Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton addresses the shooting in Charleston, and demonstrates why she will likely be the next President of the United States.

Here are a few excerpts from this sometimes emotional response that I thought were well worth sharing:

"Like many of you I was so overcome. How to turn grief, confusion, into purpose and action. But that's what we have to do."

"Why do we still allow guns to fall into the hands of people whose hearts are filled with hate? You can't watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion that as President Obama said, we must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction."

"I know that gun ownership is part of the fabric of a lot of law abiding communities. But I also know that we can have common sense gun reforms that keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the violently unstable, while respecting responsible gun owners.”

"What I hope with all of my heart is that we work together to make this debate less polarized, less inflamed by ideology, more informed by evidence."

"It makes no sense that bipartisan legislation fails in Congress despite overwhelming public support. It makes no sense that we could not come together to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, or people suffering from mental illnesses, even people on the terrorist watch list. That doesn’t make sense and it is a rebuke to this nation we love and care about.”

"The President is right the politics on this issue have been poisoned. But we can't give up. The stakes are too high, the costs are too dear, and I am not, or will not be afraid to keep fighting for common-sense reforms and along with you achieve those on behalf of all those who have lost because of this senseless gun violence in our country."

Hillary then changed her focus to race:

"Once again racist rhetoric has metastasized into racist violence. It’s tempting to dismiss a tragedy like this as an isolated incident, to believe that in today’s America bigotry is largely behind us, that institutionalized racism no longer exists. But despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished."

"I know this is a difficult topic to talk about. I know that so many of us hoped that by electing our first black president, we had turned the page on this chapter in our history. I know that there are truths that we don't like to say out loud, or discuss with out children. But we have to. That's the only way that we can possibly move forward together."

Hillary goes on to list the stunning inequities faced by black people in America today, and then said this:

"More than half a century after Dr. King marched, and Rosa Parks sat and John Lewis bled, after the civil rights act and the voting rights act and so much else, how can any of these things be true? But they are. And our problem is not all kooks and Klansmen. It’s also the cruel joke that goes unchallenged. It’s the offhand comment about not wanting those people in the neighborhood. Let’s be honest, for a lot of well meaning, open-minded white people, the sight of a young black man in a hoodie still evokes a twinge of fear." 

I have to tell you that for the first time since Hillary Clinton declared her candidacy for President, I am really inspired. 

And the fact that she is embracing President Obama's statements about guns and racism, just makes her all the more attractive as a candidate.

Right now I am seriously psyched for the first debates between Hillary and whatever poor schlub emerges after the GOP clown car careens off a cliff, leaving a trail of broken and bleeding clowns in its wake.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    She is so much more ready for this now than she was in 2008. She is determined, focused, and has a plan. She is an awesome woman, and she has my support!

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    That was a great speech. If only Hillary always sounded like this instead of, too often, an equivocating tool of the 1%.

    Still, if she gets the nomination, she's all we got, so she'll get my vote. Heartfelt, non-politically-cautious speeches like this definitely help make that a more positive prospect.

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    That was Awesome! She didn't dance around, she said it!
    Everyone one of you I urge to contact your lawmaker whether they are R's or not and demand that Background checks and some sort of gun restriction/control. I'm sure Gabby Giffords would of rather a law named for her than a ship :(
    Lets work to end this and end the H8 & prejudice.Lets be like the lady Debbi who followed that little thug for miles to turn his ass in! Just do it!!!
    Oh and that goes for silencing and speaking up about Right wing lies.

  4. Maybe it is just me, but if someone killed one of my loved ones in this manner, I don't think I could forgive. Don't know if time would pass and I could forgive. But then, I must have lived a charmed life....I am not black. Maybe there is just something about faith and forgiveness that I don't possess.
    And I haven't read anyone discussing this forgiveness phenomenon.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Any response other than forgiveness would only add to the burden that is already unbearable.

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I wouldn't, but then I wasn't raised under a religion that puts the guilt for someone else's crime on your shoulders and makes it about the victims families instead of the criminal.
      I've had 2 cousins killed by police officers, long before the advent of any video tape. I have not forgiven them and have never suffered for it.

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Forgiveness does not excuse what someone did. Forgiveness keeps what someone did from destroying your heart. It frees you from anger and regret. It doesn't eliminate the pain, but it keeps the pain at a manageable level while you heal. It's a gift that you give yourself when someone has taken something precious from you, so that you do not become bitter and vengeful.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

      I used to grapple with it as well, Forgiveness is a powerful thing, it shifts the weight of bearing hate toward those who've done the unspeakable and allows the forgiver to focus on healing on their own terms.
      It's difficult to see it in action because we have the ability to put ourselves in other's shoes in some way, not to diminish their full experiences, No one can feel the full brunt and hurt they're enduring. Hearing their words during the bail hearing showed the world hate will never win over the power of love..

