Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Somewhere in Georgia is a Palin-bot who simply cannot let go of the dream.

Courtesy of Savannah Now:  

Shoppers at Kroger on Victory Drive late Saturday got a surprise campaign appearance in the store's parking lot. 

Savannah Morning News reader Marcia Neblet got these shots of a vehicle sporting a campaign sign for Sarah Palin's bid for the White House in 2016. 

The sign reads: "Fed up with the LIES?! Sarah Palin for President 2016. Most Qualified, Presidential, Honest, Vetted (for 8 years) to date, Pro Constitution, Free Speech, Gun Rights."

"Most qualified, Presidential, Honest," who is this person talking about again?

My favorite part is that it starts with "Fed up with the Lies?"

I don't usually attempt to diagnose a mental illness without actually interacting with a person first, and especially not from a sign on their car, but I am getting a fairly clear idea here.

By the way here is how the Guardian sums up the possibility of Palin jumping into the 2016 election:  
Palin periodically emits the proper harrumphing noises about getting back into the campaign game to set America straight, but she hated campaigning the last time she did it, then quit her job as governor before her term was up and now mostly delivers the same speech at CPAC and the Values Voter Summit every year with some laugh lines changed. Look for her to keep harrumphing about running until she can roll out a new patriotic cookbook or something called Memorial Day Moose Burrito: This Hot Tamale Stirs the Melting Pot with a Gun Barrel and tries to get a few more subscribers to her vertically integrated online empire in order to cover Bristol’s wedding reception.

(Apparently this reporter did not get the news that the whole wedding thing is on the back burner. The far back burner.)

Hell I wish Palin WOULD announce her intentions to run in 2016. After all it seems that everybody and their uncle are already doing so.

That might loosen a few tongues up here, make the 2016 field much more interesting, and set up yet another incredibly entertaining Palin train wreck.

Always love a good train wreck. 


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Honest? $carah? Some people are very easily fooled. We got her number YEARS ago.

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    And they could drive around in a flatbed truck, too, with Sarah jumping out of a cake at every traffic light,

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM


  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    How old is that photo they are using? She has not looked like that in years. I'll bet people laugh at them.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I thought it was her sexy "come hither" look. Lol!

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      That's not a picture of Sarah. That's a picture of Lisa Ann…. Nailin Palin fame.

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Yeah what is such the PUSH for prostitution? Say how is LaVanne?? Banging her brother still?

  4. Janice A Soderquist6:46 AM

    Why in Georgia and not Alaska or Arizona? Maybe she is using up her PacMoney because she knows she has lost everything.

    1. Are you kidding? They'd be mocked mercilessly and possibly run off the road in Alaska.

      We are so over Palin up here it's not even funny.

    2. Cracklin Charlie10:26 AM

      It's a little bit funny.

      Especially when you add the commentary.

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Do you think Extra has been invited to the big BBQ this
    weekend? If so....some of the Palins will most likely show.
    Can't wait to see all the pictures and guests!

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      None of the Palins will most likely show.

    2. Olivia8:08 AM

      Cue the stretch humvee!

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      $carah can not afford to fly them all to Kentucky, her Pac is draining - FAST. I doubt that the Meyer family wants them there, it would spoil their CELEBRATION of a foiled wedding. Did they even meet with Bristles and Tripp? Why no photos of any family members with them? Seems strange to me, unless Bristles reputation as a slut preceeded her visit?

  6. Well, anywhere near a federal election cycle, donations are hard to come by. No secret shes seeing the grift-cow drying up, and all these recent new grifts she is rolling out aren't working, obviously...without her political welfare, what can she do? She has to find a new con

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Sarah has gone into merchandising. The latest scam being vote for your favorite SarahPac t-shirt, the one picked will be made available through her Pac! T-shirt price 3 bucks, profit 17. Now she is down to t-shirts and hockey sticks because even her followers aren't giving her money for nothing anymore.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      The nutters are fired up because her Facebook likes are on the rise again. I wonder if it's ever dawned on them a "like" does not equal a vote. A great many follow her to point and laugh.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      If likes were election votes, Kim K would be president.

  7. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Why didn't they use one of these photos of old Sarah?

  8. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Did The Guardian nail her or what? "Memorial Day Moose Burrito: This Hot Tamale Stirs the Melting Pot with a Gun Barrel." Positively Beldar-ish!

