Thursday, April 09, 2015

He may be just as wingnutty as the rest of them, but Ben Carson knows a sick person when he sees her.

This incident is pulled from a rather in depth GQ article posted the other day about Ben Carson and his political aspirations: 

A month later, Carson was invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he met Sarah Palin, who greeted him with the bowing "We're not worthy" routine from Wayne's World. (Carson, for his part, thought Palin "looked anorexic.") 

Now like I said in the title Carson is  fairly out there on most things, such as calling Obamacare "the worst thing since slavery."

However he IS a neurosurgeon and therefore an MD, and if his first impression of Sarah Palin is that she has an eating disorder, I would give that some credence.

Not that we couldn't have determined that diagnosis on our own of course.

To give Carson a little more credit (Not something I imagine I will do very often.), he is also the first potential GOP candidate to call that police shooting in South Carolina an execution.

Gee, that's at least two things he is right about.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    She is anorexic. But she pretends to eat pounds of moose meat and Chic Fil A to excite her TeaNazi fans. In all the pictures out there of her, I have never seen one where she is eating. Not even a Bachman corndog pic at the Iowa state fair.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Is she anorexic or is she a drug addict?

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM


    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Those conditions are not mutually exclusive.

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Does Dr Carson know a tweaker or a pillbilly when he sees one?

    4. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Lots of women in Hollywood use Adderall and caffeine to control their food urges.

    5. Anonymous6:27 PM

      She may have muscles and be petite but she could probably stand to gain 5 lbs. idk if I'd call her unhealthy though. She wouldn't couldn't be as active in her daily life for this long. It's hard to judge that when you don't know someone. I am a natural waif. Tried going full vegan once and I got to where people thought I was dying even though I was well nourished. Had to eat meat again just to keep weight on. I am about Sarah's size with a little less arm muscle. I'm going off of her arms in that pool pic. It's pretty decent.

    6. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Nobody here cares about your life or your trials. It's a shame that you can't recognize the fact that Tundra Turd is a drug addict, anorexic, and mentally ill (like you). Get a clue. Do you really get paid enough to sell your soul so consistently?

    7. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Wow, 6:54, you seem a little unstable yourself!
      6:27, Ignore the ugliness that the poster above spewed. Totally uncalled for!

    8. Anonymous7:36 PM

      STFU Alicia. You're not a natural waif, you're not a natural anything. You're completely unnatural and very much disliked on a deeply personal level.

      Also too your lies about your various divergent personalities are boring and predictable.

    9. Anonymous9:25 PM

      6:27 PM lucy in the sky, mandingo, juvenile h8tr, mrs messenger, justtine, kryptonite, Alicia the unemployed Troll and all of the other fake names used by you for our entertainment. You are a sick maniac.

    10. @6:27. Vegans aren't naturally thin, you idiot. There are plenty of high-calorie vegan foods, and plenty of vegan junk food as well. It is easy to be a fat and/or unhealthy vegan. Once again, an irrelevant bullshit comment from you.

    11. Anonymous7:26 AM

      You are NOT a waif, Alicia. You are a fleshy little Kewpie Doll.

  3. She's writing a fitness book, remember? Which she started working on in 2012. Must be as long as War and Peace by now.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Couldn't finish - ran out of crayons.

    2. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Speculate she gave up on that idea and went with Christmas instead because health and fitness is Michelle Obama's turf. If she came out for being healthy her pronouncements about the first lady would not have as much authority.

      Question: When she claimed Michelle has ordered the NSA to track our pizza orders, did she think some of her more paranoid fans would take the charge at face value?

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I've been loving all the speculation in the pee puddle for her silence and the big earthquake that will happen when she announces she's running. "She said it will be unconventional," and on and on. Are they ever going to be disappointed!

    And if we're wrong, and she does, we are in for the biggest laugh of our lifetime watching her attempt it! MOH and all!

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      I am amused that after yesterday's posts at IM of "MIA" C4Pers, they ALL posted within the last 12 hours! I noticed that r88 used an expression that is very common down under-'good on you'. Hmmmm......

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      The pee pond poops can dream all they want - anyone with a brain knows she's not running for anything. She toys with these cretins and they send her their disability money. Can these people just not figure that out? How stupid are they????

    3. Anonymous5:29 PM

      5:11 PM

      The Sarah Palin they believe exists is only an invention in their minds. They are self deluded.

