Wednesday, April 15, 2015

For those who have been asking how the Palin wild child is doing, well Willow seems to be living the high life.

A photo posted by @wbf_ on
According to Willow's Instagram she is currently in Cabo.

Well gee Track gets replaced by a more impressive, though potentially suicidal, version of himself, who Bristol is being married off to in order to increase the family's social media presence and attract more SarahPAC donations, while Willow gets to hang out at a beach in Mexico while riding a freaking horse.

Well I think we know who's the REAL favorite these days, don't we?

Come to think of it she's always been my favorite as well, because she clearly does not take shit from anybody.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Is that her "Jane of the Jungle"look? It isn't real safe to ride a horse barefooted, but then this family never listens to anyone anyway. Nice chest, there Wills. I bet Mama is really jealous!

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      chubby little rascal ain't she ...

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      She isn't chubby. She's beautiful. Why do you feel the need to criticize her body?

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I agree, she's beautiful. I hope the best for her. She's always stayed above the fray other than defending her big sister. I bear her no ill will. She appears to being taking advantage of her mom's good fortune rather than becoming a petty, sniping, little bitch like her mom as brissy became.

    4. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Neither her or your jealousy are chubby. She is a pretty young woman and your jealousy must weigh three hundred pounds. I loathe that whole family but that doesn't mean I can't admit some of them are physically attractive, mainly Willow.

    5. Anonymous8:25 PM

      meh. I am totally indifferent. I do not care a whit what she does.

    6. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Don't forget her behavior in high school: drinking, breaking into houses to party, dropping out like her siblings...she is lovely, but she has the morals of a ..well, a Palin.

    7. Anonymous9:25 PM

      me jealous ?!? ain't nobody in that KKKlan of grifters I'd trade places with, not a single last one of 'em, no way, no how ! no, not even the wanna be gangsta willow ..

    8. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Technically none are dropouts. Willow homeschooled with Marisa m so she could finish early like a lot of people. Bristol had the same notions of finishing early.

      And Anon 8:26 you describe everyone here and saint Levi and wife.

      Just saying. None of these kids were bad.

    9. Anonymous10:51 PM

      I'm surprised she's Gryphen's favorite, she's a total homophobic POS! After she ranted on Facebook posting homophobic slurs it should come as no surprise that it was most likely Willow who taught little Tripp the word F*ggot! She may not take crap from anyone but that's not make her worthy of being the favorite Palin. They are all basically horrible people!

    10. Anonymous11:08 PM! She's definitely on the thick and boxy side, I can understand why someone would use the word chubby but she really isn't chubby. She's short and she's on the thick side, it doesn't matter how many times she goes to the doctor in AZ to have the fat wrap procedure, she'll never be thin because of her body type. Which is totally fine BTW. Her hair, on the other hand, looks trashy! That's the real tragedy cause she cuts hair for a living.

    11. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Oh Alicia, you don't know any of the Palins and they hate and fear you. Why don't you lay off of Levi once in a while. I'm sure he and Sunny hate you do, just like we all do. I wish you every bit of the misery you constantly give to everyone else, you psychopath.

    12. Anonymous5:04 AM

      Who really cares? That's D-list celeb stuff, of no interest to serious folks. It's her seditious mother who should be the center of our attention- she and the traitors who thought she could be VP

    13. Anonymous5:05 AM

      SHe is a midget with an ugly soul like all the Palins.

    14. Anonymous6:02 AM

      Anonymous9:42 PM
      Oh!? So you approve of Breaking and Entering while on drugs doing 30K damages? Just sayin'?
      And the Brawl?
      And the Bus Brakes cut line?
      And Willows homophoblic rants?
      Well alright just so we know where you stand troll!

    15. Anonymous6:06 AM

      If she was 4'9 she would not look so squatty and fat/chubby.

      How old is she?

      Her boobs are those of an old woman who had a few babies.

  2. I think Willow looks very pretty here. If I were her, I'd stay as far away from my family as possible! Someone in that family needs a real life and maybe it is Willow.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I agree...I have been pulling for Willow, but I lost a lot of hope for her after the brawl.

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      She can't stay away from the family. That would mean she would have to work full time.

