Sunday, May 31, 2015

Beau Biden, Joe Biden's son, has died of brain cancer.

Courtesy of Reuters:  

Former Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, died on Saturday after battling brain cancer, the vice president said. He was 46. 

"The entire Biden family is saddened beyond words," Vice President Biden said in a statement released by the White House. 

"We know that Beau's spirit will live on in all of us, especially through his brave wife, Hallie, and two remarkable children, Natalie and Hunter," he said. 

Beau Biden had announced last year he planned to run for governor of Delaware in 2016. 

He was diagnosed with brain cancer in August 2013 and underwent surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. After getting a "a clean bill of health" in November of that year, his cancer recurred in the spring of 2015, the vice president's office said. 

He sought aggressive treatment and had been hospitalized this month at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center outside Washington. 

His family was with him when he died. "Beau embodied my father's saying that a parent knows success when his child turns out better than he did," the vice president said. "In the words of the Biden family: Beau Biden was, quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known."

I had another post scheduled for this slot, but I simply could not let this unfortunate event pass without comment.

Here is the statement from President Obama:  

Michelle and I are grieving tonight. Beau Biden was a friend of ours. His beloved family - Hallie, Natalie, and Hunter - are friends of ours. And Joe and Jill Biden are as good as friends get. 

Beau took after Joe. He studied the law, like his dad, even choosing the same law school. He chased a life of public service, like his dad, serving in Iraq and as Delaware's Attorney General. Like his dad, Beau was a good, big-hearted, devoutly Catholic and deeply faithful man, who made a difference in the lives of all he touched - and he lives on in their hearts. 

But for all that Beau Biden achieved in his life, nothing made him prouder; nothing made him happier; nothing claimed a fuller focus of his love and devotion than his family.

 Just like his dad. 

Joe is one of the strongest men we've ever known. He's as strong as they come, and nothing matters to him more than family. It's one of the things we love about him. And it is a testament to Joe and Jill - to who they are - that Beau lived a life that was full; a life that mattered; a life that reflected their reverence for family. 

The Bidens have more family than they know. In the Delaware they love. In the Senate Joe reveres. Across this country that he has served for more than forty years. And they have a family right here in the White House, where hundreds of hearts ache tonight - for Hallie, Natalie, and Hunter; for Joe and for Jill; for Beau's brother, Hunter; his sister, Ashley, and for the entire Biden clan. 

"I have believed the best of every man," wrote the poet William Butler Yeats, "And find that to believe it is enough to make a bad man show him at his best or even a good man swing his lantern higher." 

Beau Biden believed the best of us all. For him, and for his family, we swing our lanterns higher. 

Michelle and I humbly pray for the good Lord to watch over Beau Biden, and to protect and comfort his family here on Earth.

No parent should have to bury their child, and I think that all of us who are parents, regardless of our political points of view, are grieving with Joe Biden right now.

So with that in mind I am going to include Sarah Palin's remarks as well courtesy of Facebook:

Our family's prayers are with the Biden family tonight on the loss of their son, brother, husband and father, Beau Biden. He was a veteran of the Iraq war and was awarded the Bronze Star in recognition of his service, and continued his service in public office as well. We enjoyed the short time we got to spend with his beautiful family during the VP debate in 2008. Rest in Peace, Beau. 

Psalm 18:2 “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” 

- Sarah Palin

Joe Biden has dealt with more loss in his life than I think most of us could bear, yet he still manages to walk through life with that huge smile plastered to his face while treating the people he meets as if he really cares about each and every one of them.

And that just might be because he does.

On behalf of myself, and all of us here at IM, I want to send our condolences to the Biden family.

Update: I think this is a much better picture to illustrate Joe Biden's love for his son.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    His life was gentle; and the elements
    So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up
    And say to all the world, THIS WAS A MAN.

    ~ William Shakespeare

    Godspeed, Beau Biden.
    Deepest sympathies to the Biden family.

