Monday, June 08, 2015

Sarah vs Sarah.

Courtesy of Silverman's Facebook page:

I don't like people who ignore the spirit of the truth to make shitty non-points.

Well said. 

Just another person that Sarah Palin should avoid ever having to debate.


  1. Janice A Soderquist6:22 AM

    The more that Sarah opens her mouth about this issue, the more people will come out publicly to challenge her. Watch, she will go in hiding, afraid to confront Silverman. Sarah has a big mouth, but is a pussy to fight.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      We all know Sarah Palin is a pussy.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Sarah Palin would be deathly afraid of Sarah Silverman were they to meet. Would be a hoot to watch though!

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      She's immediately say she's a fan of Silverman's, the way she caved on Louis C.K. To his face. Principled, my ass.

    4. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Remember the 12 yr old girl on malialitmans blog,Madison Kimsey or something close to that. "we don't need anymore clowns..." spineless sarah was silent.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    She is just trying to drive attention away from her family skeletins in her own closet.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I love it when Sarah Palin says anything. She keeps proving the point that she's an unintelligent political hack who has her hand out for the next SarahPAC donation. She makes it so easy to see the real her.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Oh yeah, but she's not JUST plain unintelligent,
      she's willfully ignorant.

      Keep ringin' those bells, Paul Revere!

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      You got it, 12:41! I also saw someone else comment not too long ago that Palin was...

      'belligerently ignorant"

      That's THEIR Sarah, all right. She sure as shi*t ain't mine.

  4. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I wonder if Todd is guilty of doing something hideous like that? Why else would Sarah protect that young man for the hideous crime he did?

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Look closer to home--the Heath family. That's why Sarah thinks what Josh Duggar did to his sisters was "normal" teenage male activity.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Sarah is as guilty of this as the males. Women and MOTHERs sexually abuse children too, maybe even worse.. Everything is about SEX! She is A SICK FUCK..

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I've always found it so interesting that Sarah's sisters don't comment when it comes to Sarah Heath Palin!

      They never support her publically either which I find very telling!

    4. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Heather has done a lot of heavy-lifting for Sarah and I am told by someone who knows her fairly well that this is a source of some resentment. Heather is the one the kids turn to for a sense of stability and sanity in their lives. She is not at ALL like Sarah who has presented with mental health issues from the time she was born. As Marina's friends would say:

      "Ho don't act rite!"

  5. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Just asking and not implying anything, did Track do anything to his siblings? Why would Sarah Palin defend pedophiles?

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      If you have to ask that, you need to look more deeply into Sarah's background, especially her father, another noted defender of pedophiles. It's how the Heaths roll.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      "Does it kick, Daddy?"

    3. Anonymous8:01 AM

      "Those girls were always losing their underwear" --Chuck Heath

      Why would her Dad know anything about his daughter's underwear?

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      And don't forget Sarah's college roommate who was surprised Sarah slept naked. Sarah's response was, "It's unhealthy to sleep in your clothes."

      That's the one that always stood out to me. Why were the young Heath girls conditioned or taught to always sleep naked?

      In Alaska, for fuck's sake. Where it's cold.

    5. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Who's trig's daddy,sarah?

    6. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Daddy Heath is a pervert.

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Lena Dunham is scheduled to be on the Tonight Show this coming Friday...may be worth a watch!

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I won't miss it!

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I saw an Access Hollywood with Bush kid. They were covering Duggars, Silverman and the LEAD story was Sarah Palin saying to Lena Dunham


      Sarah just posted: "I'll be joining Sean Hannity tonight on FOX News - if you want to tune in at 10 PM ET." (June 8, Monday)

      She is not going to be confronting anything. SOS Hannity.

  7. Anonymous7:19 AM

    So Sarah's being called out on the national stage. Again.

    This never gets old.

    Sarah can't bluff anymore.

    Sarah can't stab people in the back anymore.

    All Sarah can do is increase her stature via high heels, S & M skirts, and "boo effect" wigs.

