Friday, April 24, 2015

Taco Bell flashing commercial gives one million prudes the vapors.

Okay did you watch that and laugh?

Did you think it was cute?

Did you perhaps think "Boy I sure hope I'm that feisty when I'm that age?"

Well if you did then clearly you are immoral heathens. Because Monica Cole of One Million Moms was horrified, horrified I say, at this vulgar advertisement.

From the OMM website: 

Taco Bell is following a trend in crude commercials. While a few fast food restaurants are cleaning up their ads, Taco Bell decided to air a new ad named "Flash" to advertise Chickstars. 

The ad shows an elderly couple eating Chickstars in their car when the woman lifts up her shirt, implying she is showing her bare chest to the man. Showing a female flashing a man during a television commercial is completely inappropriate. This act has nothing to do with the food product. 

Even if the couple is supposed to be married, this ad is in poor taste. It would be something children would duplicate. Everyone knows children repeat what they see. This disgusting advertisement is airing during primetime when children are likely watching.

You know I used to pity this group back when they were going after Ellen Degeneres because they simply seem to high strung to successfully navigate through middle age without their hearts exploding.

But now I've change my mind. Now I pity their spouses.

Could you even imagine having to live with a woman who takes offense at virtually EVERYTHING?


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    These commercials are becoming tasteless.
    Kids are losing their innocence from the garbage they watch on TV.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      I have a solution to the problem. Don't let your kids watch garbage. There is this amazing invention called a remote which allows you to change the channel. Choose wisely and may the force be with yo.

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      What about internet garbage? Oh, that is 'two shoes', lover, kryptonite, and Alicia the Troll.

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      First of all, I'm not Alicia, never heard of her.
      Second, if you think these crude commercials are okay then you don't mind letting your kids watch rated R movies.

      PC morons.

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    "Females" vs. "men". Sounds like the Concerned Idiots of America hate women (that is, themselves) so much that they won't even accord women the status of human beings.

  3. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Cute commercial in a naughty little way. Most times, kids don't normally imitate the elderly among us; maybe they'd blush and giggle a bit?


  4. Anonymous3:40 AM

    The question is, did dude take his Viagra?

  5. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Is that Sally heath or Sarah? They both look like her.

  6. This is one of the reasons I typically don't post until the first quart of coffee in my system. At first I misread the headline as "Taco Bell flushing commercial gives one million prudes the vapors." I though it was going to be a cute, admission ad and description that Taco Bell crap can send you running to the can, but I guess they wouldn't admit that would they?

    Did you read about their big food giveaway at Congress yesterday?

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      that will be Sarah in 5yrs.

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      That is Sarah now, inflatables and butt pads don't count.

  7. Anonymous4:01 AM

    If that's Bristol or her sister in the future, that guy better not trust them if they say its okay, I'm on my Cramp Pills. Don't forget those Palins and Heaths are very fertile and breed like rats.

  8. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Showing a female flashing a man during a television commercial is completely inappropriate. This act has nothing to do with the food product. 
    -Monica Cole of One Million Moms

    Reply to Monica
    Ask your granddaughters if they have done that.

    You're in for a big surprise.

  9. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Why is the prude upset? The guy hasn't reached 1st base yet, he's still standing at the plate deciding whether or not to bunt or go for the fence.

    Swing away Casey swing away.

  10. Anonymous4:55 AM

    "Everyone knows that children repeat what they see..."

    I'm guessing nobody's ever displayed to this woman a shred of irony, humor, or even a delicious metaphorical hors d'oeuvres party platter of 'Bitch, shut your fat pious mouth and calm down! It's a goddamn Taco Bell commercial!"

  11. It takes some talent to be so easily offended. I wouldn't have thought to get mad about that ad.

  12. Anonymous5:33 AM

    coming from another senior...YUK!

  13. Anonymous6:05 AM

    As a senior, I prefer this Taco Bell ad to the far too numerous viagra commercials on TV.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      6:05 AM
      I'm a senior too and I agree with you.

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      The thing is....about those viagra commercials...if you can't excite your man enough, or don't know how, make him take a pill....

