Monday, June 29, 2015

Sunny Johnston weighs in on Levi's statement, and expands on it a bit.

Courtesy of Sunny's Facebook page:

My little two cents about the recent news regarding Levi today: 

1) I'm so proud of him for always taking the high road. Even when his name was being drug through the mud he ignores it or says something positive. 

2) We REALLY need to take new family photos lol 

3) I wish they would have written about his message to other parents about co-parenting and how important it is. I was sitting right next to him and I thought that was the best part of it all. You really do have to put your differences aside and put your children first! 

Gee look, they BOTH took the high road. 

Someday I think I will post a bunch of texts that Bristol has sent to various people, who then forwarded them to me, just so everybody can see how nasty she can be, and how hard it must be for the Johnstons to treat with any kindness whatsoever.

Take it from me, that the ugliness you have seen from her publicly is nothing compared to what happens in private.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    What's the story on the sonogram posted on Patheos that is supposedly hers (Bristol's)?

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      There is no story.

      The way it was handle leaves more questions then answers. I think it is a random sono someone was given or found. It seems more misleading then to do with the article.

      I don't think Bristol or her handlers want anything to be resolved. They just keep feeding their mysteries. Or you are to take it as nothing or blindly go with Bristol is sharing her sonogram of the newest baby.

      I have no clue what their motives are. There is a pattern of confusion, incomplete, innuendo, implications.

      They are not solid or direct in how they present things.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      You have plenty to say and plenty of questions for there being no story. (eye roll)

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      "Someday I think I will post a bunch of texts that Bristol has sent to various people, who then forwarded them to me, just so everybody can see how nasty she can be"
      Why not today? :) That was one thing Palmamama mentioned that Pissy stalks Sunny. Its time to expose those cockroaches and send them where there is day and night light and its called HELL!

    4. Anonymous3:10 PM

      What a good looking couple. Nice inside and out. Sunny is gorgeous, Levi handsome. So glad he found Sunny, I am sure he is too.

    5. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Hey G OT: but do you think Bristols pregnancy was the reason Sarah changed the name to "Celebration of life BBQ" and that was why she was wagging that bony finger in Duh's face and then maybe Duh said "not me" lol?
      Certainly explains why pissy didn't show she was too embarrassed at how she tried to "rope a dope" another guy into marriage!
      First Levi, Sarah breaks that up.
      Then she get preg by Ben Barber or the Whole of Anchorage and then AGAIN tries to pass off on Levi and, he got a clue.
      Now she tried to pass off another kid to get married as usual and THAT didn't work so well either....
      So basically she does get preg. on PURPOSE to try to snag some poor guy. Women like that need to be sterilized.
      She is more than a hobag even worse...

    6. Janice A Soderquist3:21 PM

      Can Levi or Sunny post texts, etc. that Bristol sent to them without Bristols permission? I am sure Levi's attorney has everything.

    7. Anonymous3:37 PM

      2:44 PM Educate me. What is the sonogram story? Thank you.

    8. Unlike Anon @ 3:01 PM, I'd suggest you get some legal advice before you do this, Gryphen:

      "Someday I think I will post a bunch of texts that Bristol has sent to various people, who then forwarded them to me, just so everybody can see how nasty she can be..."

      Just to make sure you're not opening yourself up to accusations of libel (nevermind what Bristol is opening herself up for... /snark).

    9. I agree, KaJo. And I don't see how Gryphen could publish them without a nasty lawsuit from the Anchorage law firm that sucks off the SarahPac tit every month.

      But maybe Gryphen could do something like a statistical analysis of the language. Maybe a Wordle cloud?

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    They should both have just shut up. Nothing will stop Bristol's campaign to make Levi's life hell. As long as he has a dollar left in his pocket she will make her business to part him from it one way or another.

    Bristol Palin deserves every bit of the bad karma she is always getting. She deserves to have back the world of pain she has inflicted on Levi and Sunny with her bitter jealousy. I hope she is beginning to get it now.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      I totally disagree. Taking the high road was a class act. He did the right thing. STFU

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I agree with 2:43 PM. They have every right to reply; Tripp is their son, too. Thank God he has them as a stable influence!

