Thursday, April 16, 2015

For those who believed that Palin's recently released nostalgic bus tour video was all about stepping on Hillary Clinton's toes give yourself a big pat on the back.

So that video was of course released the other day and I covered it on Tuesday.

Here is what Palin posted to her Facebook page just today:

Hmmm, as people all over the country are reminding each other, this Hillary Scooby-Doo Tour thing sure looks familiar. We're flattered the liberals think the idea is really keen! Since it's ‪#‎ThrowbackThursday‬, it's also pretty keen to thank the democrats for taking a page out of our playbook (Yes because NOBODY ever went on a bus tour before Palin.)and also to share the picturesque, sincere, no-media "One Nation" RV trek of ours a few years ago. From way up North in the natural resource-rich state of Alaska down to the inspirational, loud and patriotic Rolling Thunder Rally in DC to a calm clambake on a cool New Hampshire night, it was a blast to introduce American people and places to folks who crave the reminders of what makes our nation exceptional and free! Our tour is proof we dare not go backwards and fundamentally transform America; instead we must move ahead to fundamentally restore all that is good and safe and strong in America. And we're pretty good about doing it without letting the media get in the way. (In fact, it was great to see the media finally have to do what the rest of the middle class does every single day – WORK FOR IT. Though I don't know why they were frustrated not being able to keep up with us, I mean, I was in our bus wrapped in the Constitution!) (Stole that line from Jon Stewart.)

So here's a little secret – a video from the SarahPAC vault that's never been released until now. (I knew it'd come in handy someday.) Makes me want to fire up the RV again, load up the kids... Enjoy! 

- Sarah Palin

So to be clear kids, Hillary is just ripping off Sarah Palin. You know because all good ideas start with Klondike Kardashian. 

Didn't she also accuse Obama of stealing her ideas back in 2008?

Yep she sure did.

Okay could somebody in Palin's family please pay attention to her ?

Clearly she is feeling ignored and left out. And the rest of the country has more important things that need our attention.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    So this insufferable pea-brain now thinks
    SHE invented the whistle-stop campaign?!
    My gawd!
    EVERYthing's about her isn't it?
    Granny Palin needs to put down the crack pipe and crack open a history book.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      She sure is one jealous wench, isn't she?

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      poor poor crosseyed dipshit skank ... always and forever the perpetual victim ...

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      As if SHE had a "RILL" campaign? And where's her tits?
      Did she forget to strap them on?
      Sorry G, could not watch the vid. I've heard enough of her screeching for 10 lifetimes...enough is enough....

    4. Anonymous12:52 PM

      next she'll claim she invented the wheel.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    ROFL. Oh please, Sarah. There is nothing original about political bus tours, and it certainly is not a new thing for Hillary Clinton to do. Hillary and Bill together with Al and Tipper Gore did a bus tour together during the 1992 campaign.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She also did a tour during her Senate run, that's where the Scooby van first got named as such. Sarah is a pathetic, needy, narcissistic joke if she thinks she originated the political bus tour. In fact Barack beat her to it by YEARS!

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      The glaring difference between PayMe's bus tour and the other politicians, is that THEY are serious about their mission. I saw John Kerry's bus tour years ago, long before the appearance of this skank. When she talks about "loading the kids" is she talking about Bristle's kids? Her parents are in their second childhood? With the bad memories from the last bus trip, I doubt if Piper will be eager to repeat that fiasco. Who knew $carah was trying to avoid the press, with the bus festooned with the expensive wrap? Looked more like a pathetic attempt to attract publicity.

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      2:39 The glaring difference between PayMe's bus tour and the other politicians, is that THEY are serious about their mission.
      And their mission was campaigning, not learning for the first time about American history.
      Well, trying to learn.


    4. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Is "loading the kids" Palin-speak for "getting the kids loaded"?

    5. Shouldn't that be reloading the kids?

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Oh isn't she so "with it"!? Throwback thursday.
      What a fuking idjit.

    7. cckids5:45 PM

      Yes, 2:10, I remember Bill Clinton's bus tour back in 1992. He, like all politicians except Palin, just announced that he was doing it, didn't try to claim that he invented it. (because, attention-loving though he was/is, he isn't a delusional f*ckwit)

      And, for anyone who doesn't watch Chris Hayes on MSNBC, he's been having a "Hillary for Millennials" spot each day on his show; you can catch them on MSNBC's web site. It introduces the under-25 set to parts of Hillary's past that those of us who are (ahem) over 40 remember well- the outrage that she didn't dump her maiden name when she got married, the "cookies" remark, and more. Times have changed!

    8. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Exactly, was already done. What an arse. Like anybody who is normal paid any attention to the likes of her. Oh please fantasize on. You already showed everyone you can get boners. Low class the old hag is.
      Nothing like Hill.

  3. Anonymous2:15 PM

    So predictable, so predictably desperate and stinky. Man that bitch sucks.

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Does our sarah ever get tired of the treadmill? Seriously. I ask? Is there anything else in your life that could use your attention or maybe just for plain health reason to stay out of the public eyes, ears and teeth? Notice the people who cannot stay off the tv screen. Addicted to ignorance and treadmills. Sorry saps have zero life.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      For her, more like a hamster wheel.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      The hamster wheel in her head.

  5. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I don't even think her IQ is 83.
    I mean, this latest is pathetic.
    No one loves her enough to get her off the stage.
    That is sad but hey - I love it!.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I don't think her IQ is 83 either. I've been saying for years that she probably is the one who exaggerated and publicized the number 83, thinking it was something to brag about.

  6. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Sarah, just GO AWAY -- by bus or any other conveyance.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Yeah like a house droppin' on her in KANSAS!!! Isn't that where the felled MOH lives? Oh KenFucky? Close enough. only her red fuckin' shoes sticking out, heh...wicked ice bitch....