    And cramming more pampers into her brassiere.

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Sarah Palin Facebook new post:

    Family grows with a new critter! Meet Piper's newest - a micro mini pig she's named Penelope.

    - Sarah & Piper Palin

    Family grows with a new critter!. Whew! At first I thought Sarah was going to tell us she's a new grandmother to one of her unmarried children

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Wonder how long before that pig ends up on a spit and cooked over an open fire out back?

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      "how long before that pig ends up on a spit..."


    3. Anonymous8:04 AM

      LOL, only an idiot would be fooled enough to think that piglet is a "micro" pig. That piglet is nothing but a standard hog/sow usually raised for meat.
      But I doubt with the Palins track record of "disappearing" animals that it will ever grow to it's adult weight anyway.

      Funny thing though, it took her less time to announce this piglet than it did to announce her Granddaughter's birth. Quite some "family values" there.

    4. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Deflection, deflection, deflection--Sarah says something incredibly stupid and then suddenly posts something "cute" and "homey" to try to make herself look more likeable.

      Hence all the attention on the pig right now.

      Very transparent.

    5. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Betcha that pig will not be long in the house of the Palins. Feel sorry for the daughter (cannot recall her name!) that has it - she will be in for heartbreak!

      The Palins have a horrible record with pets as we've seen!

    6. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Did anyone in that fool family research having a pig as a pet? of course not, this pet won't last long.

  9. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Well said, Sarah Silverman.

    What are you going to do, Sarah Palin, duck and run as usual when you are logically called out? Or are you going to "stay in the truck" because you don't have the ability to "buck up"?

  10. Donal7:22 AM

    Oh Dog! Please, please, please, let $arah get sucked into a word battle with SS. I would pay anything to see a cage match with SS eviscerating the mumble/bumble-mouth $arah. It would be priceless! Popcorn optional.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      What would Sarah look like when SS pulled off her wig in that cage fight?

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Silverman wouldn't have to pull Palin's wig from her pointed big head! She could annihilate Palin with her words and humor! Plus, Silverman is much, much faster on her feet with responses than Palin could ever think of being!

      Silverman is also smart and Palin isn't - as we all know!

    3. Anonymous12:46 PM

      In a battle of wits, $arah would be like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    OMG, Sarah Silverman would annihilate Palin with the flick of a finger. Silverman is wicked smart and lightning fast on her feet when it comes to holding her own in a verbal battle. If Silverman took Palin on, all that would be left is a wailing, trembling pile of Wasilla flesh.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Puddle of pancake make-up, eyeliner, meth and red bull in a fetal position in the corner.

  12. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Sarah Palin will go after David Letterman and other men because they won't go after Sarah Palin and look like bullies attacking a fragile woman and Sarah Palin knows that.

    Sarah Palin is too chicken shit to go after Sarah Silverman because Sarah Silverman will rip Sarah Palin a new asshole.

    Sarah Palin is a pussy and a junior high bully.

  13. Anonymous7:45 AM

    IMO, Lena Dunham's description of her behavior was troubling. There is "clinical curiosity" when both children are of roughly the same age, physical awareness and ability, and intent. When one child is 7 - traditionally the age of reason - and the other is 1, that's a large gap in both age and self-autonomy. Such a gap is indicative of predatory behavior. I don't think Dunham's own account of it is really defensible, and for her to use it to shock the public, which she seems to really get off of doing, is troubling to say the least... when the account of such an intimate act involves a young but aware child and a baby. Just because Sarah Palin is, ridiculously, trying to use it to defend the Duggars doesn't IMO mean that it doesn't also raise some serious issues.

    For me, the issue is simply one of hypocrisy. The Duggars are hypocrites. Dunham isn't.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Not that it matters but wasn't Dunham 6?

    2. Maple8:39 AM

      I haven't read Dunham's book, but I'm suggesting that some women, in particular, are uncomfortable that Lena wrote about what she did. She had a natural curiosity which many of us were taught to suppress -- fortunately, she was not. She admitted to masturbating, another thing we were taught not to do. Fortunately, most of us grew up and began recognizing that this was a normal activity......

