Thursday, June 25, 2015

Supreme Court rules in favor of Obamacare. Tax subsidies to remain.

Courtesy of the New York Times: 

The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that President Obama’s health care law may provide nationwide tax subsidies to help poor and middle-class people buy health insurance. 

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote the majority opinion in the 6-to-3 decision. The court’s three most conservative members — Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. — dissented. 

The case concerned a central part of the Affordable Care Act, Mr. Obama’s signature legislative achievement. The law created marketplaces, known as exchanges, to allow people who lack insurance to shop for individual health plans.

Those sounds you here are a whole lot of Americans breathing a sigh of relief and more than a few Right Wing heads exploding in frustration.

This is, of course, great news.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Antonin Scalia, 79 (Reagan)
    Clarence Thomas, 67 (GHWB)
    Samuel A. Alito, 65 (Shrub)

    Remember these names.

    This is why elections matter.

    1. This is why, the first vacancy in her presidency, I pray Hillary puts Obama on that Court. His legal brilliance and fairness makes him the spiritual love child of Thurgood Marshall and Harry Blackmun, and he'd greatly ameliorate the mental picture of Coke cans and pubic hairs, and the memory of Professor Anita Hill's humiliating public grilling.

    2. If that were to happen, the weeping and gnashing of teeth amongst he Conservative class will be deafening. LOL

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

      9:19 AM What an outstanding idea! I would support it one-hundred fold!

    4. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Hasn't Obama suffered enough? LEAVE OBAMA ALONE!

      But seriously, it would be great for the country and if wants the job they should give it to him. But he's earned a long rest and the opportunity to live a less stressful lifestyle if he wants to.

    5. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I think President Obama has a lot of plans for when he leaves the office (after a much needed rest). Being on the SC would interfere with that.

      I think Michelle Obama would be great. She is a lawyer. Now that would really get to the RWNJ's.

    6. Scalia is 79. He could die at any minute. Perhaps from a brain aneurism.

      It is essential that a Democrat be in the oval office for the next 8 years at least. We may be stuck with Roberts but too many Supreme Court appointments are going to be coming up in the next 8 years to chance a Republican in the White House. We don't need any more Scalias, Thomases or Alitos.

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Great news to wake up to. And I suspect there are a lot of secretly relieved passengers in the 2016 Republican clown car. Now they can go back to bashing Obamacare and pretending they have their own plan without having to explain what it is.

    1. Olivia8:56 AM

      And short sighted voters with bad memories won't be able to blame them for the loss of their health care.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Yea, 8:56 AM, but many in America (and minorities most assuredly!) will not forget the major Republican opposition to the ACA over all these years.

      How can any of us forget their constant tries at voting the law down in Congress and spreading the fear that Americans could lose their coverage? (especially those who have never had medical health insurance before due to preexisting diseases!)

      I suspect many Republicans in the U.S. Congress will lose their seats when they are next up for reelection. They did NOT listen to the folks that put them in office! Way past time as many as possible to go!

      We all need to keep track of them in the U.S. Congress and write Letters to the Editors of their major newspapers (in the cities they live) - reminding their voters of what they did as to Obamacare!

      We can all work against their nasty and hateful efforts even though we personally cannot vote against them unless they come from our particular state!

      I plan to go after my Representative in Congress and my two Senators - who were all opposed to the ACA/Obamacare.
      Their actions will not be forgotten and thank God they lost in their efforts!

    3. Paul Ryan on Fox on the Chris Wallace Sunday morning show claimed the Republicans have an alternative health care plan but repeatably refused Wallace attempts to share any of the details. I believe Ryan is lying claiming they do have a plan, which is not unusual for either him or any of the Republicans to do. I include misinformation is also a lie which they have repeatably done for the past 6.5 years on Obamacare.

      Well Mr. Ryan, it’s time for you to either put up or shut up and reveal to the American public your plan and allow the voters to decide if they like your plan better than Obamacare. After all, it may be your last chance to repeal Obamacare. But, I’m pretty confident he’ll never say another word about their “alternative healthcare plan”, and that he’s hoping that the American public will forget what he said. After all, the Republicans like it that Americans have short memories and use that tactic often to their advantage.