    3. Anonymous10:57 PM

      If by "pretty," you mean pretty big skank. Then I totally agree! I'm sorry but she doesn't look pretty, that ratty hair and her choice of attire make her look like a cheap floozy!

    4. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Did sarahpac pay for this vacation ?

    5. Anonymous6:02 AM

      8:47 PM

      Yep! She is all Palin. Toxic and a cheap floozy!

    6. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Anonymous4:19 AM

      Did sarahpac pay for this vacation ?
      She's been begging for money....what do you think?

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I hope Willow distances herself from her toxic mother. Willow looks naturally pretty - hope she doesn't get any plastic surgery.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      She does look pretty, and happy. Good for her.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      I'm guessing Willow has had a boob job.

    3. Anonymous7:34 PM

      I don't think so, she's always been buxom. Sarah's sister is built like her.

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Who's funding this trip, since MommyPAC is all but broke?

    1. It's probably from the family Hush Money fund AKA "Postage".

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      The same account they have been taking from...paybacks a bitch now..

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Cabo isn't an expensive place to vacation. I love Mexico - I go a couple times a year.

    4. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Postage IS their slush fund.

    5. Is It Over Yet? Maybe Soon!8:21 PM

      Sorry, I said this on the other post.

      Alaskans can easily and inexpensively go to Cabo by using Alaska Air miles which you get 1 mile for every buck you charge on your Alaska Air credit card.

      Just about everyone in Alaska has a card and charges even utilities on it so they get the miles.

      The way the Palins spend money they probably have a million miles on their card and have plenty to use for travel.

      Cabo is not exotic to Alaskans. Alaska Air flys right to it and Alaskans go there the same as they go to Hawaii. This trip sounds great and probably is lots of fun, but it's no big deal and not unusual for someone in Alaska.

    6. Anonymous9:38 PM

      I remember Sadie going as a teen with a friend

    7. Anonymous2:34 AM

      And lay off of Sadie too!

    8. abbafan3:24 AM

      9:38 - how the fuck do YOU know this?? Fuck you troll, you don't remember shit!

    9. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Anonymous5:10 PM

      Cabo isn't an expensive place to vacation. I love Mexico - I go a couple times a year.
      I'm sure sarah didn't spend too much on barstools ring so she had to compensate willow.

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Either the part time job cutting hair pays well or she gets paid good hush money from Sarah.

    A few tequila shots and Sarah will have a Mexican grand baby to deport.

    1. Anonymous4:23 AM

      "Mom, I'm going to Cabo for two weeks, and you 're paying for it out of your Pac money. And that's final. Or else I'll write a tell all book. Make sure you book me first class too." W

    2. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Don't forget that Melissa Rivers offered her a job. You could see she is like the rest of her family. Not about to work a real job.

      Just because her mother knows neighbors and friends with beauty shops and Willow can use them, it doesn't mean she has an actual job. She is a Palin, like Bristol, you know how her job was.

      Willow takes pictures and uses other pictures. That is not a job. It's a Palin.

  6. Anonymous4:51 PM

    She has always been my favorite too. I wish she could break away and be her own person and have a reasonable life. She seems talented at cutting hair from some pictures I have seen, wigs not so much.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Oh come on! She is a bitch. Trashed the Morlock home and mommy gets her off. In photos chigging vodka. Seen buying drus in parking lots. She is a skank like all the Palins. She just didn't bieth a TriG for momma.

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I still maintain that Piper will be the worst.

    3. Let me add to 5:14: complicit in the Kernell trial perjury, is racist, homophobic, and abusive and bullying to her siblings. Hope she rots in hell with Sarah, Todd, Track and Bristol.

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I don't get the favorite part for Willow. None of them are favorites. They are all too Palin and Heath.. Trig is not included as part of the crime syndicate. Pipe is young but not so likable. It is good she doesn't have much attention paid to her.

      Willow is nasty and awful and nothing favorable. She is bought and paid for and will never write a book and give up her lazy life. I think she is as far gone as any of them.

    5. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Willow is the Palin who set up all of the alleged stalkers by inviting the stalkers to their homes.

    6. Anonymous7:16 PM

      6:30-- that is bullshit.
      Where are you getting that from? That nutty family from Pennsylvania? Their SON has serious issues, and so do they.