  7. Anonymous2:24 PM

    sorry screech. in your frantic attempts to rewrite history you always fall flat on your face. remember the Diaper saying it was a vacation?? not even two weeks into it you went home.

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Poor Sarah is just dying to be noticed. I guess the people who advocated just ignoring her were right! She can't stand being ignored.

  9. "Our tour is proof we dare not go backwards and fundamentally transform America"

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Huh? x 1,000

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      "is" proof.
      Does that mean she's headed out again?
      I thought she had an arranged marriage to stage.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:45 PM

      "Our tour is proof we dare not go backwards and fundamentally transform America"

      "...We would have, but my time travel machine-thingy was in the shop!"

    4. Anonymous2:27 AM

      That's smart. Big rigs should do parking pullthrus so they don't have t go backwards.

  10. Anonymous2:30 PM

    $arah, you really think you're the cat's meow. Sorry dear, but you're more like a hair ball.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      + 1,000,000

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Cat piss.... or stinky cat shit!

    3. Anonymous2:27 AM

      worm infested vomit.

  11. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Sarah Palin’s incoherent Facebook brag: “I was in our bus wrapped in the Constitution!”

    Sarah Palin wants you to pay attention to her memories about the media paying attention to her

    In what could be interpreted as a desperate plea for attention — couched as a criticism of desperate pleas for attention — Sarah Palin released a video from the SarahPAC “vault” today that shows reporters chasing her as furiously as they did Hillary Clinton’s “Scooby Van” earlier this week.

    On Monday, Clinton and her aides went out of their way to avoid giving the media gathered at a campaign event in Iowa any opportunity to question her. The image of reporters furiously running after Clinton’s unmarked vehicle quickly became the topic of intense Internet joking.

    In the Facebook post, Palin claims to be speaking for “people all over the country [who] are reminding each other this Hillary Scooby-Doo Tour thing sure looks familiar” — as if she and Hillary Clinton are the only two candidates who have ever dictated the terms of their interaction with the media. Palin correctly notes that, while on her “Our Nation” tour in 2011, her team also refused to release her destination to the media ahead of time.

    But as the video she posted visibly attests, it is not as if it was that difficult for the media to follow her. Unlike Clinton’s “Scooby Van,” which is a nondescript, drably colored vehicle with blacked-out windows, Palin traveled around the country in a red-white-and-blue chartered bus with a giant copy of the Constitution and the “Our Nation” logo plastered on the side.

    1. Making sense of words strung together2:44 PM

      Sarah -- a little lesson in grammar:

      "I was in our bus wrapped in the Constitution."

      I think you meant to say that the bus was wrapped in the Constitution, not that you were in the bus and that you were wrapped in the Constituion. Check with Willow to see which is correct.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      The pee pond thinks she was driving it.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Remember this?

    4. Anonymous5:01 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, check with Willow, the 10th grade dropout gang leader.

    5. DontHatetheGame7:13 PM

      In Palin's mind, she was traveling incognito.

    6. Should have been: "I was in our constitution-wrapped bus."

      For a native speaker, grammar was never Sarah's long suit.

      In fact, For a native speaker she has no grasp of the language at all. Usually people that can't write English can usually speak it, having grown up here. I think there is a fundamental learning disability in Sarah's brain as babies as they grow pick up on the language, deciphering it as they grow up. Sarah has never seemed to have mastered English as a spoken language.

      Which, of course, leads us we really want someone with a damaged brain leading the country? She couldn't lead a state. Couldn't even run a small city by herself. How was she on the city council? Could she function at all?

      If she was fat and ugly, would the media have paid any attention to her at all? Would they still be?

      I think the attention still being paid to Sarah Palin is a bell weather of some serious problems in our society.

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Sorry, Sarah, but you stole the idea for a bus tour from - that's right - BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON

  13. Oh yeah, Palin? Well I say you ripped off your silly bus tour from the John McCain Straight Talk Express, so neener-neener, Palin.

    I am shocked, shocked! that she didn't give credit to the man who plucked her dim-witted carcass out a snow bank and shoved her and her braying idiocy out onto our national stage.

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM

    This just in: Sarah Palin has released the following statement to clarify her Facebook post:

    "It was flandiferous the way people rindiscooled me over my palandrious usification of those wordy thingies. It is tragificating that the same people who pick on me will completely ignorify the fact that President Obama ate a dog one time. The lame stream media has been recalcified in it's horrendicacious agenda to smear my name and that of my lovely daughter, Bristle. She is the most malignificacious of my children and it is undisexcusable that the lame stream media wants to drag our good name through the mud. And remember, I was the real victim of the Tucson shootings. God bless Armenia. You bethca!"

    --Pope George Ringo

    1. Worthy of Beldar J. Conehead.

      I salutatorify you.

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      I almost choked on an Easter M&M at 'flandiferous!'

      Excellent wit and wonderful humor. Thank you (not about almost choking on an M&M though).


  15. Anonymous2:35 PM

    We do NOT want to hear another sound coming out of your maw! You are not even yesterday's news anymore. GET THE MESSAGE AND DISAPPEAR FROM THE NATIONAL NEWS SCENE! Get your meds adjusted, and finally play a decent mother for that poor adopted DS child of yours!

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      There's little thing that called the 1st Amendment, and the cray cray that gets press nowadays she takes full advantage of.

      Heck, if she's headed out, maybe MOH can equip her Volkswagon bus with missiles she can detonate from the inside to keep that big bad ol' lamestream media away chasing her.


    2. Anonymous6:51 PM

      You kidding? As desperate as $carah is for money, she'd putting up a flashing neon sign "C'mon, boys" on anything she rides in - next to the red light.