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Of course they have a plan. Alan Grayson has been telling us what it is for years. "if you get sick die faster."

  3. For entirely non-political reasons, I was relieved to read this.

    Because of the ACA, I have health insurance for the first time since I was 12 (really). This decision could have ended the subsidy that I get for health insurance, leaving it out of my reach again.

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Will Sarah Palin be throwing cans at the refrigerator? If she does, I couldn't care less. It is wonderful news - and about time. I watched President Obama's statement about the ruling and I simply cannot understand why anyone in this country would be opposed to making affordable health care available to everyone.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I don't understand why the Supreme Court even heard such an idiotic case, a case that a bunch of kindergarteners wouldn't be challenged by.

      All I can think is Roberts needs the good PR for some other awful, wrong and stupid decision like Citizens United coming down the pike.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Because Obama is for it. It's that simple.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      She can't throw anymore cans at the frig because with the loss of her Faux job she has to start counting her pennies.

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Who really cares how Sarah Palin will react to this news? Perhaps the cans should be thrown directly at her? Sounds good to me!

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    What a shyster!

    Sarah PAC is trying to grift off this decision...

    "A donation of $20.16 will let the Supreme Court know that regardless of the ruling, you still support a conservative president in 2016!"

    Here's Sarah PAC's grift BEFORE today's decision...

    "The Obama Administration has absolutely no plan if the Supreme Court votes against the Affordable Care Act. Now is the time to act! Donating BEFORE the decision is made will show the Supreme Court which side you are on!

    We only need five justices to side with us to put an end to Obamacare! Show the Supreme Court who you support by donating $20.16 today!"

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Good grief. The Supremes are not following Palin's PAC money to decide how to vote. She and the rubes are more ignorant than Piper's piglet.

    2. Caroll Thompson9:24 AM

      How is giving Sarah $20.16 to contine to live her lavish lifestyle showing the Supremes anything? She is desparate to get those PAC dollars up before June 30.

      Sarah, who is not a fiscal conservative when it comes to her own spending must be having financial problems. She spent like the gravy train would never end. And now it has.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Donations must have been very low because Sarah PAC only got three justices to side with them.

    4. Anonymous10:06 AM

      She makes me laugh! What a retarded and ignorant woman. She no longer has a place in politics - the Republican party wants no part of her.

      To think she can still raise money is a joke! Go for a hike in Alaska, Sarah Palin, and get lost.

    5. Anonymous10:17 AM

      What does it say about a potential "President Palin" (gag), if she thinks the United States Supreme Court can be influenced by a PAC or bought?

    6. Anonymous10:42 AM

      She doesn't think that, 10:17. She's just exploiting her suckers' ignorance.

    7. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Every 20 bucks is one less blow job that Bristol will have to start charging for.

    8. Crystal Sage11:30 AM

      I resent the reference to Piper's former piglet as being "ignorant." Pigs are very intelligent creatures, far more intelligent than even the lowest of the low Palin supporters. Of course, the Palins don't want Obamacare for anyone. They still enjoy their free native coverage through Todd.

  6. Anonymous9:02 AM

    The American People are breathing a sigh of relief... And every single GOP candidate and the rank and file of the GOP has already vowed to fight this... AGAIN!

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      What is fucking wrong with these people! It's like they think: what is the right, Christian thing to do, and do the exact opposite -- just cause there's an uppity n***ger in the White House!

    2. Good luck with that.

      Plenty of Republicans are happy to have insurance through the exchange. If any candidates threaten to take it away, they won't get a vote. It will be as much of a third rail as trying to take away Medicare or Social Security.

      If they were smart, they would just shut up. But of course they aren't. Otherwise they wouldn't be running in that clown car.

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sarah already has a begging letter out. With the money she plans to elect SC justices. Cause she's like that.

    Even those little pees at the peehive won't fall for this one.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Sure they will. You give them too much credit!

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      They are in full melt down over this decision.

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      ...Sarah Palin in a few short years has gone from a telegenic and slightly charismatic speaker (when reading from a tight script) to a TV commentator who never meets a run-on sentence she can’t outrun.