    7. Anonymous7:33 PM

      716...right...problem is no one believes it anymore...

    8. Anonymous8:33 PM

      That entire family ought to be locked up.

    9. Anonymous8:54 PM

      I don't care for her so much after watching her on Tripp's reality tv show.

    10. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Isn't she the one that when Piper was little on her birthday she pushed her face into the cake?

    11. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Anonymous6:30 PM

      Willow is the Palin who set up all of the alleged stalkers by inviting the stalkers to their homes.
      And to the troll, who says someone is crazy its YOUR mama! The FEDS have all the cell phones and evidence.
      Willow was the fall guy.
      Why did Todd stalk Shawn at the local walmart?
      Todd is still old fashioned. Look how steamed he got when the old skank was fucking his partner?
      When he found her sexting she had to blame willow.
      That's why willow is in Cabo.

  7. Is she on spring break from manicure school?

  8. I've thought for some time that Willow's the gay one, and I still think that might be true. If she is, I hope her family handles the issue decently.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Lol, definitely not gay.

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      How could she be gay? She was wearing those daisy dukes and Sarah told her not to let the boy upstairs and as soon as she turned her back they both went up to the bedroom.

    3. Anonymous10:26 PM

      I disagree, Willow isn't the gay Palin. The gay Palin enjoys being photographed while applying Sarah's make-up and wearing cowboy boots that are identical to the boots Sarah owns. The gay Palin shall remain nameless, but the clues are there, it's obvious to me because gay knows gay, that's all I'm saying!

    4. Anonymous12:35 PM

      gay? more bi-sexual...she just likes it all.

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I couldn't care less.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM


    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Me either. She was a rude little prick on that TV show.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      6:16in fairness, being a rude little prick seems like the only way to deal with Bristol and stay sane.

    4. Anonymous3:34 AM

      I can't believe you or anyone would waste a moment of your life watching a Palin tv show 6:16, and admit it. That is like holding up a sign saying 'I'm a fucking moron'.

    5. Anonymous5:06 AM

      +1, 3:34

  10. Una gringa5:08 PM

    She's got the Palin horseback riding down to a T: hold onto the pommel, wear inadequate footwear (in this case, bare feet), plus, of course, no sunscreen.

    But, truly in a tourist spot where only gringos go to spend money,the establishment gives them the tired-out nags that are headed for the glue factory and dog food emporium any day now. Nonetheless, putting a human bare foot under an unsuspecting horse foot would be painful and probably result in broken bones -- of the human. Pitiful.

    The photo seems to have been snapped at some touristy mecca, not the real Mexico in which she might be able to do some volunteer work. She's just there to tone her tan, and finally get the payoff that Bristoll's been getting all these years.

    One assumes that she's quite (or never had) a hairdressing business, since she has so much free time. And, if that blonde
    bunch of seaweed on her head is any indication, Penrose didn't teach her the basics of hair care to being with.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Very tourist.

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      So what? She's young, she deserves to have fun. I really doubt she's as bad as you're making her out to be. Sarah/tawd/bristles are grown up asshole idiots,track doesn't count, he's obviously broken. But the rest, cut them a break, you pick your friends not your family.

    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      When it's OPM, 7:39 PM, I will NEVER cut them a break.

    4. Anonymous9:33 PM

      At the Brawl, wasn't it the mother of Willow's ex-boyfriend who Willow got into it with, then Willow went crying to Bristol and Bristol AND Willow were going after the mother? Isn't that when Korey Klinenmeyer stepped in to stop the two Palins from attacking the mother?

      Willow may be the best of the brood of Palin kids but she's no angel. She's a Palin / Heath and the apples haven't fallen far from the tree. Some trees just produce rotten fruit.

    5. Anonymous9:36 PM

      How does anyone know who pays for her trip to see her friend get married?

    6. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Willow, Colony Girl, was never socially alright or a nice girl. She was drinking and drugging when young. She had attitude, remember the book tour when she was after Kim Chapman's daughter. The Palins had to return from Hawaii when her gang trashed friends house and the list goes on and on.

      15 year old Willow.

      Willow could cook a chicken, but she was the worst with kids, the worst aunt in the dumb reality shows.