  16. History Lesson for Sarah Palin2:40 PM

    1992 Clinton-Gore bus tour:

    UTICA, Ohio -- Since they began their eight-state bus tour Friday, Bill Clinton and Albert Gore Jr. have tossed a football, worn blue jeans, played miniature golf, hugged their wives and spoken twice in front of likenesses of John F. Kennedy.

    They're casting themselves as youthful activists, a new generation of political leadership that is heir to Mr. Kennedy and is in touch with everyday Americans.

    Audiences have loved it, so far.

    The candidates were enthusiastically welcomed yesterday by an overflow crowd at a community center in Weirton, W.Va. And later, hundreds of people lined the street outside the Stone Presbyterian Church in Wheeling where Mr. Clinton changed from jeans into a suit and appeared on an interfaith religious television cable network program.

    Their itinerary also included a visit to an employee-owned steel mill in Weirton, W.Va., and a potluck dinner with farmers in Utica, Ohio, the half-way point of the candidates' 1,000-mile journey to St. Louis.

  17. Shooting Bunnies2:40 PM

    This is an article written by my friend, Matt Osborne. Check out the picture of Obama. It is perfect!

  18. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Run Sarah Run, Puhleeeeze.

    1. Western Life Assurance Insurance Co.3:32 PM

      Lol...she's not running for anything...oh right...she's running from the one that made her resign...people don't forget hu Sarah...smirk...head tilt...I can breath when I quit laughing...

  19. Anonymous2:43 PM

    So, so, so mentally ill.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM


    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      this Bitch needs to be checked in on a MENTAL HOLD. dingdong? nobody's home.

  20. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Do you seriously think you invented the "bus tour?"

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      She thinks no one in the country had heard of the Lincoln Memorial or Paul Revere until SHE "introduced" them to us. The mind is well and truly boggled.

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Every time I think she couldn't possibly embarrass herself more, she does.

    3. Anonymous2:50 AM

      3:35 I know, right?

      That is her one true talent: embarassing herself.
      Kudos to her for making it a lucrative skill.

  21. Anonymous2:51 PM

    AHEM! Could I just point one the most salient fact? Hillary Clinton HAS declared she is running for POTUS. Sarah Palin WAS in fact running for president but her bus tour was a total failure. Only the media were interested in Sarah Palin's little bus jaunt. The expected crowds chanting "Run Sarah Run" stayed home and locked their doors because nobody wants Sarah Palin as president.

    Make no mistake, that WAS Sarah Palin's run for president, which is why she went all the way up north to try and shit on Mitt Romney's announcement and why she hung around in Iowa like the smell of hogshit. In her sick mind she WAS running against Romney and Bachmann. The media guessed that on Day One.

    But Sarah Palin didn't have the guts to declare, and she never will because she is completely gutless.

    Nobody is interested in Sarah. The media have forgotten she ever existed. America is past bored with her publicity stunts.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      in palin's mind shes already running against Hillary. hey brain dead. your 15 minutes is up.somebody get the Hook and drag her off the stage! sarah-you r pathetic.

  22. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Sarah is ignored! Sarah is ignored!!!! HaHa!

    Neener, neener, Sarah, the crowds are following the other bus tours,candidates and serious contenders. You are a bad hiccup in the history books.

    No one paying attention to Sarah Palin is a great transformation of America.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      In fairness, it's rather difficult to "follow" a bus tour that happened years ago.

  23. History, with Mizz Crabapple2:56 PM

    Looking into the misty past, I see Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and even Richard Nixon campaigning in whistle-stop tours around the country.
    That means they were on the back platforms of their trains, Sarah, when the trains pulled into a town where people gathered to hear the candidate.
    State and local candidates who did something similar are too numerous to mention.
    Hillary Clinton traveled the length and breadth of New York State when she ran for Senate in 2000.
    The Clintons and Gores famously traveled at least 1,000 by bus in 1992.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      One more difference-- everyone one mentioned was running for office. Sarah was just running around to promote herself, tease the media, drum up attention for herself and donations for her PAC,

      My guess is that she had already been told by the GOP that she was not to run as a presidential candidate in 2012. The bus tour was her way of showing the GOP what a media magnet Sarah Palin was. Unfortunately for Palin, she attracted the media and got publicity for goofing the stories of Paul Revere and the Statute of Liberty, for having to ride behind someone else when she crashed the motorcycle ride, and we got to watch bratty Piper push reporters and tell them off. Unlike everyone else, Sarah was just running around.

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Remember she was not allowed at the 12 RNC and said she had rented a building down the street for her own function that never happened.

      Let her try it again, she only makes a bigger fool of herself.

  24. Anonymous2:57 PM

    OT but it involves Palin;

    Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard.

    Palin better not bitch. As waterboarding muslims is only baptism according to Sarah, isn't dumping christians at sea by msulims baptism also, too?

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      By Sarah Palin's standards it would be baptism. It was 'Allah sorting it out'.

  25. Anonymous2:59 PM

    What "kids", Sarah? Trig and his nanny? You think Piper wants to be dragged away from snapping her raunchy bathroom selfies?

    What "kids"?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Trotting out the newest prop power couple MOH and Brissy are ya, $arah? Like we didn't see THAT one coming when it was announced. Last time, Piper pushed reporters; a punch to the nards this time? Will warrior body Track be there?

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      What a splendid honeymoon for the new power couple! Tooling around 'Murika with the MIL educating the masses about guns and freedoms--all of them; any of them.

  26. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I donated to SarahPAC ...forgive me, I have sinned.

    While cleaning, I found a $100 dollar bill under the sofa. It was Monopoly money. Decided to send it to SarahPAC knowing it is running low.

    I sent it "postage due" with no return address. It will cost the PAC 49 cents to get my donation.

    You're welcome Sarah.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I have wanted to do this forever!
      Nice call,we all should!