      So it’s perhaps no surprise that Fox News Channel has deposited its Alaskan hothead on an ice floe and given her a gentle shove toward the horizon...

      ...Then, in January 2015—after Fox host Bill O’Reilly dinged Palin in a promotion clip—she loaded, capped and cocked and went on Sean Hannity’s Fox show to fire back at O’Reilly, denouncing him as a kind of betrayer for tweaking her.

      ...But not even her partisans could find much to admire in the limp and stagger that has been her career as a TV news commentator. The English language has never been her friend, and it has not been getting any friendlier, as her shaggy speech earlier this year at the Iowa Freedom Summit showed.

      With no reliable cognitive talents to sell, Palin has relied on the tease that she might run for president to keep herself on a Fox News retainer.

      ...As Palin’s presidential plans have paled, so has her direct value to Fox News.

      Once famous for running for vice president and then semi-famous for contemplating a White House run, she now occupies the position in politics that Journey, Styx, REO Speedwagon and other washed-up arena acts do in rock 'n’ roll—as a memory placeholder.

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Why Fox News fell out of love with Sarah Palin

    5. Thought I caught that article, most of the similar articles were kind, that one is a hoot, thanks

  8. Nikogriego9:23 AM

    The fascinating thing to try and understand about this ruling is that the subsidies in the flawed ACA benefit the big businesses that the Republicans overwhelmingly support-the insurance companies that make a profit for something that should be free to all citizens, health care. Without the subsidies, millions less people would be insured, and that would mean many hundreds of millions of dollars would not be funnelled into the coffers of these huge corporations. The health care insurance industry loves the subsidies. It is guaranteed money to them and more profits. Why any self-respecting Republican or Republican justice would want to do away the subsidies is a mystery, other than wanting to maintain the ability to continue to criticize the President's signature legislative policy on false ideological grounds. And had the subsidies been taken away, there would have been hell to pay for the Republicans from their constituents who lost their plans because they couldn't afford them anymore.

    However, our health care system will never be okay until we get a single payer system, which is what the rest of the civilized world functions under. There is no reason for market forces to be at play when it comes to our health and treatment, nor for health care to be treated like auto insurance. Just raise my taxes slightly, and provide Medicare for all people, cradle to grave.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Really well said. I agree with you 100%.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Well said.

    3. Anonymous10:36 AM

      It's coming...maybe not next year, but it IS coming.

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM


    5. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Very true, but in the meantime we have lots to be thankful for. President Obama persisted for years and today is his big day. I believe that the ACA is the beginning of what will, one day, be universal single payor health care for this country. It's a long and hard slog but it's begun. Congratulations, Mr. President.

    6. Anonymous11:23 AM

      One thing I never understood is how come the Insurance Lobby never told the GOP to shut up. It is a bonanza for them, guaranteed income/subscribers. I know I certainly couldn't afford the $570/month BCBS of Mich would be charging me w/o a subsidy.

      All I can think of is it was just another way to attack Pres. Obama.

      They should be relieved they don't have to come up with their mythical plan, but the GOP loves to beat a dead horse (abortion, birth control) so I doubt they are going to let this one go.

    7. True.

      But it is a major step in the right direction. From here we can work on Universal healthcare for all.

  9. Anonymous9:25 AM

    President Obama Speaks About His Obamacare Victory In The Supreme Court

    Hillary Clinton Throws Down The Gauntlet And Challenges Republicans On Obamacare

    Supreme Court Saves Republicans From Themselves by Upholding the Affordable Care Act

    Obama Gets A Gigantic Win As Supreme Court Rules ACA Subsidies Are Constitutional 6-3

    President Obama Drops The Reality Hammer On Republicans After Supreme Court Victory

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM


  11. Anonymous9:29 AM

    According to the c4p crowd, this is the final sign of the apocalypse, or the complete, irreversible ruin of Murika! They are all worked up, some have threaten war, some will up their meds, some will croak and TBo is threatening to leave the site, but is willing to be begged to stay. Hugs! (If you need me, I will be at the Gate, servicing old men.,)

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Bad week for the 4pees:

      Tyranny. (in their little minds)