    3. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I disagree. I think the world has finally seen what an ugly hypocritical liar Bristle is and for Levi to take the high road once again just proves who was starting and continuing the nastiness over the yrs.

    4. Anonymous3:30 PM

      MEh, the palce to air the other parent's nastiness is in court or the private custody discussions.

    5. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Well...somebody has to be the Adults. Bristol lives in the world of a fifteen yr. old.

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Very refreshing to see. As someone that has witnesses first hand some bitter custody battles it really is remarkable for them to take the high road. Good job Levi and Sunny!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I was the child in a bitter custody battle that went on for more than 40 years --- long after all the children had grown, neither of the parents could say a good word about the other. It made for a toxic life. If Levi and Sunny can spare Tripp any of that, he will be the better and stronger for it all his life.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      I know a man whose ex-wife is emotionally unbalanced, with major concerns about whether or not she has the wherewithal to care appropriately for their two young daughters. I've personally seen them get injured on several occasions because of the mother's inattention. In public and even privately he is loathe to breathe a word of criticism about the ex-. To some extent he is taking the high road, fully aware that it would be potentially damaging to the kids for him to bad-mouth their mother. But to some extent I think that he must have real fears for his daughters emotional and even physically well-being, and he's unwilling to let his mind go down that road because he can't do anything about it. It's another case where, thanks to judicial BS, his odds of being granted full custody are slim-to-none. (If kids have good fathers and sh*tty mothers, heaven help them, 'cause the courts sure as hell won't.)

  4. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I was trapped in a room with 47 rattlesnakes ... I told the snakes I knew Bristol ... they all scattered.

    1. I' sure if either Sarah or Bristol bit a snake the snake would die.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM


    3. Bristol once fell overboard into a school of sharks. They all parted for her....professional courtesy.

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Would love to read the text messages. The more I read the happier I am that she never became vice president. I get the impression they are trying to take after the Daley family in Chicago and failing miserably with some of the stuff that you've posted here.

  6. Anonymous2:13 PM

    After having endured the Palin family since 2008 I can only imagine what Bristol says when she thinks she's not being overheard.

    You should seriously consider making her texts public. Her fans might be shocked to see what she's written especially since her public persona she's adopted seems to be that of a lily white perpetual virgin who occasionally "slips" and lets loose the "occasional" vulgarity here and there.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Much as I'd love to see the texts for my own prurient reasons, I don't think they will enlighten any of her fans. Anyone who still thinks highly of Bristol Palin is willfully ignoring the massive amount of proof that she's nasty, hypocritical, and vile. The brawl should have cured anyone of plausible deniability regarding what kind of person she is.

    2. "... lily white perpetual virgin who occasionally "slips" and lets loose the "occasional" vulgarity here and there."
      "... lily white perpetual virgin who occasionally "slips" and lets loose the "occasional" ovum here and there."

    3. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Joe Biden is so made fun of for gaffes, etc., but a solid, strong man of goodwill and faith. It makes me shudder to think of the apocalypse we avoided in '08 has the "other" ticket won.

    4. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Pos them semi redacted lol.... but enough for us to get the gist. That would be pretty funny!

  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Eyes are the windows of your soul....Levi has warm, loving and kindly eyes and so does Sunny.
    They look happy together. When you look at Bristol's eyes you see a hardness and meanness
    in her. All the designer bags and shoes may make her happy but it can't love her back. She's
    a pathetic person and a piss poor mother.

  8. Levi's wife is beautiful, inside and out.

    Suck on that, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM


    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Sunny is drop dead gorgeous

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      You should see Sunny without make-up, she's twice as gorgeous, the fresh look really highlights her natural beauty.

  9. Olivia2:15 PM

    Good for them! You just know that every time they go public with support and positive statements, Bristol is jumping up and down screaming and howling with a Rumpelstiltskin type tantrum. You can see what kind of mothers they all have by the behavior they exhibit.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I expect her response to be along the lines of "Well, who asked them anyway? Levi can't let go of the publicity he gets from riding on my coattails." In reality, as others have said, the press probably contacted Levi because NO ONE ELSE -- not Bristol's parents, not her baby daddy, not the people who should be providing public support -- is talking.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      It is like Junker-Dakota are public shaming, along with her family.