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      How thoughtful of you.

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      No it won't. They can refuse it (and probably will -- wouldn't you?) and it won't cost them a cent. Unfortunately all you did was make extra work for USPS employees, and cost the USPS time and money it can ill afford. After they refuse it, your letter will go to the dead letter office where it will be opened in an attempt to determine if it can be returned to who sent it.

    4. SallyinMI7:38 PM

      Well, I can afford .49. How about we send it in a stamped envelope. Bet someone tries to cash that Monopoly money!

    5. Anonymous8:24 PM

      nah- she'll open it thinking its $$.

    6. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Are you serious, 6:28?

      " was one of the busiest days ever in the mailroom... (sobbing) and we thought everything was under control, and then out of nowhere this 'postage due' envelope addressed to SarahPAC turned up... oh God, there were gunshots! Screaming... a stampede... so much blood and monopoly money-- I blacked out. When I woke up, I was missing three fingers, my virginity, and a spleen, and now I'm unemployed. That damned envelope! Thanks a lot, asshole @ 2:59."

    7. Anonymous2:52 AM

      Hell, I'd even donate a stamp then to send her monopoly money if that makes 6:28 feel better!

  27. What a maroon. she crashed Rolling Thunder, got the cold shoulder and she never went again. she's a freakin idiot.

    she was the one teasing the msm because she'd refused to state she wasn't running for President. Altho all of us knew what a fraud she was (then and now), the msm took longer to comprehend this obvious fact. Hell we even made fun of how the msm was fawning over this fraud.

    Funny when she was playing that silly little game of cat and mouse with the msm she claimed she wasn't playing that game, back then. It was all innocent. GMAFB We knew!!

    she almost got caught in a storm in New England trying to beat romney out of his presidential announcement. she just couldn't let romney take the headlines (altho the evil witch knew she wasn't running.)

    That's one of the reasons romney kicked her old ugly ass out of the rnc. HAHAHA bitch. Keep with the small old white viagra killing-is-fun crowds.

    Now your christian ass sounds more ignorant, silly, tired, vengeful and ridiculous.

    The hammer is a coming for you, you retarded shameless bitch.

    1. abbafan5:57 PM

      Game of Life - the moron said her and Pimp Toad crashed the bike tour since she got off on exhaust fumes; both of those fuckin' idiots are certifiably brain-dead!

  28. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Grow up you mental fucking moron. This is even more childish than usual. Imagine this idiot in a debate with Hillary.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Oh, that glaze-doughnut-eyeballed pee puddle thinks she'd wipe the floor with Hillary in a debate. What a hoot --- bring it, $arah, you coward. Let's just see what "rill" America thinks of you.

  29. Anonymous3:05 PM

    One more time, Sarah, just in case you missed my comment the first time. The difference between you and Hillary is this; you have never run for President and Hillary is running for President. You will never be President and Hillary will. Fuck you, you psychopathic, self-centered twit.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      She was running for VICE president, dammit, it was the Palin/McCain ticket, she even said so herself. hahahaha

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Scarah has also never been a US Senator, been a Secretary of State, been gainfully employed in a CAREER, got a legitimate college degree, etc, She has also never been a successful First Lady - a difficult position. Hillary has done that twice - Arkansas and the US. ANd we can't imagine $toopid $carah beign able to do ANY of those.

  30. Edward R. Murrow3:06 PM

    Sarah, you are one of the luckiest skunks alive -- your "no media" message comes along just as Facebook and twitter allow you to bypass the regular press -- seasoned professionals -- and shout out any absurdity you want to, for free.
    You act as though "the media" is your enemy. But Facebook and twitter are "media," too, spreading your word salad across this great and exceptional country of ours.

    But, really, your teasing the mainstream media is a taunt that's become stale and pointless. You jumped around playing cat and mouse with them in 2011, when you really were a story, and they were trying to find out what you were doing and saying. You teased them. You love to tease.

    But, if you got on your big ol' bus now, four years later, a local radio reporter with nothing else on his schedule might show up to tape what you were screeching about to play on the 6 p.m. news.

    You can bet money on the fact that the national press will simply shake their heads and say, "Our news budgets are stretched thin as it is, following around the GOP clown car. We don't want to waste a dime listening to an ex-clown, who has already told the world everything she's ever learned about American history, which is at the second grade level."

  31. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Watch out for Sarah in her new bus tour. It'll be wrapped in theConstitution AND Bristol and Dakota's engagement photo on it. It will have Meyer's MOH image peppered all over it. Guns, Tripp and Sarah with trophy hog. The tour will be called "The Union of the Century" Tour, supported by SarahPac and Weddings R-Us.

    1. abbafan6:04 PM

      The fuckin' liar fleeced her rubes and flew in on a fuckin' Lear jet! She only got on that bus for her daily "constitutional",because she is so full of shit!

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Also, too, remember the Piper Pushing Incident. That took place first thing in the morning as they were emerging from having spent the night (and the next) at a 5 Star hotel in New York.

      No sleeping on the bus for the Palins.

    3. Anonymous6:59 PM

      I thought she sold the bus or maybe they couldn't find a buyer.

  32. Like Palin invented the bus tour?

    Perhaps she is reminding us that just because you can wave a flag doesn't mean you know squat about U.S. history.

    How many lanterns Sarah? Tell us again about Paul Revere, also too.

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sarah would do anything at this point to get attention. Even on Gryphen's posts here, one's that would have garnered 1,000 replies 6 yrs ago rarely get over 100 or 150.

  34. Oh yeah witch. Nobody believes this was in your 'vault.' You just made this bullshit vid because the jealousy is killing you. You know damn well you can't come close to Hillary, ON ANYTHING.


    Lying simple lonely clown. hahahaha

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      You owe an apology to clowns everywhere.