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      no, 7....and josh was 15...not 17.silverman said it well, but it didn't help for not factchecking...don't give these people anything to gloat over

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Masturbating? Normal and non-harming.

      Manipulating your baby sister's vagina and writing about it many years later when you are a celebrity? Not normal and potentially harmful. Did Dunham have her sister's permission?

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      9:20--If I understand the story correctly, the baby sister was putting pebbles in her vagina, which may have prompted her sister's concern.

    6. Anonymous11:24 AM

      9:20 is a troll...

    7. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I am not a troll, but Dunham's story is upsetting to me. A one year old doesn't have the curiosity or ability to agree to sexual exploration. Ms.Dunham writes of later paying her sister to lip kiss, lay across her and admitted to masturbating beside her sleeping sister. I I maintain that if Ms. Dunham had performed these acts as a young male, it would be prefatory. You can't excuse it simply because she was a 7-17 year old female.

    8. Indeed, anon, you are not a troll. I am a long term supporter of this site, and a fierce Palin critic.

      However, like you, I have grave misgivings about Lena Dunham's actions, as described in the memoir. Sexual abuse by other children is now recognised as damaging, and often occurring. Her account of spreading open her sister's vagina to me sounded salacious, not "clinical curiosity."

      Using this to excuse the Duggars is of course ridiculous and typical of Sarah Palin.

    9. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Sarah's part about Lena Dunham is a distraction. The subject is the current revelations about the Duggars. The Duggars are not just about a 7 year old's incident with a 1 year old.

      The Duggars are much more complicated.

      It is the wrong analogy. An analogy should offer clarity and a reasonable account.

      Palin acts like an idiot and just yells at Lena Dunham and calls her a name.

      Too cowardly to carry on a decent conversation, Palin deflects to a blog she owns and controls as if someone else wrote on the topic of the Duggars.

      If she wants to bring up the subject regarding Lena, she could do that at another time.

      When Sarah flames, as she did, she looks destructive, of bad intentions and crazy. And everyone knows Bristol does not write that blog 99% of the time when Sarah is pretending she is turning it over to Bristol.

      Sarah is bringing attention to another one of her frauds. She did no favors for the Duggars if their only supporters are crazy or frauds.

  14. Anonymous7:47 AM

    You are reading it here first on Immoral Minority.

    How will Sarah Palin get back at Sarah Silverman's comment?

    Sarah Palin will use her ghostwriter to post a comment on Bristol's blog pretending that Bristol wrote it.

    That's how Sarah Palin will respond.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      'Screechy will use her ghostwriter..."

      Yes, and then post in her own blog "you should avail yourself of my daughter's brilliant wisdom on her blog because our whole fam damily is chock full of wisdom!"

      And full of shit, also too.

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Probably, she's such a pathetic chickenshit...

    3. Problem with having her "postage"; aka FB ghostwrtiters, is that they aren't very bright either. They get duped by the Onion, and then she backpeddles her sorry ass to pretend that she wasn't duped. Nancy is just a tad bit smarter than the Palins but, still in the ignorance range.In a battle of wits, and intelligence, the Palins, and their "postage", are unarmed. The best any one of them could up with is, "She's ugly. Na nee na nee boo boo".

  15. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Or the new pig will write it.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Poor little pig. It will probably be on the grill before long. They are such smart and adorable little critters.

  16. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Sarah Palin why do you pal around with Ted Nugent?

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      They both little love responsive and smart tiny piglets.

  17. Anonymous7:57 AM

    The reason that Lena Dunham was attacked was because she has been an outspoken supporter of Planned Parenthood. The conservatives put her name on a hit list as someone to attack to change the conversation.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      That is not the whole story and you know it. Dunham gave conservatives a shitload of ammunition to use against her with her account in her book. As a progressive, a liberal, and a feminist, I have zero defense for her on that score.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM


    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      9:23 Sounds as tho you didn't read the entire 'account' from Lena's book or that you haven't been around many 7 year old children.