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I saw a car completely wrapped in pro-Palin photos and "facts" driving in NE Albuquerque, a year or so ago. A tiny old lady was driving it. It was probably an earthquake member, since Rio Ranch, the birthplace of those crazies is nearby.

    1. I don't think she'd drive that car up to where I live :)

  10. laurensd17:28 AM

    Really setting your auto up for vandalism.
    Way to think!

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Or key scratching the paint job!

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      I actually briefly considered flipping her off, but she looked so old and feeble and pathetic...much like most Palinbots.

    3. Anonymous11:15 AM

      9;22 Are you sure it wasn't $carah? She looks old and feeble.

  11. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Sara and her brood have been such an immense source of pleasure..... following this family is akin to watching a train wreck for me. To think there are people out there who still worship the ground she stamps her USA Flagged f--k me pumps on mystifies me to no end. I can only hope the family "wedding reception" will turn into a Thongazzi Repeat. What a way to direct attention away from the military and onto Sarah...

  12. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I love that she's cognizant enough to use an old photo, where Palin still looked attracive.

  13. Anonymous7:37 AM

    It's obvious Immoral Minority's followers are not up to date on all things President Sarah Palin. The wedding is postponed and now Sarah, Todd, Bristol and Dakota can spend their energy on the 2016 campaign.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM


    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      And the Palin/Meyer nuptials will take place in the Rose Garden of the White House...

    3. "And the Palin/Meyer nuptials will take place in the Rose Garden of the White House..."

      Yeah, when Bristol and Dakota look like this:

    4. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Kajo, no amount of plastic surgery will make them look that good.

  14. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Can everybody who donated to SarahPac participate in the festivities? I donated to Sarah, I should be able to celebrate life with them if I paid for the bbq.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Your invition is in the mail.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      LOL Good one!

  15. Anonymous8:22 AM

    She's vetted all right, which is why she'll never be elected to a damn thing again. And she KNOWS it.

  16. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Free ridiculus speech. Have at it. Lol.

  17. Anonymous8:37 AM

    It'll never happen. Too much work for her.

  18. Anonymous8:38 AM

    You'd have to be stuck in traffic or deliberately park next to this bot, in order to read the tiny red writing on the bottom of the sign. It must be telling us something. We may never find out what that is.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      It's the earthquake bots but their sign was bigger when she didn't show up the last time... She had that 'bigger' date in Iowa or somewhere.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      The NRA event that she didn't go to.

  19. does anyone know how much she got for the first quarter of this year on her pac

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      That will come out at the end of June, along with the grassroots/earthquake PACs numbers.

  20. Face it, some folks will never loose faith in Palin. She could be working at a Bangkok club shooting ping pong balls from her vagina and they'd STILL say she was presidential material.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Ping pong balls? You are so kind.
      I would have said bowling balls or basketballs.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      But she has class! I still can't believe the turds who equate her gutter lifestyle with class. Their own lives must be so gross.

  21. Anonymous9:07 AM

    You diagnose mental illness, Gryphen?

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      There's obviously some degree of delusional thinking involved.

  22. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I am supportive of letting the tea party, AIP Palin supporters, KKK, constitutional conservatives starting their own country and this would be their just desserts:

    5 minutes ago
    As Texas Gov Abbott is quoted in Quigley's article - “As Governors we are rising up to reclaim the rightful role of states in this nation".

    As the Texas head of state he is also working to actually protect Texan's freedom from the military directed by those in DC.

    "Governor Abbott Directs Texas State Guard To Monitor Operation Jade Helm 15"

    Perhaps this has been Gov Palin's destiny, to be the Paul Revere of our times warning the citizens of the approaching danger.

    Or perhaps her destiny is not to be President Of The United States, but rather President Of The Free States Of America - newly separated out of the conflict that Quigley sees coming.
    0 Reply

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:16 AM

      Texas State Guard?

      Oh, please Dog, let there be pictures of these guys.

  23. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Looks like one of her 'Earthquake' fanatics put that together. Similar lingo...

  24. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Damn it! I told my sister not to drive around with that sign on her car.

    Please pardon her for scaring everyone. She had a frontal lobotomy five years ago and has not been right since then.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Hahah...mine was just born "special" and went on to form the earthquake / palinquake / grassroots4palin superpac. Sigh.

