Tuesday, June 30, 2015

As of Sunday morning there were 319 fires burning in Alaska.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

Following on a record hot May in which much snow cover melted off early, Alaska saw no less than 152 fires erupt over the weekend of June 21-22. The numbers have only grown further since then, and stood at 319 active fires Sunday, according to the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center, with more than a million acres burned in June alone. 

“Given the high number of fires and the personnel assigned to those fires, the state’s firefighting resources are becoming very limited, forcing fire managers to prioritize resources,” noted the state’s Department of Natural Resources Tuesday. The preparedness level at the moment for the state is 5, meaning that “resistance to control is high to extreme and resistance to extinguishment is high.”

This last may was the hottest may in 91 years.

But remember climate change is a myth, and even if it was true it certainly is not due to man's careless stewardship of this planet.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    That's a lot of fires. You said it's been the hottest May but how about the rainfall?

  2. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Meanwhile, in the mid-Atlantic, the all-time record for rain in June (9 inches) was broken by 4 inches with torrential rains last weekend, with more to come on Tuesday and Wednesday. This follows the coldest, longest winter on record. But no, the climate is not possibly changing.

  3. Hottest June on record. Wenatchee Sleepy Hollow fire raging out of control. One of many signs of things to come. Pope Francis underscores the need to care for the earth. Pray it is not too late.

  4. Anonymous2:29 AM

    welcome to the new normal.

  5. Anonymous3:20 AM

    "......resistance to control is high to extreme and resistance to extinguishment is high.”

    Thanks, Obama.

    Of course alsotoo these fires are God's wrath for Teh Gay thing and have nothing to do with so called changes in the climate.

    1. Anonymous3:57 AM

      I'm not sure I understand your point. Do you think that President Obama is responsible for Alaska's wildfires?

    2. Anonymous5:15 AM

      3:20 was snark.....or else I missed the point.

  6. 'Niques3:25 AM

    When Florida was on fire, in, I believe, '95, I was amazed at the help that came from all parts of the US . . . a couple of special helicopters with crew were sent from Russia to assist. Is Alaska fighting this alone?

  7. Anonymous3:39 AM

    So what's causing these fires, dry conditions and lack of rain?

    O/T, but relevant to the 2016 elections, the PeePond, and various ankle biters are nervously chewing their fingernails because a signiicant anniversary is approaching.

    July 3 is the day that Granny Grifter blew off her Gov job, abandoned her oath to serve, and went chasing fame and money, showing her true character.

    The Pees are convinced that's the prophetic day that Queen Esther will announce for President of the Universe, and supreme Ruler of humanity.

    So what's the skinny on that Alaska folks? Any news on the local grapevine?

  8. Anonymous8:57 AM

    There has been record heat in Europe this week. Where I am in France it's been over 100F. Of course, this is weather, not climate, but over the years this accumulating weather becomes climate and it's heating up.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    I wish people listened and acted years and years ago, Seeing this happening in Alaska is beyond alarming. We're all sharing this big blue marble, And all that Big Oil, Coal, etc... care about are their profits, but at what cost?
    Years ago, we went to Italy/Greece and Switzerland, and the ice caps on the Dolomites and Appenine Mountains were only visible through binoculars, The locals said they used to be able to see them without help. The cities were covered with smog from leaded fuels and inversion. Most people used scooters to get around. I can only imagine a country like China and the amount of damage caused by pollution.
    I worry about what kind of world we're leaving our kids.


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