      Her recounting of the incident may make a few a little queasy from TMO but in NO WAY does it equate with a 14/15 year old boy groping five (or maybe more) young girls over an extended period of time.

      Pretty sure Lena didn't check out the pebbles in her sister's vagina to become sexually aroused but would bet my retirement that Josh's behavior over the 'admitted' years WAS and DID. Holding a 5 year old on one's lap with one's finger in her vagina is quite damning.

      You sound more like a paid troll than what you claim in your last sentence. It's become quite the new norm for trolls to use a disclaimer like that. Think Alicia, the super duper pooper Palin troll.

    4. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Agreed, 9:23 is a troll.

    5. Anonymous11:49 AM

      9:23 have you ever babysat a child still in diapers? Just curious as to how you changed them without touching or looking at them? I don't think Lena is the sick one here.

    6. Anonymous1:30 PM

      9:23, I agree with you. I doubt the pebbles in the vagina story. A one year olds vagina is still covered by the hymen.

    7. Anonymous5:46 PM

      ALL kids are curious. As kids go thru early childhood and mature they learn about their own body functions and to respect others. That's why we have the sex ed talk and movies around 5th grade. The duggers and others like them are denying their children these things and the kids are left to explore and act out on their own family members. Filling diapers with rocks,toys,dirt,&what have you is common for babies. Much like kids filling their pockets with treasures. Mom needs to check those pockets before going in the washer! All part of growing up.

    8. Anonymous6:24 PM

      how else does one clean off a poopie butt without wiping it off carefully with a wipe or warm wash cloth? Don't tell me you closed Your eyes while cleaning up little sister or brother??

  18. Janice A Soderquist8:03 AM

    Sarah Silverman can handle Bristol too. Silverman will probably just ignore both of them and let them rant on and on and make themselves look even dumber evermore.

  19. Anonymous8:31 AM

    My only quibble is that the incidents with Duggar occurred when he was 14 - 15 years old, not 17.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      @8:31 AM Old enough to know right from wrong?

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      And that makes it ok????? He was post puberty! A teen! And some were committed later too.

    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      He was old enough to already have his arranged marriage partner assigned! Tabloid source, but this info has been everywhere for years.

      Game of Thrones Arkansas Quiverful style!

      "According to sources, Josh Duggar was ‘betrothed’ at 14 to the daughter of former Arkansas General Assemblyman Jim Holt. This commitment to marry was made during the same period of time back in 2002 to 2003, when Josh was at the height of his unconscionable behavior of molesting his younger sisters, among other girls. Reportedly, the Duggars and the Holts attended the same church — which is where Jim likely made his deal with the devil, to commit his then 14-year-old daughter, Kaeleigh Holt-Tull, to the troubled boy."

      So the Duggars want it both ways for their twisted son?

    4. Anonymous10:54 AM

      The trouble is we don't really know when it started, stopped or even if it stopped. We don't know the extent of the "exploration" either. That's up to the lying parents and the perp to spill the truth. We can rest assured he'll cop to the bare minimum and the only way the actual extent of of actions will come forward is if one of the sisters comes forward with what he actually did to her and for how long he did it.

    5. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Perhaps the pre arranged marriage was to head off sexual urges in his home. Are his own kids safe from him? Sarah is asking all the wrong questions which raises a Huge red flag. Just WHO are you covering for...Sarah??

  20. Janice A Soderquist8:32 AM

    Sarah cannot blame this on the media. She posted all her rants on Facebook and her and Bristols personal sites. When you blast another woman, celebrity, etc. and call them a pedafile, yes the media will print it. And, Sarah wanted it printed to keep her name in the news.

  21. Janice A Soderquist8:32 AM

    Where is Todd and why isn't he defending his wife.....

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Toad Never publicly defends his wife.

  22. Anonymous8:36 AM

    $arah will ignore this or come out with another "poor me" post on Facebook.