  12. Anonymous9:30 AM

    How the Supreme Court Saved Obamacare -- Today and Tomorrow

    For proponents of the Affordable Care Act, today's Supreme Court decision upholding federal subsidies on federally created exchanges is cause to celebrate. Once again, the ACA has survived a potentially fatal challenge. The significance of today's decision, however, also extends into the future. Because of how the Supreme Court reasoned in the case, a future president opposed to the ACA (including all of the current crop of GOP contenders) will not be able to reinterpret the law to deny subsidies to low- and middle-income taxpayers in the future.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Yeah, Jebbie is already claiming that if you send him money to get elected, HE will rescind the entire law and put in place a far better GOP plan (of course, no one has one yet, but just trust him!) Yeah, Jeb, we have no doubt you understand how to break laws; it's in your blood, but no thanks. We'll just keep our healthcare, thanks. And you can go back to retirement, or back on the Board of your hate group, or wherever you slithered out from.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Funny to watch the clown-car candidates all say the same thing in response to the Supreme Court decision today! Can't they have individual thoughts on any matter?

      They really do have some awful candidates! Can even imagine Christie or the guy from Louisiana being POTUS. LOL!

  13. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Clown car screeches:

  14. Scalia's dissent was such a perfect WATB meltdown.

    "We should start calling this law SCOTUScare."

    Oh, boo-hoo, you nasty hack.

  15. I am glad I have been calling it Obamacare/ACA or ACA/Obamacare instead of keeping the President's name out of the discussion.

    Damn straight this is Obamacare, republicans, and you will never be able to claim the credit for it.

    And yes, I am well aware that we need to move to single-payer/Medicare for all. But for now, this is a vast improvement on what we had in the past.

    1. Yep. I'm sure there are plenty of Republicans kicking themselves for labeling it Obamacare. Now and forever he will get the credit for it.

  16. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Read Scalia's dissent. It's priceless in its incoherency. "Words are applesauce". I kid you not.


  17. Anonymous9:52 AM

    And just that quick......
    Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the subsidies awarded to Americans living in states with the federally facilitated exchanges will remain available, we need to take action, and fast!

    Even though the Supreme Court ruling was not in our
    favor, our main goal is still in sight. We need to elect a conservative president so we can repeal this ruling and defeat Obamacare! Making a donation of $20.16 today will help us put a conservative back in the White House in 2016.

    A conservative president gives us a voice when it's time to nominate and appoint a new Supreme Court Justice. This
    will help rulings in cases like King V. Burwell swing our way. We need donations now to help get a conservative president elected in 2016. Help us take back the White House! We can’t do this without you!

    A donation of $20.16 will let the Supreme Court know that regardless of the ruling, you still support a conservative president in 2016!


    Again, would someone explain how sending HER $20.16 is going to help anyone's plight?

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      It will help HER plight. She has to pay her cable bill.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      The $20.16 is going to the bristol needs to furnish her new home fund.

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      $20.16 will buy a month's supply of condoms for Todd's business. Bristol, Willow, and Piper don't use them.

  18. Anonymous9:55 AM

    #TRAITOR: Conservatives feel betrayed when Justice Roberts saves health care for millions

  19. A nony mouse9:57 AM

    I went 30 years with no health insurance. I waited 8 years to have a bad gall bladder removed - no insurance. Obamacare came too late for me. Medicare finally saved my bacon.

    Any reasonable 1st world country would provide single payer health insurance to their citizens. All but the US do. It is time to stop with the crazy empire building wars, and take care of people at home. MEDICARE for ALL!

    GMO's are being prohibited in thinking countries, but not in the US. They are slowly killing us. It's all about big bucks for the giant corporations.

  20. Anonymous10:00 AM

    This c4p guy is worrisome. If you read his discus profile/comments history, he seems to be planning or alluding to violence. Here is a comment he just made,
    a few seconds ago
    I think America is dying.
    "'Ware what replaces her.
    Meanwhile, I intend to die with her. I say that because many if not most of us who do resist are going to die. I think I prefer that to allowing the likes of 0 to have their way unopposed and with no counter blow struck.
    It's almost time to make our peace with death and do what we can.
    Lock and load."

