Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tricked you.

I think this needs to be spread far and wide.

If any Republican president had accomplished even a fraction of what Obama has accomplished the conservatives would never shut up about it.


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Thank you for posting these stats; it provides a bright spot amid our socially Us desperate days.


  2. Anonymous2:48 AM

    You can blow this up into a huge billboard and plaster them on every county in every state in the union (and Puerto Rico!) and the Rethugs would still deny it! The billboard would be desecrated and damaged and torn down. They just deny the president even one small iota of success. They are the three blind mice all rolled into one big rodent smelling wad of poop. Yeah, I said that!

  3. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Thanks for this Gryphen. Hopefully Reagan's cheerleader, the Wasilla quitter-'n-thief, Sarah Palin will see it. She'll just daydream and substitute her name for Obama's!

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I'd love to have that on a bumpersticker!

  5. Anonymous5:10 AM

    No comments at 8:10 a.m.? I posted one about 6:30 a.m. What's up?

  6. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I love it! Thanks Uncle Gryph. I know some people who will be very surprised to see this.

    R in NC

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Reagan will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents
    Obozo will easily be the worst president ever

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Back to the pee pond with you. It's about time for their call to prayer for prophet Palin to save them.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      No the worst will undeniably be George W. Bush, with Ronnie Raygun a close second. See, some of us are old enough and intelligent enough to know the difference between great and bad. The Republicans can win elections; they simply cannot govern.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      8:21 - When you children (masquerading as adults) use childish names to minimize them to your level of intelligence, it embarrasses you, not Obama. Is your grasp on employment and economy so magical you can pretend Reagan was anything but a collosal failure as a President, actor and father?

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      8:21 Blow it out of your Palin sniffing ass. Reagan was a poser, who faked it through his alzheimer riddled terms.

    5. LOL.

      Bush has worst ever locked up for the future. We would be hard pressed to elect a worst president again.

      Oh, and BIN LADEN IS DEAD!

      That alone ensures Obama a positive place in history.

    6. Anonymous12:00 PM

      8:21 PM Did your uneducated/home-schooled Mama teach you any manners?

    7. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Bush was never "elected". He was appointed by his daddy's Supreme Court in 2000, and Rove stole Ohio by fixing the machines in 2004.

      They tried to steal it again in 2012 but Anonymous stopped them.

    8. Anonymous5:06 AM

      For me, the worst president was George W. Bush, followed by Herbert Hoover who thought the Depression would just go away by itself, then the two idiots who preceded Hoover - Coolidge and Harding, then Ronald Reagan who ran again and again AGAINST the very idea of government. I could never understand why anyone would vote for him.

  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    This should be put on a poster along main highways in the USA. The idiots wouldn't deface it, because they love them some Ronald Reagan and you know - his face adorns it!

    The majority of them probably wouldn't read what it actually said! Republicans, I mean, of course, of course!

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The imaginary Saint Reagan the uneducated slack-jawed goobers on the right (see 8:21) revere never existed.

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The Reagan Administration was the most corrupt administration is history with 138 arrests , inditements and prosecutions.His Administration was a debacle and yet Repugs act like he and it are sacrosanct.It boggles the mind.

  11. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I knew it was a fake. No "Sarah PAC" stamp. lol


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It just goes directly to their thighs.