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      the GOP will send her and her medal of Dishonor home boy Packin'!

    5. Anonymous5:48 PM

      I think they didn't make the $10,000 deadline for sarahpac and are going broke. No way to pay for flights to the NRA speech? Those not on the payroll at the Pond can't donate much and several have said they won't until she announces.

      Funny that shortly after the deadline came and went, regulars there suddenly up and left! Did their paychecks bounce? Her only way out of debt is to announce! hahahahahaha

    6. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Shes like a stripper. she shows them something sexual whether Rill or not (butpads or belmonts);and they send $$. but now with the feds involved that too will cease.

    7. Anonymous5:56 PM

      @ 5:09 They sure did rush over to post as fast as they could, almost every single one of them except Scarah's parents Theresa and Papa...also still no word from John Norton. I think if we make a big enough stink "They" will post a shout out within 24 hours.

    8. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Regarding c4p, tbo ran the majority away and now she gleefully posts her obnoxious, saccharine, pointless comments. She seems to have very little desire to discuss politics, just uses the site for pathetic contact. She is sooooo annoying!

    9. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Anybody else read the blowhard VG's rant tonight about all the military members he knows hating the POTUS? How they stood guard while he was hospitalized? How they all support Palin/Cruz?
      My active duty son serves a President he respects and supports. Guess my son is a better service member than the low life's VG keeps company with, the treasonous bastards! Enjoy your ice cream, you lying sack of shit!

    10. Anonymous6:38 PM

      5:56 PM - they ran because VG posted. I understand that, given his health, and still a squabble broke out.

      Deep down, I think they know they've been had.

    11. Anonymous6:53 PM

      6:38, ever see the Netflix documentary, "tall hot blonde"? True story of people not being who they claim online. I know a Sarah supporter who is NOTHING like the persona she has created and she is involved in raising PAC money. Everyone assumes everyone else is who they claim!

    12. Anonymous7:04 PM

      6:38 PM again here, replied to the wrong comment. They flooded the board because VG showed up is what I meant to say.

      I give him a pass.....he is nearing the end of his life. The rest I do not.

    13. Anonymous7:19 PM

      "Tall Hot Blond" is from Lifetime. It is an excellent example of lying on a website.
      Based on a real life story.
      Love that movie and recommend everyone watch it.
      Going to Netflix right now to watch again.

    14. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Supposedly is - he could be a healthy 40 y o woman. Or a fat diabetic one (right, RAM?) who is also playing a pseudo intellectual form Berkeley, from her garage back in MI.

    15. Anonymous7:25 PM

      6:38, don't be so sure that the story he tells is true. Remember, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". Even if he is who he claims, the contempt he shows for the POTUS and his enticing others to declare war on our government leaves me feeling that our country will be better off with one less treasonous bastard.

    16. Anonymous7:33 PM

      VG is a racist vile cretinous asshole and can't choke on his snot soon enough ...

      fuck him ..

    17. Anonymous7:39 PM

      She'll never, ever run for anything again. She will not permit us to have that much free-of-charge fun at her expense ever again. Trust me.

      I don't think she realizes that she added another dimension to the 2008 campaign that you'd only see in space otherwise.

    18. Anonymous9:06 PM

      She's well aware of it, 7:39 PM, now a "Dakota Meyer & Bristol Palin" Facebook page with politician as description. I can't stop giggling......

    19. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Thanks for the link (75 mins)


      Sarah's girls and stalkers. Just *wow*


    20. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Which offices were the two dim wits elected to fill? Maybe they will return to Kentucky, fool the yokels. Is Alaska dumb enough to elect either of these to office? Fantasy world being formed by the PayMe clan, to keep the $$$$ rolling in. Something must be done, FAST, the money is drying up. Surely people do not expect any of them to get a real job?

    21. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Enjoyed reading a C4P comment or two about the 2011 bus tour: The fans admitted she intended to encroach on Romney's announcement while Palin said she didn't mean to step on any toes -- remember her flirty response to Chris Wallace about that on Fox News Sunday?

      How many years since she has rated a slot on Fox News Sunday anyway?

    22. Anonymous6:05 AM

      If memory serves me correctly Chris Wallace interviewed her once. The time he razzed her about her stupid comments about Paul Revere's ride. She, of course, being the stubborn ignoramus she is insisted she was correct. Wallace just sat there with that smug, knowing smile on his face. He never had her on again, allowing a lunatic like her who babbles such nonsense makes him look bad and not credible.