  35. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Every time she brings up her bus tour, the idjit is just reminding people of epic fails like Paul Revere's ride, the pathetic attempt to divert attention from Romney's announcement, and the fact that the tour just kinda sorta sizzled out.

  36. The pee ponders are laughing at Clinton's "bus tour". They are so stupid they don't even realize the biggest difference is that Hillary is running for POTUS and Sarah just ran around in a bus for a few weeks, attempting to upstage other candidates while prick teasing her supporters into send more money to her PAC.

  37. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sarah, the whole purpose of your 2011 tease tour was to get attention and donations.

    If you had treated the press with respect, you'd have got much less coverage.

    I dare you to show us the receipts for all the places you stayed from wonderful Alaska all the way over to hot and humid D.C., where the Rolling Thunder folks didn't want you, up to the New Hampshire clambake that you scheduled to coincide with Mitt Romney's announcement of his candidacy.

    In how many airplanes did you fly? In how many hotels/motels did you stay? How many of your "family" were actually on this eye-opening tour of yours? Was it a vacation, and therefore something you paid for our of your own pocket, or was it a campaign event, charged to SarahPAC? Did you repay the PAC for the expenses of your family?

    Out of all the historic stops you made, why couldn't you have taken the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and found out what it was all about, instead of parking in lot over in New Jersey and using Lady Liberty as a photo op?

    Oh, and really finally, the Democratic Party is always spelled with a capital "D." You wouldn't want your tea baggers or the republicans reduced to lower case, would you?

  38. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Once upon a time, candidates did whistle stop campaigns. Yeah, they took the train. The railroad. And, it was much easier for the press to keep "track" of their schedule.

    RJ in BBistan

  39. Sarah is a jealous one no doubt. And an ignorant one too. Politicians have been on bus tours since we had buses. And before we had buses, the politicians went on trains to meet the voters.

    But Sarah Palin is not a politician, she just plays one on TV.

    Sit down Sarah and let Hillary show you how it's really done.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Next she'll be taking the train across the country and telling us that FDR and Eisenhower stole the idea from her.

      What a loon.

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Sarah Palin is not a politician, she just plays one on TV. She doesn't even do that. She hasn't been on Fox since the end of January. Please don't call SPC TV because Sarah offers a handful of 2-3 minute film clips on any number of issues. Even her Pee fans know that the little videos have been stockpiled and do not comment on current affairs. Sarah just pretends to offer "political opinion" which is really just her immature hate speech, posted on her facebook.

    3. SallyinMI7:33 PM

      She and O'Reilly ought to write a book "The Killing of Reality."

    4. Anonymous2:54 AM

      And before busses there were whistle stop train tours.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Which kids are you planning to load up on your new RV excursion?
    Bristol lives in Kentucky and is supposedly planning her wedding. Also, she's taking care of her own child -- your grandchild.
    Willow appears to be having fun and sun in Cabo. I doubt you'll lure her back to a lurching, diesel-smelling bus trip.
    Piper didn't like the "vacation" four years ago. As a pre-teen, she'll like it even less.
    Trig? You didn't take him with you four years ago. Is he ready for it now? Will you be including Jill Haddassah?
    Your parents each have had serious health problems since 2011. Better ask their doctors if a long bus ride is in their best interests nowadays.

    That leaves you and Todd....and Track, if you can find him.

    I guess your family fun days are a thing of the past.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I guess that Sarah will have to find some new props. Welcome to the family, Dakota.

  42. Crystal Sage3:29 PM

    Sarah must be really upset that a woman is running for president - really running. She'd like to think of herself as the only female worthy of running for president. Of course she has to draw attention her way, so she hauled out edited clips of her Hysterical History Tour. Maybe her die-hard fan or two will be pleased, but those with working memories will know otherwise. Another fail for the Quitter Queen. Cripes, she even quit that tour.

  43. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Has $arah ever done or said anything that isn't an epic failure? What a maroon!

  44. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The stench of pathetic desperation is thick with that one.

  45. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Since only Trig's around to take on your 2015 tour, maybe it would be cheaper for you to just use a van with a child's car seat in the back. You can stop at Chik-fil-A for dinners and Papa John's for variety. It would take you, let's say 10 days, traveling fast, and trading off the driving with Todd, to get over to the East Coast, without too many stops along the way.

    All told, you'd have three weeks or more as a family, you and Todd and Trig. Better get packing, Sarah. Don't forget the dog bowl, bed, and food for Jill Haddassah.

    You could save money by calling up Mitt Romney and John McCain and asking if you could stay at one of their many houses along the way. (Don't forget to tip the household help when you leave.)
    Also, too, Donald Trump has plenty of places to put you up, including in his near-to-failure Atlantic City casino. Scott Walker would surely welcome you to the governor's mansion in Wisconsin;
    Ted Cruz will show you his hacienda in Texas; Marco Rubio can point out where the Spaniards first landed at Saint Augustine. Oh, and Bobby Jindal will show you the sights and sounds of New Orleans.
    You and Todd and Trig will have quite a summer! How lucky you are to have so many GOP friends!

  46. Randall3:53 PM

    Lighten up, Gryph
    ...she's just grifting the rubes.

  47. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Gotta love her stupidity, kind of makes Charlie Manson made sense. OK, Sarah, where's your patent license for electioneering from vehicles? Or your patent for those "Fireside Chats" you have at the gates of hell provided by the largess of Fox News? Keep the fantasy going for those less mentally fortunate, you know, the knuckle dragging pinheads who drool while sending you checks and spare change.
    Woo Hoo, throw your hat into the ring, but remember when you had pillow abs sitting next to Janet Napolitano opining about Hillary and "any percieved whine".