  5. And she sounded so calm, reasonable, reassuring and intelligent as she spoke. That's the leadership we need.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      She was so soft spoken but the speech was full of thought and from the heart.

  6. Terrific speech and full of hard truths.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Hillary doesn't need you naysayers. There are plenty of Republicans to vote for, go ahead- and see where it gets you.

  8. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I'm all in for Hillary too.

    She will fight for women, decent wages, fairer taxes, better educations and most importantly for me, getting all these damn guns out of the hands of crazy people.

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Where was all this when she was most hated person 8 years ago

    2. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Fuck you, dumbass, if she was so hated she wouldn't have been in such a close race with Obama. Then she left her post as Secretary of State with a 70% approval rating. However we do know someone who DID prove herself to be a loathsome idiot in 2008 and is STILL the most hated piece of shit in this country to this day besides Dubya and I bet you know her name. It sure isn't Hillary.

      Oh and by the way? The period key is right above that little button that says ALT on it your keyboard so why don't you fucking use it.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Thank you 5:38, well said. Except...Cheney too.

  9. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Damn, but her words and thoughts are wonderful!

    I liked the fact she referred to President Obama being black and that she referenced and supported him as POTUS with her comments. She shows great respect for him and the office of POTUS which we have seen little of in the past years. It's so refreshing and heartwarming!

    She's going to be an outstanding POTUS. She can discuss things that have been difficult for President Obama to be open about/of. (I know - I'm not suppose to end a sentence with a preposition!)

    The Republicans don't have a leg to stand on regarding this matter! So, so many of them are known racists and they are on record and video for being so!

    Blessings to both Mrs. Clinton and President Obama for their care of Americans and our country!

  10. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Hillary Rotten Clinton
    A wealthy neo-con
    Who identifies as a poor progressive

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      First of all, she isn't a neocon Get over yourself and start practicing saying "Madam President Hillary Clinton.

    2. SallyinMI7:28 PM

      Hillary actually came from a poor family. Why is it so hard for the RW to like someone who actually worked their way up instead of having been born into wealth, admitted into classy schools because of their last names, and handed jobs which they then botched because they had no idea how to work for a living? The Bush boys are just as entitled and snobbish as the Romneys or the Cruz' or the Pauls. They all think the world revolves around them. Hillary and Bernie understand how hard life is in this country when you are not white and not born wealthy. People who try to get out of poverty are stomped on by the GOP at every turn. NOW they plan to end contraception for the poor...that should go a poor woman can be married and have it abstain from sex or not work at all. Or get a back alley that really what they want? You won't see liberals pushing these hideous programs..only the wealthy white men on the right. Enough. This is America, and we will stay free.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:46 PM

      It's Hillary Rodham Clinton. Put that on your palm prompter.

    4. Anonymous10:48 PM

      You mean like Sarah Palin's buddy Jeb Bush, son and brother of former presidents and with a campaign staff full of Washington insiders, identifies as a Washington outsider?

    5. Anonymous5:41 AM

      That's Madame Next President to you, nut-sack!

    6. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Oops, 6:44, you beat me to it! lol

    7. Anonymous10:33 AM


      Hillary did not come from a poor family.

  11. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Speaking as someone with a mental illness, I shrink a little when I hear variations of "keep crazy people from having guns" or "not let mentally ill people have guns." I may have an illness, actually it's called a disorder, but I do not own a gun, don't want a gun, and have never harmed another person. Mental illness is the only illness I know of where sufferers as a group are presumed to be capable of violence in advance of any such behavior. Statistically we are less prone to violence, yet when there's a shooting or a bombing, out comes the mentally ill label, no proof needed. Next time you're talking gun control (which I favor) and someone starts talking about the mentally ill and the crazies and the psychos, look around you. One in four Americans has a diagnosable mental illness. 1 in 4 -- interesting thought next time you're on a bus, a subway, or in a crowded elevator. We may be ill, but we're not all planning a massacre.

    1. SallyinMI7:24 PM

      I understand what you're saying, but it seems impossible for someone with a normal brain (whatever that is) to even think about killing other human beings. It is so hard for us to fathom that a man (and yes, they are usually men) can think so little of human life that he can take his guns and shoot and kill strangers for no reason. I think 'mental illness' is a scapegoat for the right, since they can't admit that one of their own can be completely sane and do just what they've been telling him to do: take out the 'enemy' and 'take my country back.' Most of us hear Fox and shake our heads: people of low IQ or whatever tune in and nod yes and take up guns. Is that insane? or just stupid?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

      Well Said, we need to have a national dialogue on mental health and the reality vs the hype. We desperately need to remove the stigma from mental health issues, and shift it to people who are irresponsible gun owners, racists, etc.
      Sadly, it's a stereotype that people have become accustomed to using and it crept into our lexicon.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      I remember a retired pharmacist who'd worked much of his life in a psych hospital dispensary telling me that the reason you never see elderly schizophrenics is because sooner or later most of them kill themselves because they can't bear it any more.

