Thursday, April 16, 2015

Here's a little inspiration to start your day.

More on Alan Watts.


  1. fromthediagonal6:08 AM

    Alan Watts' Life Path is an interesting one. His knowledge is impressive and his lectures are challenging but delivered in a wonderfully descriptive style which makes them accessible. To any readers who are interested, I would suggest checking out the original stream-of-consciousness live recordings. Thanks Gryph, for the reminder to re-listen.

  2. Boscoe7:44 AM

    I have an Alan Watts playlist on my iPod that has a running time of 4.7 days. :)

    1. fromthediagonal8:39 AM

      Excellent, Boscoe! There may be too few of us to really listen.

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Thanks for sharing this, What draws me most toward Buddhism is that you're led to explore your inner self, then your perception of the natural world, beginning here on earth then the universe. Not everyone takes the same path, but it's more the destination that's important than the journey.


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