      Her 'sense of humor' is demeaning, petty and cruel.

      Willow did have some treatments and the medication helps keep her under control. She is just another low info Palin/Heath dolt.

    7. It's definitely Cabo; the cruise ship in the background is a dead giveaway.

      Also, didn't Willow say in her Instagram posting that she was scared of being on that horse? She was probably on the horse for 3 minutes, for the picture.

      If I were her, as toxic as she is, I'd get away from the rest of my family as often as possible -- which is what she seems to be doing now that Bristol is in backwoods Kentucky and not needing her babysitting services.

  11. Cabo is way better than Kinfucky, eh Bristol?

    1. Anonymous1:10 AM

      Good one.

    2. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Don't insult Kentucky, Michael.

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I've always felt bad for the Palin kids who aren't Bristol. How would you like to be left behind every time while $arah takes her clone Bristol to every possible event that will pay for her.

    I am looking forward to the day one of those kids writes their version or Mommie Dearest about the menopausal hustler they call mom

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Piper would only know the stories about Trig second hand. Sarah kept Piper on a tight leash in 2007, 2008. Track is probably in rehab to prevent him from going of the rails. Bristol cannot talk because she has been so richly rewarded for her gift. That leaves Willow, who so far seemed to get a truck and a fill up of gas when she was running low. Oh, and hair school in Arizona. Yippee. I hope that Willow learned enough in her two years of high school and her years in the Palin house to know how to hire a good lawyer, draw up a good book contract and someone who can advise her about investing the profits.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      If anybody writes a book it'll be Tripp. He's been raised in publicity to make money. I expect him to rebel one day and he just might decide to grift back off his mommy dearest.

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Going to hair school pays off. Girl has some serious ta ta's too.

  14. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Oh, right, she's riding a horse. Not. Sun, leather, short shorts, not to mention no hard hat or shoes ..... it's a grown-up version of a kid posing on a pony. If she does actually get the horse to move and stays on for more than a few seconds, she's gonna have pain on top of pain. I don't know why that thought makes me laugh, but it does. [former horse owner/rider]

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      It's a horse ride on the beach, probably $50 or so for something under an hour ride. Lots of horsey rides like that in touristy and not-so-touristy places; a nice little activity for folks who will never own a horse. In the US they would insist on helmets and probably long pants, and the horses would never go faster than a slow walk; things aren't so strict south of the border.
      And here I am defending Willow Palin because...?
      I guess because I don't think it reflects terribly well on the IM community, to go all snarky on a perfectly nice photo. We're better than that. Aren't we?

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      bare feet and getting your bare sunburnt inner legs pinched by saddle ain't fun.

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      It's a common thing to do on almost all the Carribean islands and in parts of central and South America. Not everyone follows your rules.

      I despise Sarah, but Willow is a pretty girl and good for her. Some of you are just assholes.

    4. Anonymous7:45 PM

      6:16 & 7:14, agreed, it's getting really old. She's young & having fun, she's not part of that creepy ass bristles porn-whore martina group. Lay off, once again, you can't choose your family.

    5. Anonymous8:30 PM

      7:14 - Exactly right! Sometimes it's hard to come here with all the assholes out in force.

    6. Anonymous2:35 AM

      How about you just don't bother coming here? We'd ALL enjoy that.

    7. Anonymous3:37 AM

      5:21 [current moron, conspiracy diphit].

    8. Anonymous5:37 AM

      Marina, Bristol, cousin Lauren, Willow and Piper't%2Bwait%2Bto%2Bsee%2Byour%2Bdress.JPG

    9. Anonymous11:22 AM

      @ 8:30 PM , 7:14 PM, & 7:25 PM Perhaps you can over look all of Willow's rotten behavior over the past six years but I can not! Thankfully all the assholes are out in force and they aren't giving Willow a free pass either!

      Willow is no stranger to cyber bullying, though she's usually the one doing the bullying. Once again, you can't choose your why the hell does Willow always choose her family time and time again? She's every bit as rotten as the rest of them. That hasn't changed just because she went on a vacation to Cabo.

  15. Anonymous5:22 PM

    How nice! Who's watching the shampoo, curl up and die salon while she's on vacation?