      Are they all together with a unified Bristol boycott?

      What is Marina Lupas' position?

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      2:27 is right on the money!!!

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I want to hear from Auntie Marina too.

  10. Janice A Soderquist2:17 PM

    Grab your popcorn. Bristol is going to shit over all of this. The woman she hates the most is killing her with kindness. Levi is and will continue to get great press for his attitude on this. Bristol will always continued to get horrible press. Levi and Sunny are in the drivers seat now.....

  11. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Wow. Class, and what incredible sweetness! I have nothing but admiration for Sunny.

  12. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Levi and Sunny are such a cute couple.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM


    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Yes, gorgeous...could be models. Plus they are kind and generous to others and are wonderful parents.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM



  13. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Sunny has every reason to be proud of her man. He is a jewel.

    Here are a few things to consider for the professionals like Bristol and Dakota. Who appear to be floundering now.

    Be genuine, and conduct your business with transparency and respect for your audience. Marketing online is based on a sense of trust and community.

    Step 6: Pay attention to the details
    Everything you do ultimately contributes to your personal brand.
    Once your brand has been defined, make sure that the little things -- the way you dress, your body language, how you behave with co-workers, the emails you write -- are consistent with your brand message.

    Step 7: Update your resume
    Go through your resume to determine it gels with your brand.
    Ensure that your resume accurately defines who you are, and is in line with both your short-term and long-term goals.

    Step 12: Go offline
    Be sure to promote your brand in person, too.

    Step 13: Tend to your marketing network
    Be sure to keep co-workers, colleagues, clients, and friends updated about what you are doing.
    Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool, and what the people in your network say about you will ultimately have an effect on your brand.

    Build Credibility...LOL!
    "online marketing is the art and science of...leveraging the internet to get your message across so that you can move people to action." The message is clear: you don't do social media marketing because your competitors do; you do it because it has the ability to "convert strangers into consumers and consumers into customers."
    "Strategy should always come before tactics."

    Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Bristol a professional? What a joke! Of what? She's never done a damned thing of truth and quality!

      Except (perhaps) for spreading her legs! But, but, but - is that professional OR 'being in a specific profession of prostitution'?

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Tongue in cheek.

    3. Anonymous6:54 PM

      does she work for daddy's house of fun?

  14. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I have no illusions or delusions about Bitchy. Her calling her detractors fuckers and assholes shows exactly how trashy she is inside and out. Her comments on the police tape after the throwdown at the ho'down shows that she is as much a hateful bitch as her mother. That acorn didn't fall far from the tree.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Yesssssss! Why her stupid blog is just that, and I refuse to believe that she's "suddenly" excited about this pregnancy.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Bristol's actions at the brawl showed what kind of person she is. What mother of a 5 or 6 year old child attempts to start a fight with a woman (the mother of Willow's ex), then when prevented from doing that Bristol repeatedly punches the host. Then the infamous tape of her whining, blubbering and her foul mouth. "God is good", she said. Yeah, Bristol, we all know you're a good christian girl. Like your mama!

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      2:41, you are right on the money!! She has NO class, and NO clue!

  15. Caroll Thompson2:47 PM

    No word from Sarah on her Shouty Page. She did post about gearing up for 2016 by, wait for it, giving to Sarah Pac. So I guess grifting more money from the rubes is more important to her than her family.

    1. AKRNHSNC6:29 PM

      I think this will have a severe impact on SarahPAC as it undoubtedly proves that Sarah will NOT be running for President. While sane people everywhere have always known that, her stupid followers continued to believe. However, even Sarah can't wiggle out of this one! No freakin' way!

      Gryphen, is there any chance you would know why Bristol's house was listed as last being sold in May 2007? She allegedly bought it a few years ago and that was at the time she was pregnant with her first child. Is this where the family kept their "secrets"?

  16. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I think Levi and Sunny are sincere in caring about Tripp, and, therefore, hope that Bristol will find happiness and can share some of it with her son.

  17. PalinsHoax2:58 PM

    "Someday I think I will post a bunch of texts that Bristol has sent to various people, who then forwarded them to me, . . ."
    - - - - -

    Why wait? Why not make "someday", today?

