Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the importance of scientific literacy.

Very profound, and undeniably true.

The reason that many on the conservative side are constantly arguing against scientific data, and undermining education in this country, is because the facts do not line up on their side, and they realize that with a more intelligent electorate their ability to mislead and oppress will be no more.

Everything about being a progressive is about moving forward, learning more, and accepting differences.

The philosophy of the conservative is almost the exact opposite.


  1. Neil deGrasse Tyson as no choice - he has to be a warmest

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      A "warmest"? Do you have no choice but to be stupid?

    2. It's a post from Sarah herself.

      Let me see if I can translate:

      Neil DeGrasse Tyson has no choice - he has to be an alarmist.

      Makes slightly more sense but who knows what she was originally going for.

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM


  2. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Well, that's a timely choice, Gryph. I just came across this on Youtube this morning. Apparently xtian extremists are impressed with how well the right wing political disinformation campaign has worked, so they've adopted the practice - Alex Jones style. In this video, we learn how universities suppress the real findings of scientists when their discoveries are inconvenient - in this case, that means discovered proof that dinosaurs lived as recently as 3900 yrs ago (as proven by soft tissue samples) has been suppressed by powers within the scientific community. They also claim Bush's gag order on government scientists applies to all scientists so that their work cannot go public until it's (que spooky music) approved by the powers.

    I'm becoming more antitheist than atheist every day.

  3. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Knowledge, education, critical thinking, and logic dispel mythology, religion, and blind ignorance.

  4. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of my favorite people. He has such a wonderful way of expressing important concepts and making them approachable.

    I would love to listen in on a conversation between deGrasse Tyson and President Obama, about their family stories and their early learning experiences. They both have such enthusiasm and hope for what children, all children, can achieve.

  5. "and they realize that with a more intelligent electorate their ability to mislead and oppress will be no more."

    I don't think this is it at all...they honestly, absolutely believe what magical, irrational storyline is dispersed to them from their parents, pulpits, Fox News, etc. And their beliefs are their God, literally. Any other view is unthinkable, so they don't even glance at it. They can't see that their way is exactly the same way as the Taliban way: intolerant, closed mind, ignorant, judgmental and in the end, cruel.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Some do, or pretend that they do --- until it emerges that their own private lives are anything but godly. They preach one thing so they can show off how pious they want you to think they are, but they don't live up to their own hype.

  6. Randall7:12 AM

    As a youth I enjoyed hearing and reading Carl Sagan.
    As an adult, I enjoy listening to (among others) Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Read This:

    And DIE!!

  8. Anonymous8:42 AM

    It made a major mark and basically started right here in Alaska:

    Reap what you sow....

  9. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Yes, call people out when they deny climate change. Quiz them about basic science and how it works. Don’t let up. And be sure to do it in front of other people so they can’t later backpedal and deny the fact they don’t have a clue. Be ruthless. I’ve had it, we need to get in front of climate change and I don’t have room in my life for deniers and people who refuse to see what is in front of their eyes. we are fighting for the planet now.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Progressives, liberals, socialists-whatever the current pejorative is-long for, and work for a future.

    Conservatives, otoh, seem to long for a past that never truly was, as being preferable to any conceivable future.

    The B.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

    There's something reassuring about his voice and his vision. We've got to take every possible advantage of those "teachable moments". My father could make a lesson from picking up a milky way bar wrapper, and putting it in the trash. He'd make us read it, then look it up in the encyclopedia he compiled from supermarket shopping. Each time you visited, you got a portion of "Comptons Encyclopedia", he wasn't a formally educated man, but he read everything he could get his hands on. My favorite memory was him pointing out different star formations through the telescope.

  12. Sharon9:01 PM

    I think you could sum up the real difference between them and us is plain old curiosity. The religious right cherry picks the bible...there is no curiosity about anything, for them its all been said. written down, laws to live by....to justify all. You screw up, no problem...God will forgive you. They are terrified of anything outside of that tiny world, progress in any form is the enemy...period. They thrive on hate and misery...their hypocrisy is astounding. I love this man, we need hundreds of him teaching our children the beauty of exploring...to never stop. My youngest daughter lives in NYC & has been very lucky to see him speak on many occasions, a few times his good friend Bill Nye stops by. I love that she goes, her boyfriend is just as enthusiastic as neither one has a job in science...but they go.

  13. Anonymous4:49 AM

    I used to admire him but since he bought the Monsanto Kool-Ade I have lost almost all respect for him.


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