Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Franklin Graham calls for boycott of Wells Fargo because their new ad featuring lesbian moms is "being crammed down our throats."

Aw, that is just all kinds of sweet and adorable don't you think?

Well if you do you are a lesbian loving heathen pagan scum. Well at least according to Franklin Graham who is outraged, outraged I say!

This from Graham's Facebook page:  

Have you ever asked yourself–how can we fight the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats by big business, the media, and the gay & lesbian community? Every day it is something else! Tiffany’s started advertising wedding rings for gay couples. Wells Fargo bank is using a same-sex couple in their advertising. And there are more. But it has dawned on me that we don’t have to do business with them. At the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, we are moving our accounts from Wells Fargo to another bank. And guess what—we don’t have to shop at Tiffany & Co., there are plenty of other jewelry stores. This is one way we as Christians can speak out—we have the power of choice. Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention. Share this if you agree.

First off anybody who sees this commercial about two loving people adopting a hearing impaired child, and sees it as sinful is a fucking POS.

And secondly why the hell are these fundamentalist Christians always referencing things being shoved down their throats?

Personally I thought it was a lovely advertisement.

But then again why wouldn't I?

After all I was not raised to hate people because of who they love, what they believe, or how they look.


  1. Janice A Soderquist12:09 PM

    Sarah will jump on this immediately, anything Graham says is ok....

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    The bank he transferred the assets to funds a pride parade. What an idiot.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I guess he'll have to start his own church...oops, it's against the Bibull for xtians to charge interest.

  3. Who's holding a gun to his head as "It's rammed down his throat"?? Change the channel!! O don't frequent the bank!
    I'm so tired of this second generation fantasy merchant.

  4. He actually moved his money from Wells Fargo to BB&T, a North Carolina-based bank.

    BB&T happens to have an 80% rating from The Human Rights Campaign, and sponsors the Miami Beach Pride Festival. Franklin Fail.

    1. Olivia1:32 PM

      I saw that too. Oh my, now what will that smarmy prick do with all his money?

  5. These same crazies, back at the end of 1988, wanted folks to punish Universal over The Last Temptation of Christ by boycotting the videocassette of "E.T.," which Spielberg finally allowed to home video after six years. Guess how effective that was.

    The only thing Graham does with verbal puke like this is expose the hollowness of his own expressed belief in any God.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    That was a tide of moral decay? Two wonderful women adopting a child for life that otherwise would stay in a beauracratic system devoid of human love and bonding? Well, it made me cry. Moral decay doesn't usually have that effect on me. What a hateful heart some so-called Christians have. Shame on them!

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      No wonder he likes to travel overseas in his private jet. The people there do not know the back story of Franklin, and how he inherited the family business. He dropped out of divinity school, so he really is not authorized to preach. His father made a good living telling others how they should live, so Franklin decided it sure beats WORKING for a living, and jumped on the bandwagon.

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    How the fuck, do we get away from the moral decay of Evangelical Christians .I have asked myself this every time they have crammed their bigotry and hate down my throat!Maybe if we stop listening to them we will get their attention. Morons!!!

  8. Anonymous12:36 PM

    There are other, better reasons to boycott Wells Fargo. For example, they have purposely and knowingly laundered hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars for drug cartels. They even got caught doing it and had to pay a hefty fine, but they buried the story and kept it all very hush-hush. If the end result is that Wells Fargo loses some money from Graham's crackpot accusations, so be it. They're an evil organization.
    Come to think of it, Graham should feel right at home keeping his money there.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I will look into this!

    2. Anonymous12:47 PM

      I guess Newt Gingrich will have to give up his $500,000 revolving line of credit at Tiffany.

      Few people have sentimental feelings about Wells Fargo, but Audrey Hepburn, standing in front of the Tiffany windows in her little black dress: that's as iconic a movie there ever was. It will take a lot of doing to make Evangelicals hate "Moon River."

    3. Anonymous12:50 PM

      These stores aren't "cramming" anything.

      Free market -- go shop where you want to shop. No one is forcing you to put your money where your morals aren't.

      And more than half of Americans believe in same-sex marriage, Franklin, so you're whistling in the wind.

      I'll bet you're proud to have been named for one of the greatest Presidents ever seen.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      It raises the question (as if the answer isn't obvious): would Graham have ever called for a boycott of Wells Fargo had he known about their criminal activities, or if they frivolously beat their employees with wooden dildos, or if their CEO stole all his subordinate's pensions?