    Sunny and Levi, thank you for showing us what grace and dignity is truly like.

  18. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Take it from me, that the ugliness you have seen from her publicly is nothing compared to what happens in private.

    Mother like daughter Gryph

    Does anybody know if Willow is still nasty or has she grown up and distanced herself from all mess?

  19. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sarah, Todd and Bristol can learn a thing or two or three or four from Levi and his beautiful wife. You two stay strong.

  20. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Now if you want to see some ugliness, then just wait until you see what Governor Sarah was up to right before she quit so suddenly.


    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      3:03 PM, I sure hope this is more than a tease.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Here we go again. Just spill it.

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      I am sooooo glad I'm off july 3rd!!

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      It is for real.

      On July 3 I'll be nailing 'em all with the hidden facts.

      It sounds too good to be true, but it will happen.

      Hobokin no Jokinn ;)

  21. Anonymous3:04 PM

    English police here:

    'Even when his name was being drug through the mud he ignores it or says something positive.'

    Wrong tense: should be dragged
    otherwise, a class act.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Noticed too, but didn't say a peep cause "grammar nazi."But if the commenter is a Palin fan, then watch out for the dog pile. Lol.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      3:26 I am definitely not a Palin fan!! I am a Palin hater.

    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      I saw that and cringed. It's how they talk in Wasilla. Too bad she made that error, but the rest of the message was lovely.

  22. Anonymous3:06 PM

    When you look up 'grace' and 'forgiveness' in the dictionary, you will find the picture of Levi and Sunny.
    I AM VERY PROUD OF BOTH OF YOU, LEVI AND SUNNY, for taking the high road.
    Here's to hoping, that it will benefit Tripp eventually.

  23. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sunny is a sincere young lady with a good head on her shoulders. I think they have a lovely family and I wish the best for them. This is good for Tripp to see them all get along.

  24. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Yeah, briskstool whines for people to leave her alone, yet keeps her Instagram public and keeps posting taunts. Calling people fuckers and assholes. If she REALLY wanted privacy she would make her account private and quit her nasty blogging etc. She loves any attention good or bad.

    Junker still has not posting anything on his Instagram since June 8th (very unusual). Meyer is on vacation with friends and hasn't said anything. Come on Brisket, when's the due date? We can figure it out with that info. Unless you do something really stupid and hide the birth for a couple of months. We won't fall for you trying to pass off a 14 pound baby as a newborn darlin.

  25. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Please!!! Let's see the texts!! What's holding you back?

    Also, it's surprising to me that Dakota has said nothing. I don't think he is the father.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      He is not acting like he thinks he is father.

      Bridtol is out there on her own looking like a whore. Which is good for Dakota.

      Let it go on and on that she was a party/bar stool kind of ho.

      She may have black outs and this baby could be from anyone. That is how trashy she is.

      Who would blame Dakota for turning his back on her and let all the gossip build up so it will stick forever.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      He has nothing to say. No one has told him anything. That's why he posts a pic that says "Still waiting". Until there's some direct statement, he's wise to avoid taking a role in the hillbilly soap opera.

  26. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I have the greatest admiration for Levi. He might not be terribly bright, but he is very wise and amazingly honorable. True grace and dignity, two words I'm surprised Gristle even knows exist.

    Now please, please publish those text messages/emails. And all the other dirt you referred to in a previous post that made you want to scrub and scrub. If you can't do it yourself, create an alternate "anonymous" site and link to it--you know, wink, look what I found.

  27. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Is that the lumbersexual that Bristol had in mind last winter? Levi is a very nice looking young man and so is his wife. Sunny is a very fitting name. I can see why Bristol would be jealous of what those two have.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Yes. Bristle dumped Levi and is still looking for someone just like him. Luckily Levi has moved far beyond nasty Bristle and is in love with his beautiful wife.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Bristol's latest Instagram post is this:
    Funny thing is, that is how the LARGE majority of her mom's fans look. Believe me, I know. I am the sibling of one of her BIGGEST supporters....

