Ayn Rand selfish view points of Takers and Makers - until just like Ayn, they find themselves in need and then they have no problem Taking!!

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Gryphen, thought you might enjoy Palin's facebook posting regarding her bus tour...

  4. Back in 08 a friends father voted Republican for the first time in his life and it was because of the color of the skin of Obama. He couldn't vote for "a n..." Up until that point, he always said if "you are a working man, you vote Democrat". Unfortunately since then, his entire family has been on the Faux News bandwagon and believe every lie they spew. if the Republicans had spent half as much time working to make Obamacare better - we would all be better off.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    i think this guy is punking everyone.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      exactly. it's a parody of the supposed target market attitude towards O-care: "If I dont get this from the government, I will have to work for a living"

      Good catch.

    2. Western Life Assurance Insurance Co.10:40 AM

      I agree.

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Agreed. It's sarcastic bullshit from this ass.

    4. Anonymous7:44 PM

      But, he's evidently too stupid to realize that he'spwned himself. There were a lot of people who kept working when their health would have been better served to retire - it was called EARLY retirement for a reason. These aren't never workeds. The are people who worked damn hard early, with the idea that they would retire early,travel (before that became medically/frailty impossible), or maybe even become entrepreneurs and still contribute to the economy as self-employed. But ever rising healthcare costs - or impossible to get insurance -killed that dream for many. The Afordable Care Act has resurrected it - a good old American Dream of work hard, retire early and enjoy your retirement.

      THis plan also opened up jobs for younger workers.

  6. Randall10:47 AM

    Anyone, everyone that stops to think about it must recognize that, unless you are extremely wealthy and/or an already very successful businessman, then the Republican Party has not voted in your interest since Reagan.

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Makes me feel so good to know my health insurance premiums are paying for this guy's gym membership.

    1. Yes, it DOES make me feel good that that guy's health insurance premiums are paying for HIS gym membership as that is exactly the sort of preventative care that can save us millions of dollars.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      11:16 AM
      "Makes me feel so good to know my health insurance premiums are paying for this guy's gym membership."
      Would you feel better to know that "your health insurance premiums" were paying for his diabetes? Or knee and/or hip replacements? Or heart surgery? The man says he needs to lose weight to get healthier. I think it's smart that he's going to take advantage of the gym membership his health insurance offers.

      If you want to blame somebody, blame the gyms who make deals with health insurance companies to offer programs at reduced rates. The gyms do that to increase business but everyone benefits including the health insurance companies.

      You sound like my friend who complains that she's "tired of having to subsidize school lunch programs for poor kids while she pays full price for her kids' lunches".

    3. Anonymous3:45 PM

      The guy is a lard bucket that spend plenty on the junk food he forked into his bulging belly. But his gym membership is from my wallet not his. Same deal for the chain smokers that funded their 3 pack a day habit but want my money for their smoking cessation and lung repairs. It's no accident or twist of fate that they are sick. They had a good time and now they just a free ride.

    4. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Used to be that taxes funded things like gyms in public parks - and the difference is.......?

  8. Anonymous11:23 AM

    He looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. He probably won't get to vote in many more elections. He's not bright enough to realize his the picture of personal irresponsibility. He thinks he's a voice of the tea party, but he's just loud and dumb.

  9. If this guy has that serious of medical problems....why isn't he on Social Security Disability and medicare?

  10. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Ok. Well. Maybe. Bragging about retiring at 50 because Obamacare will cover all his financial and medical needs IS a bit of a stretch. Somehow this doesn't feel like the big favor to Hillary that it's supposed to be, ya know?

  11. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Ok. Well. Maybe. Bragging about retiring at 50 because Obamacare will cover all his financial and medical needs IS a bit of a stretch. Somehow this doesn't feel like the big favor to Hillary that it's supposed to be, ya know?

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      IT doesn't cover his financial needs at all - is he THAT stupid? Medical? He has to pay reasonable premiums - or if he's really poor (doubt that) then Medicaid - unless he's in a state (TeaTHUG guv)that didn't take the Medicaid expansion money.In which case - he's still uninsured and screwed.

  12. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Ok. Well. Maybe. Bragging about retiring at 50 because Obamacare will cover all his financial and medical needs IS a bit of a stretch. Somehow this doesn't feel like the big favor to Hillary that it's supposed to be, ya know?

  13. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Someone sent me an email with a chart of the benefits vs faults of Obamacare, I'll try to track it down and send it to Gryphen. This one showed how the medical costs over time lower, while the people got healthier and didn't need as much attention as now. Diabetes,, blood pressure, obesity and a plethora of other diseases went down, the costs of medicine, in turn, went down. Think of it as an investment in future health.
    I'm not sure what he means by "retirement" at age fifty something, I think he means he doesn't need to go on medicare nor welfare, but he just doesn't seem like the type to be a self made business owner. The biggest clue is that wallpaper and border.
    I like that he realized what "thinking" for oneself can do and he at least understands the ACA has HIS best interest at heart.


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