      I wonder...

      Fuck this stupid smarmy bastard, seriously. And fuck his fake thieving "charity."

    5. Anonymous1:26 PM

      They are a for profit bank! Credit unions are non profit and are FDIC insured! When the banks fail? Non profits will be ok! I think he forgot to preach THAT part

  9. Was Billy as intolerant as Frank is?

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      He's on the record as being anti-Semitic, even though he tried to take it back. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-axelrod/gushing-over-graham-anti-semite_b_1263143.html

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Yes, he just made more remarks about us "colored" folk instead of teh gays. Xtians are always hating or murdering someone, without hate they wouldn't get anything in their collection plates.

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I saw this during the Tony Awards (you know, featuring all those wonderful talented successful some of them gay people who entertain us?) and knew right away that the RW would be all over it. I'm sure Sarah wishes she had known about it so she could have given a shout out to her BFF Frankie in her ugly rant last night. Who knows when she might get a chance on national TV again. But, yeah, they are overly concerned with sexual references..Sarah uses 'shoved down our throats" all the time. Wonder what was shoved down her throat as a girl that makes her the way she is? And Frankie? IS there something you want to tell us?

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      He was also upset when General Mills showed an interracial couple on their Cheerio's commercials. But General Mills basically told him to go F himself.

  11. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I read his first book (there's a story behind me reading it--not a fan, never was). He talks alot about his "mentor" who was apparently very blonde and hot with a big Cadillac and an awesome belt buckle (Karl Rove talked alot about first meeting GW and his belt buckle). Funny that. So so gay.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Rove worked for GHW Bush, and was sent to the railroad station to meet Georgie. He said "He had more charisma than any man should be allowed to have" WOW!! Georgie? I wonder what happened to THAT, since it never seemed to appear once he got into office. I STILL want to know who the gay prostitute, Jeff Gannon, was visiting at the WH all those times he stayed overnight. Georgie? Karl? Both?

  12. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Jesus didn't have so much money that yanking it from a bank would make a shred of difference. Franklin Graham can be all uber "Christian" with his money because he's robbed an obscene amount from the faithful. Why not do the Jesus thing, withdraw the money and GIVE IT TO THE POOR?

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      What and stop living vibrantly? Lol...

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      What, and give up his private jet?

  13. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Hasn't Graham et al figured out that this type action can work both ways! He's a typical Christian extremist in displaying this type action. Such a silly, silly boy!

  14. "How can we fight the tide of moral decay...?" I know! I know! (Raising hand like Hermione.) Be super-Christians like the esteemed Duggars and procreate like lab rats or cottontails and let the boys play with the little girls and pretend it's all innocent and such. Then demonize the loving family just because they have two mommies. Yep. That should do it for the ol' failing morality. Keep on keepin' on Mr. Graham. Your ignorance is breathtaking to behold.

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Wells Fargo is my bank and Graham can go to hell !!

  16. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Franklin needs to go to wally world and buy himself a new remote, as his doesn't seem to be working. He can change the channel anytime he LIKES, just like the rest of us do when any commercial, let alone one we don't like, comes on the boob tube.

  17. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I hate to admit it but that very calculated commercial brings a fucking tear to my eye every time I see it. Wells Fargo is still a goddamn evil bank - and make no mistake, it IS evil -- but this commercial is a nice poke in the plank-hidden eye of pious hypocrites like Franklin Graham, and I'll give it that much.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      That commercial honestly made me cry too. I work with kids in the foster system. Finding any loving home is a blessing. These people make me sick.
      Did you see Jebs comments about single moms? What an ass! These people live in the dark ages!!!!

  18. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Pretty soon he and his followers are going to have to move to a deserted island and start their own theocratic nation.

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      I wish they would do that!!!!!!

  19. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I wonder how Bristol and Marina feel about Graham and his so-called fight of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats? Bristol and Marina have a variety of friends.

    I am not talking about the crap Nancy writes for the blog. The actual person that Bristol has to hide. The lie that Bristol Palin has to live. How does she and her friends feel and think about this?

    Since Marina was into girl on girl would Graham tell Bristol not to play with Marina? It is not moral decay to sell sex on the internet, or to do girl on girl sex for money, or sell your naked body for the purpose of bringing men or women to a sexual climax.

    Since Sarah is alright with Marina would Graham tell Sarah to lie and cover up her relationship with Marina?

    Marina has been pretty up front about her work. She is selling a life style among her other products. Both Sarah and Bristol are very connected and part of Marina and what she sells.