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM


    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Alicia is really busy at Bristols Instagram! If I was Bristol, I'd be more afraid of Alicia than the "haters."
      And if a Bristol would grow up and STFU, she wouldn't get negative comments.
      She really thinks she is important and that is pathetic.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      The image was of an obese Mama June. 3:12 is saying most of Sarah's cult is obese, white baby boomers. Apparently, 3:12 has a sibling who is a Palin cult member.

    4. Anonymous4:58 PM

      (from) runleahred: on Bristols Instagram

      "I love the majority of your posts and agree with you on a lot of things but I have found that the more you post about your private life (which is no one's business but yours), the more ppl will hate or troll. I feel like you are feeding into that by putting it all out there. I'm 37 and divorced...No, I am not "well-known" like you are, but people still talk and that is never gonna stop and is nothing that we can control. However, not once did I ever put any information on social media and did not feed into their pettiness which is something that I can control. The less you post about it the less they can control the hate which you are feeding at the moment. Getting out of the spotlight wld be the best thing right now. Enjoy your life with your babies and family and keep your "dirty laundry" at home where it belongs! We all have dirty laundry but we don't all air it!! Don't let the haters win...they are winning by you responding like this. Stop letting them win and stop responding to their hatred!"

    5. Anonymous5:13 PM

      For sure Alicia from Florida is on the Palin's list of fans to be frightened of. If Alicia showed up in Alaska, the Palins would be on high alert. There are a few C4P freaks who are probably also on that list.

    6. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Sounds like good advice, runleahred.

    7. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Stop responding to their hatred?
      She has way more than enough of her own.

    8. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Not everyone is identical. Sociology. Some are interested in the criminal aspects to Heath/Palin.

  29. This is a situation where what is said is of interest - but what is not said is very controversial, also. The continued silence of Dakota Meyer and Sarah Palin is becoming very marked. Meanwhile Bristol makes more wild statements, including that this pregnancy was "planned" and that she was never really an abstinence spokesperson.

    I feel sympathy for Dakata, but none for Sarah. I notice that on the C4P page, there seem to be no threads on Bristol Palin - have they all been taken off? This would be in keeping with Sarah's current, uncharacteristic, policy of saying nothing in the face of Bristol's outbursts. This, like the refusal of Bristol to accompany her to Kentucky, seems like a major rift.

    What I hope about this current controversy, is that it will lead to more interesting facts coming to light - more of the true story of the past which has led to this point. Bristol's son looks much larger than his stated age, and I have always wondered about that, along with the enigma of Trig's origins.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Nancy or someone must have meant "planned" to make Bristol appear in control of her life.

      God's hands are right there, Bristol can't make mistakes if she is with God. Bristol is a planner and there is God's plan. It is all perfect.

      She is not obsessed with negative because she is positive and living so vibrant when she obsesses over the h8rs. May be it is just every other day, but she has so many Instagram friends to enable her when her family turns their back. No wonder she is so positive on some days.

      Sarah can control c4p, family, Meyer, Junker and others to ostracize her daughter, all in unison. Or is that a coincidence? Sarah has people that feed her tool what Sarah wants.

      Is Bristol on to them and going rogue?

  30. Anonymous3:13 PM

    We have all noticed that Levi and Sunny are consistent with their kind attitude. They are not nice one day and nasty the next day.

    Whereas Bristol is nasty until she wants to avoid going to court and then she snaps back to her old ugly self.

    Its true, A leopard can't change its spots 

    I wouldn't trust Bristol as far as I can throw her.

  31. Anonymous3:14 PM

    It is so apparent that Tripp needs to be with such a sweet, loving couple (parents) as Levi and Sunny! Permanently might even be an outstanding idea!

    They are teaching us all a huge lesson in kindness as well as how to stay out of the gutter with the Palins!

  32. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Wow. So impressed with Levi and Sunny. And dang, they are a good looking couple! I had no idea Sunny was so pretty. Good on you Levi!!!

    1. Janice A Soderquist3:26 PM

      And Sunny has had NO plastic surgery. She is naturally pretty....

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      And their baby girls are gorgeous!!!!

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Look at her FB page. She's absolutely gorgeous.