  5. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Oh come on, anyone with two eyes can see that Mrs. Palin has slid down a very steep and slippery slope with both bulimia and her consequent anorexia. We always speculate about when her heart with just say "NO MORE" due to her physical neglect so perhaps her recent silence speaks volumes about her degrading physical condition.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I've known two women -- one just 19 years old -- who've died as a direct result of anorexia. It's a deadly addiction, and it does appear, from photographs, and Carson's medical observation, that Sarah Palin is hurting herself.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      i'll repeat and say it again; i think the skank could stand to easily loose another 20lbs - i mean i'm sorry, i don't know what you guys are looking at but she's lookin' kind'a portly/chunky, like her incestuous big brother chuck_tard jr ... actually he's fatter but she'll soon be right there with him if she doesn't start cutting back on the calories ...

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      5:44, your motives for saying that she is heavy are very transparent.

    4. Anonymous6:03 PM

      I agree. shes getting FAT.she needs to up the redbull and cut back on the moose chili. cinnabuns. apple pie and crunchwraps.

    5. Anonymous6:25 PM

      544 is right. I bet she starts shilling for Jenny Craig as her next career move. She looks like an overstuffed chair and not in a good way. Its not her fault she's getting fat. Doing all the hard political work she does makes it difficult to eat well. Shes probably in meetings all day grabbing a quick donut slathered with butter and lard instead of lunch. We should all be a little more gentle with her and hope she begins a serious weight loss regimen soon. Afterall, she may be an international laughingstock bit she's OUR international laughingstock!!

      Be healthy, Screechy, my chubby little potato dumpling!

    6. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Two words for those old enough:
      Karen Carpenter

    7. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Those (perhaps only one) are pretty sick to be making fat comments about an anorexic person. Clearly he/she/they are trying to bait Palin into losing more weight and killing herself. That is as sick in the head as it comes.

    8. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Agreed, 7:02 PM.
      No call for that, like rude sexual comments.

    9. Anonymous7:26 PM

      7:02, seems IM is being overrun with extremely ugly persons lately.

    10. Anonymous7:41 PM

      i liken it to fighting fire with fire .... wonder what little Christina Taylor Green would be up to had she not been gunned down on that plaza down in Tucson ?

      think about things like that before you go feeling sorry for someone who doesn't give a rats ass about anyone or anything, her own kids included, you too for that matter, except where she's gonna scam her next buck ... she can't leave this earth soon enough ..

    11. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Sarah would definitely look better with her eyebrows pulled up another notch. Or three.

    12. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Gee may be if Sarah smoked some weed that is legal in Alaska now...she might get hungry and eat...she might mellow out and stop bitching about nothing...someone needs to slip her a mickey in her mocha...
      hey feel getting the munchies?

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Sarah honey..starving yourself looks bad on older women. with the loss of estrogen your skin has lost its elasticity and doesn't shrink with the lost of fat under your skin. we need some amount underneath our skin as that's what fills out our features in our faces and gives us that glow. without some fat and toning your muscles you are left with saggy baggy excess skin over a skeletal frame. it makes you look old. we all know what too many botched surguries can do over time. the tabloids are full of pictures of. *stars who have been under the knife too many times by inferior drs. look at the Cat lady. m.jackson. Bristol looks absolutely wooden. Dollar store Barbie! and there's your mug with the Jester/The Grinch. twin peeks eyebrows that will soon meet your vanishing hairline. we know you were test driving the butpads. when's the butt surgery scheduled?

  7. Anonymous5:59 PM

    too too fun: A pee ponder phoned rush's show and the phone call fielder is Snerdley I guess. I love that they call themselves a Palin cult:

    SonOfOriginalTed M_Minnesota • 9 hours ago

    Just had an amaaaaaaaaaaaazing conversation with Snerdley.
    In response to his request for my question/comment for Rush, I simply said that let's just avoid the gender war issue -- which Rush is going on and on with regarding Rand Paul and NBC Samantha Guthrie etc., and go with Palin.
    Snerdley blew a gasket and yelled PALIN IS NOT RUNNING and that he's taking NO 'f--king" Palin calls. Snerdley ranted for a while with me and finally said "why is he arguing with me" and hung up.

    Palinprodigy JanuarysRose8 • 9 hours ago
    I doubt Snerdley would have been this rude if he didn't know something we don't! Assuming this actually happened of coarse.