    If your friend sold drugs to children or sold children to pedophiles you would approve by being their friend and supporting them?

    What does Franklin Graham tell Sarah? Hide, Sarah, cover up your relationship. Don't confront matters, don't explain anything.

    Graham will pray so Sarah can hide a big part of the families life. Sarah knows how important it is as to who a person pals around with. If she goes to a meeting and a friend in Marina's line of work is there, that means that Sarah is palling around with a person selling girl on girl sex. That is cool with Graham?

    Although Graham believes Sarah, Bristol and the family is morally decayed to pal with some people and to support their pals lifestyles, he will also be complicit in the moral decay because he is keeping it thriving.

    What a sick hypocrite.

  20. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Hey franky. Down your throut or up your ass .take your pick. Its a Free country.

  21. Anonymous1:47 PM

    This from a man who took an unwed pregnant Bristol Palin(DWTS) and her grifting Mom to Haiti on his private jet.

  22. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Forget the LGBT commercial and the two mommies.


    Thanks for letting us know, you idiot Franklin, that you are not feeding the poor and helping the homeless with the donations people have sent you. You are depositing the money in Wells Fargo and earning interest to keep up your lavish lifestyle. A$$hole. Sounds just like Sarah Pac, no?

  23. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Graham and the rest of them could care less about gay sex. Their claim of immorality when it comes to gay marriage is about the absence of a patriarchal hierachy...male power over women like they say the bible says there should be.

    Happy, well-adjusted gay people in happy families proves right-wing xtianity is a pack of lies.

  24. Anonymous2:07 PM

    And secondly why the hell are these fundamentalist Christians always referencing things being shoved down their throats?

    I think you know the answer to that one.

    Why are her cheeks so rosey?

  25. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Typical Xstian, defending a child molester because Jeebus said it's okie dokie, but up in arms because other normal people are living their lives without being indoctrinated into their hate fest of all those different than them.

    And before any other Xtians start telling me how your church or or sect is different...well, I'll believe that when you start speaking up as a church or a sect. And until you do, you are just as guilty.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      until you do, you are just as guilty.

      I couldn't agree more.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      My church/denomination does. The United Church of Christ filed a lawsuit against the state of North Carolina, which fines pastors for performing wedding ceremonies of couples who cannot legally marry in NC. The UCC alleges that this law infringes on their pastors' religious freedom to perform same-sex marriages. My local congregation participates in Pride every year. This is in a conservative city where they have taken a lot of heat, but they stand by their principles.

  26. Anonymous2:33 PM

    boo hoo hoo po' Pammy


  27. ManxMamma2:35 PM

    I'm amazed the BG Evangelistic Association will give up shopping at Tiffany. I wonder how many of those iconic robin's egg blue boxes that have stashed in their enclave.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      I know. They buy their wives those candy rings you get for kids, their mistresses get the good jewelry.

  28. Anonymous2:43 PM


    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      How hard would it have been to c/p the actual tweet instead of the URL? Not having any clue whose it is or what it says, I'm not going to make the effort to c/p the URL so I can open it.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Thanks for the URL.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Love it, thanks! It's well worth highlighting and scanning the link for viruses, before copying and pasting it, then having to move one finger a tad and hit "enter". Or exercising your free will and missing out on something great. What a dilemma!

    4. Anonymous6:22 PM

      You shouldn't have to copy/paste the link, simply highlight the URL, right click on it and choose "open in new tab" or "open in new window".

  29. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Oh you are going to love, especially since this is Franklin Grahams home state...NC legislature is trying to pass a bill where clerks could deny marriage licenses...now get ready for this...not only LGBT couples but interracial couple also {which I happen to be in an interracial marriage and live in NC}. Gov. McCrory supports this bill. I'm a NY transplant to NC for employment purposes and trying desperately to get out of here!!! Un-flipping-believable!

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      I am so sorry you're stuck in such a regressive state... good luck with your escape.

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      The Supreme Court, in its 1967 ruling called, no kidding, Virginia v. Loving, made interracial couples legal throughout the land. That means North Carolina, too.
      Look it up sometime -- it's a fascinating story with great outcome.

  30. Anonymous3:03 PM

    When lesbian moms can marry they would not be living in the Graham's world of sin and decay. They would have the honor and sanctuary of marriage. Why is he even thinking of two other consenting adults and what they do in private?