  33. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Very classy of both of them. Thank goodness Tripp has a stable, loving home when he is with them. Just a very lovely young couple.

  34. Anonymous3:41 PM

    If you, Gryphen, if that's your name, want an example of Christian forgiveness and compassion, you can see it in Levi's and Sunny's messages. They wish no ill on Bristol; they wish her well. They don't flaunt their situation -- they're just there when Tripp needs Levi. And, with a new baby arriving, I'd bet that Tripp will be visiting Levi and Sunny more than ever.

  35. Anonymous3:42 PM

    >>Someday I think I will post a bunch of texts that Bristol has sent to various people, who then forwarded them to me, just so everybody can see how nasty she can be, and how hard it must be for the Johnstons to treat with any kindness whatsoever. <<

    Looking forward to Bristol's ghostblogger's response to this little revelation. Even better would be a real rant from Bristol. Is it wrong that I'm smiling? I have to go get more popcorn.

  36. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Post up those texts,NOW.

  37. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Bristol says new unwed pregnancy was 'planned'

    ...."This pregnancy was actually planned," she declares in her latest blog message, posted Sunday and entitled "My Little Blessing.".....

    "None of us are perfect," she says. "I made a mistake, but it's not the mistake all these giddy (jerks) have loved to assume."....

    "I am pregnant. This is not the ideal situation, but life is important even if it's not in the most absolute ideal circumstance," she wrote. "This is more confirmation on what I've always stood for. I've always been pro-life and I am standing for life now....

    What is it Bristol? First you said it was planned then you said none of us are perfect then it was a mistake and now it is not the ideal situation.

    Bristol sounds like you are confused. Hope you don’t come out with the story your baby's daddy raped you.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Same USA Today post:
      Everybody knows she wanted more kids, she wrote. And she thought she was on her way to having a bigger family, apparently referring to her planned marriage to decorated U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer, which was abruptly called off last month with no explanation.

      "Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. 


      That's my guess.

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      We'll all have to wait until blessed little Trapp is born before we know the father.

    3. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I don't think Dakota is the father either. DNA, DNA, DNA should be immediately required from the baby (or once it is born). Can testing take place from/through the stomach/womb?

      I wouldn't pay the Palins one damned dime until I knew for sure. I'm sure the baby could be cared for less - it's the money they are interested in getting!

      Could Dakota have gotten the Hell out of Alaska due to learning that the girl he was screwing was already pregnant and it wasn't his kid?

    4. Anonymous5:11 PM

      If Dakota was the father, she's name him and he would make an announcement as well.

      She's lying to try and garner sympathy (or maybe she's telling the truth, but about Joey).

    5. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I read the paragraph and think, Joey. The only thing clear is that she's ambiguous on purpose, apparently so everyone thinks Dakota's the dad which her least embarrassing situation.

  38. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I would love to see a post of Bristol's abstinence pledge on Oprah and Candies PSA.

    Bristol has a selective memory.

  39. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Sunny is one beautiful and intelligent young woman. Levi you did good. Got away from the skank, and upgraded 100% with Sunny. Bristol, you lost big time.

  40. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Sarah Palin has been sighted in the Dayton Ohio area today. Any ideas on my she is there? Dayton is where she was first unleased on America in 2008. Haven't they suffered enough?

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Is she looking for her baby's daddy in Dayton? I say go on the Maury show and bring at least 6 guys with her. Odds are maybe one of them will be fooled.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      America: Meet Sarah Palin

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      The pond thinks she is there to announce her candidacy, since that was were she was first introduced as McCains VP pick. They think it will be by July 3rd ("six years ago I left office, today"...) Or the 4th and she will go "independent on Independence Day". Perhaps she can trot a pregnant, unwed Bristol onto the stage....

    4. Anonymous4:50 PM

      No wonder I've been pukin_ all day!

      No hint of it on the local news. Will keep ears open.

    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Maybe she is visiting her relatives in Hangar 51?

    6. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Yeah, July 3rd, because the best way to announce your run for POTUS is to remind everyone that you quit your last elected office.

    7. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Thanks, 4:50! Hope you are feeling better!

    8. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Well we can read that letter that made her quit! How's Russia doing Sarah?