      And yet, that's the first thing people think of....

    4. Anonymous8:32 PM

      My apologies. It was my comment. I will keep that in mind for the future. I simply meant a gun in the wrong hands means trouble. People are taking the law into their own hands and too many innocent people are being killed.

    5. Anonymous10:45 PM

      A close relative of mine with bipolar disorder shot her own head off. She left a grieving husband and two young children, and lots of devastated family and friends. No, she didn't massacre anyone but she took her own life because she was able to get her hands on a gun.

    6. "Anonymous 6:50 PM Speaking as someone with a mental illness, I shrink a little when I hear variations of "keep crazy people from having guns" or "not let mentally ill people have guns."
      I agree 100%. Mental illness in and of itself has nothing to do with whether a person will commit violent acts against another. They make convenient scapegoats, but there are certainly better identifiers for the propensity for violence.

      A better starting point in my view would be people who exhibit stupidity, irresponsibilty, anger, have committed domentic violence, and yes, who have a diagnosed mental condition with violence, paranoia, or other relevant symptoms.

      I think keeping angry assholes from having access to guns would be much more useful than a catch all term like "mental illness", with no qualifiers.

    7. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Anon at 10:45, my sympathies on the loss of your friend. Bi-polar can be a devastating, soul-sucking illness despite the best treatment. It is relentless and never gives the sufferer a break. It causes a level of mental pain that can become unendurable. I suggest that is what killed your friend: the level of pain finally exceeded her ability to bear it. If she had not had access to a gun, that kind of pain would have led her to other life-ending means. Had she hung herself, the result would have been the same. She just would have suffered more. There is the issue of suicide. There is the issue of gun control. Better access to medical assistance and helping to educate the public regarding suicide will help the first issue. I have no idea how to introduce gun control to an unwilling population.

      I read somewhere that at the point of suicide, the mind and the brain and the person all agree that "this" will end the pain. They aren't at all concerned that "this" will end a life.

      Again, my deepest sympathies.

  12. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Bringing this here because I don't think anyone answered it.

    Re: blanket

    Gryphen, that blanket looks huge. What makes people think it is a baby blanket?

    Please answer

    1. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Speaking of questions, you never answer any, so where do you get off demanding an answer from Gryphen? He repeated what he'd been told by an eyewitness with impeccable observational credentials. That's what make ME think it's a baby blanket. My best friend made two similar blankets for two of her grandchildren when they were newborns. These blankets are not just for use when children are babies, they are for use into adulthood, something the baby can grow up with and have as a keepsake. They are made to grow into and there is no law regulating the size of baby blankets.

      Jesus fucking Christ. You're really earning your pay tonight.

    2. Anonymous11:57 PM

      It os in beach blanket for four huge, or double bed huge...I have no idea why it's being called a baby blanket either.

    3. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Maybe it was a "baby making blanket"? Did Bristles take it camping when she was determined to get pregnant? Wasn;t she already pregnant BEFORE that camping trip, since she told Levi she was praying he was NOT the father? So many questions and whatnot.

    4. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Amen, 10:38!

      And troll, why don't you stick to the topic at hand or just wait for Gryphen's next post so you can shit it up with your repetitive, brain-dead comments? Asshole.

    5. Anonymous11:52 AM

      10:38 ... "impeccable observational credentials."

      LOL. what exactly are impeccable observational credentials? hahaha. You imers are so goofy I love reading your posts.

  13. Anonymous7:52 PM

    How did we miss this article, or was it just me who missed it?

  14. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    The knives have already come out, the "never let a tragedy pass without making it a gun control issue" is all over Fox News and half of Fox Lite (CNN).
    As speeches go, this one was spot on. This was, in my opinion, one of the best so far. She owned the issue and apologetically laid down the facts. She's getting her groove back. I'm still torn, but would be thrilled if either she or Bernie, heck even Sandra Flukes or Elizabeth Warren decided to run, and won.
    Hillary isn't mincing words.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      8:03 PM Sandra Fluke, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie don't have the experience as does Hillary Clinton for the job of POTUS! I don't see anyone running against her that will beat her - to include the clown car of Republicans!

    2. Anonymous4:16 AM


    3. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Sandra Fluke? Lol, Ok you are just getting dumber.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

      I made an mistake, I never claimed to be anything other than human. Yes, Sandra Fluke could stand up against any of the clowncar idiots running on the GOP ticket on any issue despite her lack of experience.
      So glad to get under your skin or you wouldn't have responded.

  15. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I can't wait to see Hillary slap around Boehner and McConell, telling them to stop whining and man up...and do some actual WORK instead of sabotaging their country.