    I grew up in a house with women. War is hell and not all men come back. When there are babies someone must raise them. It may be two women that look pretty much the same as in the ad. Whose business is it what they do in their personal space? Do heterosexual women need to tell Franklin what they do?

    I would rather see a boycott on churches. Also, too, they need to pay up and pay taxes. Including all the back taxes they owe. No amnesty for the perverse ones that are into what consenting adults do in private.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

      Well Said. Love is Love. The LGBT community pays taxes, earn livings, and have a lot of savvy when it comes to finances. Does he not realize that including everyone would help his cause and his most holy tax free profits?

  31. "And guess what—we don’t have to shop at Tiffany & Co., there are plenty of other jewelry stores."
    Well thanks, Graham, you creepy piece of shit. What a relief to know that there are plenty of jewelry stores for me. I won't have to worry about not having enough places to spend my money and ending up with piles of it tripping me up. /s

    Maybe if Graham were an actual Christian, and acted out the corporal works of mercy (Mt 25:34-40)*, he wouldn't have to fret about the self-imposed loss of a jewelry store in which to spend all those donated funds.

    *To feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to shelter the homeless, to visit the sick, to visit the imprisoned, to bury the dead.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

      So very true. He's not his Father's son when it comes to being a good orator.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Those big-haired, tacky evangelical folks seem more like Kay Jewelers or Jared customers to me. I'm pretty sure Tiffany won't miss them.

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      where would Jesus shop for overpriced jewelry while people starve in the world.... huh Frankie

    4. Anonymous5:24 AM

      That is a heart breaker. Where will the riche Xtains get their blood diamonds?

  32. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Franklin is far more a sign of moral decay and immorality with his love of money, jets and the life of the rich and infamous. I'm sick of these prosperity gospel charlatans ripping off the low information types who think he is entitled to live such a life of wealth gleaned from the dollars of the poor and middle income folks who give up a few personal pleasures to keep him in his toys and life of leisure.

  33. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The wingnuts are always complaining about things being shoved down their throats..... except for the secret things they really love to have shoved down their throats, eh?

  34. I support Rev. Franklin Graham in calling on Christians to boycott corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. “Let’s stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards.” Rev. Graham wrote on Facebook this past weekend. “Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention.” We need to remind ourselves that as Christians our moral values go beyond society’s mores and selfish instincts. Christians ideally behave correctly because they love God and want to please Him. They want not only to obey but to defend the Word of God, as should it be witnessed in their behavior. For that reason I support Rev. Graham (would take it further to boycott businesses that treat the words “Merry Christmas” as something negative) in boycotting Wells Fargo Bank and other corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. (6-9-2015)

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Go ahead and boycott if it makes you feel superior. Gay marriage will soon be legal in all 50 states despite how icky you think it is.

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Jerry Krause is in the closet.

    3. Why is it that it is almost always supporters of LGBT who argue what is not being argued and who all too often resort to juvenile name-calling and what have you?

  35. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

    I always get warm and fuzzies when I see that commercial. Isn't there a latent homosexual vibe to the term "shoved down our throats"? No offense, but the dude wears black trench coats on sunny days. My nephew, who happens to have many facets to his life, one being a normal, gay man, says he looks like the patrons of Adult Movie and Novelty Stores.
    Paling around with Palins is enough to show what a coward he is.

  36. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    OT. Frothy mix has a sad, only four peeps show up at campaign stop in Iowa. OUCH! That's gotta hurt. Probably one old lady with a dressing room mirror. Oh Ricky, time to smell the coffee.


  37. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Agree with everything you said here, Gryphen, and love the ad. However, I have just one little picky request for future posts.

    As someone who works with deaf kids every day, I would appreciate if you would avoid using the term 'hearing impaired'. Yes, I know that it's a PC issue, but we try to avoid wording that makes it sound like people are broken. The preferred terminology is 'deaf' (even if they're not completely deaf), 'hard of hearing', or 'person/child with a hearing loss'.

    Many of the kids I work with have enough challenges to their self esteem, and the word 'impaired' just makes things that much more difficult for them.


    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      That isn't true! As someone who works with the hearing impaired and has sone so for 30 years, you are flat out wrong, you must work with the deaf community which is about 5% of the total hearing impaired population. Adults with hearing loss and many teens and children, are NOT deaf, nor do they want to be called deaf. That is just inaccurate. The owed deaf refers to people who with very severe or profound hearing losses. Only the deaf community are against the words "hearing impaired." The terminology hard of hearing is from the 1950s.
      Signed, a Doctor of Audiology

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      PS I know you mean well, but you work with deaf kids. That is only a very small segment of the total and I don't think you see the whole picture. Sorry.