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Who's watching Piper and trig while Mama and Bristol are in KY and Willow is riding horses in a bikini on the beach? And where is Track? Where is Todd?

  16. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Mama I want to drop out of high school and enroll in hair school. Sarah Palin sent her daughter who dropped out of high school to hair school not to long ago and now she has made enough money to go horseback riding on the beach in Cabo. No mama college is not for me, I changed my mind.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      While Sarah uses her kids, she has taught them well. They know how to get something out of her, too. No wonder SarahPAC is sending out so many requests for donations. Keeping your kids happy. quiet and well taken care cost$$$$$$$ mucho.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      I'd sure like to know why they needed $10K by midnight 3/31!

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      6:13 PM

      To send Willow to Cabo for a few days?

    4. Anonymous8:27 PM

      613...Western Life Assurance Insurance Company...hello Sarah...

  17. Anonymous5:29 PM

    She was always my favorite as well, Gryph, prettier than any of them, a natural beauty, until she lured the young man to come to their house then have him arrested for stalking.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      She didn't lure him.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      710...willow honey yea your a freak...

  18. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I do give her some credit for actually working and not being annorexic like her Mama, of all of them Willow seems the most independent.

    Look at the video of Trig trying to count on Willow's Jan. instagram, that is disturbing he can barely speak and Sarah can rot in hell for not working with Trig from the beginning, she is a rotton excuse for a Mother, she had him and then pushed him off on other people to raise because she didn't want the burden.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Trig Paxson Van Palin.
      There's your truth.
      Key to riches and tossed by Mommie Dearest.
      Someone else's job.
      "Hand me a baby. Not the retarded one."

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      "she had him and then pushed him off on other people"

      Think you mean "she GOT him..."etc.
      Otherwise, you're correct.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      The "puppy has arrived" e-mail and The Wild Ride was borne.

    4. Anonymous8:56 AM

      where's the fas baby born with the Elf ears? wasn't that baby spirited away? kind of hard to do a mother Theresa with your daughters fas baby? did the good Dr arrange the new trig? easier to shop a ds baby for sympathy that the fas baby your partying teenage had? lies beget lies. poor tripp-trig1! and 2 also and too.

  19. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Interesting that Willow commented on her photo:
    this picture is a total lie! I was scared the entire time. 😆

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      I'd be scared too if I had on a bikini and no shoes and was sitting on a horse. Good Lord, these people will do anything for a photo.

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Anon at 8:19 pm. So like the Kardashians!

    3. Anonymous4:28 AM

      Exactly 3:28. Only thing missing is a sex tape, and that will be next.

  20. Techgnome6:13 PM

    "My Momma went to the Republican National Convention and all I got was a lousy hair salon"? I used to figure that Willow would be the first to author a ghost written tell all when the money ran out. Now I'm betting on Bristol. She probably has a better idea of where the bodies are buried and is likely to be pissed when this latest scheme falls apart. Piper probably has a pretty good version of "Mommy Dearest" coming out eventually too.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I know I'm in the minority, but I think Bristol is genuinely infatuated with Dakota. She looks radiant in some of the photos. Unfortunately for her, he's enamored of her mom, the imaginary political clout her mom has, and the (in)famous family name. She's repeatedly shown herself to be a horrid person, but a tiny part of me feels sorry for her. I think you're right, if she survives the implosion of this relationship, she may be hurt and furious enough to open the closet and let the skeletons come crashing out.

    2. Balzafiar7:11 PM

      Aon 6:42 -- I think you have it right in your evaluation of the situation. The first time Bristol catches her slut mother playing the beast with two backs with Duhkota all hell will break loose. Either that or suddenly Bristol will have all of Sarah's money as her own.

      Unless, of course, they believe in sharing.

    3. Anonymous7:12 PM

      I don't doubt that she's genuinely infatuated. Has she ever been in proximity to a remotely eligible male that she wasn't infatuated with? It can be part and parcel of either mental illness or simply limited intellectual capacity, to fall for anything in pants, and to be totally convinced that the current object of one's affections is Prince Charming...nothing like the last guy, who was a complete and total jerk. And before long, today's Prince Charming will be tomorrow's jerk. You can set your watch by it. One only hopes nobody gets hurt for real.