    1. Shooting Bunnies11:57 AM

      Perfect, beautiful quote

  2. Caroll Thompson6:24 AM

    My heart breaks for the Biden family.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Absolutely terrible. Joe Biden has been through more heartache than most of us will ever experience.

    And of course, Palin posts a picture of HERSELF. This woman is always thinking of a way to invoke people to pat her on the back. Could she not have posted a picture of Joe and Beau? Nope, because it's still all about HER.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      So true. Why not post a photo of the person who passed away, instead of yet once more trying to resurrect some publicity for herself? I'd take her remarks off the thread, as they are preceded by nasty remarks on Democrats, a few minutes earlier.

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Since Sarah posted a photo to remind all of us that she was once a Vice Presidential candidate and that "she" met Beau Biden, it was a reminder to me that during that debate, Joe Biden made a reference to his wife and child who died in the car wreck..............and Sarah callously skipped over Joe Biden's remarks and continued to blab about herself, she showed no empathy. Watching her do that would have turned me against her even if I had been a fan. (That's not an exact description of what she did -- some of you may remember it better than I have described).

      I admire the entire Biden family, VP Joe, his beautiful wife, Jill and their children. I'm so sorry that Beau Biden has passed. R.I.P. Beau Biden.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      10:45 AM You know who is despicable.

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Since reading about this earlier today on TheObamaDiary, I have felt genuine grief for the Biden family and sadness for all of us. Vice President Biden and his wife have been such active participants in all of our lives since he was sworn in in January 2009; it is as if a member of our own families has died.

    I only hope that, for his sake and for the country's sake, the smile will reappear on Vice President Biden's face. It truly lit up all those around him. All of us parents know that the greatest loss we could possibly face would be that of one of our children. I think that is why this touches so deeply.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I'm not a parent and I've been sobbing since I learned this news. Joe Biden is one of the most loving, gentle, kind and sincere people I've ever seen in the pubic arena and my heart is breaking for the enormous loss he has experienced and is experiencing.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      ''' it is as if a member of our own families has died.'''

      I know, it is like we have lost a member of our own family, this is how I feel right now. I am so shaken.

    3. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Anonymous7:25 AM

      '''I'm not a parent and I've been sobbing since I learned this news.'''

      Same here.

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      My son passed away in 2010 just after his 45th birthday. I know firsthand what Joe is going through. Children should NEVER go before their parents. I am crying as I type. This is a "club I did not want to join" as John Travolta said when he lost his son. Joe lost his first wife an a child in a car accident years ago. That was Beau's mother and sister.

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Oh 7:51 AM, my heart to you!
      Wishing you peace.......

    6. Anonymous10:36 AM

      9"25 Thank you.

    7. Anonymous7:03 PM

      I sat across from my dad as we spent time with my brother's body shortly after he passed. I will never forget his grief.. A child isn't supposed to pass before their parents. We never know what the future holds. Treasure each moment with family. Time is precious.

  5. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Just one example of why the Biden family is beloved in the State of Delaware. They've served, year after year after year.
    I was in the hospital room when Joe Biden was sworn into office in 1973; he showed his strength and his love, for his family and his office, through all those years.
    He, and we, have lost a real public service, a real man.

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    My heart goes out to Joe Biden.

    I almost think the Palin part should be removed, Gryphen, because it tainted the message.

    I think she took part of her statement from Joe Biden's statement, as I read it last night, and hers sounds familiar.

    And for fuck's sake, Sarah, you narcissistic bitch who can't for even ONE MOMENT refrain from making it about you, there was NO NEED to mention the VP debates!!!! OMG, I can't tell you how much I hate this woman.

    R in NC

    1. FEUP!!!8:12 AM

      I agree with you and others here. I can't believe this BEOTCH put her own picture on there. Always trying to make everything about herself.

      R.I.P., Beau Biden! You have touched a lot of lives and hearts, and your memory will live in those you touched. May that knowledge bring peace to your grieving family.

    2. "I almost think the Palin part should be removed, Gryphen, because it tainted the message."
      I agree. The Bidens are public servants and have given to this country for decades. Palin is nothing but a hypocritical piece of trash who doesn't care the tiniest bit about the Biden family. She deserves no credit for her ghost-written post with its fake sympathy.