    3. Anonymous7:25 PM

      I have fit thousands of hearing impaired kids with mild to moderate hearing loss with hearing aids, and not one of them wants to be called deaf or hard of hearing. Gryphen works with special needs kids and he was accurate in his wording.

    4. I am severely hearing impaired in the speech frequencies and have no problem with the term hearing-impaired. I am not deaf.

      Some in the Deaf (as compared to deaf) community object to the term impaired, but you know what? My hearing is in fact impaired, but not to the point I could accurately call myself deaf.

  38. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I'm sure poor little put-upon Franky will find another bank that is more than happy to take his filthy, grifted lucre.

  39. ibwilliamsi7:17 PM

    After Franklin announced that he is moving the money to BB&T, which has sponsored a Pride Parade, he told local news programs that he was saving the church millions in fees with the move.

    I'm sure this is true, I am treasurer of a small non-profit in Charlotte, NC (BillyGrahamTowne) and we moved our money from Wells Fargo to BB&T last year. Somehow I think that it's even possible that Graham moved the accounts to save the money and just said what he did about the commercial because it's a vicious spiteful swipe against LGBT that he could take as a bonus to saving millions.

  40. Chenagrrl7:22 PM

    Franklin has to ask himself, Would Jesus have welcomed that family into his circle? He's just this side of grifting.

  41. Anonymous7:30 PM

    WoW! and the moms are adoptign a special needs, older hard to palce child. Graham really needs to be sent back to the true Christian (following Christ and kindness) shop for a tuneup.

  42. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Here you go, this is same sex and something Frank Graham's friends could be posting about right away... You know it is about Veterans, and they love vets and getting them their benefits.

    Senate Denies Benefits To Same-Sex Veterans, Showing How Hypocritical They Are

    Don't you know how much Sarah, Nancy French and Bristol will be on top of this matter? Well, Bristol could find her voice and have numerous posts about this. You know, much like the way the blog did the abortion issues.

    I will not forget all the appreciation, care and concern the Palins had when they would write or speak about Track. When he was in the service and as a vet (until the brawl and he was replaced)

    Track was a combat vet and they would mention a lot about him being a wonderful father for Kyla Grace.

    He was even married for about a year. Same sex or not, all vets deserve benefits. We aren't sure about Track entirely but whatever, he should have benefits if he served honorably;

    Bristol may be closer to Marina these days. From what I can tell Marina is a more open and caring person about a variety of people. I hope Bristol is more inclined to have some of Marina's (their friends that are same sex partners and vets) concerns rub off.

    Bristol has a forum where she can take up a matter like this and do something supportive and hopefully have a positive effect for same sex veterans.

    In her forum she can also write her take on what Graham is doing regarding this Wells Fargo ad.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      7:52 Stop dreaming, there is no money in posting on Bristol's fake xtian blog.

    2. Anonymous5:17 AM

      @ 8:37 PM

      You are @ the wrong comment or reading comprehension problem.

      There is nothing about money @ 7:52.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      5:17 AM Your suggestion about Bristol 'writing her take' is moot, because the Palins do nothing for free.

    4. Anonymous9:22 AM

      I doubt Bristol can write. Perhaps Marina.

      Bristol needs a new ghost-writer.

  43. Anonymous8:00 PM

    from wikipedia and other sources:

    "Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967),[1] is a landmark civil rights decision of the United States Supreme Court, which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage.

    The case was brought by Mildred Loving, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, who had been sentenced to a year in prison in Virginia for marrying each other. Their marriage violated the state's anti-miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between people classified as "white" and people classified as "colored". The Supreme Court's unanimous decision determined that this prohibition was unconstitutional, reversing Pace v. Alabama (1883) and ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States.

    The decision was followed by an increase in interracial marriages in the U.S., and is remembered annually on Loving Day, June 12. It has been the subject of two movies, as well as several songs. Beginning in 2013, it was cited as precedent in U.S. federal court decisions holding restrictions on same-sex marriage in the United States unconstitutional."

  44. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I loved Bill Maher's observation that people who constantly have stuff coming out of their mouths about gays, must have a lot of gay stuff going IN.

  45. Anonymous9:06 PM

    And as it turns out, the bank he went to after leaving Wells Fargo is even MORE gay-friendly! Hilarious!