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I remember that. The Queen of Whining was belittling candidate Hillary for being overwhelmed, tired, and teary at some restaurant gathering of women.

  48. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Back on September 6, 2014, Sarah and her family made a famous tour. They got loaded, then crammed all the kids into a stretch limo, crashed a party and the rest is history.

    Ya think Sarah can't advertise what she stands for? Think again!

  49. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Just posted on fb...a little different story than what CK said during his interview with Howard Stern! I will post link once I find it again.

  50. Anonymous4:08 PM

    How Louis CK remembers it on Howard Stern.

  51. Anonymous4:16 PM

    This is all aimed at the mush minded fools (c4p) who send her money. The endless grift continues.

  52. more like #fuckyouFriday

  53. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Doesn't look like very many people are watching that amateur video. This really makes her look pathetic and jealous, this was really a silly thing to do. Low budget and amateur...just illustrates the difference between real politicians and a celebrity just trying to get a few more donations. This is sad. I think I almost (almost) feel embarrassed for her.

  54. Anonymous4:46 PM

    She has the mind of a monsterous five year old in need of constant attention.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      and a good spanking.

  55. Anonymous4:48 PM

    The family is just pulling a "Weekend At Bernie's" scenario for whatever PAC money is still out there to grift. I don't think she is with us anymore. Always using old photos and videos, and they're using a body double for her very rare and brief appearances in public.

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Lol!! Good one, 4:48.

  56. Didn't Hillary travel to every county of New York State on a listening tour back when she first ran for the Senate? NOW I know where Granny Grifter got the idea from...

  57. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I see screech is back to whining about bo bergdahl Again. shes right that we shouldn't have exchanged those 5 men for bo. (she was For his release before she was against it)instead we should have exchanged YOU for bo. we could have resolved 2 problems and been done with it.

  58. Anonymous5:10 PM


    Bill clinton did a bus tour in 1992. But thanks for playing, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Geez, Lincoln did a train tour...everyone did back then. Sarah is the biggest ego that ever lived (well, OK...there would be a long list, but she's near the top.)

  59. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "it's also pretty keen to thank the democrats for taking a page out of our playbook"
    -Sarah Palin

    Oh yeah Sarah Palin everything you do everybody is going to copy it from your playbook.

    If a no talent crossed eye wannabe sportscaster screws a black collegiate basketball player for an interview, does that mean she copied it from your playbook?

    If a wife has an idea that her husband is a pimp and knows that members of a local police department is covering up for his family and destroyed evidence, does that mean the wife copied it from your playbook?

    If a mother's promiscuous high school daughter gives birth before graduating high school, does that mean the mother copied it from your playbook?

    If a governor of a state who quits 1/2 through her first term, becomes a multimillionaire and doesn’t put her children through college, does that mean the governor copied it from your playbook?

    Sarah take it personally that Immoral Minority's readers looks at you as a narcissistic pompous ass.

  60. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Granny Grifter is just so pathetic. Like many who are not well read, $arah thinks she's the original no matter what she thinks up or what new lunacy she embarks on.

    Her Palinbots are no better.

    Speculation and infighting in the PeePond is still rife, with a nutcase called DeeDeethree quoting a bunch of bullshite prophecy claiming that $arah is destined to be President.

    We've all heard it before, but these people have to have their heads slapped yet again when Caribou Barbie "regrets" she can't run for President.

    The weeping and howling from the Pond was a lot of fund on Oct 5, 2011.

    I predict it will be even better this year after the Witch from Wasilla teases another fake run, and then bows out like the idiot she is.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I think Sarah will have to fight Cruz over that 'prophecy." His Cuban daddy told him HE is destined to lead this nation.I think Mittens is still sure that HE is the ordained savior...the GOP sure is full of themselves...isn't there something in Revelation about 'false Gods.' I think we are seeing them all wrapped up in one party..let the fighting begin.

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Thank you, 7:27 PM.

  61. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Hi Sarah, Please keep reminding us about how you were the first politician to get into a bus and ride around the country. Oh, wait a minute. You weren't running for anything in 2011 when Piper thought it was a family vacation and half the family wasn't there. It was a campaign all right, a campaign for SarahPAC which was plastered all over the big wrapped bus.

    It's good to remember that bus trip because that's when Sarah showed how little she knew about Paul Revere, the Statue of Liberty and just about anything else. Yes, Palin was good at attracting media attention, just like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, celebrity stuff, not serious politician stuff. In the end, Sarah never ran in 2012 and the republicans didn't include her in the 2012 convention. She lost in 2008 and she has been a loser every since.

  62. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Isn't Bristol on a 'born again virgin' sleepover tour? Isn't Track on a Rehab tour? Isn't Todd on a Pimp Daddy tour? Isn't Willow on a vodka swilling/marijuana smoking tour in Mexico? Isn't Tripp on a school dropout tour?

  63. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Sarah's latest facebook is a contest of who wore the best earrings, Sarah or Melissa Harris Perry? Hint, Sarah wore bullets and Melissa has her own TV talk show. Somebody needs to be noticed. Aw, no one is paying attention to Sarah anymore.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Melissa Harris-Perry wore those TWO YEARS ago...Ms Palin is just noticing it now?

  64. Anonymous5:18 PM

    If Sarah Palin ever runs for president (not in Sarah Palin's or our lifetime), does that mean Sarah Palin copied it from Hillary Clinton’s playbook?


  65. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sarah is right. She invented the Bus Tour to Nowhere. Everyone else who rode a campaign bus was running for public office. Sarah was trying to prove to the Republican Power Boys that she could still attract a lot of attention, so she put together that poorly planned advertising stunt, disguised as a family vacation or Sarah's attempt to teach us American History.