  14. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I wonder what percentage of the One Million Moms keep their TV tuned to FoxNews every waking hour? The extremely low cut dresses and very short, tight skirts worn by the sexy blonds on Fox on each show are far more likely to easily influence kids than the behavior of a couple in their 70's in a Taco Bell commercial.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      You're absolutely right 6:18. Children are attracted to youth, beauty and sex appeal by nature. If anything, this commercial may keep them from EVER flashing, or not ever wanting to visit Taco Bell again!

  15. Because you should only flash when you're young, tight and nubile?

    I guess none of the million moms has ever attended Mardi Gras. I understand that is the only way you can get beads now.

  16. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "The Vapors?" Is Monica Cole actually Lindsay Graham in drag?

  17. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Monica Cole is exactly right! I am no prude by a long shot, but there is a limit.

    Can't the American public open their mouth and make a sentence without needing the f word or a reference to a sexual act?

    I want some respectable citizenry in this country my grandchildren call home. I do not expect them to mimic the idiocy displayed by the half dressed "stars" exposing as much as the law will allow and money hungry "grannies" showing their drooping boobs for a stupid company providing this commercial.

    Really, is this all we have to offer? Sad!

    1. I thought it was cute.

      I'll bet she'd be shocked my 85 year old parents still "do it". Probably thinks you should be celebrate when you reach 65 (or sooner). Or even stop after the last kids are born and you're in menopause. No more procreation, no more "recreation". Is that the mind set of these people?

      Europeans are mystified that we can get in such a tizzy over such a natural act, yet seem callously indifferent to violence, especially gun violence.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      what does an ad with sexual conotations have to do with food? why all the sexual references in commercials that target the general population?

    3. Sex sells. It's one of several advertising methods used to sell stuff. I won't even get into the Freudian things like red lipstick. At least the connection between sex and food is more obvious than selling Calvin Kline clothes.

    4. Anonymous8:45 AM

      u r right. one money hungry granny (sarah palin)with drooping boobs is enough!

  18. Aunt Ethel9:30 AM

    If you watch the commercial very closely, you will see that the elderly man is wearing a wedding ring. If you stop the video at the right place as the elderly woman is raising her blouse, you'll see that she too is wearing a wedding ring.

    Conclusion: These two people are supposed to be interpreted as an older married couple who still know how to have fun with each other and *gasp* are still interested in sex. Also, too, don't conservative groups like the Whiny Mothers Of America encourage people to get married and stay married for life? Idiots.

    Also, too, too, why are you letting your children watch television instead of doing Bible study? If you let your children watch television unsupervised, they might get interested in evil stuff like science. Next thing you know, little Zachariah or Bathsheba is planning how to eventually get their PhD in something from the pits of Hell like microbiology, climatology, or physics. How are you gonna explain that to the other whiny moms?


    1. They also look to be on a very deserted road. Perhaps a lover's leap sort of kissing spot out of the way.

      I'm sure if this took place in the privacy of this couple's living room or even bedroom, these moms would still be in a tizzy.

      Apparently violence and guns is nothing to get upset about but the implied exposure of one wrinkled boob to your husband is grounds for indictment and conviction.

      These old gals really need to get a life and stop dictating to the world. I'm sure they mostly Republican and all control freaks.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      so was the sick old fuck showing his Dick to everyone in the parking lot at fredmeyers just *Expressing himself??! I'm all for seniors enjoying sex into their old age. I sure hope to.

  19. Anonymous9:44 AM

    "Shick Trim your Bush commercial"

    I bet she just loves this commercial ;-)

  20. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Personally I think it's stupid. Sorry...

  21. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Lighten the fuck up, OMM. The ad was cute, believe it or not, people like a little humor with their chicken, if you want something different, you got Chic fil a. Where no one has a sex life, kids are never breast fed, and everythings fine as long as you thump your bible.
    What did they do in biblical times to feed an infant? (one of the functions of breasts) Did they go to Cost co and buy cases of enfamil? Wait for manna from heaven? What did they do? They whipped those puppies out, latched that baby on, and carried on throwing rocks.
    Sex doesn't end when humans get old, so what she flashed him her chicklets? A little harmless fun. Will gasp kids see the commercial? yup. Will they understand fully what's going on? nope. It's your job to 'splain it to them in an age appropriate way.

  22. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I loved it and so did my grandson. He asked me, "Nana do you ever flash Pops at Taco Bell?" LOL


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