    Palinprodigy SonOfOriginalTed • 8 hours ago
    One thing is clear to me, Snerdley is sick of Palin cult worshipers calling the show to talk about fictional scenarios and hypothetical situations! I'm sure it gets alittle mind numbing after while....lets take it easy on the Snerd, for now!

    DocBarry1 SonOfOriginalTed • 9 hours ago
    Snerdley owes u an apology - what a dork!

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Poor little creatures, these days they're having such a hard time keeping track of every person they hate.

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      of "coarse" my God, her followers are as stupid as she is.

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Anonymous4:44 PM

    Is she anorexic or is she a drug addict?


    If Sarah is a drug addict could the stress of her upcoming NRA speech put her over the edge and she is at rehab? Has anybody in Wasilla seen Sarah?

  9. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Talking about Sarah starving herself, what about Mini Me? Bristol lost so much weight she looks like a bobble head doll. For some reason she is stuck with a big head.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Mother / Daughter


      Literally DIEting for attention..

    2. Anonymous12:28 AM

      Anon 6:47. I think this has run its course. Time to move on.

    3. Anonymous5:44 AM

      THANK YOU! It has gotten so old. Every Palin thread, geez!

    4. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Okey Dokey then............

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Looking forward to your new pun by the way.

    6. Anonymous4:05 PM

      The irony of it all is their EGO is focking them over...Edging God Out...finger shake!
      Now these Palin girls know what to do...
      so get off your asses and do what is right!
      If you don't do it soon - missed opportunities
      just sayin...and stop looking in the mirror!
      Who cares what you look like...we don't!

  10. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That seals it, I think Ben is Autistic, Asperberger's at least. He has no social graces, but is an idiot savant at heart surgery. Maybe his parents kept telling him he was a gift from God (like Cruz's parents) and he adopted that certainty.

    Sarah was the most mediocre of all her uninteresting family. A hum-drum, footnote of a Valley family. Ordinary in an extraordinary habitat. Overreaching and lucky in looks to get things no one that knew less would ever fall ass backwards into.

    Sarah isn't funny, or worthy, but Ben is awkward and serious.

    1. *sigh* There was a time, sorry to say, when I respected Ben Carson for his deeds, not his nutty words. When he successfully separated twins conjoined at the head, flown in from Europe for the procedure, the DC/Baltimore area followed every update with joy and awe.

      I also have had more contact with pediatric neurologists than I would wish on anyone. None of the dire predictions came true about my now-healthy-twentysomething son--only the relatively mild, manageable ones. (Puffs between fingers to ward off Evil Eye.)

      But people DO worship pediatric specialists, boy howdy, do they. Sometimes for cause, of course. But given that Ben was an excellent neurosurgeon--as far as I know--why would he he give that up to be a genuinely awful, if elected, POTUS? Did he hit his head? Shouldn't HE see a neurosurgeon, stat?

    2. Anonymous1:23 AM

      Don't conflate neurosurgeons with neurologists -- very different animals. Surgeons are technicians, plumbers for the human body, if you will. Their hammer is a scalpel, and every neuro problem looks like a nail. Problems are black and white, no gray. Neurologists are tasked with trying to make sense of neural symptoms, often very complex, that can't be attributed to the physical (e.g., brain tumor, herniated disc). In my experience, surgery selects for the less critical-thinking among the medical students -- not surprising to me at all that Carson thinks like a modern US Republican.

    3. Anonymous3:23 AM

      There are many doctors who run for office, especially in the gop. Rand Paul is an opthalmologist, why give up a lucrative practice to put themselves in the spotlight? Many were preachers, too like Huckleberry. Even Pat Robertson ran for the WH years ago. Then, when they lose, they blame successful people like our President, who has the qualifications they lack. I expect $carah to take the opposite track, go from politician to preacher. Anything to keep her family in the money, and avoid REAL jobs.

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      she could work taco bell. she knows the staff .she'd fit right in selling used cars. TOUR BUS FOR SALE!

    5. Anonymous11:15 AM

      1:23 what neurosurgeons do you know? The ones I know are absolutely brilliant minds and gifted surgeons.

    6. Anonymous4:06 PM

      826...yeah funny how that connection travels...

  11. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Sarah looks like walking death. I can't imagine what her breath must smell like; he veneers are the result of her puking up her food for so long. She probably hasn't had a solid bowel movement for years. So gross and so sick in the head, and physically, also too.