  41. Anonymous4:15 PM

    @3:55 Bristol's has bigger problems than a selective memory.

    Sarah Palin wanted and needs to be loved, first by Wasilla, next Alaska and then all of the lower 48 and then the world.

    Do you see similarities with Sarah and Bristol? Bristol wanted to be loved and be a high school teen mother. First she wanted to be loved by Levi then Ben, Levi again, Gino, Joey, any lumbersexual who read her post and when all else failed, Bristol wanted to be loved by a Medal of Honor Recipient. Well that failed and now Bristol is pregnant again without a husband. Can't forget, wasn't Bristol engaged three times? Will there be a fourth engagement (trapped unborn baby's daddy? We shall see when Bristol plays pin the tail on the donkey.

    XXX you be the daddy

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      You forgot Dylan that lucky SOB ran away.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      There has to be a reason why girls like Sarah and Bristol constantly wants to be loved. Did they not get love and attention from their parents when they were young?

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      424 no it was a weird and toxic situation!

  42. It's easy to dismiss the little whore down the road (Joan Rivers), but Bristol seems to be a particularly nasty piece of work, just like her mother. I no longer feel sorry for her. I don't care if the world heaps tons of abuse on her stunted head. She refuses to be nice.

  43. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I love that Levi and Sunny take the high road. It shows what equipped parents they are. However, I would love for Bristol's "target audience" to see her texts to her friend wondering "you think sunny's p*ssy smells like rotted fish lol??!!?" and "her name should be munny not sunny the greedy bitch". (Because giving away a third of Levi's income to Bristol somehow makes SUNNY greedy)

    As Gryphen no doubt well knows, Bristol's texts about Levi and his beautiful family are some of the worse vitriol you could imagine. She even says horribly nasty things about those sweet baby girls, including remarks about how they are lucky to even exist "since their mom is so nasty you know Levi has to put on all his hunting gear before he f*cks her".

    This disgusting family needs to be unmasked for good. Any of em, ALL OF EM.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Thank you, Anonymous. That sounds just like Bristol.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Not surprising, Sunny is so naturally pretty and that must have made Bristol crazy with jealousy.

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I hope that Sunny and Levi have taken protective measures, who know what Bristol might try to do when drunk and angry.

      Wouldn't be the first time a house has burned down or worse.

  44. Wonkette is holding back no punches with her take on Bristol. It's really quite funny, and makes Bristol look like the stupid, petulant retard that she is.

  45. Nothing lasts forever. The grift is coming to an end and people re seriously tired of hearing or seeing anything Palin..I admit certain few people I love to hate, Sarah and Bristol are on top of my list, hypocritical, bigoted, soul less...Every story about them brings a raft of vile, hateful comments, I love it..people are not fooled, and they are going down in flames. Hasta la vista, asshole

  46. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Damn! She sure smacked Bristol bigtime, didn't she? Great article. Be sure to read the entire thing, and the comments. Bristol is so busted.

  47. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Whomever the father is, I hope he sues Bristol for full custody.

    If the daddy is Dakota (but I doubt it because she was already pregnant at the pathetically fake Bridal Shower) I hope he sues her in the Kentucky courts, since she briefly moved there and the baby could have theoretically been conceived there. The KY judge would favor Dakota the MOH recipient, and Bristol would have to travel out of state to see the child. Also, too, Bristol would have to pay child support to the custodial father. Karma is a bitch.

  48. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Just because a pregnant girl says that her fiance is her baby's daddy doesn't mean he is. Let's say that a girl has one last fling with a guy she really loves and the pullout method didn't work. Now theirs a baby in the oven. The girl has to say it's her fiance's baby to save face.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      yes,notice Bristol has only insinuated and hinted that Duhkota is the father. This makes me think he is not the father because he could sue her for defamation.

      The best part of this whole soap opera is bristol hasn't learned to keep her mouth shut, she just keeps throwing out the FU's showing her true nasty self.

  49. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Sighting of Sarah in Ohio from the pond. Anybody have any idea what she would be doing in Ohio?

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I asked the same question upthread. Poor Ohio.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      She is running for president haters!!!!

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      She is already a president hat

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Ass hat!