  25. PalinsHoax9:56 AM

    Anonymous6:55 AM
    "Do you think Extra has been invited to the big BBQ this weekend? "
    - - - - -
    And I wonder if the Ol' $crap Heap sent a special invite to Ms. Stone to attend the BBQ.

    Come on Ol' Claw Hand, stick your repulsive craw out again to shake hands with her.

    Bwwaaahhhhhh! Ha! Ha!

    1. laurensd110:22 AM

      ........only to find her hoist upon her own petard!

  26. Anonymous10:01 AM

    O/T. This article has the Sea in a roil:

    This is why I can never quite find it in myself to dismiss her...people BELIEVE in her and her 'destiny' in a way that has trumpeted doom down the centuries...

  27. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I guess the WaPo linked the Waco shoot-out to Palin's 'Rolling Thunder' appearance and the RWNJ are getting offended? something to do with the definition of 'thug' gets in there too...sigh.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      If the foo shits......

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Interesting comments thread...the True Believers swarming those with genuine questions about her qualifications...WHY is she still around?

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM


      The "True Believers" (aka 'delusional fools' ... aka 'her base') have swamped that site.

  28. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I'll bet haggard old Sarah couldn't begin to keep up with this amazing lady! Gryphen, can you do this, since you're the workout guy?

    1. Yeah I do a variation of all of these exercises several times a week.

      However since I don't know how many reps or sets FLOTUS does I have no idea if she is in better shape than I am.

      But it certainly looks like she could be.

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      O/T - Gryphen, given the images you posted some years ago, you do (did?) more than a few reps/sets.

    3. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I'd put Michelle Obama in the ring against any of the Clowns -- imagine her v. jelly-belly-you're-going-to-helly Mike Huckabee; or quivering-in-his-loafers Lindsey Graham; or "I'll fight her because she went to the Ivy League and probably got in because of affirmative action, just as I did" Ted Cruz.

    4. Anonymous12:47 PM

      I just love her!

  29. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Palin is lies every which way. The Palinbots are totally oblivious. It does appear to be a mental illness.

  30. Those Flying Monkeys are hilarious. Sarah will NEVER run for any office. NEVER. She couldn't even handle the pressures of being a small town Mayor. Todd was the one running the Governor's office, and she shits every time someone calls her out on her stupidity. And, those who believe that she is going to lead them to Heaven are especially stupid.To put such faith in a woman who spews so much Hate, who Bears False witness against anyone who disagrees with her, who is a lover of the god of Fortune, and a proven Liar, are pitiful fools.I know that many of you are atheists but, I believe in the Word, and Jesus said that anyone who commits ANY of these things; the lying, greed,bearing false witness, and harboring so much hate, will not inherit God's Kingdom. Those poor fools are putting faith in the Devil, and Sarah is his special needs advocate.

  31. Gryphen, I have just one little complaint about this blog post: In light of last week's Pennsylvania tragedy, when is there EVER a "good train wreck"?

    I think the edges are worn off your sensitivity to current events.

    1. Well Kajo, I think it was clear I was thinking metaphorically.

      Obviously real train wrecks are a terrible tragedy.

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      I thought the same thing, KaJo. The addition of just one adjective to qualify the train wreck as "political" or "Republican" or "Palin" would have kept the image of the Amtrak tragedy from my mind.

  32. Randall3:38 PM

    Tired of the lies?
    Then Sarah Palin is the answer because she don't lie!
    I mean - if she does, you can't tell because of the convoluted way she structures her sentences, and her crazy-ass grammar and made-up words, but...
    she's PURTY! Dangit!

  33. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

    To quote a famously famous philosopher "Fooled me once, shame on you, fooled me can't get fooled again"
    What makes me laugh is how proud they are of their own stupidity.
    If it's the store owner's car, it doesn't bode well for business. How many empathy bellies, wigs, herpicin and bumpits can one grocery store stock?

  34. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I'd have to say that it is more intelligent to be a Palin-Bot than it is to be on this site of Obama-Bot Lumins. Talk about losers.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      She put a spell on youuu. And nowww you're dumbbbb.

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Talk about dumb. Just the few minutes here I feel has lowered my IQ. I need never to come here again, otherwise I'll be spewing the same dribble that oozes forth and is believed to be normal.

  35. physicsmom9:35 PM

    Gryph, buddy, I understand you meant the last two sentences to be metaphorical, but given the horrible tragedy last week, I wish you had saved that particular metaphor for another time. Bad form.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.