  12. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Well, you know what they say about broken clocks being wrong twice a day...Looks like Carson just got his. If he says a third rational thing, I'll consider it a sign of the apocalypse.

    As far as Douchey Moosey goes, the irony is that she had a pretty bangin' body before she decided to stop eating, especially for a woman in their mid-forties who had had four babies.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      She had it all and botched it big time. No fault but her own, and a medal of honor winner quickie marriage will not help. Desperation mode.

      Plus the anonymous person that keeps hinting at that trust fund. We all know the corruption goes deep within all of them......come out and get chewed, $arah,

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Alaska be very very thankful that Sarah and Todd are not police officers in your community. I can imagine the chaos they would cause with their power hungry mentality.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      you mean the crimes they already committed?

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Carson also noted another obvious thing about Sarah: She is a dumbass. He is too polite to comment on that one.

  15. Anonymous6:49 PM

    If you were to have sex with anorexic Sarah it would feel like you are banging a chicken carcass.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      A stewin' hen or soup chicken - not one uh them broilers or roasters.

    2. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Or, as one of my brothers puts it so elegantly about one of our mutual sisters-in-law,"be like humpin' a bag of deer antlers".

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      HA HA HA. :o)

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM


  16. Anonymous6:54 PM

    DANG! WTF...I have to agree that scarah never ceases to amaze me with all her "looks."

  17. Anonymous7:33 PM

    How long will the GOP keep him if he persists in referring to white police executing black men as 'executions'?

    The GOP will have to start outlawing all sorts of words....

    1. Bring on that day...
      THAT will shut them up!

  18. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I agree with Dr. Carson. She told the host on Extra that she wears a size 1 due to learning to do "hot yoga". Also, when she meets people for breakfast, I hear she just orders black coffee. I also read she sips on DIET Dr. Pepper throughout the day.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      How in the world is that woman not dead yet?
      How much punishment can a body take anyway?
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      uh with all that staff and no one told her?
      Smack them first...then look up on line the effects of diet soda...I got an email from a friend almost a decade ago now...and it was a lot of frickin pages...that annoyed me but I relucklanty read them...and learned that the ingredients in soda and diet has stuff in it that causes medical conditions...
      had a list of folks who had 'chronic' problems and then the doctor told them to stop soda and the check up revealed that was the spread the word about soda!
      I don't think the Palin camp cares...they know all...raised eyebrows...allrighty then

  19. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Hey Gryphen, this crap is nothing more than low-hanging fruit. Step it up. If you've got nothing, don't reach.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      WTH is wrong with you?
      It's commentary.
      Go hang out with the Europeans.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      put sarah palin before the word crap and you said it all in one sentence . low hanging fruit.

    3. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Speak for yourself, it's a big, big day at the pond when the losers get to extend their list of people they hate.

      And this one's the Great Blah Hope, too.... tsk.

  20. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Hey,beauty (Sarah)weenie,wherever You are.
    Please stay away! You wretched ho.

  21. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Maybe she finally messed up her electrolytes to the point she had a heart attack and the family is keeping it a secret so they can continue with the"I am interested in running" slush fund.

    Also too, maybe Tim sent the letter about needing $10,000 for SarahPac because they had some $ that they had to launder.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Believe you me, when they have to file the PAC report in July, I'll be paying very close attention to March 31.

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      "Also too, maybe Tim sent the letter about needing $10,000 for SarahPac because they had some $ that they had to launder."


      precisely what i thought/am thinking ..

    3. Anonymous3:34 AM

      I thought the money they were begging for was for expenses to the NRA convention, or the hill billy weddin'. It did not work, so she cancelled her appearance. Maybe DuhKota realised that she is not the big money magnet he thought she was, and is having second thoughts? Maybe the $$$$ dried up so fast, they are all thinking about getting REAL jobs. Bristles practice this "Would you like fries with that?"

  22. Anonymous12:32 AM

    I have to feel a LITTLE bad for the rubes who send their welfare checks to this charlatan, in the hopes he will be the Republicans' Great Black Hope.

    I suspect the Vegas odds against him being elected, run in the nine figures to one.

    If I ran around naked with a sign saying "I HATE OBAMA" I'm pretty sure the odds of ME being elected, are much better than his.