    3. Crystal Sage10:08 AM

      Yeah, take that evil bitch's remarks out of this thread. I am sick with grief over what Joe Biden and his family are going through right now. Good people. Decent people who have suffered great losses yet continue to serve their country.

      OTOH, Sarah has done nothing but serve her own selfishness. Worst thing to happen to her lately was her slut daughter's wedding was called off. Thanks, God (if you're really out there.) You really f-'ed up again.

  7. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Devastating news.
    Peace of mind and spirit to the Biden family.

  8. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Hey, $arah, will you comment on Beau Biden dying from brain cancer, or are you silently applauding?

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      @7:11 ....or are you silently applauding, is such an ugly comment but I was thinking the same thing, I can picture that vicious grin on her face. I pray the Biden Family finds peace and comfort at the loss of their beloved Beau Biden.

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Same here. palin is always trying to steal the limelight even in people's hour of tragedy and loss. Blood libel. She's such a waste of skin.

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The last picture I saw of the VP was when he and POTUS were touring the White House with the delightful elderly lady having her first field trip at age 97. I thought Mr. Biden looked suddenly old, distracted maybe, definitely stressed. I had no idea what was wrong. This is so sad. We can't afford to lose good men like Beau Biden. Wishing healing strength to the entire family.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Me too, I noticed the same thing about Joe Biden.

      My heart goes out to him.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I noticed it too! I feel so badly for him and his family!

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Can you imagine how much stress he was under as his son lay dying, and he took the time to welcome the 97-year-old woman to the White House. Such a class act.

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Rest in Peace Beau Biden and prayers for the Biden family.

    As for Palin, she makes a mockery EVEN of her message to the Biden family as she does everything else.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Then 7:18, don't go look at SP's FB comments by her fans. I did and I was appalled. They call her "classy, smart & ---" something else I can't remember that was also so far off the mark I wonder if she writes these herself.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      She put up that picture on her FB post just to show off her 2008 calves.

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Beautiful sentiments, G. Few things in life can be as painful as losing a child, at any age.

    It was obvious to observe how the Bidens and Obamas had a very close relationship. With all the hatred and vitriol directed at this Administration from the Right, and with Beau Biden's health problems since 2010, this Vice President didn't allow his own grief to override his abilities to govern. That's courage. He had his son's troubles, his DIL and grandchildren's suffering to deal with as well.

  12. Anonymous7:20 AM

    In honor of Beau O'Biden please donate to SarahPAC

    Thank you S.P.

  13. Anonymous7:25 AM

    R in NC...I too felt that she reposted part of Joe Biden's statement. But the ultimate disgust was the picture she posted.
    Click on Grypen's link "courtesy of facebook"

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      You are so right! I clicked on the link and I can't believe she used that picture!! I know we always say this, however she continues to present new opportunities to say, "she has NO shame."

      R in NC

    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Palin represents the very worst in mankind.

  14. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Beau through the years.

  15. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Oh, this is so sad beyond word for VP Joe to lose his child.
    I am in a state of shock. I didn't even know Beau had cancer.
    I am just so saddened about this. My heart goes out to all of the Biden family. The Bidens part of America's family so we all need comfort too.

  16. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Joe loved his boy and he wasn't afraid to show it.

  17. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Leave a message...

  18. Anonymous7:47 AM

    There's quite a few Republicans that have been gracious and kind in their statements.

    Harry Reid really said it best, though:

    “Beau Biden was a wonderful, strong and courageous man. I met him many times and thought the world of him. His life was so rich and it is unspeakably sad to see him leave us far too soon. Beau’s dedication to public service was deep, broad and profound. He embodied the best and most noble traits that his parents sought to instill in him. I know Joe is very proud and he should be proud because Beau was simply a joy to know. Beau’s wife, Hallie, and children, Natalie and Hunter, have lost a husband and father who was truly one of the good ones and they will be in our loving thoughts as they move through this difficult time.