    What Sarah proved to the Republicans was that she was too big a laughing stock to be considered a Republican candidate for president. She topped her 2008 stupidity with her explanations about Paul Revere and the Statue of Liberty. It was all about attracting attention and upstaging Mitt. Sarah has the unique distinction of running a bus trip that went no place. She did not run in 2012. And, she won't run in 2016. All she is doing is hoping to collect donations to her PAC, which is about work she does these days.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Small correction...those who work FOR her. She doesn't work at all anymore, just sits on her make believe throne and snipes behind social media.

      Thelast time she was on Fox was late January. Is that why she came down on them in Iowa? Pobrecita, puta.

  66. Anonymous5:47 PM


    This latest from the WGE is beyond stupidity!

  67. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I was in our bus wrapped in the Constitution!
    Wasn't she sued for copyright infringement and later settled out of court for the bus wrap?

    This is getting down right pathetic, I wish someone would come forward with the goods on Sarah's criminal activities and put her out of her misery, she is isn't going to make it to 2016:)

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      I do believe that was meant to be know, the horny white guys that are her base visualizing her 'wrapped up in the Constitution" and nothing else?

  68. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Taking us down memory lane with all of her gaffes, makes you kind of wonder if she had a nervous breakdown.

    Sarah Palin Accuses Hillary Clinton Of Stealing Her Mystery Bus Tour Idea

    "......This is the life of a grifter. Sarah Palin’s whole career is aimed at splashing herself with glory while filling her bank accounts with the cash of rubes. Lucky for her there is an oversupply of them in the Republican/Tea Party that is anxious to throw their money at dimwitted figureheads."

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Those few remaining Palin F-tards are just too bull-headed to admit they were wrong. And
      embarrassingly wrong, I might add!

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I've often thought her life is now guided by "puppy uppers and doggie downers" as we used to say 30 years ago. She disappears for long periods of time after appearances.

  69. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Ahh ... memories! I remember how Rolling Thunder didn't want her there and she and her entourage behaved quite poorly.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Piper pushed the reporters. When Sarah tried to get Piper to give the reporters some flowers as an apology, Piper balked and Sarah had to hand out the flowers herself. Thanks for spoiling the Palin's Family Vacation when there wasn't much family there.

      And Sarah's take on American History was wonderful. That should be her next book, with Paul Revere firing those warning shots, ringing those bells and warning the British that the colonists were coming.

  70. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Here is the reality of Obama stealing her idea for bus tour:
    Fox Nation vs. Reality: On Palin Bus Tour


    Really? Please note the “Obama 08″ poster on Fox Nation’s photo proving that Obama obviously used buses before Sarah Palin did. Seriously, it’s their own photo. Yet Fox implies that Palin invented the political bus tour? Are they daft? (Don’t answer that). Palin didn’t even come up with an original name for her road trip. She copied the name, “One Nation,” from the progressive and union movement that held a rally in Washington, D.C., last October.

    I think that the Fox Nationalists are actually pretty close to the truth this time. They just left out a small detail. Palin didn’t invent the political bus tour, she invented the “aborted” political bus tour. As we know, the cross-country trip that Palin planned (and is still promoting on her SarahPac web site) lasted all of six days and never made it past New Hampshire. Then she blatantly lied when asked about why the tour came to a screeching halt:

    Palin: “Imagine our surprise when reading media reports today that the ‘One Nation Tour’ has been cancelled…The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan.”

    The only problem is that, unlike every other Alaskan, she never showed up for jury duty. In fact, she wasn’t even in Alaska. A few days after making her jury excuse for quitting the bus tour, she turned up at the debut of her crockumentary, “The Undefeated,” in Pella, Iowa. Incidentally, the film was a rip-roaring failure at the boxoffice and is already heading to video and the discount bins at WalMart.

    Sarah Palin is a pitiful joke. ......

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      LOL Back in 2007 the Obama campaign bus completely full on November 5, 2007.

      "Barack Obama's Iowa press guy, Josh Earnest, tells me the media bus tailing the Illinois senator's "Change we can believe in" tour of southeast Iowa this week is full - all seats spoken for.

      It seems the press is eager to see how Obama reacts to John Edwards's aggressive attacks on Hillary Clinton, and to the New York senator's complaints of "piling on" among her male rivals for the Democratic nomination. "

      On November 5 the Palin cabinet was still worried about getting the new tanning bed installed in Juneau.

    2. Anonymous12:50 AM

      Palin invented The Bus to Nowhere for No Apparent Reason Tour.

  71. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Sarah Palin was the first to:

    Offer up her 15 year old pregnant daughter for political gain.
    Fake a childs birth for political gain.
    Started a PAC to enrich herself.

    crap, listing her bs could take days!

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      and the baby got thrown out with the bathwater. did trig outlive his usefulness Sarah?the old switcheroo Bombed. so will the moh-medal of dishonor prop./pig farmer.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Gee $arah.. Trig's worn out. Barstool turned the 'great tike hope', Tripp, into a creepy star of kid prono. Unfortunately those $1/month subscriptions are all sticky. Thank the bearded-guy-in-the-sky for D'oh-koda.

  72. As Nicole Wallace said, "Because you're just like Hillary..."

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      But a whole lot dumber.

  73. Anonymous6:47 PM

    " Our tour is proof we dare not go backwards and fundamentally transform America;"

    One word comes to mind: Pompoustwat

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Is RAM now off your payroll, too,$arah? We've all seen your tweets which were, 'huh?" but at least she tried to make you sound intelligent on Facebook.

    2. Anonymous4:13 AM

      Come on RAMster!! Write that book. Rich beyond your dreams..... And saved. You are smart . Have some self esteem!

  74. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Whats with the westernlife assurance ins. someones mentioning. life insurance? is track dead?