  23. I have no doubt Palin is truly anorexic, not just unhealthily thin. A family member of mine nearly died of anorexia (like Karen Carpenter). Fortunately she collapsed in the hospital where she worked. She was 5'8" and weighed 99 pounds. That was about 25 years ago, and she has cardiac problems to this day as well as a permanent pacemaker.

    What strikes me are the number of photos where Palin emphasizes how bizarrely flat her abs are, by sucking in to the point she hunches forward to contrast her boobs with her abs, making for an abnormal stride and odd poses.

    I am thinking in particular of the silly Patton flag ad for the first season of Appalling America, and a picture (actually there are several) of her hugging somebody, wearing the belmonts with her silly low cut jeans and clingy shirts.

    Abs sucked in and boobs hunched forward. She did a lovely job passing her body dysmorphia onto Bristol.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      I did that to myself. i wouldnt eat for days. after a while you lose interest in food. (no throwing up). I looked terrible! luckily with the help of others I'm now healthy and happy. I'm at my target weight for my size. that starving yourself can literally kill you!

    2. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Yikes! I'm 5'8" and 148 pounds, size 6-8 and look thin and healthy. I can't imagine what I'd look like at 99 pounds. How did she even function?

    3. Anonymous4:16 PM sound like your's finding other country diets that keep them healthy is the mission of those who want health...
      We can look online and find out what to eat and what some can grow - inside/outside?
      May be they have a cure for anorexia?

  24. Anonymous5:31 AM

    WOW...who is her beauty just wow! LOL
    And she's trying to walk like she's all that...SMH

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      HAHAHAHA...I think that's when she was trying to "go Hollywood." And that was a few years back, can you imagine what she looks like now? No wonder they post old pictures of her. And I bet she's cancelled her "premier NRA engagement" since she's getting an overhaul after looking at her latest photos.

  25. Anonymous5:33 AM

    I think Sarah is in some type of private hospital due to either a drug or anorexic medical emergency. Maybe Sarah had a mental breakdown?

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      nah...she's just playing games or getting her face redone.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      No way is Sarah anywhere where others can see her detoxing. My guess is she's holed up in her house, recovering from plastic surgery and/or drying out.

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I think u r right.

    4. Anonymous11:10 AM

      She doesn't go to no stinking hospital. There is nothing wrong with her. She's holed up in her room, sybil-bibling to herself and looking in the mirror. Ask her kids, they know. Tri-G is learning to make burnt mac and cheese while standing on Jill Hadassah the dog.

  26. Anonymous7:48 AM

    lock down or rehab or Jail is where she should be.

  27. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Maybe a family member should tell Sarah that Easter is over. Sarah Palin's last facebook post is dated April 5th. That's if they can find their mother.

    Prediction, one of SarahPac's flunky who reads Immoral Minority will update Sarah's Facebook post while Sarah is ummmm preoccupied.

  28. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Crazy dude MD is unelectable. He needs to go do miracles on folks that may hire him. I personally would not. But regardless this dude md must not be in politics because his brain has an odd way of thinkin'

  29. Anonymous8:42 AM

    are her rubes still paying her for their daily dose? maybe she will say shes out on Maternity leave.

  30. Anonymous11:00 AM

    (Carson, for his part, thought Palin "looked anorexic.")
    Oh boy, Sarah has to add another person to her "haters" list !!!

  31. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Sarah Palin came out of hiding

    Sarah Palin facebook
    added 8 new photos
    6 mins Â· 

    Happily enroute to Minnesota to break bread with great Safari Club International hunters and conservationists! I look forward to encouraging women hunters, sharing insight on true conservation, preaching firearms safety, and of course hearing from these liberty lovers in the beautiful Land of 10,000 Lakes.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Happily enroute to Minnesota to break bread with great Safari Club International hunters and conservationists!


      Is this why Sarah Palin quit on the NRA convention?

    2. Anonymous12:49 PM


      Everyday Uses for SureFire Hearing Protection with Dakota Meyer:

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Sarah Palin said on her facebook she receives firearms from different companies. Does Sarah Palin have to declare the value of these guns on her tax forms? Did she report them?

    4. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Betcha future posted pictures of Dakota and the Palins shooting guns will show them wearing SureFire Hearing Protection.

  32. Anonymous5:15 PM

    HE's a neurosurgeon? And some poor schmuck has and operation appointment in the morning. Sarah needn't worry, there's nothing to operate on from the ears up.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.