    If anyone here has a friend or family in national security, police, please ask them to read his comments over the last few months. He has purchased a weapon recently and has been making regular "threats".

    1. You, or anyone else can report the guy to the FBI, @10:00 AM. Screenshots are helpful.

      I did this several times during the 2008 election.

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Contact the Secret service or the FBI

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      You can report him to the FBI, or to Homeland Security. Also to the/your local police department.
      Please do so!

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Yes, do! A simple IP address search is all they need to do.

    5. Yeah, the buying a weapon part is worrisome. Seems to take it out of the blathering idiocy category and into the scary column.

    6. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Here is another of his posts:
      amouswolf spfarmy1
      19 hours ago
      If such a day comes, I will soon be dead, with as many of them...leftists, quislings, enablers, and I can manage.
      I mean it.

    7. Anonymous12:08 PM

      And this:
      famouswolf 11 days ago
      They are arming up, as someone reminded me last night. I'm shopping for firearms right now and I am just flabbergasted at the sheer number of choices available. More than I've ever seen before.
      Lot of ammunition of all sorts right now too. In spite of all their gun control efforts. So, there is that.
      I feel like we are surfing in front of a giant comber, and hoping we can reach the beach before it catches up with us.
      I hope they tip their hand before it's too late. And I really, really wish it was just a paranoid conspiracy.

    8. Anonymous12:11 PM

      famouswolf 12 days ago
      You don't need to pray for me, my friend.
      I expect to die of lead poisoning, and pretty soon at that. There is some bad stuff coming down the pike and I think you can sense it coming too. If I'm wrong, great, but I'm not one to caged. Figuratively or literally.
      That just won't do.

    9. Anonymous12:15 PM

      And the final one:
      5 hours ago
      John Roberts, you perfidious SOB may your soul roast in eternal Hell.

      2 hours ago
      I dunno, I wish that on 0bama all the time...
      ...and all his sycophants, enablers and supporters.
      All. Of. Them.
      Plus, I want to help send them there.

    10. Anonymous12:29 PM

      famouswolf has small penis syndrome.

    11. Anonymous1:10 PM

      I just don't know if he is a real concern or not? I have seen so much ugliness online. What say you IMers? Should he be reported?

  21. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oh, the Republicans are going to be pissed!

    Great news and a wonderful win for President Obama and Americans! Thank you, President Obama - I have insurance now with a preexisting condition. I could not obtain it before!

    Amazing to believe that Republicans wanted, at one time, to have medical health insurance for all Americans! What happened to them as a party? Can't stand having a Democratic POTUS secure it as law?

    It's way past time to vote as many of them out of office as possible in the next election cycle. They do nothing but cause trouble, obstruction, hate, anger and racism!

  22. Sharon10:02 AM

    I wish Bernie or Hillary would list the millions upon millions these assholes have wasted during our loss of congress. Shutting the government down, the Benghazi trial, the sequester tearing apart the most basic services....on and on. How does Clarence Thomas even get a say on all matters of Obamacare?
    His wife draws a hefty paycheck from all things anti Obama...WTF? My hope is Hillary gets a democratic congress & senate and we will get Medicare for all. Putting Obama on the SCOTUS would be a dream come true. This trial would never happen if it wasn't for those 3 who approved it. Now that Charleston has happened, the ball is really rolling toward the GOP clown Republican really means something now, and none of its good.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Clarence Thomas is a particular disgrace as a member of the Supreme Court because of his wife's employment and he and Antonin Scalia are the polar opposites of what a Supreme Court justice should be.

  23. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Let’s Get Drunk On Republican Obamacare Tears, Together!

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      yea, the GOP wasn't complaining too much when the Supreme Court anointed George W. president.

  24. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Antonin Scalia, He Who Knows It All, says that health care should be called "Scotuscare," which sounds like a cream one would put on an unmentionable itch.

    In reality, after a few tweaks, if the Republicans want to own this, they should call it "Romneycare." That was going to be his entire 2012 platform before the dastardly Democrats voted it into law before he got the nomination and was going to ride to glory on his Mass. health reform.
    Which, thanks Mitt, we've been enjoying for quite some time now.