    1. Anonymous11:56 PM

      Wouldn't it be great if Ohio found a Democratic candidate, and Hillary didn't have to deal with Boehner at all? At least, let's get the House back, so she and Nancy can get something done!

  16. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Meanwhile some bad news for one of the guys in the clown car!

    Governor Walker and his economic development boondoggle. New news! Really bad news for Walker.

    "State jobs agency gave loans, credits to firms without financial review

    Madison— In its first 15 months, a jobs agency created by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker gave businesses 27 awards worth $124.3 million in all without a formal review of the deals by underwriters.

    The Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. is reporting to its board on the awards made from July 2011 to June 2013 after reports that the agency in September 2011 gave an unvetted, unsecured $500,000 loan from taxpayers to Building Committee Inc., a now-defunct company whose owner had been taken to court a year earlier for not paying taxes. "

    Wow! $124 million with probably a few political donations to Scott Wanker and his fellow teabaggers.

  17. Anonymous9:58 PM

    The "conservative" wingnutz have always been all about getting public money into private hands for nothing. That's what they all live for.

  18. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Hillary is definitely the adult in the room...any room!

  19. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Tangent but curious since she lived off public media

    Is Mercede receiving therapy yet?
    I hope so. She can't afford to lose anything or anyone else.

    She's destroyed her relationship with her brother. Her nieces and and nephew. She is the reason for Levi's life struggle. She is Bristol's biggest victimizer. She succeeded in breaking up Bristol and Levi for good, not that it would've lasted long. Bristol told her 5 years ago "I am many more are praying for your sanity." It took Levi years to finally admit she is the source behind media lies.

    I hope she's getting help. And am thankful for victims are strong and remained true, ignoring her.

    Prayers going to her.

    And prayers to good parents like Bristol and Levi. Tripp, you've been given the best 6 years ever. You know even now just how strong your mama is and all she's endured. You're very lucky to have her. You're also lucky to now have a father now under immoral handlers thumb, making him a liar. He is not stable and honest.

    God bless everyone.

    1. Anonymous4:27 AM

      $carah, is that you? Ask Bristles to pray for YOUR sanity, as well as her own while she is down on her knees. She DOES know getting on her knees is more than just for BJ's doesn;t she? Yes, she has "endured" so much. Tried so hard to go Hollywood, sadly lacking in any talent, charisma, or looks. So sad. Bitch has not worked a day in her slutty life, just birthed one baby after another, passing them off to others to raise. Someone has been serving you a line of bull, and you are gullible enough to believe it!!

    2. Anonymous4:43 AM

      What are you talking about? The subject here is the Charleston massacre, not pathetic Bristol Palin.

    3. You are insane.

    4. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Yah, the uneducated, spoiled, drunken skank with a filthy mouth is a great, strong mommy. Sure. Lol!

    5. Anonymous10:27 AM

      All she's endured? Boo-fucking-hoo, she made millions off of being a teen mom, she's had it so hard, wwwaaahhhhh!

    6. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Great Snark! Did Bristol graduate high school magna cum louder? I'm in the lower 48 and spotted a moose with earplugs. Dog Bless your white polyester compression stockings and capri pants.
      Mercede is living a private, vibrant life. The only thing Bristols done is dated people Mercede deemed as losers.

  20. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Jeb must have liked the speech because now he has decided to support taking down the Confederate flag

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      I wonder what John McCain will say. If memory serves me, he rolled over on this issue during his 2000 Presidential Campaign.

  21. London Bridges3:47 AM

    My understanding is that Hillary Clinton was with Clementa Pinckney earlier in the day that he and the others were assassinated. Has she acknowledged this? If not, why not?
    could Dylann Roof have been at her rally where she discussed her idea for student interns?. I have read that Roof had considered shooting at a college, but may have detered by security. How did he decide to go to that specific church? Anybody?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Are you making implications here? Apparently Roof had also learned some of the history of the church which might have been what directed him there.

  22. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Yesterday there was an email from Hillary Clinton's campaign addressing the Charleston massacre. I thought it was powerful, eloquent and to the point. She really is an impressive woman with, in my mind, perfect credentials for the job. I hope the American people can see through the media hate and really listen to her in the coming months.

  23. Anonymous4:44 AM

    And? the other 47% are silent. Stuck not know what to say or feel. A party of hateful liars must accept one of their own hateful little fertilized sperms that MURDER for ignorance. I see the faces of REPUBLICANS. They are eating human flesh like the zombies that they have become. HATEFUL WALKING DEAD PARTY of zero brains. American's forgive you and will fix you.

  24. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Say what you will about Hillary, she has guts. She's fearless when it comes to these right-wing dickbags who keep throwing tantrums and spewing threats at the majority of the nation for daring to think people are more important than their precious fucking guns. We will prevail, gun-fuckers! America is sssooooo tired of your shit.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.