    You know what I'm talking about: where $arah (aka the overpaid ghost writer) spends several paragraphs whining about how unfair it is to be her and the victim of so much liberal media hate. And then at the end she'll say something like "But I refuse to play the victim"

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      The Palins are playing it safe and doing cute animals now.

      Maybe she hired Howard Bragman.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      That's her alright. Creates a shit storm and then will somehow play the victim and get her shit for brains supporters defending her from the mean lamestream media.

      Also, I've noticed a pattern in her faceplace posts. For instance, call someone a pedophile in a nasty rant, then post a cute family pic to keep her drooling fans saying ahhhhhh, isn't she the greatest mother ever!! Aggressive then passive posting over and over again.

  23. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Coincidence or not? Maybe it's a message from above?

    There's Sarah "proud to be VALLEY TRASH" Palin,

    and the Duggar compound was built purt near right across the street from a Waste Management Landfill! I wonder what sanitary smells like when the wind is out of the southeast?

    Maybe this can be another ghostwritten post also too!,+Springdale,+AR+72762/@36.1441314,-94.2563814,1635m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x87c9725ff99eda4f:0x65322814ee5b4192!6m1!1e1

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      There are no coincidences.

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      It's a wind out of the SW that blows toward the Duggar's house or whatever you call it.

  24. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Why do women hate me?


  25. Anonymous9:19 AM

    How long has Sarah P. been hiding this time?

    Was the finger wag her last public statement?

    I doubt most of the Facebook is even her.

    I last remember P. with a red face and angry at Dakota Meyer.

    What does SarahPAC pay Rebecca Mansour all that money for?

  26. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Who do you think is Sarah's fav pedophile?

  27. Janice A Soderquist10:25 AM

    He may have been old enough to get one of his sisters pregnant. Suppose one of those babies was born at home unseen by the public and "his"?

  28. Any Palin post or story you come to, people are not fooled by this skank

  29. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Oh, she's busy putting her staff together to run for president.

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      What is funny is how the C4Peers think that if Sarah were to declare herself, all of America would fall in behind her. They just don't realize what a joke she is and how much most Americans dislike her.

  30. Anonymous12:51 PM

    i would love to see a war of wits between that old bag of guts and sarah silverman!! bring it bitch.

    bill in belize

  31. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Quite sure sarah experimented FAR more as a child than sh'll ever admit. The louder you get,the more suspicious you look,girlfriend.

  32. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sarah tries to go after others ,flailing her arms and spewing garbage.and,as always,we just fip her off like a nasty old booger. Such is life,in the palin world.

  33. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Sarah tries to go after others ,flailing her arms and spewing garbage.and,as always,we just fip her off like a nasty old booger. Such is life,in the palin world.

  34. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Yes, the Mama Grizzly, Patriot, piglet loving Palin is never wrong. She can never say she is sorry, because she isn't sorry. Sarah and Sean Hannity will have a late night talk tonight. What could have brought that on?

    The "You pedophile, you" discussion will be as shallow as her butt cheeks. If they even go there.

    Do you think Sarah has received a cease and desist from Dunham attorney?

  35. Randall2:48 PM

    The list of whom Sarah Palin should avoid debating is already very, very long...
    my granddaughter (who's in middle-school) could reduce Sarah Palin to a whimpering, quivering mass in a debate.

    Because my granddaughter is smarter, better-informed, more conversant, quicker-witted, and (most intimidating of all) she's cuter than Sarah Palin.

  36. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Sarah Silverman would win the trifecta in a battle of wits vs word salad what's her name? What's Palin going to do? Chase her to the parking lot and write her plate number? lolz

  37. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Poor palins. Nothing left in life than to chase their own tails.

  38. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Hey Palin, you love the Duggars so much, why don't you help Josh out and let him baby sit Piper. He needs money
    for a lawyer.Heck, you left Trip in a Limo all alone
    with the Limo driver while you were all drunk , brawling
    and cussing! That is the Palin mind set!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.