  25. Anonymous10:28 AM

    2016 contenders weigh in

  26. Anonymous10:30 AM

    If you want a stark reminder of "before" and "after," watch some TV shows from the '90s and 00's where people (actors) leave hospitals early or don't go to them "because I can't afford the care."
    One family sold its house and all its belongings to buy cancer care for their mother that was a sham -- gave her two more weeks of life and left them homeless.

    Etc. Just be aware of these anachronisms in virtually every drama up until today. The world has changed in significant ways, a direction that Harry S. Truman wanted it to go in 67 years ago -- and now it's finally here.

  27. I cried when I read the news of the healthcare decision. All the suffering that's been lessened by the ACA, and all the suffering that might have been inflicted had a key provision been gutted.

    And I weep at the hatred and ignorance of the Christian Right, in plain evidence on C4P.

    The calls for armed action are becoming more frequent over there.

    They were already in outrage over the flag decisions.

    And that's one reason why I'm so happy to see the Confederate flag be removed. Yes, I well understand removing a symbol isn't "action" against evil and injustice. But it does help dismantle the climate of hatred and racism, bit by bit by bit.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Yes, it puts those who are still in favor of such a symbol on the wrong side of what is decent. They are sheep and are encouraged by public displays of their "side" -- many will soften their stances due to this, I hope.

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Just wait until the SCOTUS rules in favor of gay marriage, there will be exploding heads the likes of which has never been seen in conservative racist, bigoted history. LOL!

    3. Anonymous12:20 PM

      I can't wait, 12:01 PM!

  28. There are more lawsuits coming, this was the strongest challenge, and only pandering got it to SCOTUS in the first place, should have been tossed..looks like the ACA isn't going anywhere

  29. Anonymous10:58 AM

    President Obama: I Will Never Stop Cramming Obamacare Down America’s Throat

    Supreme Court Gay-Marries Obamacare Again, For Republicans And America

  30. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Just after the news broke, a caller to C-SPAN told people to vote these people out. I don't know if the caller did not understand that the Supremes are not elected but appointed - for life. Some people on the right are dumb beyond belief.

    1. I am pretty sure the caller was Sarah.

      She should be calling Cruz to see how that Obamacare thingy is workin' out....
      Since he was FORCED to get health care outside of his crooked wife's job.

      Heh. Heh.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Must have been Vagina Gentleman. PeePond's number one consumer of health care $$$.

  31. Wall Street gives a sigh of relief, also, too:

  32. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Oh good lord, they are desperate.

    Was Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Blackmailed?

  33. ...dumber than dirt, and they vote, in droves, for candidates just as stupid. Gawd help America.

    2016 is a turning point for the country: Democrats and Independents MUST vote, in droves, to keep America progressive, not regressive. Repubs are promising over and over to overturn every good thing Democrats have done.

  34. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Virginia Gentleman is headed for a heart attack sooner than later. He had to lie down for a breathing treatment after hearing the news, he got himself so worked up.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Sorry, this comment was meant for 11:17 AM's reply above.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Sue me, that comment about Vaginia Girlyman having to lie down made me chuckle.

  35. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The Sarah Palin era is over: What the end of her Fox News contract really means

    The one-time 'superstar' is out at Fox News, and barely an afterthought as it is. What a difference five years make

    ...It’s all very end-of-an-era, isn’t it? You almost want to thank Fox News for allowing everyone to begin to move on completely from Sarah Palin, and hastening her consignment to the dustbin of history, where she belongs.

  36. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Here's The Story You'd Be Reading Today If The Supreme Court Had Gutted Obamacare

    But here's a little secret about how the media operates: We had another story ready to go had the Supreme Court struck down the health insurance subsidies the law provides to millions of consumers.

  37. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Bristol Palin (aka Nancy French) posted on her blog with a big announcement that she is pregnant. The folks a c4p are having a fit.

  38. Anita Winecooler4:24 PM

    YES!!! Thank You. The republic candidate clown car is in total meltdown, but hey, they're breathing a sigh of relief. Those who would have been hurt the most are those in Republic Governor States that said "No" to exchanges.

  39. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are clearly informed by good health. That we have a law that helps more Americans realize those ideals speaks well of us as a nation.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.