  46. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "Have you ever asked yourself–how can we fight the tide of moral decay" why yes I have. I think the first step is to stop giving money to lazy bums like you Franklin. Maybe it is time for you to give up scamming the weak minded and join the country's workforce.

  47. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Get a JOB,Asshole!!!

  48. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I WAS 100 %Duggar Fan until
    Having 2 watch the over the top "courting" relationship with Jill &Jessica.Interesring-
    Jill with Derrick,but seems 2 forget he has a OLDEST daughter at 25 Jan's who is known has the 1 who manages the younger ones.Then Ginger WANTS TO MOVE OUT,go to Tenn 2 Collage 4 MUSIC.
    Jim Bad says NO.Only reason 2 are "midwives"
    1 became a cop. Most likely Jim Bad wanted a son over in the police department to keep an eye on all things.1 person leaked it &1 magazine asked.I'm not claiming to know the laws but frankly MAYBE 1 day now that's the girls got 2 at least talk about it just MAYBE they will 1 day seek REAL HELP. I don't believe f4 a 2Nd they we're given the kind of help a girl needs. Maybe 1 day your own child does this U do not talk about it .You leave the victims 2 ask what they might have done to encourage. At all cost protect Josh. As a Young victim once myself if you hide it, feel it was partly your fault etc-YOU NEVER EVER GET OVER IT! Studies have proven a 2 year old will suffer adult trauma when they grow up,something 1 day will cause PTSD! I'm
    Mean with Real professionals that do this kind of therapy. I have been around MANY adult women who were molested at An age 2 young to know or they block it out.Don't BELIEVE THEY WERE SLEEPING! Derrick wasn't brought up in that weird Quiveville Movement. I WAS! I found freedom when I went to college married a Christian man and attended
    A Christian church ONLY WE BELIEVE ALL R EQUAL. It doesn't matter what I think the BIBLE MAY Say or NOT SAY ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE ETC. if you look at it as s whole,I the Bible -people made all these same "mistakes" before and after Christ. As a whole I don't get into what somebody else is or is not doing or what they may believe that's a bit different than me. I'm no better than anyone! They think they are better- Our church doors are open to EVERYONE! I've never met a man more loving & accepting of all! We wear blue jeans to church.Have rock worship music.Dance. It's NOT MY JOB
    TO GO AROUND acting like I have all the answers -I'll leave that up to God.I won't judge Caitylin Jenner.Does my pastor? I don't know because he's not up
    Sunday mornings JUDGING! So there R some real good Christians & we like all! I hate the Duggars R tramping on my faith..All year I kept saying to my husband that something wasn't right-I actually said his can you have 19 kids and always talk so sweet,so soft-that non of them are Gay or rebelle. I just had to stop watching -Those girls need help The media hype will one day die down and you just watch Derrick wanted to give real hugs hold hands Kiiss, before marriage but Jimmy said you don't get my daughter unless you live MY WAY. So he did. I see Derrick overtime slowly pulling Jill
    Away from that. I don't think for one minute Derrick and Ben are thrilled to find out they got only side hugs as a girl must be pure yet they had already been messed with by their own brother, hopefully now this out the victims will one day see it got what it is as they have their babies and start realizing what if that was my little girl or boy that went through what I did. Had it not come out there may be more Duggar victims down the line and even others who know them, as the BIble clearly States that the Is done in the dark will be brought out into the light for all the world to see. Stop worrying about the leak and realize down the road NOW Jill and Jess and hopeful the other 3 will feel like they can seek help to actually TALK ABOUT IT it will catch up
    To them one day if they don't! If Josh had stood up and told HIS TRUTH-whst he was thinking or feeling at the time -and could show he's is living right that would be the first step. The Bible says you must repent to be forgiven. Lying r minimizing what REALLY WENT ON God knows R hearts so lying about it you can not repent a half truth-in this no forgiveness.

  49. As originally stated elsewhere 6-9-2015: I support Rev. Franklin Graham in calling on Christians to boycott corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials. “Let’s stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards.” Rev. Graham wrote on Facebook this past weekend. “Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention.” We need to remind ourselves that as Christians our moral values go beyond society’s mores and selfish instincts. Christians ideally behave correctly because they love God and want to please Him. They want not only to obey but to defend the Word of God, as should it be witnessed in their behavior. For that reason I support Rev. Graham (would take it further to boycott businesses that treat the words “Merry Christmas” as something negative) in boycotting Wells Fargo Bank and other corporations that feature same-sex relationships in their commercials.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.