    “Joe and Jill are dear friends of mine and I can only imagine what they and their family are going through. Landra and I convey our deepest condolences to them and their entire family in this tragic time.”

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      While Rep. elected officials have been kind, not so w/ the clamoring mobs on the internet tubes. The comments, e.g. on Politico are unbelievably acerbic...some pretty rough stuff.. and they are the face and soul of the GOTP - their "base" in every sense of the word.
      No one of education nor civility would wish to be counted among them.

  19. Anonymous7:49 AM

    RiP, Beau.

  20. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Devoted to each other:

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM


  22. Anonymous7:59 AM

    My love to the entire Biden family. I'm so sorry that Beau passed.

  23. FEUP!!!8:01 AM

    R.I.P., Beau Biden! You will live in the hearts of many whose lives you touched.
    My heartfelt condolences to the Biden family.

  24. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Such a great young man. Sorry for your loss Joe. Say it ain't so.

  25. Anonymous8:21 AM

    To even mention the classless bitch's name in the same sentence as the vice president and his family is offensive. As with everything she uses the opportunity to get face time for herself. I'm sure she'll find a way to whine about her and her lowlife family being the victim in this tragedy somehow.

  26. FEDUP!!!8:41 AM

    Somehow, this homeless man's music fits hauntingly beautiful here.
    Again, R.IP., Beau Biden!

  27. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I have so much respect for Joe Biden. He really seems like a genuine man who isn't afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve.

    I am deeply sorry for their loss.

  28. Anonymous9:02 AM

    My heart is full of sadness for Beau Biden and his family. May he rest in peace and his familly find comfort in their wonderful memories.

  29. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Gryphen, I am not sure why you included Sarah's in your tribute to Beau Biden. Yes, she poted some comments, but why do they merit inclusion? She doesn't deserve the recognition.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Perhaps he was calling attention to what an effing bitch she is? If anyone knows it, it's Gryph!

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Remember in that debate Palin had with Joe Biden that she kept calling him O'Biden!

      And, Joe Biden came off stage after the debate and mouthed the words 'you owe me' indicating the debate was a huge joke to him!

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      I sure do, 10:21 AM. For her to come across as if she knew them is a joke.

    4. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I just remember how kind Joe Biden was to Sarah. He could have ripped her to sheds; her responses were so lame. But he chose the high road as he has always done. What a gentleman!

    5. Anonymous11:43 AM

      The most memorable part of the debate to me was when Sarah was going on and on about being a mother and worrying about your kids and their medical bills and so on, like Biden couldn't possibly get it because he's a man--right in front of a man who has faced those realities in a way Sarah could never imagine and was completely ignorant of his history as a widowed father with two sons who were seriously injured. I guess they didn't run the photo of Joe being sworn in in his sons' hospital room in any or all of the papers Sarah devoured. I also remember Joe Biden handling Palin's ignorance beautifully and emotionally, after which she continued with her script. No acknowledgement of the genuine emotions that VP Biden had displayed. I think that was the moment she blew it for good.

    6. I also recall Palin's blank stare when Joe Biden mentioned his family's previous losses. Probably her single most repellant moment, showing how utterly soulless she is. She doesn't even know how to mimic appropriate sympathy.

  30. Anonymous9:15 AM

    colint • an hour ago

    Have not seen any MSM mention of Sarah's condolence message to the Bidens.

    There was a story with messages from about 10 Democrats including about 5 words from Obama.

    And why in hell should media report a half assed condolence message from a former Governor who now is a narcissistic internet troll?

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      President Obama and First Lady Michelle's message was much, much longer than five words 9:15 AM.

      They and the Bidens are very, very close!

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Just what I would expect from a Palinbot, assuming that everything, even the death of someone elses loved one has to be about her.

    3. Anonymous11:44 AM

      The President and First Lady offered a lengthy and beautiful eulogy for Beau.