    4. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Exactly, 7:13 PM, on both their parts and the person I feel for the most is Tripp. He's the one taking the brunt of it and it will come out later in his life.

    5. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Cameras lights Actions

    6. Anonymous4:24 AM

      6:42 I think you're right that Bristol's infatuated with Duhkoduh. A suicidal dumb shit seems just her type.

  21. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Her MOTHER HATES illegals from Mexico!!!

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Her mother HATES the one that made her resign..

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Her mother can get over it.

    3. Anonymous8:31 PM

      746...agreed...we are all human beings...leave the race card out of it...

    4. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Haven't they had a family vacation in Mexico. Before the election

      Wasn't that where they were in 2007

    5. Anonymous3:31 AM

      6:16 you do realize that in Mexico, they aren't illegal yes?

  22. Anonymous6:17 PM

    She looks like a dirt-bag sitting on a horse.

    1. Anonymous10:47 PM

      No she doesn't. It is a pretty picture of a member of a horrible clan.

  23. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Willow is on college Spring Break in Mexico? I thought that was Willow enrolled at my college.

  24. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Are you sure that is short Willow on that horse? If Willow mounted a horse that high she would get a nosebleed.

    1. Anonymous10:48 PM

      How can you possibly tell how tall that horse is? You have no reference to determine that. Some of you are just making stupid comments.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      10:48 Agree with you about the stupid comments. And they get stupider down below. I hope it's just one or two dumbasses. Jeez

  25. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Who took that picture of Willow in Mexico? Couldn't be a boyfriend from Alaska or the lower 48. Sarah Palin's daughters wouldn't cross the border with a boyfriend.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Anonymous 7:29 you probably believe Sarah Palin's daughter wouldn't live with a man who is not her husband in Kentucky?

  26. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Willow seems to be more normal than the rest of her crazy family. she lives with her boyfriend--no abstinence BS from her. She has dogs as pets and seems to really love them. She seems to like her job at the salon and actually goes there. Even going to Cabo is a fairly normal thing to do.

    I did notice that in a post in June on Instagram of her and her boyfriend she was joking around about having 10 or 15 babies. Then she said, "All jokes aside, I'm 100% kidding. No babies for me." Wasn't she used as the family babysitter? Maybe she's sick of it. Here's the picture:

  27. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Who is wbf_ on the instagram of the jockey and her horse posted above?

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      wbf is Willow Bianca Fay, Willow's whole name (minus her surname).

    2. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Willow Bianca Faye I believe

    3. Anonymous11:33 PM

      and it can be read as a play on "WTF"

    4. Anonymous2:55 AM

      poor skinny horse. at least psycho willow isnt starving herself.

    5. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Does anyone know where the "Bianca Fay" came from? Just curious because the Pallin children's names all seem to have some deep significance.

    6. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Bianca from Susan Lucci's character's daughter on All My Children, who was popular when Willow was born. Sarah musta beena fan. Faye for som3one on Toad's side.

    7. Anonymous5:44 AM

      It was supposed to be Binaca Fay after the breath freshener and tawd's mom, fay, but sarah spelled binaca wrong.

    8. Anonymous7:26 AM

      so we know where name Bristol came from altho screech tells conflicting stories cuz she cant keep her lies straight. what the fuck is a Sheeeeeeran?? was that a super hero or poor spelling?

    9. Madyson Rose10:17 AM

      Sheeran is a family name. Some surnames just sound goofy, like Rideout. Wtf is that? Ride out? Lol

    10. Lipscomb and Spurlock are two family names in our background

  28. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I've often wondered. Just how do these kids rectify in their heart that life is good because their parents are living the biggest lie in the name of God and they're okay with it? Who lives their life happily knowing their parents are scum?

    Do the vacations, the sham marriages, wait until they're older and it comes back to haunt them just how horribly they were raised, and it will. Track knows.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      That's why he's been away...shut him up...

  29. Anonymous7:59 PM

    O/T, but relevant to Paylin world

    Even the Peebots now recognize that $arahPac is desperate and stupid:

    chzn2bfree lanahi • 2 hours ago
    . SarahPac,imv, with all these odd letters, requests, t-shirts, bumper stickers sounds either desperate or they have enough to be parrots of all other PACs.