  75. Anonymous7:38 PM

    You know she actually believes that all those people who are actual politicians holding actual political office think about her all day every day. She has no clue what they do. Remember, this is a person nominated to be VP who didn't know what that office is all about. Damn we dodged a bullet! Scary to think of it now...

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      She's waiting for the clarion call, "you love me, you really love me." If enough people want her to run, she will with that big ol' servant's heart she has. Right, $arah?

      We're calling you out. C'mon, honey, you've got the Koch money in your pocket. Bring it. Waiting for the last minute to put in your "I can't because effed up family" excuse behind your friend Cruz? Do you think we did not know what his visit to your house was?

      You're going to have to cool your meds, dearie. I, for one, as many, can see what you;re up to a foot away, MOH and all. How is Trig, by the way? Track? Bring it, we know who you are.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      "i don't think about Sarah Palin"
      -- candidate Barack Hussein Obama 2008
      And he STILL doesn't.

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      did Cruz offer to show you his big Surprise Sarah? I'll show you mine if you show me yours? we know everything in your world comes back to something sexual.

    4. Anonymous10:53 AM

      wallow says screech has a crush Barry. i doubt if Michelle would share. we can sell tickets to the beat down she'd give you on the white house lawn. they ran you off last time you tried to get near him.

  76. @Conga18:10 PM

    Off topic, but funny. From University of Wisconsin in The Daily Cardinal, by Lindsay Briggs -- "Sarah Palin announces new career as taxidermist"

  77. Anonymous8:53 PM

    One is running for President.
    One went on a weird vacation.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      One will be a great President,
      One will continue to be a joke.

  78. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I wish someone who could post to her FB or at the PeePond would post this for her--

    or this-

  79. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Skank fb post and wtf does this sentence mean?

    " A takeaway, though, is that wearing ammo in my ears was purposefully not a subliminal message; it was blatant in contrast to liberal MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry's choice of earrings."

    Purposefully not a subliminal message?
    It was blatant in contrast?

    Go away you shrew/idiot/wannabe/fake/grifter/hating whore!

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Ammo in her ears??
      Bullet fascimile earrings??
      She's low IQ.

  80. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Did Sarah Palin Carry Out the Biggest Hoax in American Political History?

    ...The theory is that Sarah Palin is actually thegrandmother of her purported son Trig, not the mother, and that she staged a gigantic hoax during the campaign to cover up this fact....

    The press release Palin put out announcing Trig's birth did not say where the birth took place. The hospital where Trig was supposedly born did not list him as being among the babies born that day. The hospital where Trig was supposedly born lacks pre-natal intensive care, which made it a "less-than-ideal" place to deliver a child with Down syndrome. Palin was close to several hospitals in Texas and Anchorage that did have these facilities ...

    The hospital where Trig was supposedly born lacks pre-natal intensive care, which made it a "less-than-ideal" place to deliver a child with Down syndrome. Palin was close to several hospitals in Texas and Anchorage that did have these facilities...

    Two months earlier, when Palin announced her pregnancy to her staff (at 7 months), her staff was shocked: No one thought she looked pregnant.... 

    Photos of Palin in the weeks before she gave birth gave no indication that she was pregnant....

    After Trig's birth, the McCain campaign issued a bizarre statement ....

    During the campaign, Palin had promised the press that she would release her medical records. The night before the election, she did. The section from her personal physician about Trig's birth was worded in a way that it barely said anything...

    Nothing in the doctor's statement suggested that the doctor was present for the birth, and the doctor declined to answer any questions...

    The editor of the Anchorage paper tried to explain to Palin why he wanted to investigate the issue: To determine once and for all that it wasn't a hoax. Palin never responded ....

    All Palin would have had to do—then and now—to prove that she was Trig's mother was, ironically, produce a birth certificate...

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      They only touched on all the improbabilities and impossibilities of the pregnancy and alleged medical care.
      But , at least they ask the question.
      Add CBJ not a high risk OB. Not insured or credentialed for high risk OB. MatSu also not credentialed to INDuce delivery of a high risk pregnancy.
      Palin flat as a pancake in March and HUGE IN gusty photo a few weeks lare??

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Bristol had a Baby.that baby was switched for the ds baby. Sarah "gave birth" to a spongebob squarepants pillow.

  81. Anonymous10:37 PM

    So, we know Sarah and Hillary are joined at the ball joint intersection of scientolgist and fat fuck (Greta and John). So now you want us to believe they are adversaries?

  82. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Who calls something "keen"--not once, but twice?

  83. Anonymous6:05 AM

    How can anyone not question Sarah Palin's fake pregnancy?

    Sarah Palin's belly grew from a square flat seat cushion to pregnant belly within the blink of an eye , the same way her breast grew.

    Why the press didn't question this overnight miracle was astonishing.

    Either Sarah Palin was retarded or just plain stupid with this fake pregnancy.

    Where did Trig come from? From Bristol or was he birthed by a prostitute or girlfriend?

    Didn't Sarah Palin have a tubal ligation after Piper was born? Didn't Sarah use that for an excuse not to drive when it was her turn to drive the kids carpool to school?


    Did Dr Cathy Baldwin - Johnson deliver Ruffles or did she arrive after he was born?

  84. Anonymous8:58 AM

    as has been discussed ruffles didn't represent what Mccain wanted to present to America as a sympathic society. fas is self inflicted. ds isnt. somebody has that baby. possibly a foster facility. ears don't change overnight. the baby in the first pics had the classic elf ears of a fas baby. the ds baby didn't.

  85. Anonymous9:06 AM

    shes correct in saying trig is Sarah's baby. she adopted him. the first baby trip-tri-g was given up and replaced with ds trig2.

  86. "I can see Russia from my bus!"

    The 'Whining Wannabe from Wasilla' ... desperately craving attention and arrogantly believing that she is at the center of the political universe .. engages in yet another online "petty party".


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