  31. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Beau is everything Track isn't, an educated, professional, decorated veteran. Even Beau's Bronze Star has more merit than Duhkota's MOH.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      The Palins couldn't be more disgusting hypocrites. The propaganda to benefit Track (Sarah) Palin was from the beginning of the 2008 McCain/Palin disaster. They have never made amends for their lies to the American people. Imagine anyone who would use Track Palin for a poster boy, they would be the same people that would lie America into an illegal war.

      September 9, 2008.
      Palin's son becomes poster boy for GOP as Bush unveils troop pull-out
      After fading from the headlines, Iraq is about to become front page news again, now that Track Palin is off to the front.
      John McCain and Joe Biden both have sons in the military, but they rarely discuss their children's military service.

      Sarah Palin has no such compunction, however.

      She has repeatedly pointed to her son's membership in Alaska's National Guard when making the case for McCain to be the next president.
      .... she said at a rally in Lee's Summit, Mo.

      "I'll tell ya, as a mother of one of those troops, that is exactly the kind of man I want as commander-in-chief."

      Palin has made things trickier for the military by broadcasting the fact her son is heading for Iraq. He was in the audience for her speech at the Republican National Convention where she mentioned it again.

  32. Anonymous9:33 AM

    A wonderful, loving father who has endured more tragedy than most has lost his treasured son too young. Was this God's will? I JUST DO NOT GET IT.

  33. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Joe Biden has lost so much. I believe that is one of two sons who survived a horrible crash that killed the mother and sister. How awful is that?

  34. Anonymous10:25 AM

    No need to remove Sarah's post at this point it already appears along with her fb link on CNN.
    She got what she wanted! It really is beyond belief how evil this woman truly is...

  35. Anonymous10:36 AM

    She posteod a pcture of her and Joe Biden at the debat IN 2008. How tastesless can this woman get? EVERYTHING has to be about her.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Of course it is. Sarah thinking about her glory days like high school. "Remember when i was a cheerleader" .

      Hey Sarah those days are so gone,the Republican party tried a new experiment in desperation and you were it. If you weren't such a rube, if you weren't so stupid it may have worked but thank your God that the majority saw through your dumb ass.

      Run Sarah run! I would say put your money where your mouth is but it's other people's money that you use.Coward, Idiot. pay attention to your family, really we don't want you stinking up the White House with your kids drama, we don't want moose chili served at a state dinner, we don't want our President to wear slut wear and 6 inch heels. Get some god damn respect! you give women a bad name.

    2. Anonymous11:58 PM

      Sarah was not a sports!

  36. Anonymous11:09 AM

    This is Joe Biden, speaking in 2012, to a group of grieving military families: Definitely grab some tissues before you watch. It's about 20 minutes, but it's worth the listen. Joe Biden understands grief and he speaks very compassionately.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      It just breaks my heart. As jovial and upbeat as he is, he carries the grief of his wife and daughter so close to the surface. He loves his family so deeply. I ache that he is suffering through the loss of his wonderful son.

      Meghan in PA

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      That's the reason I love this man and will always defend him!

    3. My nephew who lost his father (my brother) to cancer was joking about how like his dad he was turning out to be.

      I passed on to him VP Biden's remark to the families that the day would eventually come when the thought of their loved one would bring a smile to their lips before a tear to their eye. He was very touched.

  37. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The Pay-me family of grifters has only suffered from things they brought on themselves (unwed teenage pregnancy, uneducated grab at VP job, drunken ho-down brawl, etc.). The Bidens have suffered terribly from things not of their own making--car accidents, cancer.

  38. Anonymous11:38 AM

    With all of my heart I say kiss our asses Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin you are Satan's Agent of Death!

    Sarah Palin you are the Agent of Death that put your sniper gun crosshairs on Democratic Politicians.

    Unlike you Sarah Palin, these Democratic politicians are peacefully out there working for the American citizens while you Sarah Palin speaks of evil things and is afraid of running for office.

    When Gabby Gifford was shot in the brain, where was your ghost writer telling Gabby's family about your family's bullshit prayers?