    Desperate is exactly right. Hard for $arah to fund all her scams and hush money without all the Peebots donating for tee shirts, toasters, and bumper stickers.


  30. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I can't believe she's not helping her sister out with her wedding which is coming up so soon!

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      It may not be Willow's fault she's not helping Bristol with her wedding. If Willow was your sister and gave you that poor ass bridal shower would you want Willow planning your wedding or would you say thanks but no thanks?

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      @8:14 That "Fuc_ You" sign Duhkota was holding in Las Vegas is more appropriate than no thanks.

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Planning Bristol's wedding could be a waste of time. Dakota may back out?

    4. Anonymous10:54 PM

      When is that wedding?

    5. Anonymous4:11 AM

      I bet, like Track's, there is no 'public' wedding. After all, who would come? The girls' friends are all from hair school, or are partiers like the Palns..not the best choice for scrapbook photos. I think it will be another tweet "oh, so happy to be Mrs. DaKOta at last! Got married on a hill in Boondocks over the weekend. I LOVE married life already!" And for once, no photos.

    6. Anonymous5:17 AM

      4:11 - There will be staged photos in at least one tabloid. There's no way they won't cash in on that payday.

    7. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Helping Bristol get more undeserved goodies and attention? How did Willow feel as she watched Bristol being applauded as a DWTS finalist when Bristol was a lousy dancer? Willow didn't look all that happy trying to support her sister in that TV reality show. At least Willow had the good sense to walk out on Bristol when it came time to cook a chicken. Even Willow couldn't get over the fact that Bristol didn't know how to cook. How would Willow feel being put in charge of watching Tripp in Bristol's big beautiful house? At what point did Willow feel one pang of jealousy-- or was she relieved that she didn't get pregnant and get paraded over the pubic stage? So far, it looks as if Willow got hair school, a truck and a trip.

  31. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Must be nice to be a consultant for your mother's PAC with all the free money to do buy whatever you want, to travel, party and vacation year round!

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      You're not accusing them of money laundering are you?

  32. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Everybody who rides a horse needs to be very careful. My virgin bride on our wedding night said that it is explainable why her hymen was already broken before the first time we had sex. My bride once posed on a horse in Cabo just like Willow.

    Strenuous activities, such as bicycle riding, horseback riding, stretching, or dancing, can also cause the hymen to break. Lastly, a woman's hymen could have already been broken or stretched by sexual activity, even if she has not had a penis inside of her.

    1. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Thank you for all of that worthless information, Dr. Anonymous.

    2. Anonymous10:50 PM


    3. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Good Gawd, what a useless asshole you are!

    4. Anonymous2:49 AM

      ssooooo..what's your point?never ride a horse? never ride a bike? never climb out of a bathtub? how rediculous.

    5. Anonymous4:18 AM

      Willow therefore has a way to reassure whomever the groom is for her "very own first wedding" the real reason why her box is as big as a house.

    6. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Yes, and on a Jerry Seinfeld show, some girl claimed that she caught a STD from siting on a tractor seat.

    7. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Does anyone in the 21st century actually worry about hymens?

  33. Shooting Bunnies9:46 PM

    When does the next filing of the PAC appear? Shouldn't it be soon? I bet Palin's "income" has decreased significantly. At least one can hope. All the peepond pips are probably using their couch change to pay for their ObamaCare. Sshh.... Don't tell anyone!!

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Seeing as it's an non-election year, they file bi-annually so info should become available in July.

  34. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Willow isn't any smarter or nicer or more honest or less shallow than any other Palin, she just keeps a lower profile.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      I think "keeping a low profile" might prove she's just a bit smarter than the other shallow lame-brains.

  35. Anonymous3:07 AM

    That poor horse.

  36. Anonymous4:12 AM

    This is the little bitch who turns the life of her brother with Down syndrome into swear words.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      I think she's really dumb. And also really mean.

  37. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Ahhhh that explains why Willow stands with her legs spread apart. Its not from having lots of sex, its from riding horses.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Bristol must be a skilled equestrian like her mother and grandmother Sally.