  50. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Bristol is TRASH, not CLASS.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      See cartoon about that! Oh ouch!

  51. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm on board with Levi. He does not want conflict. He believes that avoiding conflict is best for his son, altho he might be saying that just so he can avoid conflict for his own sake. Whatever. Better to avoid conflict than invite it.

  52. A Superfan In Atlanta5:25 PM

    Totally O/T.....Since no one has brought it up yet, I've got questions.

    Question #1:
    Please help me understand why Sarah was wearing the wedding ring she bought for Bristol to marry Dakota with after they called it off? Was it code for "remember our contract and plans to help you become a political figure? I'll tell the world!" In an effort to break free from the Palins, has Dakota dared her to spill the beans and Sarah suddenly realized he's got waaaay more interesting dirt on her than she has on him?

    Question #2
    Was the Celebration of Life secret code words about the baby especially since Sarah sent Dakota the cryptic message clearly stating that the holiday was not about BBQ. Was she holding the secret baby threat over Dakota's head to no avail? If you remember, he looked unphased by the pointy finger thing she was doing.

    Question #3
    I don't think any of this worked out the way they all planned. Has Bristol gone rogue? Did she let this secret out to let her circle know she's willing to "spill the beans on all you bitches." <>>> She's so unstable now, seems like she's got EVERYONE scared shitless. To me, that explains Bristo's flip-flopping, terrible attempts at cleanup, and now the lashing out repeatedly.

    Question #4
    Do you think the plan of all of the key players is to stay quiet, let Bristol swim in her own shitstorm, and wait for all the fuss to die down so she an see how much she needs her mommy to protect her? Even though she's raking in loot from the clicks to her site, how long will they let her strike out on her own? It's just a matter of time before she lets something really important slip out. So who should be scared the most?

    I just can't turn my eyes away from this car wreck in slow motion.

    1. Janice A Soderquist6:18 PM

      I think Dakota is waiting for the highest bid to sell his story. I think Levi just made some bucks selling his story, along with Sunny's assistance. I think Bristol knows she may lose custody of Tripp or at least half which means no child support. Sarah stuck her finger in Dakota's face to tell him to marry Bristol or else. Maybe Dakota has more balls than we thought. He does not have to say anything if it is not his baby.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      I don't think Bristol has gone rogue, I think she found out the tabloids were going to print the story that she was pregnant and wanted to do "damage control" or get money for her story.

      Just that she isn't getting the sympathy she thought she deserves. ha ha This is all the liberal medias fault.

      She should take her own advice and deal with it :)

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      This girl puts herself on a throne while handing out advice. She has plenty on her plate to deal with. If she and her mom would quit contacting the media, they would find nobody cares. The parade has moved on.

  53. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Thanks for the link.

    I'm so glad Wonkette Editrix and new mom, Rebecca Schoenkopf, found time during her maternity leave to add her take on Bristol's latest.

  54. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Bristol if you have a daughter, would you want her to be Bristol 2.0? Do you want your daughter to be just like you?

  55. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I'm curious about why Bristol and Junker broke up.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      It's twue! It's Twue!!!!

  56. Sunny is so naturally beautiful that it must drive Bristol and her fake face crazy.

  57. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

    "Someday I think I will post a bunch of texts that Bristol has sent to various people, who then forwarded them to me, just so everybody can see how nasty she can be, and how hard it must be for the Johnstons to treat with any kindness whatsoever. "

    Now that must make her "normal" stuff pale by comparison. I can only imagine!

    Levi and Sunny, along with their family, make a better example of parenting than any Palin ever could, just by their insights. Sunny is so right about putting your differences aside for the sake of the kids.I've seen in in action, and it's best for all involved, especially the kids. They're the innocents in all this chaos. Bristol took him cross country more than a few times to prove her parenting creds and further her bank account, but then she sells houses at the bottom of the market, waits, the buys when prices are the highest.
    Good for Sunny and Levi. It's about time they chimed in. Tripp needs to know his father's family, he deserves at least that.

  58. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Alice in Chains - Again

  59. Anonymous6:45 PM

    those 2 kids...Levi and Sunny, are absolutely gorgeous. I wish them all the best in life.


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