    Sarah, Satan may have removed Gabby from her political office but God gave her life after being shot in the head.


    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Blood Libel? Wtf was that about?

    2. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Hu that was weird! I thought Fox didn't want her yapping on tv but she did anyways!

  39. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Sarah Palin’s Facebook followers are telling Sarah Palin she has class for writing her post about VP Biden's son.

    Where was Sarah Palin's class at the vp debate when Joe Biden mentioned he lost his wife?

    1. Really? What did her ghost writers write?

      I'm surprised she didn't hijack the opportunity to slam Obama.

  40. Anonymous12:51 PM

    The one thing I remember about Beau Biden's speech at the 2008 Democratic convention (introducing his dad), which made me smile, was when he talked about his Dad getting remarried to Jill and he said something like, "We married my mother..." showing they were all a family, Jill included. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Beau Biden's family.

  41. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Tributes and condolences poured in after the passing of Beau Biden

    Beau Biden: A Death In the American Family

    ...What makes the loss even more tragic was that this young man—the father of two children—was so accomplished at such a young age. He did not simply coast off his father’s accomplishments, but sought success in his own right, serving as a major in the Judge Advocate General Corps, working to bring rule of law to war-torn Kosovo and spending a year in Iraq, all while winning elected office as Delaware’s attorney general at age 37.

    Beau delivered his father’s nomination speech at the 2008 Democratic convention, bringing many in the auditorium, including his father, to tears. Beau would have almost certainly been elected to fill his father’s seat in the U.S. Senate but he declined to run because he did not want to seem like he was simply riding his dad’s coattails. He had prosecutions to complete, he explained. And he would instead explore running for governor in 2016.

  42. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Q. When did we ever see Sarah Palin hugging her child with such obvious love?

    A. Never.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Good point

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Which child of Palin would even allow her to hug them without a barf bag nearby. The only emotions she has are resentment and hate. She may have birthed (some) of those five children but a genuine mother... I think not. She is still thinking like her parents' angry little girl. She thinks of Sarah FIRST AND ONLY!!! I truly pity her children.

    3. Has Palin (Or her minions) tweeted anything regarding Beau's death or the Biden Family's loss?

  43. Anita Winecooler4:55 PM

    My condolences to the Biden family. The connection between father and son was so real, it was tangible. Why do some families suffer so much grief and loss, while others whine about the sniffles?
    My jaw dropped when I saw it on the news, it was difficult to maintain my composure. No parent should bury a child. As a cancer survivor, I feel a tinge of guilt because I made it. How long have we been fighting cancer? And why isn't there a cure yet?

  44. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Heartfelt sympathy to the Biden family. May your son rest in peace.

  45. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Curious if his cancer was related to his service in Iraq? Our troops were exposed to more than our leaders are admitting.

  46. Anonymous10:12 PM

    In 1996 they were worried when they were handling machinery and weapons left behind and soldiers were coming home with illness!

  47. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Well this should prompt folks to research brain cancer and go get checked if you have any symptoms or concerns! Condolences to the Biden family!

  48. yukonark6:42 AM

    I lived in Delaware for 12 years, and experienced firsthand Delaware's bipartisan love for the Biden family. Beau, thank you for your compassionate, courageous service. May you rest in peace, and may your spirit live on in the memories and actions of all who love you.

  49. My condolences to his family.

    You can tell a lot about a person by the way they've raised their children.

    Contrast Beau Biden with, say, Track or Bristol Palin.

    I find it interesting that it was left to Liz Cheney to tweet condolences for the Cheney family.

  50. A touching tribute, Gryphen, to a smart, hard-working young man who dedicated his life to his family and to the betterment of all.

  51. Anonymous12:52 PM

    When God goes out to his garden, he always picks out the Most perfect rose. And Beau Biden was just that , RIP Beau . God needed you for something special

  52. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sarah P. is nothing more then pest. When every she is able to flap to try to make herself out to be someone who is important. she only make herself look stupid. When I see her face on the tv, I turn the channel. I think of her every time I flush my toilet.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.