  38. Anonymous5:51 AM

    See Bristol, if you weren't with child and have to accept every proposal you get, you too could be young and free riding horses in Mexico and do whatever you wanted to do.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      I wonder if it bothers Brissy that the real boner Dakota has is for her mother.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      LOL 6:43

  39. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Willow Palin dropped out of high school and didn't go to college but she is the pride of the Palins and Heaths. Willow made it to 21 years old without a child. Hopefully Piper can make it out of high school without one.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Are you sure about that? 9 Month Mono in the 10th grade for Willow?

  40. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Conner Clearly if you didn’t piss off Willow at the Palin Family Brawl 1.0 you could have been that horse.

  41. Anonymous6:19 AM

    The Palins love of animals is apparent. I wouldn't be surprised if this is Willow's next assignment.
    She is going to disappoint her mama if she doesn't get with it.

    Extreme Huntress


  42. Anonymous6:33 AM

    What's the difference between Willow and Bristol?

    Bristol took her child to her high school graduation.
    Willow took her GED.

    Bristol is wearing rain boots and milking cows in Kentucky
    Willow is barefooted and riding horses in Mexico.

    Bristol and Tripp has to be careful walking around their house at night if they don't want to get shot in the dark.
    Willow can do shots all night long.

    Bristol has to get married.
    Willow can do whatever the fuck she wants to do.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Willow is that you?

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      What's wrong with the picture of Willow sitting on the horse?

      What's missing?

      A while back wasn’t there comments that Willow has Assburgers?

      How come Willow is not wearing her helmet?

  43. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Former Colony Girls gang leader Willow had to go to California and cook chicken for Bristol's family because Bristol did not know how to cook

    Younger sister Willow had to go to Los Angeles to keep older sister Bristol from crying

    Bristol needed Willow, Willow didn't need Bristol

    Willow was the star of Life's A Tripp

    Remember Sassy Willow?
    Willow Palin's wrath continues this week. She is the meanest, most bitter teen on TV, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. It's not like she's the single mom with the seedy, Playgirl posing, deadbeat ex. But I'm not complaining. Honestly, they should seriously consider renaming the show Willow Palin: Life's a Bitch. She brings a heck of a lot more drama than her more famous big sister Bristol.

    This week, Willow is considering moving to Arizona to go to "hair school." Of course her wannabe boyfriend Andy is heartbroken and she could care less. It's almost as though she delights at his torment. "I'm getting a career going. You're working at an auto shop," she sneers.

    She later says, shrugging off his hurt feelings, "Life will be fine without Andy. It's going to be a lot harder for him than for me." Is her heart as icy as the Alaskan tundra or what? But wait, it gets worse. When they go to a nice restaurant and Andy is confused by the fancy menu, she lays into how stupid he is. He in turn calls her "a bitch." Well, it's as though he drove the nail into his own coffin with that jibe. Willow walks outs.

    Though she gets a bit of a reality check while visiting cosmetology school. "Even though I want to be a hairdresser, I never liked playing with hair," she says. WHAAAATTT? Talk about not thinking things through. "This is gonna be harder than I thought it was gonna be. What am I getting myself into?" she says. 

    But it's hard to imagine her working with clientele. Who wants a stylist who is cold, rude, and mean. Even mom Sarah Palintells Willow, "You need to learn to be more patient, polite, and gracious."

    Ultimately, she does decide to head to a year-long program in Phoenix and I'm afraid what this means for the show. Willow was the only thing I looked forward to seeing on Life's a Tripp.

    For her part, Bristol is focusing on proving that there's life after Levi Johnston. She, boyfriend Gino, and her son Tripp are like a cute, ready-made family. They talk marriage, family, commitment, blah, blah, blah. It's heartwarming to see, if not exactly entertaining.

  44. Anonymous7:56 AM

    "Don't cusss...Swillow!"

  45. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What's this about an older sister Lauden?

    1. Anonymous4:27 AM

      Lauden may be part of the Dillingham family. They may call each other 'sister' due to the confusion in a culture like that, or they may do it to confuse others. Also, too, Lauden may be an older half sister that they have passed off as a cousin for years.

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Lauden is in the middle. She may be the sister that gave the shower.


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